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No. 1.-VOL. V.

At Home and Abroad.

JANUARY 2, 1882.

Convalescent Home for the Children of the Poor at Broadstairs.

OES it seem as if we were offering for the New Year an old tale, under this title? Well, kind readers, you must have patience with us, for indeed it has much-very much-to do with the year on the threshold of which we now stand.

For, as we look into the future, this seems clearly the first and foremost work to which the Providence of GOD would direct the efforts of our Society.

During many months past, we have been. collecting towards this great work of mercy, and now the time is well-nigh come when we hope that the foundations of the new Hospital may be laid. A sufficient sum has been collected to justify a commencement, and yet very far are we still from the amount required to cover the estimated cost of the work.

In the month of April, all being well, we trust that the first excavations may begin, and we entreat all our well-wishers and fellowworkers to do their very utmost, in this short interval, towards increasing our subscriptions.

Such an object is so all-embracing in the sympathy it must excite that it needs but to


be known, one would think, in order to receive the support it deserves. We know that many have done perhaps all, and even more than all, that they can afford themselves, in contributing towards the funds. But might they not, by letter or by word, solicit the aid of some wealthy or benevolent acquaintance, under whose notice the scheme has not yet been brought?

Hearts must be cold indeed that can refuse to help sickness and suffering-especially when that suffering is the lot of little children. And at this season of the year, how many must there be, living in the neighbourhood of large towns, who witness the aggravation of those sufferings by the trials of cold and want, of insufficient clothing and draughty dwellings, which in winter press so heavily on the poor!

May God put it into the hearts of many to respond to this appeal! What fitter offering at this Christmas season, when He for Whom the world found no room came in lowliness and want, than to furnish room for those children of lowliness and want, through whom He still speaks to us?

It is in the power of all to do something -children, servants, schools, tradespeople, may all combine with masters and mistresses, employers and parents, to swell the sum. Let none be discouraged by the smallness of their offerings, for be it remembered that numbers will make up for the deficiency in amount, and a willing gift is accepted ac

cording to that a man hath,' and will bring its blessing on the giver.

In the Christmas letter which was issued by the Secretary a suggestion was made for levying contributions round the family board, and the same suggestion might surely be carried out in the servants' hall, or even the village school, on New Year's Day. We shall confidently look for a large return through these many givers, and meanwhile we shall not relax our own prayers and efforts, so that, with the blessing of GOD, the happy work of raising our Children's Hospital may be commenced, and go forward with all hopefulness, and without hindrance from lack of funds.

Winter Relief.

ERHAPS some of the readers of Our Work may be surprised at our putting forward an appeal of this kind, when, up to the present time, the weather has been exceptionally mild and free from frost and snow.

But oh, dear friends and fellow-workers, if you could only spend a few days with us and share our labours; if you could climb with us into the miserable attic, and come into personal contact with the want and poverty that find there a home; if you knew the number of those who are fireless and foodless, and who have parted with almost their last bit of furniture to keep the wolf from the door; if you could see the starved and pinched expression of the children who people the slums and alleys of Shoreditch, as they throng into our Mission Rooms to partake of the hot dinners, and the earnest way they set to work to demolish the food set before them, you would acknowledge that such an appeal is not uncalled-for.

Our poorer neighbours are often accused in rather a wholesale way of extravagance, want of forethought, &c. ; but are there not numberless cases of want and destitution

brought on by no fault of the sufferers themselves?

Look, for instance, at that man who works at cabinet-making. He is such a skilled workman that even in the worst times employment has been offered him, but for more than a year he has been crippled with rheumatism, and now his hands are so drawn together he cannot straighten them, and the doctor tells him he will never be able to open them again. He cannot afford to pay the doctor's visits any longer, yet, when a fresh attack comes on, he will lie there suffering for days, sooner than let the ladies know, because he will not trespass on their kindness.'

Is it through his fault or improvidence that the wife should not know how to provide for the large family?

Or look again at the numerous vendors of outdoor wares of all descriptions—the sellers of walking-sticks at one penny, the costermonger's man, who now and then hires a barrow and sells a few pennyworths of vegetables; the match-box maker, who is paid at the rate of 2d. a gross ; the fancy box-maker, who works for a similar starvation remuneration; and those who cover umbrellas at 12. each, and find their own needles and thread into the bargain. Can such as these lay by for a rainy day, or be expected to tide over the winter without help?

Indeed, such has been the scarcity of work, resulting from the depression of trade during the last few years, that many a skilled workman is now forced to live from hand to mouth, and is thankful for any odd jobs he may be fortunate enough to pick up during the summer, since regular work is out of the question.

Perhaps it is owing to the mildness of the weather that the columns of Our Work have had as yet but few contributions to acknowledge for the 'Winter Relief Fund.'

