Sidor som bilder

35. Attend to the quantity and quality of the sounds, which you and others make; that is, the volume and purity of voice, the time occupied, and the manner of enunciating letters, words, and sentences: also, learn their differences and distinctions, and ake your voice produce, and your ear observe them. Get clear and distinct ideas and conceptions of things and principles, both as respects spirit, and matter; or you will grope in darkness.

36. The second sound of O is close: OOZE; do stoop, and choose to ac-cou-tre the gour-mand and trou-ba-dour, with boots' and shoes; the soot-y cou-ri-er broods a youth-ful boor to gamboge the goose for a dou-ceur; Brougham, (Broom,) proves the uncouth dra-goon to be a wound-ed tou-rist by his droop-ing sur-tout; it be-hoves the boo-by to shoot his bou-sy noo-dle soon, lest, buo-yant with soup, the fool moor his poor ca-noe to the roof of the moon.

[O in OOZE.]

37. The difference between expulsion and explosion is, that the latter calls into use, principally, the lungs, or thorax: i. e. the effort is made too much above the diaphragm the former requires the combined action of the muscles below the midriff; this is favorable to voice and health; that is deleterious, generally, to both: many a one has injured his voice, by this unnatural process, and others have exploded their health, and some their life; beware of it.

Notes. 1. Au, in some French words, have this sound; as-chef-d'eau-vre, (she-doovr, a master stroke ;) also, Eu; as--maneu-vre; coup-d'œil, (coo-dale, first, or slight view;) coup-demain, (a sudden attack :) and coup-de-grace, (coo-de-gras, the finshing stroke). 2. Beware of Walker's erroneous notation in pro

nouncing oo in book, cook, took, look, &c., like the second sound of o, as in boon, pool, tooth, &c. In these first examples, the oo is like u in pull; and in the latter the o is close. In the word to, in the following, when it constitutes a part of the verb, the o is close: as-"in the examples alluded to;" "attend t' the exceptions." 3. In concert practice, many will let out their voices, who would read so low as not to be heard, if reading individually.


Proverbs. 1. A fog-cannot be dispelled with a fan. 2. A good tale-is often marr'd in telling. 3. Diligence-makes all things appear easy. 4. A good name-is better than riches. 5. A man may even say his prayers out of time. 6. A-pel-les-was not a painter in a day. 7. A plaster is a small amends for a broken head. 8. All are not saints that go to church. 9. A man may live upon little, but he cannot live upon nothing at all. 10. A rolling stone gathers no moss. Patience is a bitter seed; but it yields sweet fruit. 12. The longest life must have an end. There is a pleasure-in the pathless woods, There is a rapture-on the lonely shore, There is society, where none intrudes, By the deep Sea, and music-in its roar : I love not Man-the less, but Nature-more, From these our interviews, in which I steal From all I may be, or have been before, To mingle-with the Universe, and feelWhat I can ne'er express, yet cannot all conceal.

Causes of Greek Perfection. All Greek Philologists have failed to account satisfactorily, for the form, harmony, power, and superiority of that language. The reason seems to be, that they have sought for a thing where it is not to be found; they have look'd into books, to see what was never written in books; but which alone could be heard. They learned to read by ear, and not by letters; and, instead of having manuscripts before them, they memorized their contents, and made the thoughts their own, by actual appropriation. When an author wished to have his work published, he used the living voice of himself, or of a public orator, for the printer and bookseller: and the public speaker, who was the best qualified for the task, would get the most business: the greater effect they produced, the higher their reputation. The human voice, being the grand instrument, was developed, cultivated, and tuned to the highest perfection. Beware of dead book knowledge, and seek for living, moving nature: touch the letter-only to make it alive with the eternal soul.

Anecdote. I hold a wolf by the ears: which is similar to the phrase-catching a Tartar; supposed to have arisen from a trooper, meeting a Tarter in the woods, and exclaiming, that he had caught one: to which his companion replied,-"Bring him along, then;"-he answered, "I cas't;" "Then come yourself;' -"He won't let


The meaning of which is, to represent a man grappling with such difficulties, that he knows not how to advance or recede.

