The Canons of Criticism, and Glossary: The Trial of the Letter , Alias Y, and Sonnets...C. Bathurst, 1765 - 351 sidor |
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The Canons of Criticism, and Glossary: The Trial of the Letter T, Alias Y ... Thomas Edwards Ingen förhandsgranskning - 2018 |
The Canons of Criticism, and Glossary: The Trial of the Letter Upsilon ... Thomas Edwards Ingen förhandsgranskning - 2019 |
The Canons of Criticism, and Glossary: The Trial of the Letter T, Alias Y ... Thomas Edwards Ingen förhandsgranskning - 2016 |
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66 EXAMP againſt alfo allufion alteration anfwer authority becauſe called CANON cauſe CORIOLANUS Criticiſm CYMBELINE defign Dunciad edition emendation Engliſh expreffed expreffion faid fair fame fatire fays feems fenfe fenſe fentiment fhall fhew fhould fignify fince firft firſt fome fpeech French ftrange fuch fufpect fuppofe furely give hath HENRY HENRY IV himſelf houſe Ibid inftances itſelf juft King KING LEAR laft laſt LEAR loft MACBETH mean meaſure MEASURE FOR MEASURE metaphor miſtake moft moſt muft muſt nonfenfe obfervation occafion OTHELLO Oxford editor paffage perfon poet Pope Pref preſent Profeffed Critic purpoſe reafon ſays ſeems ſenſe Shakeſpear wrote ſhall ſhe ſhould read Sir Thomas Hanmer SONNET ſpeak ſtand ſtill ſuch thee thefe Theobald theſe thing thofe thoſe thou thought TIMON OF ATHENS underſtand underſtood uſed VIII WARB Warbur Warburton Warburton fays whofe whoſe word
Populära avsnitt
Sida 154 - A strange fish! Were I in England now, as once I was, and had but this fish painted, not a holiday fool there but would give a piece of silver. There would this monster make a man. Any strange beast there makes a man. When they will not give a doit to relieve a lame beggar, they will lay out ten to see a dead Indian. Legg'd like a man! and his fins like arms! Warm, o
Sida 77 - That they are not a pipe for fortune's finger To sound what stop she please. Give me that man That is not passion's slave, and I will wear him In my heart's core, ay, in my heart of heart, As I do thee.
Sida 55 - He question'd me ; among the rest, demanded My prisoners in your majesty's behalf. I then, all smarting with my wounds being cold, Out of my grief and my impatience To be so pester'd with a popinjay, Answer'd neglectingly, I know not what...
Sida 111 - And bears his blufhing honours thick upon him : The third day, comes a froft, a killing froft ; And, — when he thinks, good eafy man, full furely His greatnefs is a ripening, — nips his root, And then he falls, as I do. I have ventur'd, Like little wanton boys that fwim on bladders, This many fummers in a fea of glory ; But far beyond my depth...
Sida 246 - Your face, my thane, is as a book, where men May read strange matters : — To beguile the time, Look like the time; bear welcome in your eye, Your hand, your tongue: look like the innocent flower, But be the serpent under it.
Sida 307 - Or thirft of wealth thee from her banks divide: Reflect how calmly, like her infant wave, Flows the clear current of a private life ; See the wide public...
Sida 341 - Who well repay'ft thy pious parents care To train thee in the ways of Virtue fair, And early with the Love of Truth infpire, What farther can my clofing eyes defire To fee, but that by wedlock thou repair The wafte of death ; and raife a virtuous heir To build our Houfe, e'er I in peace retire ? Youth is the time for Love...
Sida 184 - I'll take them, and there lie; And in that glorious supposition think He gains by death that hath such means to die.
Sida 264 - ... in any other play. And to prove it to sense, let any one read 'aloud an hundred lines in any other play, and an hundred in this, and, if he per'ceives not the tone and cadence of his own voice to be involuntarily altered in the 'latter case from what it was in the former, I would never advise him to give much 'credit to the information of his ears.
Sida 266 - Lear Does any here know me? This is not Lear: Does Lear walk thus? Speak thus? Where are his eyes? Either his notion weakens, his discernings Are lethargied - Ha! waking? 'tis not so. Who is it that can tell me who I am?