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38-The Desert Sand-belt. G. C.-The desert belt of sand extends from the Atlantic across Africa into Arabia and Persia; even beyond the Indus. Its breadth is from one to four hundred miles.

39-Reptiles. E. U.-No; they become torpid, when the temperature is below 40°. Snails, mollusca, and land testacea do the same, in hot and equal climates, as between the tropics, hybernation is unknown.

40-Difference in Coal. A. R.-The difference in coal arises from the difference in the vegetation of which it is formed. Hutton discovered that if coals are cut into thin slices, their vegetable structure can be traced by the microscope, and numerous cells discovered that are filled with a yellow bituminous liquid, which creates the flame of common fires, and whose gaseous form is the gas used in lighting.

41-Mend your Clothes. L. S.-For our own part we think that the sooner a garment is mended, after it begins to require it, the better. Fine muslins and laces are ruined by being washed with holes in them, and we should think very little of the neatness of a young lady who wore an embroidered cape with holes in it that had evidently been there oefore it was done up. Silk stockings, too, are spoilt if not mended before they are washed; but cotton or woollen hose may be repaired afterwards.

42-Love of Praise. M. N.-The appetite for praise is like that for ardent spirits, it grows by indulgence, till its cravings cannot be resisted; they must be satisfied at any sacrifice; and the effects in the two cases are alike, the balance of the mind is destroyed, and its healthful action impaired. If we would not become the victims of either kind of intemperance, we must be on our guard against the first step towards it;against the small draught which seems at first so harmless, but which makes us crave a repetition of it till our ruin is complete.

43-Fairy Rings. T. C.-They are caused by the centrifugal growth of the spawn of the agarii, which radiates, from a common centre, and bears the fructification, which is what appears above ground, only at the circumference. 5 The verdure of the grass where these fungi grow seems to be caused either by their manuring the ground when they decay, or by the nitrogen they give off,-which is an active stimulant to vegetation. The denomination of fairy rings was given to this phenomenon from their being regarded as the places where the fairies held their nocturnal revels.

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44-Soap. H. C.-We are not aware; but wash-balls are made by rolling perfumed soap into balls. They are mottled red by being first cut into bits, which are rolled in vermilion and then squeezed together into balls; the blue mottling is effected by substituting blue mottling for vermilion. We would recommend however that our fair readers should reject all soaps coloured = with red, especially of a bright red, for the probability is that the colouring is produced by the use of an oxide of either lead or mercury, in which case it would be poisonous. Camphor is often introduced into wash-balls, and other fancy soaps with excellent effect.

45-The United Kingdom D. A.-No; the

situation of the United Kingdom, whether as regards its terrestrial position, or the elements of commerce which it possesses, is not analogous to that of any other state ancient or modern; therefore no deduction of any value can be drawn by comparison. The importance of the British Empire has been achieved by a rare combination of causes unexampled in history; but it is more particularly to commerce, which produced materials for a navy, that the greatness of Britain may be attributed. To Arkwright, Watt, and Wedgwood, we owe the means of extending our commerce, augmenting our empire, triumphing over our enemies, and preserving our position.


E. M.-At what period and in what country this elegant material was originally first wrought for dress, cannot, perhaps, be very It has been supposed that easily determined. Mary de Medici was the first who brought lace into France from Venice; where, and in the neighbouring states of Italy, lace seems to have been long previously worn. It is recorded that lace-making was introduced into England by some refugees from Flanders, who settled near Cranfield, now a village on the west side of Bedfordshire, and adjoining Buckinghamshire; and it has been supposed that the first kind so made in England was that which is called Brussels point, the net-work being made by bone-bobbins, on a pillow, and the pattern and sprigs being worked with a needle.

47-Oatmeal. E. L. The oat, though not much cultivated in South Britain, as an article of food for man, still furnishes one of the most important and productive crops of the farm. Its scientific Latin name avena is of doubtful interpretation; from it the French derive their word l'avoine. The native country of the oat is also considered quite unknown; though it appears certain that all the cultivated species flourish most in cold climates. In Scotland, for example, it arrives at great perfection, as well as in the northern counties of England. To the Scots its meal is important: they use it in great quantities, not merely in the form of water-gruel, but in porridge and puddings. But Scotch oatmeal is a very different thing from the poor perishable article which is sold in England; the grain is dried and husked by a peculiar process; and then is ground to three degrees of fineness. It will keep and improve in quality during any length of time: and the more it is pressed the better.