Varieties. 1. Is it not strange, that such beautiful flowers-should spring from the dust, on which we tread? 2. Patient, persevering thought-has done more to enlighten and improve mankind, than all the sudden and brilliant efforts of genius. 3. It is astonishing, how much a little added to a little, will, in time, amount to. 4. The hap piest state of man-is-that of doing good, for its own sake. 5. It is much safer, to think-what we say, than to say-what we think. 6. In affairs of the heart, the only trafic is-love for love; and the exchangeall for all. 7. There are as many orders of truth, as there are of created objects of order in the world; and as many orders of goodproper to such truth.

There is a spell-in every flower,
A sweetness-in each spray,
And every simple bird-hath power-
To please me, with its lay.

And there is music-on the breeze,

Th't sports along the glade,
The crystal dew-drops-on the trees,
Are gems-by fancy made.
O, there is joy and happiness—
In every thing I see,

Which bids my soul rise up, and bless
The God, th' blesses me.

38. Oratory-in all its refinement, and | Analogies. Light's used in all lannecessary circumstances, belongs to no par-guages, as the representative of truth in its ticular people, to the exclusion of others; power of illustrating the understanding. or is it the gift of nature alone; but, like other acquirements, it is the reward of arduus efforts, under the guidance of consummate skill. Perfection, in this art, as well as in all others, is the work of time and labor, prompt-hand, bears, wolves, serpents, and the like,

ed by true feeling, and guided by correct thought.

[O in ON.]

39. The third sound of O is short: ON; fore-head, prod-uce; the dol-o-rous coll-ier trode on the bronz'd ob-e-lisk, and his solace was a com-bat for cm-lets made of gor-geous cor-als; the vol-a-tile pro-cess of making ros-in glob-ules of trop-i-cal mon-ades is extraor-di-na-ry; the doc-ile George for-got the joc-und copse in his som-bre prog-ress to the moss broth in yon-der trough of knowl-edge; beyond the flor-id frosts of morn-ing are the sop-o-rif-ic prod-ucts of the hol-y-days.

40. Dean Kirwan, a celebrated pulpit orator, was so thoroughly convinced of the importance of manner, as an instrument of doing good, that he carefully studied all his tones and gestures; and his well modulated and commanding voice, his striking attitudes, and his varied emphatic action, greatly aided his wing-ed words, in instructing, melting, inflaming, terrifying and overwhelming his auditors.

Sheep, lambs, doves, &c., are analogous to, or represent certain principles and affections of the mind, which are pure and innocent, tives of such affections: while, on the other and hence, we select them as fit representa

are thought to represent their like affections. In painting and sculpture it is the artist's great aim, to represent, by sensible colors, and to embody under material forms, certain ideas, or principles, which belong to the mind, and give form to his conceptions on canvass, or on marble: and, if his execution be equal to his conception, there will be a perfect correspondence, or analogy, be tween his picture, or statue, and the ideas. which he had endeavored therein to express. The works of the greatest masters in poetry, and those which will live the longest, contain the most of pure correspondences; for genuine poetry is identical with truth; and it is the truth, in such works, which is their living principle, and the source of their power over the mind.

been praised for his quickness of reply, a Anecdote. Ready Wit. A boy, having gentleman observed, When children are so keen in their youth, they are generally stupid when they become advanced in years." "What a very sensible boy yu must have been, sir, "-replied the lad.

Varieties. 1. Why is a thinking perso like a mirror? because he reflects. 2. Sely 41. Irregulars. A sometimes has this sufficiency-is a rock, on which thousand Sound: For what was the wad-dling swan perish; while diffidence, with a proper sens quar-rel-ing with the wasp wan-der-ing and of our strength, and worthiness, generally wab-bling in the swamp? it was in a quan- ensures success. 3. Industry-is the law o da-ry for the quan-ti-ty of wars be-tween our being; it is the demand of nature, of rea the squash and wash-tub, I war-rant you. son, and of God. 4. The generality of man Notes. I The o in nor is like o in on and or: and the rea-kind-spend the early part of their lives in son why it appears to be different, is that the letter, when smooth,

being formed the lowest in the throat of any of the consonants, partakes more of the properties of the vowel than the rest. 2. 0 is silent in the final syllables of pris-on, bi-son, dam-son, ma-son, par-son, sex-ton, ar-son, bla-zon, glut-ton, par-don, but-ton, rea-son,

mut-ton, ba-con, trea-son, reck-on, sea-son, u-ni-son, he-ri-zon, crimson, les-son, per-son, Mil-ton, John-son, Thomp-son, &c.

