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salem, thou art the great glory of Israel! thou art the joy and rejoicing of our nation. Thou hast done much good in Israel, with thy hand; and God is pleased therewith. Blessed be thou of the Almighty Lord for evermore!" And all the people cried, "Amen!"

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Judith felt a glow of gratitude to God as she gazed around her upon the sculptured marble, the altar of brass, and the brazen laver, and marble tables, and other rich furniture of the court; and as she beheld the graceful temple, whose richly-embroidered curtain was raised, giving her a view of golden furniture, and scarlet and purple within; for she remembered that her feeble arm, made strong by God, had saved all these sacred things from the hand of the enemy. The High Priest was there in his splendid robes of blue and purple and scarlet embroidery, adorned with jewels, and bordered with golden bells and scarlet pomegranates while around him stood the sons Levi, in their blue-fringed robes of white linen altogether a glorious and most wonderful array.



Moss ON TREES.The American Farmer gives the following as an excellent application to the scraped trunk to prevent the growth of moss, and destroy eggs of insects. One gallon of soft soap, one pound of flour of sulphur, and one quart of salt, to be well stirred together, and put on with a hard brush."


The people in grand procession ascended TO KEEP PLANTS IN BLOOM. The great effort to the city, and up the marble steps of of all plants is to reproduce their kind, and the the temple, and through its magnificent strive to form seed. As flowers are produced season is now at hand when they vigorously courts into the glorious space which sur- before seed vessels, we can give a tendency to rounds the temple itself. Here were the plants to throw out fresh blossoms by cutting offered their sacrifices and burnt-offer-off from the plant the seed bearing stem as soon as the flower is off bloom. With a little attenings, and free - offerings. tion in this way, mignonette, nasturtiums, geraniums, roses, and many other plants may be made to keep in blossom until the cold season scarlet-runner is a good illustration of this prinstays the further circulation of sap. The common ciple, for the more beans (seed pods) that are picked the more the plant produces; but let any of the seeds ripen, and it will soon cease to bloom; it has fulfilled its office-it has reproduced its kind, and it dies. Mod2 EVERGREEN SHRUBS FOR THE FLOWER-GARDEN.-It would justly be considered, at the prepractice, to train or trim trees and shrubs in sent day, a retrograde movement in gardening representation, of animal life; and such figures, however skilfully formed, cannot be ornamental. but rather indicate a whimsical and childish taste. There can be nothing more pleasing to the eye than symmetry of form, as represented in the gigantic formation of our forest trees that occupy individual stations in the park or lawn, or the finely-balanced proportions of our lessimposing shrubs forming single specimens or massed in groups, towards the limits or boundary of the flower-gardens. That shrubs and flowers. as separate objects, possess beauty independent of one another, is willingly admitted; yet a visit to the flower-gardens at the present time forces the evident truth before us, that with a great amount of labour, time, and expense, we are only remunerated by a fine display of colour for a very short period of time, and until that time again comes round, we have nothing to look upon but the empty and desolate appearance of the flowerbeds. That this order of things is absolutely necessary, cannot be at least, in its widest sense; for if there is a shadow of reason why oranges, and other tender shrubs, in boxes, should occupy prominent situations in the flowergarden in summer, there is a necessity for supplying their places with some of our hardy ornamental shrubs, which can be kept in reserve for that purpose. Planting up the empty beds time and labour than any difficulty in the operation, and very little extra trouble would be involved in keeping plants for the express purpose. An arrangement of this sort seems highly necessary at least, where the flower-garden is contiguous to the mansion; and by introducing choice varieties of shrubs, patches of earlyflowering heath, and margining the beds with ing bulbs, the whole effect would be lively and different coloured crocus and other early-flower


In judging the conduct of Judith, we must keep in mind the different manners which prevailed in those days. We cannot but wonder and admire when we reflect upon all she hazarded for her country. She endangered more than life, for if discovered, she ran the risk of death, or of living in degradation and sorrow. She periled her fair fame; which to a woman was worth more than existence. The task which she undertook was odious, yet she shrank not from it, for she knew if the conqueror lived, her country was lost.

We may not be called to such a trial, but in whatever strait, when self is the sacrifice, let us pray for strength to look to the good of others before our own. Or, in the words of our Messiah:

"Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them!"

would rather be a matter of consideration of

pleasing.-G. F. Gardeners' Record

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And sleepless were the shepherds' eyes, Upturn'd unto the spangled skies,


Where heaven-aspiring thought from this world's darkness flies!

The hour was come-that shepherd band
Were destined from all time

To witness the Almighty hand
Dispense the gift divine:

The hour was come-the silence broke,
The voice of many a seraph spoke,

And from our fallen race fell off the oppressor's yoke.