48-Boots and Shoes. D. F.-Yes; but in selecting them you must give due consideration to the place in which they are to be worn. The same article adapted for town pavements, would be quite unsuitable for traversing over fields and country roads; but as a general rule, it should be borne in mind that the lighter the article, so that it possesses the necessary strength the better, provided that the sole is the width of the foot and the upperleather soft. It is well, also, to provide boots and shoes for a considerable time before they are wanted, as they improve very much by laying by for some months, and also to avoid ordering any to be made in frosty weather, when the waxed thread does not work freely, and the joint is consequently not so strong. Those who can afford it, and have much walking, should provide several pairs of shoes for constant use, and wear them in daily succession, so that

they may be allowed to dry thoroughly after each day's wear without exposure to the fire.

49-Politeness between Brothers and Sisters. A. G.-By endeavouring to acquire the habit of politeness, it will soon become familiar, and sit en you with ease, if not with elegance. Let it never be forgotten that genuine politeness is a great fosterer of family love; it allays accidental irritation, by preventing harsh retorts and rude contradictions; it softens the boisterous, stimulates the indolent, suppresses selfishness, and by forming a habit of consideration for others, harmonizes the whole. Politeness begets politeness, and brothers may easily be won by it, to leave off the rude ways they bring home from school or college. Sisters ought never to receive any little attention without thanking them for it, never to ask a favour of them but in courteous terms, never to reply to their questions in monosyllables, and they will soon be ashamed to do such things themselves. Both precept and example ought to be laid under contribution, to convince them that no one can have really good manners abroad, who is not habitually polite at home.

50-The Skin. C. M.-There are numerous small follicles contained in its substance, and opening by orifices at the external surface of the skin, which are filled with an oily matter; this easily concretes and becomes visible, in the shape of dust or scales on the skin, and roughness on the hairs of the body. This oily matter is necessary to preserve the skin from being penetrated and relaxed in its fibre by water; but it is also necessary that it should be removed as fast as it has done its office, and not suffered to accumulate on the skin or clothing. These follicles exist in all parts of the body, except the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, but they are most abundant where hairs are implanted. It is this oil which renders the tresses of some ladies so soft and shining. In some persons it is so redundant on the hair as to require careful removal; in others it is only sufficient to keep it in good order, whilst a deficiency is the cause of that coarse rough look, which prevents some heads from ever appearing well-dressed and smooth.


51-Composure at Table. E. R.-Study to acquire the most perfect self-possession. nothing throw you out, and you will feel the immense ascendancy it will give you in every relation of life. At table be particularly selfpossessed. Should you happen to meet with an accident there, do not add to the discomfort you have created, by making an unnecessary fuss about it. The easier such things are passed over the better. We remember hearing of a very accomplished gentleman who when carving a tough goose, he had the misfortune to send it entirely out of the dish and into the lap of the lady next to him; on which he very cooly looked her full in the face and with admirable gravity and calmness, said, "Ma'am I will thank you for that goose." In such a case a person must necessarily suffer so much and be such an object of compassion to the company, that the kindest thing he could do was to appear as unmoved as possible. This manner of bearing such a mortifying accident gained him more credit, than he lost by his awkward carving.

52-Fur Clothing. E. R.-It is very ancient. The method of manufacturing wool into articles


of clothing seems to have been early transplanted into Greece, and thence to Italy, as we find the use of raw skins accounted by each of these nations a sign of barbarism. It apppears that neither of them in the time of their prosperity, when the arts and sciences were cultivated among them, made much use of fur clothing. It was worn at that period only on certain festivals (the Bacchæ clothed themselves in foxskins), and merely by the poorer classes and rustics; or employed in the time of war. ancient physicians make no mention of furs; and Suetonius, in describing the winter clothing of Augustus, who was extremely sensible of cold, does not name any articles of fur. Pliny relates an unsuccessful attempt to manufacture the fur of the hare, which would scarcely have been made had the skin been used in its natural state. It is worthy of remark, that, in the twentyseventh chapter of Ezekiel, where the merchandize of Tyre is so minutely described, no allusion is made to furs.