Last year so generous a response was made to our appeal, that we were able to deal out a goodly supply of food and coal, besides a little weekly help in groceries to the sick and the aged.

We were also enabled to benefit the poor in the West as well as those at the East End

of London, by giving children's halfpennydinners; and the way in which these were attended showed how much they were appreciated. Sometimes our dinner-party amounted to nearly 400.

A great deal of needlework to be made up into garments by the wives and mothers at home was also given out, and many are the anxious inquiries as to whether this will not be the case again this winter. The answer must depend, not on us, but on those who supply us with the means of doing so.

Up to this time, on account of our empty exchequer, we have not felt justified in embarking in what necessarily entails considerable expense, for this Work Society cannot be in any sense self-supporting, as, in addition to buying the materials, payment for the work has to be provided.

Children's halfpenny dinners at Shoreditch three times a week are the only addition we have as yet ventured to make to our usual work; for the three large Sunday breakfasts given in that neighbourhood, and the invalid dinners, which go on all the year round, are already a very heavy drain on our resources.

The announcement that there would be children's dinners three times a week was warmly welcomed, and on these days the Mission House is besieged by an importunate crowd of hungry children. In three weeks upwards of 2,500 dinners have been partaken of each consisting of a good basin of pea-soup made with meat, a piece of bread, and a good slice of currant pudding; the cost of each dinner is about 3d. A grant from the Children's Dinner Society lessens the expense, but there is still a considerable surplus to be provided. We are sad beggars, we know it. It is always 'Give.' But then is it not also true that in asking you to let us be the channels of your liberality, we are but giving you the opportunity of ministering to Him who has

In our care His brethren left,

Not willing we should be bereft
Of waiting on our Lord.

That which you so generously gave last winter, has it not been already repaid with

tenfold interest in the showers of blessings you have received during the past year?

Can there be a better way of showing our gratitude for the mercies and blessings of the year that has just passed away, or a better act of thanksgiving for the new year, than by opening our hand wide to minister to the wants of the poor, the sick, and the little ones, who are our Lord's chosen representatives on earth?

Contributions to be sent to the Secretary, Miss A. M. THOMAS,

27 Kilburn Park Road, London, N.W.

Our Journal.


OVEMBER 14.-A correspondent informs us that she has 'sent off a bale containing seven pairs of blankets, twentytwo petticoats of different sizes, and seven frocks-all for the orphans.' Another says:-'I have ordered my grocer to send you 10 lbs. of tea.' We feel very grateful for these useful gifts.

We were cheered, too, by a very kind and sympathising letter, enclosing a cheque for 50%. The writer says :-' I have been deeply interested by the account, in the November number of Our Work, of the opening of the Sailors' Restaurant at London Docks. I have watched its progress with much anxiety, and I cannot bear to think that its early beginnings should be hampered by a debt such as you describe to be hanging over you for furniture, &c. So I send you this cheque to be applied in the manner you most desire, and very sincerely do I add my prayers for the success of this much-needed missionary work.'

The following reached the Church Sundayschool Union from St. John's Parsonage, Roslyn, Dunedin, New Zealand :

'DEAR SIR,-I greatly appreciate the good work you are doing through the

"Church Sunday-school Union." Have you any means whereby schools in the colonies may be associated with your Union, and thus be assisted in the way of literature, and by your interest and prayers?

'As a clergyman from England who has been in the colony only about eighteen months, I do feel that a great advantage would be derived if we sought for and obtained some bond of connection with the same work in the mother country.

'To those who have laboured at home there is a sad feeling of loneliness in the work. And while we try to realise that, though so far away, we are nevertheless members of the Anglican Catholic Church, still we do require something to bring us closer together.

'My work is in quite a new suburban district. Since I have been here we have erected a very nice little wooden churchseating about 300. We have a large choir of men and boys in surplices, and our altar furniture is good, though plain. The services are mostly choral, and we have an early celebration of Holy Communion every Sunday but one in the month. The sittings are all free and unappropriated, and the chapel is open for private prayer.

'We are now wanting a schoolhouse. There are already 170 children upon our books, and the number is gradually increasing. At present we have the use of the Government school, but we are liable at any time to be turned out of this; and besides, there is a great advantage in having a schoolroom upon our own church ground.

"The building we require will cost about 400%. I should be very grateful if any of our friends could help us in this good work. My people are very good, but it is quite new work, and, though willing, the congregation is not a wealthy one; so it is difficult to raise money.

'I am, yours, &c.,


Perhaps some one who reads these words from the other side of the world may feel

disposed to send a gift and a few lines of encouragement and sympathy to this earnest worker.

