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" On parent knees, a naked new-born child Weeping thou sat'st while all around thee smiled ; So live, that sinking in thy last long sleep, Calm thou mayst smile, while all around thee weep. "
Memoirs of the Life, Writings and Correspondence, of Sir William Jones - Sida 82
efter John Shore Baron Teignmouth - 1806
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Sabrinae corolla in hortulis regiae scholae Salopiensis contextuerunt tres ...

Shrewsbury (England). Royal School - 1801 - 368 sidor
...He capers nimbly in a lady's chamber, To the lascivious pleasing of a lute. SHAKSPEARE. Infancy. On parent knees, a naked new-born child, Weeping thou sat'st, while all around thee smiled : So live, that sinking to thy life's last sleep, Calm thou may'st smile, while all around thee...
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The Critical Review, Or, Annals of Literature

Tobias Smollett - 1805 - 578 sidor
...exquisitely beautiful tetrastich : ' On parent knees, a naked, new-born child, Weeping thou sat'at, whilst all around thee smil'd : So live, that, sinking in...Calm thou may'st smile, when all around thee weep.' P. 266. Every one must be delighted with the animated and interesting picture which his lordship gives...
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The Panoplist (and Missionary magazine) conducted by an association of ...

1806 - 678 sidor
...parent's knees, a naked neV born child Weeping thou sat'st, while all around thce smll'd ; So lire, that sinking in thy last long sleep Calm thou may^st smile, when all around thce weep." TO CORRESPONDENTS. WE have to apologize to H. for postponing lu. s piece on " Secret* retrod!...
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The Literary Magazine, and American Register, Volym 5

Charles Brockden Brown - 1806 - 498 sidor
...sheds a healing balm. And wafts them to the skies. For the Literary Magazine. TO A NEW-BORN CHILD. ON parent knees, a naked, new-born child, Weeping thou sat'st, while all around thee smiPd: So live, that, sinking in thy last long sleep. Calm thou may 'st smile, while all around thce...
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Works, Volym 2

William Jones - 1807 - 554 sidor
...pleafure, the following beautiful tetraftick, which is a literal tranflation from the Perfian : On parent knees, a naked, new-born child,, Weeping thou...all around thee weep. The hymns, which are original compofitions, are defcriptive of the Hindu deities, to whom they were addrefled, and a fhort introductory...
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The Works of Sir William Jones: With the Life of the Author, Volym 2

John Shore Baron Teignmouth - 1807 - 534 sidor
...pleafure, the following beautiful tetraftick, which is a literal tranflation from the Perfian : On parent knees, a naked, new-born child, Weeping thou...all around thee weep. The hymns, which are original compofitions, are defcriptive of the Hindu deities, to whom they were addrefled, and a fhort introductory...
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The British Plutarch [by T. Mortimer].

Thomas Mortimer - 1810 - 532 sidor
...pleasure the following beautiful tetrastick, which is a. iilernl translation from the Persian :— On parent knees, a naked new-born child, Weeping thou...while all around thee smil'd; So live, that sinking in f hy last long sleep, Calm thou may'st smile, when all around thee weep. The uniformity which marked...
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Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the Rev. William Richards, LL.D.: Who ...

John Evans - 1819 - 444 sidor
...admired 'countryman Sir William Jones has conveyed in the following lines— On parent knees behold a new-born child, Weeping thou sat'st while all around...sinking in thy last long sleep, Calm thou may'st smile while all around thee weep! Mark the perfect man and behold the upright! for the end of that man —...
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The Poetical Note-book and Epigrammatic Museum: Containing More Than One ...

George Wentworth - 1824 - 376 sidor
...cast, And, Tom, thy happiness increases fast. THE NEW-BOSN BABE. From the Persian, by Sir W. Jones. On parent knees a naked new-born child, Weeping thou sat'st, while all around thee smil'tl ; So live, that, sinking in my last long sleep, Calm thou may'st smile, while all around thee...
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Essays on the Anatomy and Philosophy of Expression

Sir Charles Bell - 1824 - 266 sidor
...the little sufferer, the grimace with which he enters the world excites only smiles. " On parent's knees, a naked new-born child, Weeping thou sat'st, while all around thee smiled — So live, that sinking in thy last long sleep Calm thou may'st smile, when all around thee...
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