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said the prince, coolly. Do you not see I am planning her downfall instead of my own? Since she prevailed upon the king to give the government of Sardis, for which I sued, to her favourite, Haman, I have vowed her destruction. Fate now serves me. I have not worshipped Ahrimanes in vain. Vashti will refuse to come, for her spirit is high-the king will be enraged, and I will so work upon his anger that she will be degraded from her ill-deserved state."

"What means

started in angry surprise. this intrusion upon our privacy?" she said, haughtily.

The lord chamberlain, with a lowly obeisance, delivered the king's command for her to appear before the princes in the banquet-hall. The queen gazed upon him a moment in silence, while her brilliant eyes flashed fire, the colour grew deep upon her cheek, and her bosom was stirred with powerful emotion.

"Do I hear you aright, my lord?" "You do, most royal lady. The king expects you."

"Repair to the Women's Court," said the king to his lord-chamberlain, who stood before him. "Bid Queen Vashti appear in her royal robes, with the crown upon her head, that all may behold her beauty and confess my taste unques-queen! descend from her state, to appear tioned."

The chamberlain bowed, and departed. Passing through the starlit garden, whose fresh air and sweet odours were grateful after breathing the heat and fumes of the banquet-hall, he was admitted through a large gate into a marble court, with its usual adornment of a whispering fountain and vases of rare flowers. Around this were built the rooms appropriated to the women of the palace. A large saloon fronted the gate, from which echoed the silvery laugh and melodious tones of female voices.

Here Queen Vashti held a feast to the ladies of the court, and the wives of those princes who sat at the king's table. The walls of this apartment were richly painted, or adorned with delicate flowerwork, carved in cedar and brightly gilded. Gorgeous Babylonian carpets were spread upon the marble floor, and the softened light of alabaster lamps, reflected from silver mirrors, threw a gentle moonlight radiance over the room and its fair young group.

A circle of ladies surrounded a table upon which was placed all that could tempt a fastidious palate. Grapes, and wine, and pomegranates, Arabian dates, and all that was rare and delicious was before them. Upon a raised seat sat Queen Vashti. Tall and commanding, she looked the sovereign. Her dress was of golden tissue, while from the royal tiara glittering with jewels, fell a rosecoloured veil spotted with gold.

When the chamberlain entered, she

"Is the king mad?" she cried, with a burst of wrath, for her spirit was out in all its power. "What! does he bid me, the

in the midst of a drunken revel? Doth he bid a delicate lady come forth from her privacy to submit to the wanton gaze of his idle, half - inebriated courtiers? Return, my lord-there is some mistake in this." And the self-willed lady drew her veil around her and resumed her seat, panting with all the anger of outraged dignity and womanly delicacy.

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Nay, royal Vashti, hear me," said Harbona. It is the king's command, and I dare not return without the queen."

"How do ye stand arguing with me thus, as if ye deemed I would obey this insolent command!" and the diamonds in her tiara flashed not more vividly than the eyes of the ireful queen, while gazing upon the trembling eunuchs.

"You will not thus rebel against-" began Abagtha, but he was cut short by the enraged queen-rising from her seat, her glittering robes falling around her.

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Begone, slave!" she cried, stretching her hand majestically towards him; "begone! and tell your king I will not


The chamberlain turned and immediately quitted the saloon. A great commotion succeeded his departure. Some gentle spirits shrank aghast at the daring of the queen; but there were many there who applauded her lofty resolution.

"What, ladies!" exclaimed the princess Roxa, wife of Mamucan; “shall we be abject slaves to our husbands? Shall they dare, when they may choose it, to drag us from our retirement? Shall we have no reserves, no rights uninvaded?


Let us all imitate the strength of mind labouring in the city, and lived in this of our royal mistress, and resist all unlaw-retired spot in order to escape notice. ful usurpations, if we would have any freedom left!"

The noble Roxa is right," said princess Zeresh. "As it is, we have not sufficient liberty. In other lands, woman is free to walk out, or attend assemblies of both sexes, when she pleases, while we are shut up in our tiresome abodes, and watched and guarded like children. If our royal mistress had given way to this lawless encroachment of our rights, it would have become a precedent, and our lords would be sending for us, like slaves, to amuse their drunken companions."

The fair orators were applauded, and encouraged by the example of their queen, high resolves were passed to resist their husbands' orders when not agreeable, and even to demand from them more freedom.