The purple canopy above

One brilliant arch became,

The beams of Heaven's o'erpowering love Shot through earth's wondering frame, Eclipsed by that "excess of light," --The stars did pale their lustre bright, And the wan shepherds there did veil their dazzled sight vartio .I D-g

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Fondu-Five eggs, three ounces of butter, three or four ounces of cheese, according to its

richness, and a gill of cream. Mix all together, and bake twenty minutes in small shapes made of writing paper.

To make Bread Cheese Cakes.-Slice a loaf as thin as possible, pour on it a pint of boiling cream, let it stand two hours; then take eight eggs, half a pound of butter, and a nutmeg grated, beat them well together, put in half a pound of currants well washed, and dried before the fire, and bake them in raised crusts, or petty pans

Calf's Liver Fried.-Cut in slices, and fry it in good beef-dripping or butter; let the pan be half full, and put the liver in when it boils, which is when it has done hissing; have some rashers of toasted bacon, and lay round it, with some parsley crisped before the fire; always lay the bacon in boiling water before it is either broiled, fried, or toasted, as it takes out the salt, and makes it tender. Sauce, plain melted butter, a little poured over the liver, the rest in the sauce-boat.

S. M.

Pot-au-Feu.-This is by far the most wholesome of all soups. Take three pounds of good rump of beef, of any part free from bone and not too fat; put it in an earthen fire-proof pot, with three quarts of water, one large carrot, two turnips, two leeks, a head of celery, and one burnt onion; season, and let the soup boil slowly, skimming it from time to time, for at least five hours; then strain it through a fine sieve, and pour it over thin slices of bread to serve. The meat and vegetables make a dish which is afterwards served. Thus cooked, the beef becomes tender and juicy, and is excellent cold.-M. WILSON. ↑ Baked Apple-Pudding.-Stew your apples in as little water as possible, and not long enough for the pieces to break and lose their shape. Put them in a colander to drain, and mash them with the back of a spoon. If stewed too long, and in too much water, they will lose their flavour. When cold, mix with them the nutmeg, rosewater, and lemon-peel, and two ounces of sugar. Stir another two ounces of sugar with the butter or cream, and then mix it gradually with the apple. Bake it, in puff-paste, about half an hour, in a moderate oven. Do not sugar the top. -M. WILSON.

An excellent Receipt for making Rolls.-Mix the salt with the flour, and make a deep hole in the mid with the Stir the warm water into the yeast, and pour it into the hole in the flour. Stir it with a spoon just enough to make a thin batter, and sprinkle some flour over the top. Cover the pan, and set it in a warm place for several hours. When it is light, add half a pint more of lukewarm water and make it, with a little more flour, into a dough. Knead it very well for ten minutes. Then divide it into small pieces, and knead each separately. Make them into round cakes or rolls. Cover them, and set them to rise about an hour and a half. Bake them, and when done, let them remain in the oven, without the id, for about ten minutes.-J. R. W., Leeds.

Rusks.-Sift your flour into a pan. Cut up the butter in the milk, and warm them a little, so as to soften the butter, but not to melt it entirely. Beat your egg; pour the milk and butter into your pan of flour, then the egg, then the rosewater and spice, and lastly the yeast. Stir all well together with a knife. Spread some flour on your paste-board; lay the dough on it, and knead it well. Then divide it into small pieces of an equal size, and knead each piece into a little, thick rusk. Butter an iron pan, lay the rusks in it, and set them in a warm place to rise. When they are quite light, bake them in a moderate oven. Rusks should be eaten fresh.M. WILSON.

To keep Mushrooms.-Wash large buttons as you would for stewing, lay them on sieves, with the stalk upwards, throw over them some salt to fetch out the water; when they are drained, put them in a pot, and set them in a cool oven for an hour, then take them carefully out, and lay them to cool and drain; boil the liquor that comes out of them with a blade or two of mace, and boil it half away; put your mushrooms into a clean jar, well dried; and when the liquor is cold, cover your mushrooms in the jar with it, and pour over it rendered suet; tie a bladder over it, set them in a dry closet, and they will keep very well all the winter.-J. S. C. Chatham.

Sugar biscuits.-Cut the butter into the flour. Add the sugar and carraway seeds. Pour in the brandy, and then the milk. Lastly, put in the pearlash. Stir all well with a knife, and mix it thoroughly, till it becomes a lump of dough. Flour your paste-board, and lay the dough on it. Knead it very well. Divide it into eight or ten pieces, and knead each piece separately. Then put them all together, and knead them very well into one lump. Cut the dough in half, and roll it out into sheets, about half an inch thick. Beat the sheets of dough very hard on both sides, with the rolling-pin. Cut them out into round cakes with the edge of a tumbler. Butter iron pans, and lay the cakes in them. Bake them of a very pale brown. If done too much, they will lose their taste. Let the oven be hotter at the top than at the bottom. These cakes kept in a stone jar, closely covered from the air, will continue perfectly good for several months.-M. G. S. Bath.

