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not shown the most Christian temper in replying to those who have called in question the value of their work, is abundantly manifest from their letters to the public prints. Recently a letter from the Rev. R. Thomas of Brookline, Boston, Massachusetts, was published in the Christian World, asking for information respecting the results of these services. In reply to this application, Rev. W. Cuff, who is described as "the minister of a large and vigorous Baptist Church in East London, and in full sympathy with Mr. Moody theologically," gives the following information: My reason," says Mr. Cuff, "for attempting to do so is simply because I have taken pains to get direct and reliable information from many of the pastors of our churches in the East End of London. I saw some of them, and wrote to others, and their letters in reply are before me. These are facts, and the quotations from the letters which I now make will supply the rest. Mr. Thomas asks:


"1. How many have been added to your church whose decision was directly traceable to these revival operations? To that question I have many answers. Dr. Kennedy, of Stepney, writes :—' I have myself received into the fellowship some twenty persons who were brought to Christ at the Bow Road Hall. The greater part by far were in the habit of attending places of worship. There was only one, and I am not quite sure there was one, who did not habitually attend church or chapel. Their conversion by Mr. Moody is not the less a thing to be thankful for. But when the outlying masses are spoken of, the fact is that the fruit gathered unto eternal life through Mr. Moody's labours has but to a very small extent come from them. satisfied that the masses of London are just what they were, and where they were, before Mr. Moody appeared among Personally, I have received six, and only one of those was from the non-church or chapel going multitudes around us. There are other churches who have received two, three, and four; but by far the majority of the pastors say, We have received none.' If this be questioned, I can give names and churches, and challenge the closest scrutiny.


I am

2. Are there any signs of deepening vitality, &c., in your congregations? Those who are best able to judge see but

little if any difference. I am about amongst the churches as much as most men, and I do not hesitate to say that I see no difference of any kind. The weak, small churches are as they were-weak and small now. The services are as thinly attended, and the pastor as badly paid. I believe that nearly all the East End pastors would join me in saying there is scarcely a trace of the revival left. The Rev. B. Pearce, of Poplar, writes me-'Our congregation has not been increased by Mr. Moody's services; if anything, we have suffered therefrom. I quote Mr. Cox, because his chapel is not far from the hall, and he was most enthusiastic in the services. In answer to my question-Do your people come out more?' &c., he writes, and underlines it-' They do not!' I heard Mr. A. G. Brown the other night in a crowded meeting in the East End say, 'What London wants is a revival, for we have not had one yet.' If this is not satisfactory, I beg to submit that a look into our churches and chapels on a Sundaymorning or a week-night service will supply a very painful fact about 'more life, and fuller.'"

That Mr. Cuff's statement should be objected to was to be expected, but his facts have not been controverted. The result must convince many that the only reliable mode of conversion is by religious instruction and moral and spiritual culture, and that anything to be expected from mere excitement is illusory and unavailing. Let the revivalists preach a true conversion, and seek to secure it by patient instruction and spiritual culture, and they will find their work less exciting but more productive.

DOCUMENTS CONCERNING SWEDENBORG.-This publication has been favourably noticed by many public papers. We extract the following from the Academy of November 13th :-"These documents consist partly of what has been published already more or less correctly, and partly of what is new. The account of Bishop Swedberg, translated from a Swedish biographical dictionary, is on the whole the most interesting of the latter. Swedborg was in the main a solid, sensible man, with a piety of a kind to lay him open to unaccountable impressions, on which he laid more stress than is generally thought judicious. He

