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IV. THE SKIN-TREATMENT OF DISEASES. (Continued from page 23.)


94. Cold Cream, 1.- Take 2 ounces of sweet oil of almonds, 3 drachms of white wax, and the same of spermaceti, 2 ounces of rose-water, drachm of oil of burgamot, and 15 drops each of oil of lavender, and otto of roses. Melt the wax and spermaceti in the oil of almonds, by placing them together in a jar, which should be plunged into boiling water. Heat the mortar (which should, if possible, be marble) by pouring boiling water into it, and letting it remain there until the mortar is uniformly heated; the water is to be poured away, and the mortar dried well. Pour the melted wax and spermaceti into the warm mortar, and add rosewater gradually, while the mixture is constantly stirred or whisked with an eggwhisp, until the whole is cold, and, when nearly finished, add the oils and otto of


In the absence of a mortar, a basin plunged into another containing boiling water will answer the purpose.

95. Cold Cream, 2.-Take 10 drachms of spermaceti, 4 drachms of white wax, half a pound of prepared lard, 15 grains of subcarbonate of potash, 4 ounces of rose-water, 2 ounces of spirits of wine, and ten drops of otto of roses.

Proceed as above. Some persons prefer orange-flower water instead of rosewater, in which case use the same proportions.

Cold cream is a useful local application to hard and dry parts of the skin, to abrasions and cracks, (§ 26). When spread thickly upon rag, it is an excellent application to blistered surfaces or burns, or may be used to protect exposed parts from the influence of the sun.

96. Granulated Cold Cream.-Take white wax and spermaceti, of each 1 ounce; almond oil 3 ounces, otto of rose, as much as you please. Dissolve the wax and spermaceti in the almond oil, by means of heat (as recommended in § 94), and when a little cool, pour the mixture into a large wedgwood mortar previously warmed, and containing about a pint of warm water.

Stir briskly until the cream is well divided, add the otto, and suddenly pour the whole into a clean vessel containing 8 or 12 pints of cold water. Separate the cream by straining through muslin, and shake out as much water as possible.

97. White Camphorated Ointment, 1.— Take 3 ounces 2 drachms of powdered carbonate of lead (cerussa), 45 grains of powdered camphor. Mix, and then stir into 5 ounces of melted lard.

This is applied to burns and contusions with very good effect, and is much used in Austria. The surface must not be abraded when it is applied.

98. White Camphorated Ointment, 2.Take 4 ounces of olive oil, 1 ounce of white wax, 22 grains of camphor, and 6 drachms of spermaceti. Melt the wax and spermaceti with the oil, and when they have cooled rub the ointment with the camphor, dissolved in a little oil. Sometimes the white wax is omitted, and lard substituted for it.

It is useful in chaps, fissures, abrasions, and roughness of the skin.

99. Pitch Pomade, 1.-Take one drachm of pitch, and 1 ounce of lard. Mix well, and apply twice a day to the affected parts.

This is used for ringworm, and scald head.

100 Pitch Pomade, 2.-Take 2 drachms of the sulphate of mercury, 4 drachms of pitch, and 3 ounces of lard. Mix well, and apply to the parts twice a day.

This pomade is used in Paris as a topical application to scald head, and ringworm after the scabs (§ 42, § 71,) have been removed by poultices of spongio piline,* and is generally very successful.

101. Astringent Pomade. Take 1 drachm of the oxide of zinc, and 1 ounce of lard. Mix well.

Apply this to fissures of any part, chaps,

*Spongio-piline is a fabric composed of sponge rubber, and now generally used in most of the and wool felted together, and backed by Indian.. large British and foreign hospitals, and by the leading surgeons of the present day, instead of ordinary poultices. It was introduced to the public by a surgeon named Mark wick, and therefore called "Markwick's Patent Spongio-piline." Its chief recommendations are lightness, economy, greater facility of application, and cleantion of the Commissioners of the Great Exhibiliness, and, perhaps, last, not least, the approbation, who awarded a prize medal for the invention.

or abrasions. It is an excellent dressing when thickly spread, for ulcerated surfaces arising from burns.

102. Pomade against Acne (§ 69).Take 72 grains of slacked lime, 12 grains of pure camphor, and 1 ounce of calamine ointment. Mix well, and rub into the parts affected with the disease, morning and evening, and, at the same time, take a gentle purgative.

103. Pomade for Scald Head.-Take 3 drachms of powdered sulphuret of potash, 3 drachms of sub-carbonate of soda, and 3 ounces of lard. Mix well.