With trembling lips the chamberlain bore to the king his queen's refusal to appear before him. The wrath of the king was loud and deep. "She refuses to come!" he exclaimed. "Is my royal will disputed? Am I bearded by a subject in my own palace?"

Soon a decree went forth into all the hundred and twenty provinces over which Artaxerxes reigned, that Vashti, the queen of Persia, was repudiated for refusing to comply with the king's commands. The fate of Vashti was thus soon decided; and she was sent from the palace in disgrace. Her followers, the revolutionary chieftainesses, lowered their standards in token of submission, and silence and fear reigned in the Women's Court.

How gentle a touch will sometimes set in motion the machinery of the world! These events, apparently unimportant except to the actors, were big with the fate of the Jews who were spread over Persia and Media.

In the suburbs of the city of Susa, by the river's side, and concealed from view by a grove of stunted cypresses, stood a lone hut, formed of mud which was hardened in the sun, and thatched with date leaves. Here resided Mordecai, once a man of wealth in Judea, but subsequently carried captive to Babylon with his king, Jeconiah, when the country was conquered by Nebuchodnossor. Mordecai now gained a scanty subsistence by

When the news of the king's decree reached him, his heart bounded with joy. He now saw a way open for the advancement of his people, and with many a silent prayer and ejaculation of praise, he sought his home. The hut of Mordecai, wretched as it was in appearance, contained a jewel of inestimable value. Here dwelt a Jewish maiden of rare beauty, who, upon the death of her father, was left to the care of her uncle Mordecai. Determined to place his peerless niece upon the list of virgin candidates, he lost no time in seeking her.

The next day Mordecai sought Hegai, the lord-chamberlain, in whose care the candidates were placed. Concealing his relationship, he told him of a jewel "worth all her tribe," of whose abode he was acquainted, and offered to lead her to him, when he might judge if she were fit to enter the ranks of the candidate maidens.. Hegai appointed a time and a place for the meeting, and the sanguine Hebrew spent his last beral in purchasing rich robes to deck his favourite.

The eunuch gazed with delight upon his beauteous charge, and took her small white hand in his, and led her into the presence of Artaxerxes. Like the evening star she beamed upon the king, all brilliancy and softness. The monarch raised her as she knelt before him.


Bring hither no more maidens, Hegai," he said, gazing with ecstasy upon the lovely Esther-"this is my queen-earth can give no fairer !"

The important news soon flew over the palace and city. Esther was chosen queen, and the royal crown was placed upon her head.

Haman, the brother of Vashti, now aroused all his energy to compass his plans. Revenge for his sister's degradation, and an ambitious wish to advance himself to power, were the mainsprings of his actions. His first step was to obtain the king's confidence. This, with extreme cunning, he contrived to do. placed above all the nobles of the court; and the king even sent forth a decree, commanding all, at the approach of Haman, to bow down and worship him as a god. Exulting in his success, Haman

He was

now, with renewed hope, endeavoured to accomplish the destruction of Esther, hoping by his influence to induce the king to place Vashti again upon the throne.

Soon after the decree in his favour, Haman clad in costly robes of purple and scarlet, on an Arab courser, whose velvet housings were embroidered with gold, rode through the city, with a long train of followers, to satisfy his insatiable pride, by the adoration of all whom he passed. He rode loftily out of the gate, around which was collected a crowd of slaves and idlers, who bowed themselves to the dust at his approach, crying, "Hail, Haman! son of Mythra!" One alone stood erect, gazing with a calm brow at the pageant as it passed. Haman was astonished at his daring, but supposing him some stranger, ignorant of the king's command, satisfied his malignity by frowning darkly at the offender. The next day the same thing occurred. All were prostrate except the stranger, who stood proudly with folded arms as Haman passed. The slaves who stood around and marked the anger of Haman, expostulated with Mordecai-for he it was-upon his singular conduct. They urged the king's decree, and the power of Haman, and warned him of the danger of offending the haughty favourite. To all this, Mordecai vouchsafed no reply, and when Haman again rode forth, stood among the kneeling group, like some tall tree, erect amid the wreck of forests. Haman was galled past endurance.

"What, slave!" he cried, riding fiercely up to him, "know you not the king's command? Down there and kneel before


"I bow not to mortal, my lord," said the Hebrew, calmly: "to my God alone my knee is bent in adoration." And folding his linen robe around him, he slowly strode away.

messages have gone between them, and Hegai said he brought Esther to the palace."

