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Reorganization upon principles as yet unknown in practice, this is what is demanded for the human race and this is what the Christian Dispensation, and the Christian Dispensation alone, can afford. What sort of Christians or Regenerators, then, are they who devote all their energies, and employ all their influence, to maintain the stability of things as they are?

The Jews rejected the Messiah because they were Conservatives, pledged and wedded to existing institutions. The fact is, that Conservatism is one of the most stubborn types or forms that infidelity can assume; and it is so, because it is one of the darkest, the most imposing, the most besotting. With this Conservatism, it is impossible that the faith, the professions, and the prayers of the Christian can be reconciled. Our hope, our prayer, our belief is, that the Spirit of the Times, which is agitating the world in every civilized state, is the Holy Spirit of the Christian Dispensation; we therefore look and we long for the final downfall of all those institutions which are superstructed on any heathen, infidel, Antichristian foundation.


And here, again, the Signs of the Times confirm assurance that the great end is approaching. The common people, the great bulk of the population of the land, are no longer infatuated by the sorceries, or deluded by the juggleries of Conserva

tism; they have a plain perception of its obstructive, injurious, and oppressive tendency; they are gradually emancipating themselves from that subservience to wealth and its concomitants, to which their predecessors were wont to yield themselves; the rights of man, as man, are better understood; and already so advanced is the progress of the Redeemer's Dispensation, that all men begin to perceive that some great crisis or consummation is at hand. Who, then, will not be ready to confess, that we live in a season which may be compared to the morning of a glorious day? Is there not a palpable dawn spread over the mountains which bound the distant horizon? Are we to be disappointed in our expectations? Are our hopes to be frustrated? Is not the effulgence which is rising upon the moral world a matter of prophecy? Have the inspired prophets hitherto been in error as to the events which have already taken place, and which have constituted the subject-matter of their predictions as to the past? Have not all been accomplished in every minute particular? Why, then, need we be afraid of reckoning with certainty upon the accomplishment of these happy tidings which they have given relative to events which are still enwrapt in the womb of time? Are not the prophecies promises? Can that glorious Being who has given the promise be faithless or forgetful? "Is he man that he should lie, or the son of man that he should repent?" Are not the prophecies not only promises, but results — results of the purposes of that Jehovah who sees the

end from the beginning, whose counsel shall stand, and who will do all his pleasure? And are not the blessings, whose certain bestowment is announced in the prophecies, boons paid on Calvary, - treasures purchased on the cross?




To what great or good end can such a discovery as that described in the preceding pages conduct the world? Eventually, we submit, it will conduct to the greatest good of which the world, as a world, is susceptible-to bring it back to its original sinless, paradisiacal state, in the 'universal triumph of the Christian Dispensation, and the glorious reign of the adorable Redeemer?

The first application of our principle may be disastrous and appalling; it may involve subversion and demolition and all our conventions and institutions which have worldly wealth for their basis and support, may be brought to crumble into the dust: What then? must not the old rubbish be removed, before the foundations of the new edifice can be laid, and its walls can be reared?

So many advantages arising from our principle have been incidentally mentioned in the preceding pages, that any protracted argument, in the prosecution of our

present inquiry, is evidently unnecessary. Only a few supplementary observations we submit to our readers.

Our apothegm- MAMMON, ANTICHRIST―rightly understood, and taken as a great fundamental principle in the providence of God, furnishes a ready solution to the perplexities and difficulties which now embarrass mankind in all their private, and in all their state affairs. Can my Lord John This, or Sir Robert That, alter the nature of things? Each of them may have his own way of adjusting the elements committed to his keeping; but if the elements themselves are vicious, diseased, and polluted, the result will be the same disappointment and discomfiture must follow. Thus, by the aid of our principle, we can discover why all the recent attempts_at Reform in our political institutions have proved so unsatisfactory and so futile. The truth is, that all these matters of reform amount to nothing more than new modifications of old, decayed, and vicious materials. The truth is that our world, and especially they who preside at the helm of the state vessel-aye, all of us-we stand in need of REGENERATION-regeneration in our fundamental principles-and therefore it is that circumstantial reform can do nothing for us ultimately.

Can anything be conceived more completely Antichristian than the present state and condition of society here, in the metropolis of the most civilized and professing nation on the earth? Is there any other nation so burdened with its immense wealth, and with its mass of destitution and distress? Have we not thousands who

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