Cut off the hair, apply spongio-piline to remove the scabs, rub the affected parts with this pomade, and then cover the head with blotting-paper. This receipt is highly recommended.

104. Anti-psoric Pomade (§ 45), 1. Take 8 ounces of black soap, 4 ounces of sea-sand, 4 ounces of powdered sulphur, and an ounce of hydriodate of potassium. Mix well, and rub in 3 drachms twice a day.

This is nearly the best application for itch that is known, but decidedly the best pomade.

105. Saturnine Pomade.-Take 3 ounces of lard, and 1 drachm of crystallized acetate of lead. Mix well, and then add 4 drachms of distilled water, stirring it all the time, and dropping in the water.

This is a Polish receipt, and is very useful for superficial ulcerations of the skin.

106. Hydriodate of Potassium Pomade. -Take a drachm of hydriodate of potassium, and 1 ounce of lard. Moisten the salt with two drops of water, bruise and mix well on a plate or marble slab by means of a knife. When mixed add any perfume you please.

Rub a little of this ointment into the affected parts twice or thrice a day.

It is used for indolent skin, where the sebacious glands become enlarged (§ 46), for dry scaly patches in the hands or other parts of the body, and is one of the best pomades for itch yet discovered; but previous to applying it for this disease, the body should be well washed with sand and

[blocks in formation]

and a little cool, stir in a tablespoonful of fine honey, and continue to stir until quite cold, then place in jars.

This is an excellent application to remove sunburns, and prevent the skin from cracking. It should be applied on going to bed, after washing the skin, and allowed to remain on all night.

108. Cream of Roses.-Take of Kosewater and oil of almonds, each 8 ounces; white wax and spermaceti, each ounce. Proceed as directed for cold cream; then add essence of nerolic 10 drops, and otto of roses 8 drops. When cold put into pots.

This is used the same as cold cream, but is preferred by many persons.

109. Spermaceti Ointment. 1.-Take of oil of olives, 1 pound, white waxa pound, spermaceti 4 ounces; melt with heat, then add water 6 ounces, and stir until cold.

This ointment is used to dress blisters, and is also useful for sunburns, and other inflamed surfaces.

110. Spermaceti Ointment. 2.-Take of spermaceti 6 drachms, white wax ? drachms, olive oil 3 ounces; melt with heat, and stir constantly until cold.

[blocks in formation]

112. Cosmetic Powder.-Take of blanched Jordan almonds, and powdered horse beans, each drachms, orris powder 4 drachms, spermaceti 1 drachm 15 grains, dried carbonate of soda a drachm, Spanish soap 3 drachms, oils of lavender, bergamot, and lemon, of each 23 drops. Powder the almonds, spermaceti, and soap, then add the other powders, and mix well; lastly add the oils, and after it is well mixed bottle and cork tight.

This is a useful cosmetic powder, and quite harmless. It is cooling, and easily removed from the skin by a little water and a flannel.

113. Violet Powder.-Powder some white starch and sift it through a fine piece of muslin, take 6 ounces of the sifted pow

der, add 2 drachins of powdered orris-root and mix well.

Some persons scent the powdered starch with oils of lavender, bergamot, lemon, otto of roses, &c., and occasionally the powder is tinted with a little stone blue and rose pink, previously well mixed; this gives the powder a delicate lilac tint, but it is not to be preferred, on account of its imparting a disagreeable tinge to the skin if too much of the powder is used.

114. American Cosmetic Powder.-Calcined magnesia applied the same as ordinary toilette powders, by means of a swan's-down ball, usually called a "puff." 115. Maloine.-Take 4 ounces of powdered marsh-mallow roots, 2 ounces of powdered white starch, 3 drachms of powdered orris-root, and 20 drops of essence of jasmine. Mix well and sift through fine


This is one of the most agreeable and elegant cosmetics yet known for softening and whitening the skin, preserving it from chapping, and being so simple that it may be applied to the most delicate or irritable skin.

This receipt has never yet been published, and we know that only six bottles of it have been made.

116. Oxide of Zinc is sprinkled into chaps and fissures (826) to promote their cure.

117. Yaoulta.-Take 1 ounce of white starch, powdered and sifted, a drachm of rose pink, 10 drops of essence of jasmine, and 2 drops of otto of roses. Mix and keep in a fine muslin bag.

This exquisite powder is to be dusted over the face, and, being perfectly harmless, may be used as often as necessity requires. It also imparts a delicate rosy tinge to the skin preferable to rouge.