Ice-cream.-Take half of the milk and put in the ingredient that is to flavour it, either the almonds, or the grated rind of the lemons. Boil it, stirring in gradually the sugar. Having beaten the eggs well, add to them two tablespoonsful of cold milk, and pour them into the boiling milk. Let them simmer two or three minutes, stirring them all the time. Then take the mixture off the fire, and strain it through book-muslin into a pan. Add the cream and the remainder of the milk, and put the whole into the tin freezer, which must be set in a tub filled with ice, among which must be scattered a great deal of salt. Squeeze the juice from the two lemons and stir it into the cream by degrees, while it is freezing. When it is all frozen, turn it out, first dipping the tin for a moment in warm water. If you wish to flavour it with strawberry or raspoerry juice, that, like the lemon-juice, must be stirred gradually in while the cream is freezing.

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In short, from what can be generally gathered, it appears to have been a time when all individuals were determined to make themselves, and all around them, happy. Business was superseded by merriment and hospitality; the most careworn countenance brightened on the occasion. The nobles and the barons encouraged and participated in the various sports; the industrious labourer's cot, and the residence of proud royalty, equally resounded with tumultuous joy. From Christmas-day to Twelfth-day there was a continued run of entertainments. Not only did our ancestors make great rejoic ings on, but before and after Christmas day. By a law in the time of Alfred, the "twelve days after the nativity of our Saviour were made festivals;" and it likewise appears from Bishop Holt, that the whole of the days were dedicated to feasting.

Our ancestors' various amusements were conducted by a sort of master of the ceremonies, called the "Lord of Misrule," whose duty it was to keep order during the celebration of the different sports and pastimes. The universities, the lord mayor and sheriffs, and all noblemen and gentlemen, had their "lords of misrule." These "lords" were first preached against at Cambridge by the Puritans, in the reign of James I., as unbecoming the gravity of the university.

The custom of serving boars' heads at Christmas bears an ancient date, and much ceremony and parade has been occasionally attached to it. Henry II. "served his son (upon the young prince's coronation) at the table as server, bringing up the boar's head with trumpets before it."

A few remarks on several customs appertaining to Christmas may not be uninteresting to our readers at this festive period, we will commence with the WAITS, the subject of our present illustration, and which is a familiar theme to all lovers of traditional manners.

The custom of strolling from street to street with musical instruments and singing seems to have originated from a very ancient practice which prevailed, of certain minstrels who were attached to the king's court and other great persons, who

* Thus we have the origin of Twelfth-day.

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paraded the streets, and sounded the hour thus acting as a sort of watchmen. Some slight remains of these still exist, but they no longer partake of the authoritative claim as they originally did, as the "lord mayor's music," &c. It may not, perhaps, be generally known, that even at the present day "waits ** are regularly sworn before the "court of burgesses "at Westminster, and act under the authority of a warrant, signed by the clerk, and sealed with the arms of the city and liberty; in addition to which, they were bound to provide themselves with a silver badge, also bearing the arms of Westminster.

OfChristmas Husbandry Fare," honest Tusser furnishes us with a genuine picture, which is interesting, as descriptive of the mode of living of our ancestors three centuries ago. The different viands enumerated are still known by the names. which they bear in the text, if we except "shred pies," which appear to be mincepies, as they are now called. Butcher's meat, poultry, native fruits, and homebrewed, were then thought amply sufficient.

"Good husband and housewife, now chyfly be glad,


Things handsome to have, as they ought to be They both do provide, against Christmas do

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Good bread and good drink, a good fire in the hall,

Brawn, pudding, and souse, and good mustard withall.

Beef, mutton, and pork, shred pies of the best, Pig, veal, goose, and capon, and turkey: well


Cheese, apples, and nuts, joly carols to hear," As then in the country is counted good cheer."

Hospitality seems to have been a prominent feature in the character of Tusser; and to that cause, as well as to an unsteady disposition, may probably be ascribed the poverty in which he lived and died. When he tells us that,

"Of all other doings house-keeping is chief, For daily it helpeth the poor with relief."

In the north they have their Yule log, or Yuletide log, which is a huge log burning in the chimney c kind cakes are baked on a "girls, the d of frying-pan) over the fire; little


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