53-Economical Greenhouse. G. C.-Much of the produce of the greenhouse may be procured at half the expense, by the use of the pit, which requires no other glass than the sashes which form its roof. The amusement and the products which such a pit, in the hands of an ingenious amateur, is calculated to afford, are almost without end. Small salading may be produced in it throughout the whole winter. Chicory roots (though this may be accomplished in a common cellar), may be made to throw out their blanched leaves, which form the most delightful of all winter salads; tart rhubarb, or sea-kale, may be forced in pots; as may parsley, mint, and other herbs. Bulbs may be forced, and a bloom of China-roses may be kept up throughout the winter. But, perhaps, the most important use to which such a pit can be applied, in a small suburban garden, is to preserve throughout the winter, and to bring forward in spring,-fuschias, salvias, verbenas, and other fine exotic flowers; and also half-hardy and tender annuals, for turning out into the flower-garden or into the miscellaneous border, in the beginning of summer.

54-Fermented Liquors and the Ladies. P. Y. -Your request is rational, and as it may involve the weal or woe of thousands, we have no objection to make a few remarks upon it; but it would seem almost superfluous in these days of temperance, to say anything to the softer sex against the use of ardent spirits and fermented liquors, but we cannot help saying that it is the opinion of the wisest and most experienced physicians, that all young persons are better without any stimulating liquors; and that it is a great mistake to resort to them as a cure for those nervous and debilitating diseases which have their origin in sedentary habits, hot rooms, tight lacing, late hours, improper diet, and want of bathing, &c. The temporary relief gained by a glass of wine, or cordial, is dearly paid for by increased debility after the first effect passes off; and the most re. fined and intellectual women are not safe, if they pursue this course, from becoming a burthen to themselves,-and, perhaps, the shame of all connected with them. It is, therefore, best to form a habit of drinking no fermented liquors, unless recommended by a physician,-and to take no tonics unless so prescribed.

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55-The Tea-Urn. A. R.-It is certainly the most elegant vessel by which water may be supplied for tea. It is, as you know, made in the form of a vase, but in a great variety of patterns. In the centre there is a vertical tube, into which a cylinder of iron heated red-hot is slipped down, and covered by a little lid, and that by the cover of the urn. This keeps the water in the urn at a boiling heat. Some tea-urns have lamps below them, instead of iron heaters, and have the advantage of keeping the water hot any length of


56-Saffron. E. Y.-Saffron is produced in Sicily, France, and Spain, as well as in England. The Spanish is generally deteriorated by having been dipped in oil, to ensure its keeping. The Sicilian and French are better, but the English is superior to all. It is, however, sometimes adulterated with the petals of the Carthamus tinctorius, or with the common marigold, calendula officinalis; this may be detected by infusing the cake in hot water, when the expanded stigmas will be easily distinguished from the petals of the other flowers.

57 Total Abstinence. A. W. A person whose general health is good, can cure any slight derangement of the stomach by total abstinence; and it is much better to refrain from food than to take medicine. The habit of dosing yourself with soda and peppermint, when you have eaten imprudently; or, with bitters, to procure an appetite; or Rochelle powders to assist the bowels, is all bad for the health, very bad. A well-regulated diet and proper exercise will prevent the necessity of any of these nostrums; and when an excess has been accidently committed, omit the next meal, and that will generally cure you.

58-To Keep Milch Cows. P. A.-To keep cows in the best condition for milk, they should have hay of the first quality in the winter season, and this in an unlimited degree, that they may always feed until they are perfectly satisfied; and when the weather permits, they should have access to meadow-land, where they may feed on such green vegetables as are present, which will give their milk and butter a greater degree of richness; if they are always kept in doors, their milk cannot be expected to be so good. Common salt is much relished by cows, and when added in moderate quantities to their food, is said to improve their milk and likewise their general health.

59-How to overcome Selfishness. M. C.The best way to overcome the selfishness and rudeness you sometimes meet with on public occasions, is, by great politeness and disinterestedness on your part; overcome evil with good, and you will satisfy your own conscience, and, perhaps, touch theirs. Contending for your rights stirs up the selfish feelings in others; but a readiness to yield them awakens generous sentiments, and leads to mutual accommodation. The more refined you are, and the greater have been your advantages, the more polite and considerate you should be toward others, the more ready to give place to some poor, uneducated girl, who knows no better to push herself directly in your way.