also cared more for Christian morality cussion which followed. The reverends and practical beneficence than most were the principal critics, one of them ecclesiastics of that time and country, (the Rev. F. S. Attenborough) remarkand his whole character looks like a sort ing that he did not approve of some of of preparation for his son's. The docu- the passages, but the general tone would ments concerning Swedenborg's private do no harm, although he much doubted life in this volume are dull enough. if any one could understand what that They are what any well-informed, pains- tone was. The chairman seems to have taking, right-minded, methodical man been delighted with the committee's might have written; but the industrious report, and alluded to it, why is not editor has done what was possible to exactly clear to us, as a proof of the make them interesting by copious notes, enlarged spirit of liberality prevailing at which inform us as to the identity of the present day. Of the two books all the great unknown with whom Swe- which he had read, one was the connecdenborg was brought in contact, and in tion between the body and the soul and most cases as to what Swedenborg the last judgment. The first dealt with thought of their condition in the spiri- the immateriality of the spirit, which in tual world. It is certainly curious that an age like this, whose tendency was to Swedenborg is so little studied except materialism, was a proper subject to enby Swedenborgians; his criticism of gage attention. The other book dealt Wolf, for instance, is thoroughly wise with Vaticanism, and all had been placed in substance, and it is hardly creditable in the Index Expurgatorius at Rome. The to those who came after him that they opposition seems to have been chiefly led have never been able, even when they by a Mr. Muddeman, who charged the appreciated his wisdom, to find a better Rev. Mr. Woods with being illogical, to explanation of the form in which it has which the accused replied that he was come down to us than is implied in the prepared to meet that gentleman in the alternative hypotheses that his visions discussion on propositions and syllowere either revelations, or inventions, or the results of some kind of derange


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gisms. The discussion ended in the committee agreeing to purchase the 'True Christian Religion' and 'Heaven and Hell,' as representative works of Swedenborg; and thus, after all, even the library may be a focus of religious light, shocking as the idea seems to be to at any rate one of its members."

LEAMINGTON.—No small commotion has been created in this town by the offer of the Swedenborg Society to supply a set of Swedenborg's works to the Public Free Library. After a long debate, in which the usual ignorance of the teach- THE TE DEUM.-In noticing the pubing of our Author was displayed, it was lication of the "New Liturgy for the at length resolved not to accept the offer, Public Service of the Church" last Aubut to purchase the "True Christian gust, it was mentioned that a Te Deum, Religion" and "Heaven and Hell as as well as some other special devotional representative works. The action of the services, has been introduced. It is, of Committee has been noticed and censured course, the well-known "Te Deum" of in many of the leading papers, both of the Book of Common Prayer used in the metropolis and the provinces. It the Church of England, so modified as has certainly not raised the committee to express the doctrine of the New in public estimation. The following Church concerning the Lord. Our notice is from the Literary World :- readers will be interested in learning "If the report which appeared in the that a similar but smaller alteration of Leamington papers be correct, the wisest this devotional service of song has been men were not all centred in Gotham. published by Mr. Isaac Pitman, of Bath, Alderman Blood objected, as the tone in his weekly Phonetic Journal, together of thought was not consistent or agree with the two creeds called the Apostles' able with the views he entertained, as and the Nicene, both of which are did the Rev. J. W. Johnson, who asked also made to express the first truth of indignantly If the library was to be a the Christian religion, that there is one focus for the diffusion of religious light?' God, the Lord Jesus Christ, and that The Mayor of the town was present, but there is no other Divine Person but He. seems to have taken no part in the dis- It appears that these revisions of the

most popular portions of the Prayer Book were first published by Mr. Pitman in a somewhat private manner in his system of shorthand, and that some of the shorthand characters not being printed clearly, he, at the request of a correspondent, gave them in phonetic type in his weekly journal. We notice, too, the gratifying fact that in both forms of publication twelve thousand copies have been circulated. Mr. Pitman's effort to correct old errors in the doctrine of the Lord was made independently of the Liturgical Committees appointed by Conference, whose version of the Te Deum he had not seen when he published his own. The following is Mr. Pitman's version of the Te Deum :

Te Deum.

We praise thee, O God: we acknowledge thee to be the Lord.

All the earth doth worship thee: the Father everlasting.

To thee all angels cry aloud the Heavens, and all the powers therein. To thee Cherubim, and Seraphim: continually do cry,

Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of Sabaoth;

Heaven and earth are full of the Majesty of thy Glory.

The glorious company of the Apostles: praise thee.

The goodly fellowship of the Prophets: praise thee.

The noble army of Martyrs praise thee.

The holy Church throughout all the world: doth acknowledge thee;


The Father of an infinite Majesty ; The Saviour of all: that trust in thee. Thou givest the Holy Spirit the Comforter.

Thou art the King of Glory: O Christ. Thou art the everlasting One: thou art holy.

When thou tookest, upon thee to deliver man thou didst not abhor the Virgin's womb.

When thou hadst overcome the sharpness of death: thou didst open the Kingdom of Heaven to all believers.