118. Almond.-Take 1 ounce of bitter almonds, blanch and pound them to a fine powder, then add i ounce of barley four, and make it into a smooth paste by the addition of a little honey. When this paste is laid over the skin, particularly where there are freckles (§ 30), it makes it smooth and soft.

119. Palatine.-Take 8 ounces of soft soap, of olive oil and spirits of wine, each 4 ounces, 1 ounce of lemon juice, sufficient silver-sand to form into a thick paste, and


any perfume that is grateful to the person. Boil the oil and soap together in a pipkin, and then gradually stir in the sand and lemon-juice. When nearly cool add the spirit of wine, and lastly the perfume. Make into a paste with the hands, and place in jars or pots for use.

This paste is used instead of soap, and is a valuable addition to the toilette, as it preserves the skin from chapping, and renders it smooth and soft.


Although we must all deprecate the practice of painting the face, however ancient it may be, yet this article would hardly be complete without giving a receipt for rouge. In a sanitary point of view it cannot be too strongly condemned, as it is likely to obstruct the pores of the skin, and thus lay the foundation of disease.

120. Rouge. 1.-Take 1 drachm of finely powdered carmine, and powdered chalk, 5 drachms. Mix and apply as usual.

121. Rouge, 2.-Take 1 ounce of finely powdered French chalk, carmine 15 grains, and oil of sweet almonds a drachm. Mix well, and apply as usual.

122. Liquid Rouge.-Take of rouge, spirits of wine, white wine vinegar, and water, equal parts. Mix and apply with a piece of fine linen rag.

123. Spanish Rouge.-Take a piece of linen rag, or, still better, some jeweller's cotton, wet it well with tincture of cochineal until a good deep colour is obtained and let it dry. When required moisten the wool and rub the skin with it.

In conclusion, we may remark that the best purifiers of the skin are soap and water, and a good rubbing with a coarse cloth. The best beautifiers are temperance, exercise, and good temper. Ray's advice on cosmetics is worthy of notice. He says, "No better cosmetics than a severe temperance and purity, modesty and humility, a gracious temper and calmness of spirit; no true beauty without the signature of these graces in the very countenance."

Follow this good advice, and you will in all probability, escape most of the


TRUE love can no more be diminished by showers of evil-hap than flowers are marred by timely rains.--Sir P. Sidney.

ORIGINS AND INVENTIONS. ORIGIN OF THE NAME OF DOCTOR'S COMMONS. On the west side of Thames-street is a great house, built of stone, which belonged to Paul's church, and was sometime let to the Blunts, Lord Mountjoy; but of a later time to a college in Cambridge, and from them to the doc. tors of civil law and arches, who keep a commons there; and, many of them being lodged there, it is called the Doctor's Commons.

EATING "HUMBLE PIE."-A correspondent of a most useful publication, "Notes and Queries," gives the following as the origin of this expressive phrase:-"Humble pie' was made out of the 'umbles' or entrails of the deer, a dish of the second table, inferior, of course, to the venison pasty which smoked on the dais, and therefore not expressive of that humiliation which the termeating humble pie' now painfully describes. The 'umbles' of the deer were the perquisites of the gamekeeper."

GLASS.-Pliny tells us the art of making glass was discovered in the following way:-" As some merchants were carrying nitre, they stopped near a river issuing from Mount Carmel, Not readily finding stones to rest their kettles on, they used some pieces of nitre for that purpose; the fire gradually dissolving the nitre it mixed with the sand, and a transparent matter flowed, which, in fact, was no other than glass." Chronology says that glass was invented in England by one Benalt, a monk, A.D. 664; and that it was first used in private houses in 1180. Lord Kaimes, however, observes :-"The art of making glass was imported from France into England, A.D. 674, for the use of monasteries, and that glass windows in private houses were rare even in the twelfth century, and held to be a great luxury."

THE ORIGIN OF HOUR-GLASSES.-Hour glasses were invented at Alexandria, B.C. 149, and Vitruvius relates that about the year 145 Ctesibius, of Alexandria, invented a clepsydra; this consisted of a small boat, floating in a vessel which had a hole in it; as the water escaped, the boat gradually descended, while an oar, placed in it, pointed to the hours marked on the side of the vessel. Ctesibius, is even said to have applied toothed wheels to water clocks. Clepsydra were constructed, in which the water dropped through a hole through a pearl, as it was considered that neither could adhesion take place to fill up the hole, nor could the constant running of the water enlarge it. Pliny relates that Scipio Nascica discovered a method of dividing the hours of the night by means of water; and this is all we know of the instruments for measuring time used by the ancients. In the year 800 Haroun al Raschid presented a clepsydra to Charlemagne, which is recorded to have struck the hours, which was con. sidered a most wonderful instrument.-Time and Time-keepers.