60-Sleep. P. C-Indulgence in sleep is not only baneful to the health and incompatible with the true enjoyment of life, but it is detrimental

to one's worldly interests. "The industrious man is always an early riser; the early sound of the hammer, denoting the artizan to be at work, appeases the apprehensions of the creditor," says Franklin," and he walks contentedly by, permitting his money to remain in the hands of his debtor, until he finds it convenient to pay; while the sluggard not only has a difficulty in procuring countenance and credit in his trade, but suffers in his reputation, unlike his early and industrious neighbour, and for this reason alone has not the same chance of making his way in the world.

61-Woollen Clothing. B. H.- For those to whom the ordinary expense of clothes is not felt as an object worth much consideration, the most convenient way is that which is most usual, namely, to order them of a respectable tailor, leaving him to state the price and having one agreed upon. This will generally insure the best materials, and the most fashionable cut. But there are some other modes of proceeding where great economy in dress is aimed at. The cloth may be purchased of a respectable woollendraper, who will generally recommend a tailor to make it up; the difficulty in this case is to get a tailor who can make it fashionable and a good fit, for the tailors who work in this manner are generally persons of inferior skill. A still cheaper way is to purchase clothes ready made in shops, but this is one of the worst modes, as there is often some kind of imposition practised, besides the great uncertainty of finding clothes that fit well."

62-Hosiery. R. T.-All hosiery is to be judged of by the fineness of the thread and the closeness of the texture, which, in the case of stockings especially, may be partly appreciated by weighing, as it were, the articles in the hand. In ribbed stockings a deception is sometimes practised, against which it is necessary to guard. The spaces between the ribs, which ought to be formed by an inversion of the stitch, contains no stitch at all, but an open range of threads pervious to the weather, and utterly destitute of durability. As the ribs of stockings exposed to sale are necessarily almost in contact, the fault cannot be detected without introducing the hand and opening the tissue, when it will be instantly apparent, and, indeed, will exactly resemble the flaw caused by a dropped stitch in a stocking in wear. In cheap cotton stockings the feet are often cut out and sewed together, but these seams invariably hurt the foot.

63-The Kitchen Fire. E. M.-No; we think that a fire should never be allowed to be left burning in the kitchen on any pretext. Sometimes it will occur that the clothes from a family wash remain wet, in consequence of the weather having proved inauspicious for drying them in the open air; and in that case, servants are accustomed to hang them on a clothes-horse before the kitchen-range, and leave a large fire in order to dry them during the night. The motive is plausible, but the risk to human life and property too great for the hazard to be permitted. The warmth of the kitchen will effect much during the number of hours that elapse before morning. A fire-guard in a kitchen is no preservative from the liability to destruction by fire; for it has been ascertained that cats, and even rats and mice, have conveyed lighted coals-which have fallen

on them by accident and adhered to their furto some contiguous inflammable substance, and have thus caused destruction to a house and its sleeping inhabitants.

64-Artificial Flowers. E. U.-The Italians were the first people in Europe, who excelled in the art of making artificial flowers; but of late years the French have been most ingenious in this branch of industry. Ribbons folded in different forms and of different colours were originally employed for imitating flowers, by being attached to wire stems. This imitation soon gave way to that by feathers, which are more delicate in texture and more capable of assuming a variety of flower-like figures. But a great difficulty was encountered in dyeing them with due vivacity. The savages of South America, manufacture perfect feather flowers, derived from the brilliant plumage of their birds, which closely resemble the products of vegetation. The blossoms and leaves are admirable, while the colours never fade. The Italians frequently employ the cocoons of the silk-worm for this purpose; these take a brilliant dye, preserve their colour, and possess a transparent velvety appearance suitable for petals. Of late years the French have adopted the finest cambric for making petals, and the taffeta of Florence for making the leaves.

65-Wood Fuel. E.G.-This is of two classes, the soft and the hard, the former burning rapidly and throwing out great heat; the latter being more difficult of ignition. The wood containing the most water, yields, therefore, the least amount of heat in combustion; because, heat is absorbed by the evaporation of the water. But a discussion of these points would be out of place here, our only purpose, at present, being to show the combustible elements which produce the fire, flame, and smoke, from domestic fuel. It is sufficient, therefore, to designate as hard woods, the oak, the elm, the beech, the birch, and the elder, and as soft, the fir, the pine, the larch, the poplar, the lime-tree, and the willow. The former are, by far, the most economical for fuel, because, they maintain combustion a long time before they are consumed, whilst the latter burn away rapidly. The portion of heat radiated by this kind of fuel amounts to one-fourth of the heating power,-being as one to three, with reference to the quantity diffused by the air. Hence the radiating property of pit-coal is much greater than that of wood; a fact which accounts for the greater warmth felt by those sitting round a good glowing coal fire.