Thou dwellest on high, above the heavens in glory everlasting.

We believe that thou alone: wilt be our Judge.

We therefore pray thee help thy servants whom thou hast redeemed in thy precious love.


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REV. E. D. RENDELL.-The Committee of the Sunday School Union has, by a very happy inspiration, invited the friends of the Sunday Schools, and of the Church in general, to unite in furnishing a testimonial of esteem to the Rev. E. D. Rendell, for his seventeen years' service as Editor of the Juvenile Magazine. His taste and ability have well sustained the character of that valuable miscellany for our children, and it is proper, when severe and prolonged illness has compelled the guidance to be placed in other hands, that Mr. Rendell should know that his efficient services live in the hearts of his friends.

Many, many, weary months has the poor sufferer been unable to leave his bed from extreme physical exhaustion, with frequent excessive pains, though his mental powers remain clear and acute as ever. It will break the sad monotony with a gleam of sunshine to know that his friends are thinking of him, and while they commend him to the kind care of his Heavenly Father, they send him a token of love.

The Rev. E. D. Rendell has been minister for forty-five years; ordaining minister for eighteen years; and has taken a most useful and important part in all the proceedings of Conference since his ordination. His numerous and excellent works must not be forgotten. Such labours deserve a grateful and warm acknowledgment, and it is to be hoped that the action of the SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION COMMITTEE will at once be supported by an affectionate and hearty response.

The Secretary, Mr. J. A. Cowell, of

44 Mosley Street, Manchester, will be
happy to take charge of and acknow-
ledge all subscriptions and donations,
and in every way to forward the worthy
object in view.
President of Conference.

finances, which had compelled the Committee to reduce the grants previously made to several Societies, and altogether to decline assistance in several cases intrinsically meriting consideration, the Conference appointed a Committee, composed of members resident in various

"44 MOSLEY STREET, MANCHESTER, parts of Great Britain, to solicit conNov. 30, 1875.


tributions both for this Fund and for

"Dear Sir,-On the completion of the National Missionary Institution. the December number of the Juvenile Accordingly, under the auspices of the Magazine, the Rev. E. D. Rendell's London members of this Committee, a failing health will compel him to re- meeting was held at the Palace Gardens tire from the Editorship-a post which Church, Kensington, on the evening of he has honourably filled for the long Thursday, December 9th, to consider the requirements of the Students' and Ministers' Aid Fund, and to procure additional subscriptions. The Rev. Dr. Bayley, President of Conference, occupied the chair, and the following resolutions were unanimously adopted :

term of seventeen years.

"At the last Board Meeting of the Sunday School Union, it was deemed desirable that an opportunity should be given to all our Churches and Sunday Schools of expressing their gratitude to him in the form of a suitable testimonial, and a Committee was appointed to solicit subscriptions.

"Mr. Rendell has not only edited the Juvenile Magazine for a longer period than any of his predecessors, and written many instructive articles in its pages, but he has also rendered much service as one of the oldest ordained ministers, as a missionary, and as the author of several works of great value to the Church. He is now passing through the ordeal of a severe illness, and it will certainly be a source of great consolation to him to know that the Church at

large remembers him with sympathy and


"You are therefore earnestly requested to lay this circular before your society as early as possible, and to desire them to elect suitable persons to invite every one to avail themselves of the opportunity of expressing their respect and esteem for him in a substantial form. The Committee feel con

fident that this appeal only requires to be brought under the notice of all to ensure a liberal response thereto.

"Please reply by sending your lists of subscriptions and post-office orders to the Secretary, Mr. J. A. COWELL, at the above address, not later than the 20th January 1876."

Proposed by Mr. Gunton, and seconded by Rev. John Presland: "The growing necessities of the Church requiring that every effort should be made to continue the opportunities afforded to the young men at present preparing for the ministry, and to increase the number of such students-Resolved, That this meeting, highly approving of Students' and Ministers' Aid Fund, determines to give it a cordial support,


and commends it to the earnest assist

ance of every Society and isolated member of the Church.