THE FLUTE.-The invention of the flute is assigned to the goddess Minerva, of whom it is related that having excited the derision of Juno and Venus whilst playing upon her favourite instrument, she examined the reflection of her face in a fountain, and perceiving the contortions it underwent whilst blowing her flute, she threw it into the water, and from that time confined her

self to the lyre. Prior to the invention of the lyre, the flute was the most favourite instrument of the ancients; so greatly was its music admired by all classes of the Greeks that they who played upon it skilfully were assured of their fortune. Plutarch tells us that the Pythoness at Delphi, pronounced her oracles in verse, and her voice was generally accompanied by the sound of the flute. Artistotle, indeed, tells us that at its first introduction among the Greeks, the flute was little thought of and less esteemed, but after the defeat of the Persians, so great was the change of public opinion in favour of this instrument, that to be unable to play upon it, was a serious reproach to one who professed to have received a good education.


ORIGIN OF GOVERNMENT LOANS. - Before Queen Elizabeth's reign the English monarchs usually obtained voluntary loans from Antwerp, but their credit was so low that they were obliged to make the city of London join in the security, besides paying 10 or 12 per cent. interest. Thomas Gresham engaged the Company of Merchant Adventurers to grant a loan to Queen Elizabeth, and as the money was repaid, her credit by degrees established itself in the City, and she shook off this dependence on foreigners. Sir Josiah Child states that in 1668 there were on 'Change more men worth £10,000 than there were in 1650 worth £1,000; that £500 with the daughter was, in the latter period, deemed a larger portion than £2,000 in the former; that gentlemen in the earlier times thought themselves well clothed in serge gowns, which a chambermaid would, in 1688, be ashamed to be seen in; and that, besides the great increase of rich clothes, plate, jewels, and household furniture, coaches were in that time augmented a hundred-fold. Lord Clarendon says, that in 1665, when money, in consequence of the treaty, was to be remitted to the Bishop of Munster, it was found that the whole trade of England could not supply above £100 a month to Frankfort and Cologne, nor above £20,000 a month to Frankfort.

PIX JURY.-From Latin (pyxis), a box made of the box-tree (Pyxacantha), used by the ancients for gallipots, and to hold the host in Catholic churches). A jury, consisting of the members of the corporation of the Goldsmiths of the City of London, assembled upon an inquisition of very ancient date, called the trial of the pix. The object of this inquisition is to ascertain whether the coin of the realm manufactured at her Majesty's Mint is of the proper or legal standard. This investigation as to the standard of the coin is called pixing it; and hence the jury appointed for the purpose is called a pix jury. The investigation takes place usually once a year, and the Lord High Chancellor presides and points out to the jury the nature of their duties. They have to ascertain whether the coin produced is of the true standard or "sterling" metal, of which, by stat. 25th Edward III., c. 13, all the coin of the kingdom must be made. This standard has been frequently varied, but for some time has been thus settled:-The pound troy of gold consisting of twenty-four carats (or twenty-fourth parts) fine, and two of alloy, is divided into forty-four guineas and a half, of the present value of 21s. each; and the pound troy of silver consisting of eleven ounces and two pennyweights pure, and eighteen pennyweights alloy, is divided into 62s.


Grease for Iron Carriage Axles.-One pound of soda, ten quarts of water, three and a half pounds of palm-oil, and ten pounds of Russian tallow.

To remove Ink or Fruit Stains from the Fingers. -Cream of tartar, half an ounce; powdered salt of sorrel, half an ounce-mix. This is what is sold for salt of lemons.

To clean Tin Covers.-Boil some rotten stone and a small quantity of prepared whitening in some sweet oil for two hours, till it acquires the consistency of cream.

To Perfume Linen.-Rose-leaves dried in the shade, or at about four feet from a stove, one pound; cloves, carraway-seeds, and allspice, of each one ounce; pound in a mortar, or grind in a mill; dried salt, a quarter of a pound; mix all these together, and put the compound into little bags.-S., Clapham.

To prevent Coloured Things from Running.Boil lb. of soap till nearly dissolved, then add a small piece of alum and boil with it. Wash the things in this lather, but do not soap them. If they require a second water put alum to that also as well as to the swilling and blue-water. This will preserve them.

