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Advantages to be derived by the Evan-
gelical Church from the late Dis-
cussions on the Life of Christ, no-
ticed, 345.

Analogy considered as a Guide to
Truth, noticed, 171.

Ancient Law, by Henry S. Maine,
noticed, 175.

Andrew, Rev. Samuel J., article by,


Auberlen's Apology for Divine Reve-
lation, noticed, 519.


Bannerman on Inspiration, noticed,

Beecher, Edward, D.D., article by,

Bengel, J. A., Life of, by Dr. 0.

Wachter, noticed, 695.
Bethune's Lectures on the Heidelburg
Catechism, noticed, 174.
Bible Hand-book, by Joseph Angus,
noticed, 698.

Büchner on Force and Material,
noticed, 347.


Calixtus, George, article on, 315.
Christianity, its Permanence, article
on, 223.

Cicero, Marcus Tullius, Life of, by
W. Forsyth, noticed, 696.
Clemens Romanus, an Apologetical
Study, article on, by Dr. D. W.
Simon, 353; life of Clement, 353;
genuineness of First Epistle, 353;
early opinions regarding Clement
and his epistles, 354; contents of
the First Epistle to the Corinthi-
ans, 355; doctrinal views of Clem-
ent, 359; general character of
them, 359; his representations of
the person of Christ, 360; Christ's
relations to God, 360; Christ
greater than the angels, 361; God's
begotten Son, 361; Christ a mere
instrument of God, 363; Christ

designated as Kúpios, 365; Christ's
pre-existence, character, and en-
dowments, 367; the relation of
Christ to men, 369; conclusion to
be drawn from the representations
of Clement, 370; personality and
work of the Holy Spirit, 371; his
personality in general, 371; three
operations ascribed to the Spirit,
373; the Trinity, 374; the atone-
ment of Christ, 375; justification
by faith, 376; the resurrection,
379 position and character of
Clement, 380; circumstances and
character of the Epistle, 382; con-
temporary Christian writings, 384;
objection to the idea of Clement's
being a fair representative of his
contemporaries by Baur of Tü-
bingen, 387; refutation of this ob-
jection, 388; the primary aim of
Christianity practical, 389; must
take its root first in the spiritual
nature of man, 389; doctrinal dis-
tinctness not to be expected in
the apostolic and post-apostolic
writings, 390; development of re-
ligious life under the apostles full
and varied, and such as would
afterwards decline, 392; recapitu-
lation, 394.
Congregationalism and Councils, Phi-
losophy of, article on, 384.


Defence of the Principal Doctrines
of Christianity, by Prof. Held,
noticed, 692

Discussions on the Gospels, by Alex-
ander Roberts, D.D., noticed, 698.


Early Pagan and Jewish Opinions
concerning Christ and Christians,
by Alm, noticed, 348.
Editorial Correspondence, 150, 513,
679, 681.
Egyptology, Oriental Archaeology and
Travel, works on, by Joseph P.

Thompson D.D., 684; Mélanges
Egyptologiques by Chabas, 684;
work of Brugseh on Egyptian Cal-
endars, 687; Robinson's Physical
Geography of the Holy Land, 689.
Ellicott's Commentaries, noticed, 527.
Evidences of the Truth of Christian-

ity incidentally supplied by Uni-
versal History, by Dr. Sepp, no-
ticed, 692.
Examination of the Various Read-
ings of 1 Timothy iii. 16, article on,
by Rev. William W. Ward, 1; the
question lies between 8s and Deós,
1; the truth of the doctrine of the
Trinity does not rest on any one
text, 1; the authority of the man-
uscripts in identifying the original
text paramount to all others, 2;
reading found in the Alexandrian
Ms., or Codex A, 2; statements in
regard to this reading by Wetstein
and Ber:iman, 4; erroneous state-
ments of Dr. Henderson, 6; read-
ing found in Codex C, or Eph-
raemi Syri, 8; Codex D, or Clar-
omontanus, 9; ancient versions,
10; nearly all these reject the
reading eós 10; the Latin ver-
sions, 11; the Syriac, 11; the
Philoxenian, 12; the Aethiopic,
13; the Coptic, Thebaic, Gothic,
Armenian, and Slavonic versions,
14; authority of the Fathers, 15;
limitations with which the testimo-
ny of the Fathers is to be received,
15; certain of these clearly sup-
port is 16; particularly Cyril of
Alexandria, 17; distinctly quotes
the passage several times, 17; in-
direct allusions to it, 21; in two
passages seems to favor deós 21;
testimony of Gelasius, 23; writers
who probably favor the reading
ös, 24; Chrysostom, 25; writers
who clearly read Deós, 31; Grego-
ry of Nysssa, 31; writers who
probably favor cós, 36; Theo-
doret, 36; comparatively unimpor-
tant references to the passage 39;
both readings current in the fourth
century, 42; the story told of
Macedonius by Liberatus, 42;
general result of the examination
of the external evidence, 45; the
internal evidence, 46; Deós not