November 15.-A young friend who has been for some little time past busily engaged in getting up a drawing-room sale of work, has just sent us the proceeds, which amount to the large sum of 24. Another lady has earned 87. for the Society by disposing of some work.

The members of the C. E. A. seem to be trying their best, as requested, each to gain one new member for the Association before the close of the year. To enlist the sympathy and support of others, and to induce them. to join our great army of workers, is the greatest help that can be given us. And there are hundreds who would be thankful to be supplied with such a noble object in life, to whom our work of Church Extension is as yet entirely unknown.

Three very beautiful paintings have arrived from Paris, the gift of a talented artist who has often helped us in the same way before. The pictures are also handsomely framed. Another friend has sent us a very pretty flower-piece.

To-day the Sisters began the winter dinners for starving children at Shoreditch. Each would be little diner pays a halfpenny, and receives a basin of pea-soup, a slice of bread, and a piece of suet-pudding. This is not bad fare, especially as the soup contains meat, and the pudding plums.

A hundred and fifty pale-faced little creatures were regaled after this fashion, and it was remarked that the small entrance-fee was for the most part paid in farthings.

A policeman very good-naturedly volunteered to reduce to some sort of order the ragged, hungry crowd that blocked up the narrow lane outside the Mission House. But when it was a question of a meal, and a hot meal, the stern dignity of the law quite failed of its effect. The street gamins fought for an entrance as vigorously as before, and after exclaiming, in surprised tones, 'Why, they're actually trampling on my boots!' the friendly functionary disappeared. His well-blacked

boots are a tender point with the ordinary London policeman !

November 16.-A harmonium, the gift of one of our greatest friends, arrived at S. Katharine's Restaurant yesterday. A most. welcome addition this is to the house. It is one of Chappell's fifteen-guinea instruments, and has a rich, sweet tone. The readingroom was thrown open in the evening. There was a very small attendance, which, however, included two ardent musicians, who much enjoyed playing upon the violin sent us some time ago. The other men were equally pleased with a whole library of Punch, the Illustrated News, and Graphic, which were sent to us, beautifully bound, and which will be very useful in affording innocent recreation to our guests.

November 19.-To-day we engaged the services of another navvy to carry the soupcans to our new stand on the Wapping side of the Dock. This new stand has kindly been placed at our disposal by the Vicar of Wapping; the money to purchase it having been raised some time since through the selfdenying exertions of some charitable ladies.

For one winter, it did its work efficiently, but the promoters could not, of course, take their stand in the Dock itself, and personally superintend the sale of provisions, in the way that would come so naturally to a Sister of Charity. The paid agency employed was the cause of endless trial and difficulty, and the soup-stall has therefore been handed over to our Society, and promises to continue to be a great boon to the labourers on that side the Dock. The Vicar expressed his gratification at the opening of our S. Katharine's Mission, which he looks upon as a slight act of reparation for the wholesale desecration of the ancient and interesting site of S. Katharine's Church, over which the waters of the Dock now flow.

The officials very kindly arranged a comfortable, sheltered corner, where the stall can stand under cover. This will be a great convenience, as the winter comes on, to those whose duty it is to serve out the viands.

This evening an old, rough-looking man

came into the Sailors' Restaurant just as it was on the point of closing. He asked for a cup of coffee and sat down, gazing round with great interest. At last he broke out with 'Well, you have made a nice place of this,' and repeated the remark, after a few seconds, with increased emphasis. We told him of the reading-room, and he gladly took a paper, saying he should like to have come that night, but had been up since two in the morning.

November 21.-This morning came a cheque from 'Anonymous' for 100l. This makes the sixth hundred towards the thousand pounds we are thus trying to raise. A servant sends 65., which she has collected for the Seaside Home, and remarks that if five servants would give each 25. they would in this way provide a Sunday breakfast for one poor child throughout the year. This is a very good suggestion, and falls in with our wish to increase our Sunday-breakfast subscription list, in order that we might invite some of the little waifs and strays of the London Docks to partake of such a weekly meal.

Very reluctantly did we refuse to-day to receive a family of entirely destitute orphans. But as our numbers have now reached 160, we cannot, in common prudence, crowd the rooms more, especially during the winter. months. Would that our walls would stretch so as to embrace hundreds of these friendless ones but, as it is, nothing can be done until we are in a position to build again. It is a great comfort to think that the adjoining land is ours, so that when the benefactor arises, whom we confidently look for, and offers to build another wing on to the present edifice, we shall not have to look about for a site, or to waste time in having it conveyed to the Institution.

Several packets of last year's Christmas cards have been sent for distribution among the school children, &c., at the approaching festival. We have been able to forward about two dozen large packets to our missionary friends, whose little scholars-both white and coloured-will be delighted with them.

November 24.-A cheque for 50l. came

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