| Stephen Jones - 1799 - 466 sidor
..." Here was deposited the ) in л ; .1 part of a man who feared GOD, b.ir not ncath i, but sought nm riches \ who thought none below him. but the base and unjust ; none above him but tliewisc ami virtuous; wbo loved his parents, k in drerijfriende, and country ; amJtiaviug devoted... | |
 | William Fox (jun.) - 1799 - 414 sidor
...preceded by about fortyyouths, THE EPITAPH OF SIR WILLIAM JONES, WRITTEN PY HIMSELF. HERE was depofited The mortal part of a man, Who feared God, but not death, And maintained independenpe, But fought not riches ; Who thought None below him but the bafe and unjuft, None above... | |
 | Lawrence Dundas Campbell, E. Samuel - 1800 - 1032 sidor
...juft as it is terfe and claflkal, will doubtlefs be acceptable to the public : Here was depofitcd, The mortal part of a Man Who feared God, but not death ; And maintained independence, But fought not richec Who * Fortunately for tlie ir.tereds of Briufii India, as well a« for the happinefs... | |
 | 1805 - 636 sidor
...through murldt witbout number, and ages without end! SIR WILLIAM JONES'S EPITAPH. Written by himself. Here was deposited, The mortal part of a Man, Who...Death; And maintained Independence, But sought not luches. Who thought None below him, but the base and unjati-, None above him, but the U'/»e and virtuous... | |
 | Hannah ADAMS - 1804 - 398 sidor
...by himfelf, and will doubtlefs be acceptable to the reader. Here lies depofited, The mortal remains of a man Who feared God, but not death ; And maintained independence, But fought not riches : Who thought None below him but the bafe and unjuft, None above him but the wife... | |
 | Stephen Jones - 1805 - 470 sidor
...grave is a common pavement-stone, and on H arc JOS 4i Here was deposited the mortal r.irt of a nun »ho feared GOD, but not Death; and maintained independence, but sought not riches; who tlKiue'it none beluw him hut the ba;e aud unjust ; engraven these words, 11 0 RARE BEN JONSON." JORDAN... | |
 | Select collection - 1806 - 262 sidor
...Excite an emulation of his truly glorious atchievements. Written by Sir William Jones for himself. Here was deposited, The. mortal part of a man, Who...feared GOD but not death ; And maintained independence, Charity. 'None below him, but the base and unjust, Kone above him, but the wise and virtuous; Who loved... | |
 | John Evans - 1807 - 304 sidor
...affecting piece of compo situui is entitled to particular attention ; it is simple and impressive. " HERE was deposited, The mortal part of a man, Who feared God, bnt not death ; And maintained independence, But sought not riches. Who thought JSonc below him, but... | |
 | David Erskine Baker - 1812 - 426 sidor
...obscure company, equally admirable for its truth and which performed at the Curtain, its elegance : bicie was deposited The mortal part of a man Who feared...virtuous; Who loved his parents, kindred, friends, and country : And having devoted his life te their senict, in Shoreditch. At the same time he turned... | |
 | David Erskine Baker - 1812 - 416 sidor
...independence, But sought nut riches ; Who thought none below him But the base and unjust ; Noneabovc him but the wise and virtuous; Who loved his parents, kindred, friends, and country : Лр'1 having devoted bis life tethcir servier, JON And the improvement of his mind.... | |
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