likely to be a careless alteration
from ős, 46; the reading os, does
not make good Greck, 46; ös, it is
said, very easily changed into deos
47; %s, the more difficult reading,
47; the article omitted before deos,
47; it is in favor of ős, that Paul
has in other cases connected μvo-
Thptor with some form of the verb
pavepów, 48; os altered into deós for
its use in polemic theology, 48.


Fabri's Letters against Materialism,
noticed, 525.

Fiske, Daniel T., D.D., articles by,
467, 568.

Frederick Denison Maurice, article

on, by Prof. J. M. Hoppin, 642-77.
First Eleven Chapters of Genesis,
attested by their Contents, The, ar-
ticle on, by Prof. Horatio B. Hack-
ett, 395; the true idea of the phi-
losophy of history, 395; the history
of the Israelitish people a history
of the race, 397; heathen nations
destitute of any conception of the
unity of the race, 397; Israel, in
one sense, separate from other na-
tions, 398; only information as to
the beginning of the world and of
mankind found in Genesis, 399;
to give a true account of the origin
of men, the high purpose of the
first eleven chapters of Genesis,
400; importance of the genealog
ical registers found in these chap-
ters, 401; the posterity of Adam
divide into two classes, the relig
ious and the irreligious, 402; the
same division takes place after the
flood, 403; three great catastro-
phes in the early history of men,
405; their effects still apparent,
407; nationality, religion, and lan-
guage the three great elements in
the historical life of nations, 407;
quotation from Schelling to the
effect that nations did not always
exist, nor begin to be of them-
selves, 408; this same topic con-
sidered from the ethical point of
view, 411; contrast between the
ideal unity of our race and the
present reality a painful one, 412;
the race rent by some original

transgression, 412; local tradition
concerning the Babylonian tower,
414; two points connected with
this tradition of special interest,
415; the flood affected not man-
kind, but the earth only, 415; the
flood proved by the traditions
found among all nations, 416; a
tradition found among the Indi-
ans in South America, 417; in
the islands of the Pacific, 418;
among the Fijis, 418; among the
North American aborigines, 419;
in Mexico, 420; among Asiatic
nations, 422; the only rational
explanation of these traditions
their reference to one great event,
423; the apostasy has effected the
moral condition of mankind, 425;
the difference between the sinful
act and the sinful state important
in explaining the effect of the
apostasy, 425; hereditary sin a
proof of our descent from a com-
mon parentage, 428; the apostasy
of mankind a proof of the exist-
ence of the devil, 429; the Mo-
saic account of the nature, as well
as of the origin of sin, true, and
confirmed by experience, 430; the
three stages or parts of the devil's
temptation, 430; the account in
Genesis of the fall of man will bear
examination, 435; the information
given in the first three chapters
of the creation of the world, 435;
the foundation of all which relates
to man's entire life found in these
eleven chapter, 438.