66-Spectacle-glasses. P. H.-There are three kinds of spectacle-glasses, the convex, the concave, and the periscopic. The first are to correct long sight, the second to counteract short sight; the periscopic are for either. This last description of lens is both concave and convex, the former on the side nearest the eye, the latter on the side furthest from it. For long sight as well as short, the convexity and concavity are so made to differ as to furnish any required focus. Mr. Cox, a very clever optician, represents, that in glasses of this form the aberration of light. or hale, is greater than in any other lenses, and that the periscopic glasses are liable to be scratched. They have, however, one very great advantage, which is this. With common glasses, especially concave, the wearer can see only through the exact middle of the lens; he must, therefore,

turn his head whenever he directs his view to any lateral object. With periscopic glasses he may see through any part of them, and can ob serve objects by his side without turning his head. If, however, periscopic glasses be defectively made, they are injurious to the eyes. We would, therefore, ere we purchased them, have them examined and gauged to ascertain their accuracy.

67-The Most Ancient of Corn Mills. E. A. Yes; in the remotest parts of Scotland, until very lately, a custom existed amongst the poorest classes, which may very well illustrate the manners of the most simple nations of antiquity. Barley, well dried by the fire, was put into a hemispherical cavity worked out of a block of stone, where it was beaten for a short time by a wooden mallet until the husk was pretty well separated; a small quantity of the bruised barley was next taken up in the hand and cleaned, by blowing gently with the mouth, and then it was put into the pot for broth. Those who are not accustomed to trace the progress of inventions, have no idea of the slowness with which they are improved. It seems very easy to grind corn into flour, yet in all probability ages elapsed before this was properly effected. The quern used in the highlands of Scotland, was, perhaps, a legacy left to this island by the Romans, who were accustomed to carry hand-mills in their camps, as seen in the Trajan column, or it may have been used by the Celtic nations in the East, at a period preceding that of the earliest records. It is the simplest, and, no doubt, the most ancient of all corn-mills; but it has been discovered among the inhabitants of the Himalayan regions, where many Celtic customs may be traced.

68-Dyeing. C. P. A.-It is very old; indeed in all ages brilliant colours have excited admiration, and even the uncultivated savage has evinced a passion for the beautiful and bright hues to be found in the feathers of birds and other natural objects. The origin of dyeing, or producing colours by artificial means, is of great antiquity, for Moses speaks of stuffs dyed blue, and purple, and scarlet, and of sheep skins dyed red. Among the Greeks, dyeing seems not to have been much practised; the woollen clothes usually worn by them were of the natural colour of the sheep; but the wealthy preferred coloured dresses, of which scarlet was much esteemed; still purple was more highly valued, and was the distinguishing mark of the greatest dignities, being reserved for princes only. The most famous of their purple dyes, was that called Tyrian, which is said to have been drawn from a certain shell-fish, a species of murex, common on the shores of the Mediterranean; but the quantity of purple juice afforded by this animal is exceedingly small, and consequently garments stained with it were of great price. The Romans were equally severe in restricting the use of purple to the highest rank; and it does not appear that the number of their dyes and dyed colours were considerable, although coloured dresses were not rare among them. The art of dyeing slowly improved in modern times, until the application of chemistry, by throwing on it peculiar light, has of late advanced it to a degree of perfection formerly unknown; and this has afforded great resources to the ingenuity and industry of man.

69-The laws of Divine grace. P. C.-So far as we willingly yield up to our natural wills, passions, and desires, in resignation to the operations of divine grace and goodness, so far are they made conformable to the laws of divine order; because divine truth and goodness cannot but enter, where the obstacles to its admission are done away.

70-Difficulties. S. A.- We beg to answer you with a little fable. A shoe, ornamented with superb buckles, said to a slipper, that was placed near to him, "My good friend, why have you not buckles?" "Of what use are they?" replied the slipper. "Is it possible you don't know the use of buckles? without them we should stick in the mire in the first bog we enter." "My dear friend," said the slipper, "I never go into bogs." It is certainly wiser and better to avoid difficulties than to provide remedies for them. This is a lesson your cunning people can never understand.