To Preserve Pencil Marks.-If you have anything drawn or written with a lead pencil that you wish to preserve from rubbing out, dip the paper into a dish of skimmed milk. Then dry it, and iron it on the wrong side. In ironing paper do not let the iron rest a moment, (as it will leave a crease or mark,) but go over it as rapidly as possible.-J. MANN, Sheffield.

Harness Composition. -"Can any of your readers give the ingredients of a good and tried receipt for the above, to be used for blacking and giving a polish to carriage harness? I see a receipt for harness-maker's jet,' at page 330, of Vol. 6, but question whether it is the same thing, and moreover the 'isinglass' as an ingredient is expensive.-A."

To wash Mousseline-de-Laine.-Boil a pound of rice in five quarts of water, and, when cool enough, wash in this, using the rice for soap. Have another quantity ready, but strain the rice from this and use it with warm water, keeping the rice strained off for a third washing, which at the same time stiffens and also brightens the colours.-W.

Chemical Renovating Balls--for taking out grease, paint, pitch, tar, from silks, stuffs, linen, woollen, carpets, hats, coats, &c., without fading the colour or injuring the cloth :- oz. of fuller's earth, oz. of pipe-clay, 1 oz. salt of tartar, 1 oz. beef gall, 1 oz. spirits of wine. Pound the hard parts and mix the ingredients well together. Wet the stain with cold water, rub it well with this ball, then sponge it with a wet sponge and the stain will disappear.

The Smell of New Paint.-A bundle of old, dry hay, wetted and spread about, presents a multifarious absorbing surface for this, especially if not on the floor only, but over pieces of furniture which allow circulation of air, as chairs laid upon their faces, &c. Large vessels of water, as trays and pans, are not uncommonly used, with

good effect; but the multiplied surfaces of the loose hay give it great advantage. It must be kept wet, however, or at least damp, for the oily vapour does not seem to be readily absorbed unless the air is kept moist by evaporation.-J. PRIDEAUX.

Excellent Dyes.-A decoction of oak-bark dyes wool a fast brown of various shades, according to the quantity employed; an infusion of walnutpeels will also dye brown. The wool should be previously dipped in a solution of alum and water, which brightens the colour.-For red dye: boil in a bath of madder, previously rinsing the goods in alum; or, if you wish for purple, employ, instead of alum, a bath of acetate of iron. Red dyes are also given by archil, cochineal, Brazil-wood, &c.-For blue dye: boil in a bath of logwood, to which a small quantity of blue vitriol has been added, using the alum bath as in the other cases.-M. C.

Artificial Mahogany. - The following method of giving any species of wood of a close grain the appearance of mahogany in texture, density, and polish, is said to be practised in France with success. The surface is planed smooth, and the wood is then rubbed with a solution of nitrous acid; one ounce of dragon's blood is dissolved in nearly a pint of spirits of wine; this, and one third of an ounce of carbonate of soda, are then to be mixed together and filtered, and the liquid in this thin state is to be laid on with a soft brush. This process is to be repeated, and in a short interval afterwards the wood possesses the external appearance of mahogany. When the polish diminishes in brilliancy, it may be restored by the use of a little cold-drawn linseed oil.-J. R. C.

simple and neat mode of soldering a piece of Construction of Telescopes.-The following is a brass to the back of the little speculum of a telescope, as a fixture for the screw to adjust its axis: telescopes of any construction may be neatly put together by the same means. Having well cleaned the part to be soldered, cut out a piece of tin-foil the exact size of them, then dip a feather into a strong solution of sal-ammoniac, and rub it over the surfaces to be soldered, then place the foil between them as fast as possible (for the air will quickly corrode their surfaces so as to prevent the solder taking), and give the whole a gradual and sufficient heat to melt the tin. If the joints be soldered, have them made very flat; they will not be thicker than a hair though the surfaces be ever so extensive. J. DAWSON.

To clean White or Coloured Kid Gloves.-Put the glove on your hand, then take a small piece of flannel, dip it in camphine, and well but gently rub it over the glove, taking care not to make it too wet, when the dirt is removed, dip the flannel (or another piece if that is become dirty) into pipeclay and rub it over the glove; take it off, and hang it up in a room to dry, and in a day or two very little smell will remain; and if done carefully they will be almost as good as new. coloured ones, if yellow, use gamboge after the pipe-clay, and for other colours match it in dry paint. I have tried the other plans recommended in the Family Friend, and have not found them answer at all. Turpentine may do as well, but I have not tried it.-A SUBSCRIBER.


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