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a grand reunion at Saltair. Hon. John T. Caine, master of ceremonies; President Joseph F. Smith, orator of the day.................. The hottest month on the Salt Lake record closed with the thermometer at 99 degrees at 5:30 p.m.

August 1-A cloudburst in Manti causes heavy damage to property .3-Big floods from rain are reported from Sevier county. President McKinley issued a proclamation creating the Payson forest reserve about Mt. Nebo...................................................5—The order for the removal of the office of internal revenue collector for district of Utah, Idaho and Montana from Helena to Salt Lake City, was issued by Commissioner J. W. Yerkes. It will now be known as the Utah district. It was made Montana district July 15, 1864, and consolidated August 20, 1883, with Utah and Idaho.................Bishop Joseph Wright, born England, December 8, 1844, died in Coalville..................6-A terrific electric storm passed over Salt Lake, disabling all electric lights and power; a cloudburst in Parley's canyon was a sample of many in the southern part of the state..................7-The Utah Press Association entertained 108 Kentucky editors in Salt Lake..................9-The new street railway company of Salt Lake, under the name of Consolidated Railway and Power Co., and which will control both car companies, filed articles of incorporation with $4,000,000 capital..................................................14—James Reece, born England, June 30, 1830, who came to Utah in the handcart company of 1856, died in Payson, Utah county........ ...The Philippine Veterans' Society elected Brig.-Gen. Irving Hall, Denver, president, and decided to hold their next reunion at Council Bluffs..................The Western Funeral Directors held a convention in Salt Lake City, at which Joseph E. Taylor read a paper on "Early Undertaking in Utah"............ 15-Ezra T. Clark donated $1,000 to the L. D. S. University, to be used for a library on natural science..................Internal Revenue Collector E. H. Callister opened for business in his new office in Salt Lake City .16-The Ogden baseball team won the 1901 League penant.......... .17-Miss Mabel Snow, daughter of President Lorenzo Snow, was chosen queen of the Elks' carnival to be held in Salt Lake City in September..................18-Elder B. H. Roberts, at the M. I. A. conference, replies to Dr. Paden's recent talk at the Teacher's institute of the Utah Presbytery on "The Mormon Idea of God"..................The Methodist conference, which has been held in Ogden for three days, adjourned, the closing sermon being by Bishop Charles H. Fowler, president of the Utah mission; $7000 in donations were raised to free the Ogden church from debt.

DOMESTIC July 18-The Epworth Leaguers convention was form

ally opened in San Francisco.......................19—The hot wave in Kansas, Missouri and Illinois, and in fact the whole Mississippi Valley, still continues, the thermometer ranging from 106 to 109.................... .Gen. Felix Agnus,

of the Baltimore American, appeals to President McKinley to abandon as a text book volume 3 of Edgar Maclay's history of the navy (now used in the naval academy), on account of its scurrilous attack upon Rear Admiral Schley, whom it charges with being a liar and a coward .21-The fifth international convention of the Epworth League closed by a meeting of 10,000 in the Mechanics pavilion, addressed by Bishop Joyce, who spoke on "Faith in Christ".. 22-Except on the Pacific coast, the hot wave is now general throughout the country, and the temperature ranges from 100 in Boston to 108 in Springfield, Ill., and 106 in St. Louis......... .23-The International Mining Congress in Boise is convened............... ..Admiral Schley asks for a naval court of inquiry regarding his action in the Santiago campaign, and will sue Maclay for libel..................24-Several rods on the Brooklyn bridge snap, due to expansion from heat, and traffic is suspended for a time....... .......Secretary Long grants Admiral Schley's request for a court of inquiry....... ..It was Utah


day at the Buffalo exposition, with few Utahns present........ The Mining Congress at Boise urges a department of mining as a new cabinet portfolio.......... .25-The board of inquiry in the Schley case is named as follows: President, Admiral George Dewey; Rear-Admirals Lewis A. Kimberley and Andrew E. K. Benham...... ........The Mining Congress at Boise chose G. L. Shaffner, Cleveland, Ohio, president, and decided to meet in Butte in 1902 .President McKinley proclaims free trade with Porto Rico...... ........26-Copious rains visit drouth-stricken Kansas, and part of the corn crop will be saved while the fruit is uninjured....................... .29-The Oklahoma land lottery opened today in El Reno, by which our government will dispose of 13,000 160-acre claims among 166,000 applicants........ ........30Maratime traffic and labor along the San Francisco docks are at a standstill owing to a strike among the laborers who quit by thousands......... 30-Efforts are being made to agree on terms between the Amalgamated Association of Labor and the steel combine, but so far no agreement has been arrived at, the steel trust refusing to make any further concessions. The strike will be continued to the bitter end.


