Journal: 1st-13th Congress. Repr. . 14th Congress, 1st Session-50th Congress, 1st Session, Volym 1


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Sida 313 - An Act to provide for certain persons engaged in the land and naval service of the United States, in the Revolutionary war...
Sida 357 - An Act to regulate Trade and Intercourse with the Indian Tribes, and to preserve Peace on the Frontiers...
Sida 83 - States, and for other purposes, whereby the said State has become one of the United States of America: in order therefore to provide for the due execution of the laws of the United States within the said State of Ohio.
Sida 185 - States for her rights, and of their determination not to interfere with them. The provinces belonging to this hemisphere are our neighbors, and have, successively, as each portion of the country acquired its independence, pressed their recognition by an appeal to facts not to be contested, and which they thought gave them a just title to it. To motives of interest this Government has invariably disclaimed all pretension, being resolved to take no part in the controversy, or other measure in regard...
Sida 336 - Florida from the operation of certain ordinances, having been reported by the committee correctly engrossed, was read a third time. Resolved, That this bill pass and that the title thereof be " An act to relieve the people of Florida from the operation of certain ordinances.
Sida 117 - an act for the apportionment of Representatives among the several states according to the first enumeration,' and I return it to your House, wherein it originated, with the following objections.
Sida 407 - Union on an equal footing with the original states, and for other purposes," whereby the said state has become one of the United States of America; in order therefore to provide for the due execution of the laws of the United States within the...
Sida 152 - Spanish growth or manufactures, directly from the ports of Spain or of her colonies, shall be admitted for the term of twelve years, to the ports of Pensacola and St. Augustine, in the Floridas, without paying other or higher duties on their cargoes, or of tonnage, than will be paid by the vessels of the United States.
Sida 19 - ... presented to the adoption of a virtuous and enlightened people appeared to be a plain one. It must be gratifying to all to know that this necessity does not exist. Nothing, however, in contemplation of such important objects, which can be easily provided for, should be left to hazard. It is thought that the revenue may receive an augmentation from the existing sources, and in a manner to aid our manufactures, without hastening prematurely the result which has been suggested. It is believed that...

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