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" Daniel, a man greatly beloved, understand the words that I speak unto thee, and stand upright: for unto thee am I now sent. And when he had spoken this word unto me, I stood trembling. "
The Works of John Dryden: Now First Collected in Eighteen Volumes - Sida 26
efter John Dryden, Walter Scott - 1821
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War with Devils:: Ministration Of, and Communion with Angels

Isaac Ambrose - 1769 - 382 sidor
...i0, n, i2) 'on my face, .:nd ' my face towards the ground, and behold an hand tonch•edme, which fet me upon my knees, and upon the palms 'of my hands; and he faid unto me, O Daniel, a man ' greatly beloved, underftand the words that I fpeak unto ' thce,. and...
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The posthumous works of ... Thomas Boston, Volym 1

Thomas Boston - 1802 - 460 sidor
...Lord's love juft going before it. See Dan. x. i0. — i2. " And behold, a hand touched me, which fet me upon my knees, and upon the palms of my hands. And he faid unto me, O Daniel, a man greatly beloved, underftand the words that I fpeak unto thee, and ftand...
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A Short and Plain Exposition of the Old Testament: With Devotional ..., Volym 6

Job Orton, Robert Gentleman - 1806 - 416 sidor
...his words, then was I in a deep sleep on my face, or in a swoon, and my face toward the ground. 10 And, behold, an hand touched me, which set me upon my knees and [upon] the palms of my hands ; one of the angel» that attended the Slitkinah for Christ) raised and strengthened 1 1 me by degrees....
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The Works of John Dryden: Now First Collected in Eighteen Volumes ..., Volym 13

John Dryden - 1808 - 436 sidor
...no strength. Yet heard I the voice of his words: and when I heard the voice of his words, then was I in a deep sleep on my face, and my face towards the...knees and upon the palms of my hands : And he said uuto me, O Daniel, a man greatly beloved, understand the words that I speak unto thee, and stand upright...
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Sacred History, Selected from the Scriptures: With Annotations and ..., Volym 4

Mrs. Trimmer (Sarah) - 1810 - 410 sidor
...-and when I heard the voice of his words, then was I in a deep sleep mi my face, and my face toward the ground. And behold, an hand touched me, which set me upon «iy knees, and upon the palms of my hands. And he said unto me, O Daniel, a man greatly ba. loved,...
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The Intellectual repository for the New Church. (July/Sept. 1817 ..., Volym 27

New Church gen. confer - 640 sidor
...and when I heard the voice of his words, then was I in a deep sleep on my face, and my face toward the ground. And, behold, an hand touched me, which...and upon the palms of my hands. And he said unto me, 0 Daniel, a man greatly beloved, understand the words that I speak unto thee, and stand upright: for...
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Ezra to Malachi

1815 - 586 sidor
...heard the voice of his words, then was I in a deep sleep on my face, and my face to ward the ground. 10 And, behold, an hand touched me, which set me upon my knees and upon the palms of my hands. 11 And he said unto me, O Daniel, a man greatly beloved, understand the words that I speak unto thee,...
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Sacred history, selected from the Scriptures, with annotations and ..., Volym 4

Sarah Trimmer - 1817 - 412 sidor
...and wllen I heard the voice of his words, then was I in a deep sleep on my face, and my face toward the ground. And behold, an hand touched me, which set me upon my knees, and up.pn the palms of my hands. And he said unto me, O Daniel, a man greatly beloved, understand .the...
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Scientia Biblica: Containing the New Testament, in the Original ..., Volym 3

William Carpenter - 1825 - 570 sidor
...and when I heard the voice of bis words, then was I in a deep sleep on my face, and my face toward the ground. And, behold, an hand touched me, which set me upon my knees and «pon the palms of my hands, Dan. x. 8 — 10. And when he had spoken such words unto me, I set my...
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Scientia Biblica: containing the New Testament in the original ..., Volym 1

William Carpenter - 1825 - 636 sidor
...caused to fly swiftly, touched me about the time of the evening oblation, iz. 21. And, behold, anhand touched me, which set me upon my knees, and upon the palms of my hands, Then there came again and touched me one like the appearance of a man, and he strengthened me, x. 10....
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