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" Lyceum; nor is it possible to read the Vedanta, or the many fine compositions in illustration of it, without believing, that Pythagoras and Plato derived their sublime theories from the same fountain with the sages of India. "
Memoirs of the Life, Writings and Correspondence, of Sir William Jones - Sida 316
efter John Shore Baron Teignmouth - 1806
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Works, Volym 2

William Jones - 1807 - 554 sidor
...metaphysicks of the old Academy, the Stoa, and the Lyceum ; nor can we hesitate to believe, that PYTHAGORAS and PLATO, derived their sublime theories from the...'to prove an early connection between that country and Africa. The letters on many of the monuments appear partly of Indian, and partly of Abyssinian...
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The Works of Sir William Jones: With the Life of the Author, Volym 2

John Shore Baron Teignmouth - 1807 - 534 sidor
...metaphysicks of the old Academy, the Stoa, and the Lyceum ,- nor can we hesitate to believe, that PYTHAGORAS and PLATO, derived their sublime theories from the...discovered in every part of the Eastern regions, and that Woo or OBEN, was the same with BUDH of India, and Fo of China, seems indisputable. The remains of architecture...
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Researches Concerning the Laws, Theology, Learning, Commerce, Etc ..., Volym 1

Quintin Craufurd - 1817 - 418 sidor
...the Vedanta, or the many fine compositions in illustration of it, without believing that Pythagoras and Plato derived their sublime theories from the same fountain with the sages of India."* In addition to what is here said by Sir William Jones, we shall observe, that Philostratus makes Pythagoras...
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Discourses Delivered Before the Asiatic Society: And Miscellaneous Papers ...

Sir William Jones - 1824 - 360 sidor
...the Vedanta, or the many fine compositions in illustration of it, without believing that Pythagoras and Plato derived their sublime theories from the...The Scythian and Hyperborean doctrines and mythology may also be tract d in every part of these eastern regions ; nor can we doubt that Wod, or Odcn, whose...
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The Philomathic journal, Volym 1

Philomathic institution - 1824 - 522 sidor
...the ViJdanta, or the very fine compositions in illustration of it, without believing, that Pythagoras and Plato derived their sublime theories from the same fountain with the sages of India." Floating upon the surface of general information alone, we may yet anticipate a time when the treasures...
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Elements of the History of Philosophy and Science: From the Earliest ...

Thomas Morell - 1827 - 614 sidor
...Indian Sastras,) or the many fine compositions in illustration of it, without believing that Pythagoras and Plato derived their sublime theories from the same fountain with the sages of India." 31. Of the philosophy of India it would be impossible to give even a faint outline in this summary...
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An Essay on the Antiquity of Hindoo Medicine: Including an Introductory ...

John Forbes Royle - 1837 - 230 sidor
...the Vedanta, or the many fine compositions in illustration of it, without believing that Pythagoras and Plato derived their sublime theories from the same fountain with the sages of India." (3d Disc.) " The little treatise, in four chapters, ascribed to Vyasa, is the only philosophical Sastra,...
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The Christian's Defence: Containing a Fair Statement, and Impartial ...

James Smith - 1843 - 728 sidor
...read the Vedanta, or the many fine compositions in relation to it without discovering that Pythagoras and Plato derived their sublime theories from the same fountain with the sages of India." * Thus it appears that the worship of the heavenly bodies and of deified men, at an early period of...
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Researches Into the Physical History of Mankind: History of the Asiatic ...

James Cowles Prichard - 1844 - 684 sidor
...to^have been formed after a model resembling the countenance of the Negro. Sir W. Jones observed, " that the remains of architecture and sculpture in India...to prove an early connection between that country and Africa." He adds, " the Pyramids of Egypt, the colossal statues described by Pausanias and others,...
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The Freewill Baptist Quarterly, Volym 4

1856 - 496 sidor
...read the Veclasta, or the many compositions in illustration of it, without believing that Pythagoras and Plato derived their sublime theories from the same fountain with the sages of India." In the mathematical sciences, the Hindoos were acquainted with the decimal notation by nine digits...
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