August 1-George H. Phillips Co., a large Chicago commission house, suspends........ ..2-The town of Lawton, Okla., is built in a day with 10,000 inhabitants, by disappointed home-seekers of the El Reno lottery..................5-As a result of the bank act of March 4, 1900, there have been organized since then in the United States 665 national banks with an aggregate capital of $34,267,000. Out of this number 135 were in the western states..... ............Miguel Malvar, rebel successor of Aguinaldo, has issued a proclamation assuring the natives of the continuation of a vigorous campaign against the Americans, and expressing confidence in its successful issue...... ..........6— Rear-Admiral Henry L. Howison will act with the Schley court instead of Kimberley, who resigned owing to ill health..................Judge William Cecil Price, U. S. treasurer under Buchanan, died in Chicago, age 86

15..................General Cabrera was captured by Lieutenant Grant of the 6th cavalry, a move regarded as the most important since the capture of Aguinaldo.................A tidal wave sweeps the Gulf coast and much property and many lives are lost.................17-More men quit work in Bayview plant, Milwaukee, and the steel strike promises to extend..................C. M. Hays, president of the Southern Pacific, has resigned and President Burt, of the U. P. will control both roads............ 18-General MacArthur and staff with 869 enlisted men arrived in San Francisco from Manila.

FOREIGN-July 18-Earl Russel was sent by the House of Lords to Holloway prison for three months, for bigamy, on pleading guilty of marrying Mrs. Somerville in Nevada...............21-Mrs. Kruger, wife of President Paul Kruger of the Transvaal, 67 years old, died from pneumonia at Pretoria....... ........23-The Boers captured a British supply train, killing three and wounding eighteen British soldiers..... 26-The Chinese indemnity will be finally paid in 1940..................The province of Shen King, Manchuria, is in a state of insurrection....... George Kennan has been notified to leave Russia...............29-Apostle F. M. Lyman addressed a "Mormon” conference of 400 people in Berlin. A Pretoria clergyman speaks in Chicago depicting the horrors of the Boer reconcentrado camps in South Africa....... 30-The Chinese have replaced the Tsung-Li-Yamen by a Board of Foreign affairs, Wei-Wu-Pu, which takes precedence of the other six boards...............A revolution has broken out in Venezuela......................... The House of Commons votes half a million dollars to Lord Roberts for his valiant services in South Africa. Adopted by a vote of 281 to 73.

August 5-Dowager Empress Frederick of Germany, born November 21, 1840, the oldest daughter of Queen Victoria, sister of King Edward VII, and mother of Emperor William, died in Crongberg at 6: 15 p. m. She was a woman of "dignified self-effacement," and had adopted her husband Emperor Frederick's motto: "Learn to suffer without complaining.". .7—Lord Kitchener issued a proclamation giving all South African rebels until September 15, to surrender under penalty of permanent banishment thereafter.... ....9-The minister

of war of Colombia and many soldiers invade Venezuela which may mean war between the two countries...............11-Signor Francesco Crispi, the former Italian minister, the Bismarck of Italy, died in Naples......... Requiem services were held at Kronberg over the body of the Dawager Empress...............13-The body of Empress Dowager Victoria was interred by the side of Emperor Frederick's, at Potsdam...... 17-Parliament is prorogued..................... The Colombian invaders of Venezuela, numbering 4,000, were forced back at Encontrados on August 1, after a fierce fight...... .18-The Alaskan route steamer Islander, of the Canadian Pacific Navigation Co., collided with an iceberg off Douglas island; sixty lives and much gold is reported lost.

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