Proverbs. 1. A man of gladness-seldom falls into madness. 2. A new broom sweeps clean. 3. A whetstone-can't itself cut, yet it makes tools cut. 4. Better go around, than fall into the ditch. 5. Religion-is an excellent armor, but a bad cloke. 6. The early bird-catches the worm. 7. Every one's faults are not written in their fore-heads. 8. Fire and water-are excellent servants, but bad masters. 9. Fools and obstinate people, make lawyers rich. 10. Good counsel has no price. 11. Great barkers-are no biters. 12. Regard the interests of others, as well as your own.

'Tis liberty, alone, that gives the flower
Of fleeting life its lustre, and perfume;
And we are weeds without it.

Man's soul-in a perpetual motion flows,
And to no outward cause-that motion owes.

contributing to render the latter part misera ble. 5. When we do wrong, being convinced of it-is the first step towards amendment. 6. The style of writing, adopted by persons of equal education and intelligence, is the criterion of correct language. 7. To go against reason and its dictates, when pure, is to go against God: such reason-is the di vine governor of man's life: it is the very voice of God.


Those evening bells, those evening bells!
How many a tale-their music tells
Of youth, and home, and native clime,
When I last heard their soothing chime.
Those pleasant hours have passed away,
And many car that then was gay,
Within the tomb -now darkly dwells,
And hear n more those evening bells.
And so it wut be when I am gone;
That tuneful peal-will still ring on,
When other bards-shall walk these dells
And sing your praise, sweet evening bells.

42. Yield implicit obedience to all rules Proverbs. 1. Fools -make fashions, and and principles, that are founded in nature other people follow them. 2. From nothing, and science; because, ease, gracefulness, and nothing can come, 3. Give but rope enough, and efficiency, always follow accuracy; but rules he will hang himself. 4. Punishment- may be may be dispensed with, when you have be- tardy, but it is sure to overtake the guilty. 5. come divested of bad habits, and have per- He that plants trees, loves others, besides himfected yourself in this useful art. Do not, self. 6. If a fool have success, it always ruins however, destroy the scaffold, until you have him. 7. It is more easy to threaten, than to do. erected the building; and do not raise the self, as well as others. 9 Little strokes feet 8. Learning-makes a man fit company for kimsuper-struct-ure, till you have dug deep, and oaks. 10. Make the best of a bad bargain. 11. laid its foundation stones upon a rock.

The more we have, the more we desire. 12. Genteel society-is not always good society.

43. U has three regular sounds: first, NAME Sound, or long: MUTE; June re-fu-ses as-tute Ju-ly the juice due to cu-cum-ber; this feudal con-nois-sieur is a suit-a-ble· co-ad-ju-tor for the cu-ri-ous man-tua-ma-ker; the a-gue and [U in MUTE.] fe-ver is a sin-gu-lar nui-sance to the a-cumen of the mu-lat-to; the cu-rate cal-culates to ed-u-cate this lieu-ten-ant for the tri-ror of the court, the cabinet, or the camp. bu-nal of the Duke's ju-di-cat-ure.

44. Elocution, is reading, and speaking, with science, and effect. It consists of two parts: the Science, or its true principles, and the Art, or the method of presenting them. Science is the knowledge of Art, and Art is the practice of Science. By science, or knowledge, we know how to do a thing; and the doing of it is the art. Or, science is the parent, and art is the offspring; or, science is the seed, and art the plant.

45. Irregulars. Ew, has sometimes this diphthongal sound, which is made by commencing with a conformation of organs much like that required in short e, as in ell, terminating with the sound of o, in ooze; see the engraving. Re-view the dew-y Jew a-new, while the cat mews for the stew. In pronouncing the single sounds, the mouth is in one condition; but, in giving the diphthong, or double sound, it changes in conformity to them.

Notes. 1. U, when long, at the beginning of a word, or syllable, is preceded by the consonant sound of y: i. e. it has this consonant and its own vowel sound: as; u-ni-verse, (yu-ni-verse,) pen-u-ry, (pen-yu-ry,) stat-u-a-ry, (stat-yu-a-ry,) ewe, (yu,) vol-ume, (vol-yume,) na-ture, (nat-yure,) &c.: but not in col-umn, al-um, &c., where the u is short. 2. Never pronounce duty, dooty; tune, toon; news, os; blue, bloo; slew, sloo; dews, doos; Jews, Joos; Tuesday, Toos ly; gratitude, gratitoode, &c. 3. Sound all the

syllables full, for a time, regardless of sense, and make every letter that is not silent, tell truly and fully on the ear: there is no danger that you will not clip them enough in practice.