[blocks in formation]

lixtus's labors as Professor almost
purely literary, 322; his polemical
literary labors, 323; writes in op-
position to the papacy, 323; apos-
tasy of many prominent Potes-
tants, 326; Calixtus's collisions
with the rigid Lutherans, 328;
controversy with Stats Büscher,
331; with H. Höpfner. 332; with
the three Saxon Universities, 333;
notice of some of Calixtus's most
important theological works, 337;
his Disputationes de Praccipius
Capitibus, 337; Epitome Theo-
logiae, 337; Apparatus Theolog-
icus, 340; edition of Augustine
de Doctrina Christiana. 840; The-
ologia Moralis, 341; works on Es-
chatology, 342; de Factis quae
Deus cum Hominibus iniit, 343.
Gift of Tongues, The, article on, by
Rev. David Greene, 99; this mat-
ter has been an occasion of great
perplexity, 99; will probably never
be completely elucidated, 99;
writers on this subject divisible
into two classes, those who assert,
and those who deny, the miracu-
lous nature of the gift, 100; pas-
sages in the New Testament, re-
ferring to this gift, 100; Mark xvi.
17, 100; the record in Acts ii. 4,
102; the disciples had no clear
views of the nature of Christ's
mission, 102; the place of the
Pentecostal miracle, 102; three
phenomena: the sound of wind,
the cloven tongues, the speaking
with other tongues, 104; rumors
of what was going on spread
through the city, 106; Peter's
address to the multitude, 107;
miracle recorded in Act; x. 44,
108; in Acts xix. 6. 109; in 1 Cor.
xii., 109; connected facts and cir-
cumstances, 110; meaning of the
formula Tŵ vot, 111; the ability to
speak in an unknown tongue and
the ability to interpret not always
given to the same person, 113; it
is supposed that the apostles were
enabled by the gift of tongues to
speak and write any language
which they might have occasion
to use, 114; that in the gift of
tongues the hearers were enabled

to understand, each as if he heard |
in his own language, 115; that
the gift of tongues was bestowed
only for a limited time, 115; that
the gift of tongues consisted in the
apostles speaking in the common
language of Judea, and not in the
sacred Hebrew, 116; that it con-
sisted in the mental state of the
apostles, and not in the language
which they used, 117; that the gift
of tongues referred to in Acts ii.
was really a divine gift, but that re-
ferred to in 1 Cor. xiv. was merely
a fanatical imitation of a divine gift,
117; the question whether yoσais
λαλλεῖν means to speak in some
language not vernacular, or to utter
sounds not of any language, but
which could be interpreted by one
specially inspired, 118; particular
examination of what Paul says on
the subject, 119; the key to the
whole subject found in Christ's
promise, Mark xvi. 17, 120; the
gift of tongues a supernatural en-
dowment bestowed as a proof of
the divine commission given to the
apostles, 121; the gift of tongues
referred to in all the passages cited
essentially the same, 122; it was
given as an evidence of the divine
origin of Christianity, 122; not
meant to be a permanent gift, 123;
not designed to aid the apostles in
preaching in different languages,
123; the want of the gift of
tongues in modern times no ex-
cuse for tardiness in missionary
work, 125; no more favorable
period than the present to be an-
ticipated, 125.

Grau on the Semitic and Indo-Ger-
manic Races, noticed, 344.
Green, Rev. David, article by, 99.


Hackett, Prof. H. B., articles by, 138,


Harkness's Latin Grammar, noticed,

Harless's Christian Ethics, noticed,

Harris, Prof. Samuel, article by, 79.
Hebrew Chrestomathy, by Prof. W.
H. Green, noticed, 175.

Historical Studies in College, their
Degree of Importance, and the best
way of conducting them, article on,
by Rev. B. Sears, D. D., 251;
definition of history, 251; a na-
tion that makes no progress has
no history, 251; need of historical
information in our own country,
252; studies that ought to gain ad-
mission into the collegiate course,
253; subserviency of history to
other studies, 254; specially im-
portant in regard to all studies
pertaining to ancient literature,
254; in regard to all studies of a
moral nature, 255; the study of
history tends to consolidate differ-
ent branches of knowledge, and
give the mind more power over
them, 257; history cannot be re-
ferred to the student's private in-
dustry, 259; the best way of con-
ducting historical studies in col-
lege, 259; disproportion between
the amount of work to be done in
college and the time allotted, 259;
the three courses of study in the
German gymnasia, 261; impos-
sible to introduce three such
courses into our colleges, 263;
necessity of selecting certain im-
portant periods, 263; relative
claims of ancient and modern his-
tory, 263; arguments on both
sides, 264; Grecian and Roman
history could by themselves be
taught in college with comparative
thoroughness, 265; the history of
modern Europe should be em-
braced in the course, 267; the
task of the professor of modern
history one of great difficulty, 268;
the amount of attention given to
the subject must be limited, 269;
a proper selection to be made of
what ought to be studied, 269;
choice between England, France,
and Germany, 269; a course in
modern history divides itself into
two parts; first, a general survey
of European history, 270; second,
the special history of England,
271; two topics, the time of the
conqueror and the time of Edward
III., specially important, 272; study
of text-books, 273; the professor's