71-The Sunbeam. M. O.- The sunbeam is composed of three distinct and separate rays, one of heat, one of light, and one called the chemical ray. These three agencies exist in different proportions in the sunbeam, in the spring, summer, and autumn. The blue or chemical ray is greater in the spring; the light greater in the summer. The chemical ray is less in autumn, and then the heating ray predominates. The proportion of these rays varies in different seasons of the year, in order that the growing plant may arrive at maturity. It has also been ascertained that the proportions of these agents vary in different climates.

72-The Plant of a Flower. D. R.-It has been ascertained that the plant of a flower absorbs more heat than the other parts, and the dark more heat than the light; and hence it is inferred that the colour of a flower is what determines the quantity of heat it requires, and the amount which nature supplies. It will be found that the soil and the plant contain nearly the same substances, the only one not in the plant being alumina. The mechanical function of alumina in the soil is to anchor the plant. Its tenacity is its available property. Some plants grow in mere sand, but the great majority of them require a certain degree of tenacity in the soil, which is obtained by mixing silica with clay. This alumina does not enter into the plant, but only gives to the soil the tenacity necessary to sustain the plant.

73-Reading. R. T.-Of all the amusements that can possibly be imagined, after daily toil, or in the intervals, there is nothing like reading a newspaper, or a book. It calls for no bodily exertion, of which the man has had enough - perhaps too much. It relieves our home of dulness and sameness. Nay, it accompanies us to our next day's work and gives us something to think of besides the mere mechanical drudgery of our every day occupation; something we can enjoy while absent, and look forward to with pleasure. If we were to pray for a taste which would stand by us under every variety of circumstances, and be a source of happiness and cheerfulness to us through life, and a shield against its ills, however things might go, it would be for that of reading, the most lasting and agreeable of all enjoyments which this world can furnish.

74-The Country. E. G.-No; let the pale student, and the haggard man of business,

languid women, and weakling boys and girls, wander out beyond the confines of their stately, or their dingy houses, and roam abroad in the fields and gather wild flowers, and hear the rivulet's murmur, and the wild bird's song. Let them go out into the country, be it ever so little a distance, and breathe the fresh air, perfumeladen, and take in at one glance the whole cope of the fair blue heaven. Let them go out and tread reverently the green paths of sylvan aisles, and learn how paltry is Art, when compared with the magnificence of Nature. Let them do this, and then most truly will they who read our country lessons aright, find

"Books in the running brooks,

Sermons in stones, and good in everything."

75-Our own Little Platoon. P. S.-"To love the little platoon we belong to in society is the germ of all public affections." True, most true! The innocent associations of childhood, the kind mother who taught us to whisper the first faint accents of prayer, and watched with anxious face over our slumbers, the ground on which our little feet first trod, the pew in which we first sat during public worship, the school in which our first rudiments were taught, the torn Virgil, the dog-eared Horace, the friends and companions of our young days, the authors who first told us the history of our country, the songs that first made our hearts throb with noble and generous emotions, the burying-place of our fathers, the cradles of our children, are surely the first objects which Nature tells us to love. Philanthropy, like charity, must begin at home. From this centre our sympathies may extend in an everwidening circle.

76-How to destroy an Enemy. D. N.-We will illustrate your question by a little parable.Nangfee, Emperor of China, being told that his enemies had raised an insurrection in one of the distant provinces, said, "Come, then, my friends, follow me, and I promise you that we shall quickly destroy them." He marched forward, and the rebels submitted upon his approach. All now thought that he would take the most signal revenge, but were surprised to see the captives treated with humanity. "How!" cries his first minister, "is this the manner in which you fulfil your promise? your royal word was given that your enemies should be destroyed, and behold, you have pardoned all, and have caressed some." "I promised," replied the Emperor, with a generous air, "to destroy my enemies. fulfilled my word, for see they are enemies no longer; I have made friends of them."

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77-Physical necessities to Health. E. M.Out-door plays and pastimes, as the grace-hoop, battle door, jumping - rope, ought to become universal. Immediate attention should be paid to the subject of VENTILATION. All public and private rooms should be properly ventilated, for every adult person requires over two hundred thousand cubic inches of pure air every twentyfour hours to properly oxydize the blood; while in that time is expelled forty thousand cubic inches of CARBONIC ACID GAS, which is destructive to life. BATHING, as conducive to health, should be religiously performed. The Mohammedan, who will bathe in sand when he cannot find water, ought to be an example to us. skin is an important waste-organ to the system,


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