"A Jew, and a relative of the queen!" thought Haman. "Esther is in my power, and the throne is mine! for Haman is not so weak as to work for another; no, my fair sister, thou art but my agent, and when the king is dead, my faithful Macedonians, whom I have secreted in the city, will place me upon the throne of Persia!" Haman asked no more questions, but, bending over his horse, whispered to his slave,

"Bring me the surety of all you say, and a golden darick shall reward you!" A few days after this, Haman rushed eagerly into his sister's presence.


Joy, joy, Vashti !" he cried, "thy rival is in my power, and thou shalt see her blood flow at thy feet!"

"Ha! what sayest thou?" exclaimed the queen.

"I have discovered her well-kept secret at last. Vashti, Esther is a Jewess! despised, captive Hebrew !"

"Then shall I be avenged, Haman! breathe free once more!" and shaking back her neglected locks, the face of Vashti beamed with triumph.

"Yes, she is of that hated, obnoxious race. As yet the king knows it not, nor shall he until my plans be arranged.

"Quick, tell me all!" exclaimed the eager princess.

"Listen. By the many arts of which I am master, I will work upon the king against the Jews, then taking advantage of some little disturbance which frequently occurs between these people and ours because, forsooth, they cannot bear oppression, I will represent them as a dangerous race which it is the king's duty to exterminate. I can guide Artaxerxes as a child, by his own good qualities; for the benefit of his country he would sacrifice Haman's wrath was great, but his nature his dearest friend. A decree goes forthr was wily, and detecting a smile among his for the massacre of the Jews,-Mordecai followers he smothered his ire, and rode and Esther share the fate of their people, on, devising some sure and cruel punish--and Vashti mounts the throne of Perinent to the man who dared to resist his sia!" will. Calling to his side one of his trusty servants, he asked him the name of the offender.

"It is Mordecai, my lord, a Jew, and we do suspect a relation of the queen, for


Oh, soul-ravishing news! Now I shall know that peace which fled my bosom while my rival lived and was beloved!"

"Vashti," said Haman, with a wither

ing frown, "remember thy oath! If we require the king at thy hands, strike


With a wild shriek, the unhappy woman fled into an inner room.

By the wiles of Haman, his revenge was gratified, and the voice of mourning was heard throughout Persia, when the King's cruel decree, consigning to death all Jews, both young and old, was known. The despair of Mordecai was great. He rent his clothes, and putting on a garment of sackcloth, covered his head with ashes, and placed himself before the king's gate uttering loud moans and lamentations.

The queen, meanwhile, was ignorant of all that was to befall her people, nor knew she of her uncle's distress, until informed of it by her maids and chamberlains, who beheld him as he mourned at the gate. He implored his niece, if she would save her people, to sue to the king for mercy. The lovely Esther was much distressed at this news, and saw not how to obey her uncle's request, for she knew it was death for any one to enter the king's presence uncalled; and thirty days had passed since she had been sent for. How, then, could she see him to implore mercy ?

Esther, however, at once resolved to offer her life as a sacrifice to her country. She would brave the king's laws, and perhaps fall a victim to his anger; but she should have made an effort to save Judah from destruction, and, her duty done, she could die in peace.

Three days did the sons of Israel in Susa fast and pray to God to avert the calamity, and to soften the heart of Artaxerxes, that the queen might find favour in his eyes. On the fourth day, Mordecai directed his steps to the palace. It was yet early, and the palace gates were not open. Weary and faint with three days of fasting and of woe, he threw himself upon the ground, and, concealed by the pillars of the gate, indulged in mournful meditation and prayer.

His thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of two persons, whom he recognised as Bigthana and Teresh, two chamberlains of the court. They seated themselves near to Mordecai, and entered into conversation without perceiving him.

"Of all the villanous deeds which our employer, Haman, has been guilty," said

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"I care not much for the Jews," replied Bigthana, "but it does seem a pity this gentle creature should be massacred; however, I am sure the king will prevent it."

"His leave will not be asked," said Teresh, with a sneer. "In the confusion of the day it is my province to see that she shares the fate of her people. Haman hopes to excuse himself to the king afterwards, and even place Vashti upon the throne."

"But if he should not be pardoned?"

"Then the king dies. It is for this purpose I sought thee at thy house, and gave that vial. Three drops in the king's cup, and Haman is king. I believe, however, that is the fate reserved for him at every issue of this affair."

"What a needless waste of life. Haman will never be king: think you our princes will suffer a stranger like the vile Haman upon the throne?"