Anecdote. A Dear Wife. A certain extravagant speculator, who failed soon after, informed a relation one evening, that he had that day purchased an elegant set of jewels for his dear wife, which cost him two thousand dollars. She is a dear wife, Indeed," was the laconic reply.

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in heads, replete with thoughts of other men ; WISDOM, in minds attentive to their own.

The Innocent and Guilty. If those, only, who sow to the wind-reap the whirlwind, it would be well but the mischief is that the blindness of bigotry, the madness of ambition, and the miscalculation of diplomacy-seek their victims, principally, amongst the innocent and unoffending. The cottage is sure to suffer, for every er When error sits in the seat of power and authority, and is generated in high places, it may be compared to that torrent, which originates indeed, in the mountain, but commits its devastation in the vale below.

Eternal Joy. The delight of the soulis derived from love and wisdom from the Lord; and because love is effective through wisdom, they are both fixed in the effect, which is use: this delight from the Lord flows into the soul, and descends through the superiors and inferiors of the mind-into all the senses of the body, and fulfills itself in them; and thence joy-becomes joy, and also eternal-from the Eternal.

Varieties. 1. Gaming, like quicksand, may swallow up a man in a moment. 2. Real independence-is living within our means. 3. Envy-has slain its thousands; but neglect, its tens of thousands. 4. Is not a sectarian spirit-the devil's wedge—to sep arate christians from each other? 5. That man is little to be envied, whose patriotism— would not gain force on the plains of Marathon; or whose piety would not grow warmer among the ruins of Ionia. 6. Rational evidence-is stronger than any miracle whenever it convinces the understanding; which miracles do not. 7. Man, in his salvation, has the power of an omnipotent Go to fight for him; but in his damnation, he must fight against it, as being ever in the ef fort to save him."


These, as they change, Almighty Father! these
Are but the varied God. The rolling year
Is full of thee. Forth in the pleasing spring
Thy beauty walks, thy tenderness and love.
Wide flush the fields; the soft'ning air is balm,
Echo the mountains round; the forest smiles,
And ev'ry sense, and ev'ry heart is joy.

Even from the body's purity-the mind-
Receives a secret, sympathetic aid


46. By ANALYSIS-sounds, syllables, words, and sentences are resolved into their constituent parts; to each is given its own peculiar sound, force, quality, and meaning; and thus, every shade of vocal coloring, of thought and feeling, may be seen and felt. By SYNTHESIS, these parts are again re-united, and presented in all their beautiful and harmonious combinations, exhibiting all the varieties of perception, thought, and emotion, that can be produced by the human mind. 47. The second sound of U is short: UP; an ul-tra numb-skull is a mur-ky scul-lion; she urged her cour-te-ous hus-band coup-le himself to a tre-mendous tur-tle; the coun-try urchin pur-chased a bunch of mush and tur-nips, with an ef-ful-gent at, and burst with the bulk of fun, because the um-pire de-murr-ed at the suc-co-tash. 48. Lord Mansfield, when quite young, used to recite the orations of Demosthenes, on his native mountains; he also practised before Mr. Pope, the poet, for the benefit of his criticisms; and the consequence was, his melodious voice and graceful diction, made as deep an impression, as the beauties of his style and the excellence of his matter; which obtained for him the appellation of "the silver-toned Murray."

Proverbs. 1. Like the dog in the manger, he will neither do, nor let do. Many a slip between the cup and lip. 3. No great loss, bu there is some small gain. 4. Nothing venture, nothing have. 5. One half the world knows not how the other half lives. 6. One story is good till another is told. 7. Pride-goes before, and shame-follows after. 8. Saying and doing, are two things. 9. Some-are wise, and come—are is full of other folk's money. 11. Common fame otherwise. 10. That is but an empty purse, that is generally considered a liar. 12. No weapon, but truth; no law, but love.

Anecdote. Lawyer's Mistake When the regulations of West Boston bridge were drawn up, by two famous lawyers,-one section, it is said, was written, accepted, and now stands thus: "And the said proprietors shall meet duc-annually, on the first Tues-day of June; provided, the same does not fall on Sunday.”