Proposed by the Rev. Dr. Tafel, seconded by Mr. J. A. Bayley, and supported by Mr. Jobson, Secretary of the Missionary and Tract Society of the New Church: "Although many minds readily receive the truths of the New Church, the growth of her Societies, owing to the prevailing apathy and the reversal of old ideas involved in the acceptance of her doctrines, -is necessarily gradual and toilsome, and requires, for its establishment and extension, the fostering hand of all its members. Therefore,-Resolved, That this meeting regards the Students' and Ministers' Aid Fund as the institution best adapted to supply such help, and calls for the hearty support both of Societies and individuals, that it may effectually administer the necessary aid."

Proposed by Mr. Elliott, Secretary of STUDENTS' AND MINISTERS' AID the Swedenborg Society, and seconded FUND.-The last Report of this institu- by Mr. Alfred Braby: "Resolved, That tion having directed especial attention this meeting, having heard various to the depressed condition of the statements of the useful operations of

the Students' and Ministers' Aid Fund, and of the increased assistance required to enable it to continue and extend them, recommends that a circular be prepared for distribution among the various Societies and isolated members of the Church, urging the holding of meetings, and the collection of subscriptions on behalf of this institution; and that the names of all subscribers and donors, and the amounts of their contributions, be announced in the Intellectual Repository."

pally of a doctrinal character, and also those giving our views of the spiritual world, all of which Mr. Gunton treated in his well-known lucid and able manner, and as the result showed, very successfully. In the larger towns, where more than one lecture was delivered, the interest manifested was sustained throughout, the audience varying from 150 to 200, which was indeed very encouraging, when the state of the weather, which was wet and stormy during almost the whole of Mr. Gunton's Notwithstanding a slender attend- visit, was taken into account. One of ance, consequent upon unusually the most cheering evidences of the inclement weather, the proceedings interest taken in our views was the conthroughout were characterized by great heartiness, and, we understand, resulted in a liberal increase of the funds of the institution, the particulars of which, according to the last-quoted resolution, will be duly announced in our columns. The choir of the Palace Gardens Church assisted the graver deliberations of the meeting by several admirably-rendered musical selections.

This is the second meeting in aid of this admirable and greatly necessitous Fund which has taken place in London, a similar gathering having been previously held, on the 12th of April last, at Argyle Square Church. We earnestly commend the initiative thus taken by our metropolitan friends to the Societies and isolated members in the provinces, and trust that the circular recommended by the Kensington meeting will elicit a general and liberal response.

SCOTLAND.-The Scottish Association of the New Church, instituted last year, has been enabled, through the kindness of the National Missionary Society and of their able and respected missionary, Mr. Gunton, to perform a work of usefulness to the Church. Not having any one with the necessary qualifications as a public lecturer at hand, the Association applied to the National Missionary Society for aid, and they in the most generous way placed the services of Mr. Gunton at their disposal for a period of six weeks. Mr. Gunton began his work at Paisley, on Thursday 21st October, afterwards lecturing six times at Glasgow, four times at Greenock, six times at Edinburgh, once each at Gourock, Stirling, and Alloa, also attending three social meetings. The lectures were princi

tinued, and at times eager, demand for the "Silent Missionaries, "- -over 1000 copies of these have been distributed by Mr. Gunton in Scotland. This is in itself worth the time and money spent, as they will be of the greatest use in preparing the way for future efforts. The Association will endeavour to keep up the interest during the winter, and have availed themselves of the kind offer of the Rev. J. F. Potts to lecture from time to time in those places where Mr. Gunton has broken ground. The Association takes this opportunity of thanking the National Missionary Society and also the subscribers for their encouragement and support, and to express the hope that the Societies of the New Church in Scotland will not allow this missionary effort to flag, but carry it on with the same earnestness and perseverance with which it has been inaugurated.—J. H. DowNES, Secretary.

In addition to this letter from the Secretary, we have separate communications from Edinburgh and Greenock, which we append :

Edinburgh.-Through the continued action of the National Missionary Society and the Scottish Association of the New Jerusalem Church, we have been favoured with a visit from R. Gunton, Esq., the appointed lecturer. After being some time in the West of Scotland, Mr. Gunton made his first appearance amongst us on Sabbath 14th November, officiating at our place of worship, taking for his subjects, morning, "The true Worship of the Lord;" evening, "The Scriptural Way of Salvation." On Wednesday evening, the 17th, at our own place, he delivered a lecture on The Progressive Nature of


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