"He takes care of that. The Macedonians, who are ravaging the nations around, are his countrymen, and as a last resource he will call them to his assistance."

The guards arrived to open the gates, and the dark conspirators passed through. Their career of guilt had now, however, drawn to a close. Mordecai, who had overheard all, denounced them to the soldiers as plotters against the king's life, and they were speedily loaded with chains, and cast into a dungeon to await the king's pleasure. An account of this event was despatched to Esther by Mordecai, who sent a relation of it to the king, but he, satisfied the men were in his power, gave no heed to the particulars of the plot. -The day arrived which was to decide the fate of the captive Jews. Queen Esther, willing to risk her life for the hope of saving her people, prepared to enter the king's apartment uncalled. If he were wroth, her instant death would follow; but if he felt inclined to grant the boon she came to ask, he would stretch forth his sceptre in token she might approach and present her petition. The queen's gentle spirit shrunk from her enterprise;

but once more resorting to her closet in prayer, she came forth strong in the Lord. The queen and her maidens were arrayed in the costliest robes. Radiant with beauty, and smiling cherfully, although her heart was heavy, Queen Esther, followed by a train of lovely maidens, entered the forbidden courts of the king,

Artaxerxes was sitting upon his ivory throne, glittering with gold and jewels. He wore the royal robe of Persia, purple, with stripes of silver. A tiara of the same was surrounded with a diadem of priceless jems, while his scarlet tunic was one brilliant mass of jewels and gold.

As the king gazed upon Esther, his heart softened, for he loved his gentle queen, and the Lord so wrought upon him by means of her beauty, that his heart was changed. While each eye was watching him with intense interest, he stretched out his golden sceptre towards her. In a mild voice he said, "What wouldst thou, Queen Esther? Come near-look upon me as a brother and be of good cheer!"

Tears of joy were in every eye, and smiles upon every face when the king pronounced these words. The queen reviving, with an effort advanced and touched the sceptre-she was safe!

Moved by her loveliness, and her distress, Artaxerxes descended from his throne, and embracing her, bade her to be comforted, and speak freely her mind, and he would grant her request, were it half his kingdom. "I humbly thank my lord for this favour," said the queen. "When I entered, and beheld the king's terrible majesty, I thought to see an avenging angel before me, and my heart was troubled within me."

"Thou shalt not die, Esther, although our commandment is not regarded, but speak thy request, and it shall be granted." "If it seemeth good to the king, let my lord come to my banquet to-morrow, and bring with him the lord Haman, where I will demand my boon, which is of great importance, touching even my life." The king promised to be there; and Queen Esther, with a glad and grateful heart, withdrew.

Great was the pride of Haman then! He was invited to feast with the king and queen! he, a stranger and adventurer, had arrived at the high honour of being the

guest of the queen, at her own requestan honour she had not conferred on any of the princes and nobles of the court. Inflated with vanity and triumph, Haman looked forward to a course of honours and prosperity. Alas for thee, Haman!

Joy in his eye, and exultation in his step, Haman was passing from the palace, to give orders for new and sumptuous attire for the banquet, when, behold! there, in the king's gate sat Mordecai, who, when the others around kissed the dust at his feet, stood erect, unmoved! What a check to all his greatness! What a spectre in his path to remind him of his mortality! With a groan of anguish he fled to his own house.

That night, the king being restless, awoke very early and commanded the records of the palace to be brought him, that he might occupy his leisure hour in looking them over. There he beheld the service rendered him by Mordecai, when he secured the conspirators.

"Have the traitors been examined?" he asked.

"No, my lord."

"Let it then be done instantly, for I see by these papers Mordecai accuses some great lord of the court as their employer. Surely I have been very negligent! Hat the man been rewarded who discovered. the conspiracy?"

"He hath not yet, O king!" "There hath just arrived without, I hear, one of my nobles. Let him enter."" The door was opened, and Haman entered. His gallows was erected, and he now came to win from the king permission to hang his enemy upon it.

"Come hither, Haman," said Artaxerxes. "What shall be done with the man whom the king delighteth to honour?”

The prond heart of Haman exulted, for he thought the king intended to confer some new favour upon him.

"For the man whom the king delighteth to honour," said the wily Haman, "let the king's royal robes be brought, and the horse which the king rideth upon, and the crown royal. Let this apparel and horse be delivered into the hands of the king's most noble princes, that he may array with these the man whom the king delighteth to honour, and bring him on horseback through the street of the

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