[U in UP.]

Habits. If parents-only exercised the same forethought, and judgment, about the education of their children, as they do in reference to their shoemaker, carpenter, joiner, or even gardener, it would be much bet ter for these precious ones. In all cases, what is learned, should be learned well: to do which, good teachers should be preferred to cheap ones. Bad habits, once learned, are not easily corrected: it is better to learn one thing well, and thoroughly, than many things wrong, or imperfectly.

Varieties. 1. Is pride-an indication of talent? 2. A handsome woman-pleases the eye; but a good woman the heart: the former-is a jewel; the latter—a living trea sure. 3. An ass-is the gravest beast; an owl-the gravest bird. 4. What a pity it is, when we are speaking of one who is beauti ful and gifted, that we cannot add, that he or she is good, happy, and innocent! 5. Don't rely too much on the torches of others; light one of your own. 6. Ignorance is like a blank sheet of paper, on which we may write; but error-is like a scribbled one. 7. All that the natural sun is to the natural

49. Irregulars. A, E, I, O, and Y, occasionally have this sound: the wo-man's hus-band's clerk whirled his com-rade into a bloody flood for mirth and mon-ey; sir squirrel does noth-ing but shove on-ions up the col-lan-der; the sov-reign monk has just come to the col-ored mon-key, quoth my won-dering mother; this sur-geon bumbs the hor-ror-stricken bed-lam-ites, and couets the com-pa-ny of mar-tyrs and rob-bers, to plun-der some tons of cous-ins of their gloves, com-fort, and hon-ey; the bird envel-ops some worms and pome-gran-ates in its stom-ach, a-bove the myr-tle, in front of the tavern, thus, tres-pass ing on the cov-er-ed vi-ands; the wan-ton sex-ton encom-pass-es the earth with gi-ant whirl world, that is the Lord-to his spiritual winds, and plun-ges its sons into the bot-creation and world, in which are our minds tom-less o-cean with his shov-el.

Notes. 1. E and U, final, are silent in such words as, bogue, vague, eclogue, synagogue, plague, catalogue, rogue, demagogue, &c. 2. Do justice to every letter and word, and as soon think of stepping backward and forward in walking, as to reproBounce your words in reading: nor should you call the words incorrectly, any sooner than you would put on your shoes for your kat, or your bonnet for your shawl. 3. When e or i precedes one r, in the same syllable, it generally has this sound: berth, wirth, heard, vir-gin, &c., see N. p. 22. 4. Sometimes r is double in sound, hough written single.

Could we-with ink-the ocean fill,
Were earth of parchment made;
Were every single stick-a quill,

Each man-a scribe by trade;

To write the tricks-of half the sex,
Would drink the ocean dry :-
Gallants, beware, look sharp, take care,
The blind-eat many a fly.

and hence, he enlightens every man, that cometh into the world.

Our birth-is but a sleep, and a forgetting;
The soul, th't rises with us, our life's star,
Hath had elsewhere-its setting,
And cometh from afar;
Not in entire forgetfulness,
And not in utter nakedness,

But trailing clouds of glory-do we come
From God, who is our home.

And 'tis remarkable, that they
Talk most, that have the least to say.
Pity-is the virtue of the law,.

And none but tyrants--use it cruelly.

"Tis the first sanction, nature gave to man Each other to assist, in what they can.

50. It is not the quantity read, but the manner of reading, and the acquisition of correct and efficient rules, with the ability to apply them, accurately, gracefully, and involuntarily, that indicate progress in these arts: therefore, take one principle, or combination of principles, at a time, and practice it till the object is accomplished: in this way, you may obtain a perfect mastery over your vocal powers, and all the elements of language.


51. The third sound of U is Full PULL; cru-el Bru-tus rued the crude fruit bruised for the pudding; the pru-dent ru-ler wounded this youth-ful cuck-oo, because he would, could, or should not im-brue his hands in Ruth's gru-el, pre-par'd for a faith-ful [U in FULL] dru-id; the butch-er's bul-let push-ed poor puss on the sin-ful cush-ion, and graceful-ly put this tru-ant Prus-sian into the pul-pit for cru-ci-fix-ion.