lectures, 273; preparation of es-
says by the student, 275; private
historical reading, 276; study of
the reign of Henry VII., 278; of
Henry VIII., 278; reigns of Ed-
ward VI., Mary, and Elisabeth,
280; method of teaching history
introduced by Guizot, 282; objec-
tion to his method, 282.
Hodge's Commentary on Romans, no-
ticed, 159.

Hoppin, Prof. J. M., article by, 642.1
Hurter, Rev. J. C., Letter to the
Editor, 154.


Infant Baptism by A. S. Pfarrer,
noticed, 690.


Jerome, the Life and Labors of, by

Prof. Zöckler, noticed, 693.
Jesus and the Parties of his Age, by

Dr. Kleinert, noticed, 690.
Judaism and its History, by Dr. A.
Geiger, noticed, 691.


Lewin's Siege of Jerusalem, noticed


Life of Christ, Works on the, articles

on, 177, 207.
Life and Corespondence of Theodore

Parker, article on, by Heman Lin-
coln, D.D., 588-619.

Lincoln, Heman, D.D., article by,


Manning, President, and Early His-
tory of Brown University, noticed


Marks of the Supernatural in God's
Promise to Abraham, article on,
by Samuel Harris, D.D., 79; the
controversy of Rationalism not
with Christianity but with Theism,
79; Christianity essentially mirac-
ulous, 79; Christianity willing to
submit her claims to the court of
reason, 79; the truth of Christian-
ity debatable only with a theist
who admits the possibility of mira-
cles, 80; rationalism has no right
to criticise the Bible, 80; these
principles important in the inter-

pretation of God's promise to Abra-
ham, 81; the unity of the Scrip-
tures as giving the history of re-
demption often forgotten, 82; nec-
essary on the ground of this unity
to interpret the promise to Abra-
ham as referring to blessings com-
ing through redemption, 83; we
are compelled to interpret history
before Abraham as referring to
redemption, 84; compelled to do
the same as to the subsequent his-
tory of the Israelites, 84; certain
characteristics of the promise to
Abraham as proof of its divine ori-
gin, 85; a promise of blessedness
to man, 85; the blessing promised
not one of mere fancy, but to be
practically realized, 86; the Old
Testament proved thereby to be
divine, 87; the whole human fam-
ily to receive blessings through
Abraham's posterity, 88; the prom-
ise recognizes the idea of a uni-
versal religion, 90; polytheism
essentially divisive, 91; this bless-
ing realized through the agency of
a people chosen by God, 92; noth-
ing in the life and institutions of
the Israelites able, aside from this
divine promise, to account for the
blessings it is to give to mankind,
93; a reach of thought shown in
the promise which could not have
been less than divine, 94; the sep-
aration of the Israelites only a
special application of a general
principle, 95; the Israelites a
church to which was entrusted the
true religion, 97.
Maurice, Frederick Denison, article

on, by Prof. J. M. Hoppin, 642.
Mead, Prof. Charles M., articles by,

207, 315. Letter to the Editor,

Means, Rev. J. O., article by, 529.
More Recent Works on the Life of

Christ, article on, by Charles M.
Mead, 207; Renan's Life of Christ
less objectionable than that of
Strauss, 207; outline of his view
of the four Gospels, 208; statement
of his general hypothesis respect-
ing Jesus, 209; his honesty not
above suspicion, 211; Schleier-
macher's Life of Jesus, 212; its

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