Proverbs. 1. Away goes the devù when the door is shut against him. 2. A liar is not to be believed when he speaks the truth. 3. Never speak ill of your neighbors. 4. Constant occupation, prevents temptation. 5. Courage-ought to have eyes, as well as ears. 6. Experiencekeeps a dear school, but fools will learn in no other. 7. Follow the wise few, rather than the foolish many. 8. Good actions are the best sacrifice. 9. He who avoids the temptation, avoids the sin. 10. Knowledge-directs practice, yet practice increases knowledge.

Duties. Never cease to aval yourself of information: you must observe closelyread attentively, and digest what you read,― converse extensively with high and low, rich and poor, noble and ignoble, bond and free,— meditate closely and intensely on all the knowledge you acquire, and have it at perfect command. Obtain just conceptions of all you utter-and communicate every thing in its proper order, and clothe it in the most 52. Avoid rapidity and indistinctness agreeable and effective language. Avoid all of utterance; also, a drawling, mincing, redundancy of expression; be neither too harsh, mouthing, artificial, rumbling, mo- close, nor too diffuse,-and, especially, be as notonous, whining, stately, pompous, un- perfect as possible, in that branch of oratory, varied, wavering, sleepy, boisterous, labor-which Demosthenes declared to be the first, ed, formal, faltering, trembling, heavy, second, and third parts of the science,―actheatrical, affected, and self-complacent god-like ACTION,-which relates to manner; and read, speak, sing, in such a clear, strong, melodious, flexible, winning, every thing seen and heard in the orator. bold, sonorous, forcible, round, full, open, Elocution,-enables you, at all times, to brilliant, natural, agreeable, or mellow tone, command attention: its effect will be electric, as the sentiment requires; which contains and strike from heart to heart; and he must in itself so sweet a charm, that it almost be a mere declaimer, who does not feel him atones for the absence of argument, sense, self inspired-by the fostering meed of such and fancy. approbation as mute attention,-and the re turn of his sentiments, fraught with the sym



53. Irregulars. Ew, O, and Oo, occasionally have this sound: the shrewd wo-pathy of his audience. man es-chewed the wolf, which stood pulling Ruth's wol-sey, and shook Tru-man Wor-ces-ter's crook, while the brew-er and his bul-ly crew huz-za'd for all; you say it is your truth, and I say it is my truth; you may take care of your-self, and I will take care of my-self.

Notes. 1. Beware of omitting vowels occurring between consonants in unaccented syllables: as hist'ry, for his-to-ry; lit'ral for lit-e-ral; vot'ry, for vo-ta-ry ;past'ral, for pas-to-ral; numb'ring, for num-ber-ing; corp'ral, for cor-po-ral; gen'ral, for gen-e-ral; mem'ry, for mem-o-ry, &c. Do not pronounce this sound of u like oo in boon, nor like u in mute; but like u in full: as, chew, uot choo, &c. 2. The design of the practice on the forty-four sounds of our letters, each in its turn, is, besides developing and training the voice and ear for all their duties, to exhibit the general laws and analogies of pronunciation, showing how a large number of words should be pronounced, which are often spoken incorrectly.

Anecdote. Stupidity. Said a testy law-
ver,—“I believe the jury have been inocula-
ed for stupidity."
"That may be,” replied
his opponent; "but the bar, and the court,
are of opinion, that you had it the natural

O there are hours, aye moments, that contain
Feelings, that years may pass, and never bring.
The soul's dark cottage, batter'd, and decay'd.
Still lets in light,thro' chinks, that time has made.


Varieties. 1. Have steamboats the occasion of more evil, than good? 2. Those that are idle, are generally troublesome to such as are industrious. 3. Plato says— God is truth, and light-is his shadow. 4. Mal-information-is more hopeless than non

5. He,

information; for error-is always mo
cult to overcome than ignorance.
that will not reason, is a bigot; he, that con
not reason, is a fool, and he, who dares not
reason, is a slave. 6. There is a great differ
ence between a well-spoken man and an ora
tor. 7. The Word of God-is divine, and,
in its principles, infinite: no part can really
contradict another part, or have a meaning
opposite-to what it asserts as true; although
it may appear so in the letter: for the letter
killeth, but the spirit—giveth life.

They are sleeping! Who are sleeping}
Pause a moment, softly tread;
Anxious friends-are fondly keeping
Vigils-by the sleeper's bed!
Other hopes have all forsaken,-

One remains,-that slumber deep;
Speak not, lest the slumberer waken
From that sweet, that saving sleep.

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