Lay kissing in your arms, lord cardinal. Wol. How much, methinks, I could despise this man, But that I am bound in charity against it! Nor. Those articles, my lord, are in the king's hand : But, thus much, they are foul ones. Wol. So much fairer, And spotless, shall mine innocence arise, Sur. This cannot save you: I thank my memory, I yet remember Some of these articles; and out they shall. Now, if you can blush, and cry guilty, cardinal, Wol. Speak on, sir; I dare your worst objections: if 1 blush, It is, to see a nobleman want manners. Sur. I'd rather want those, than my head. Have at you. First, that, without the king's assent, or knowledge, sion, as also in other offices of the Romish church, is called the sacring, or consecration bell; from the French word, sacrer. Theobald. The Abbess, in The Merry Devil of Edmonton, 1608, says: you shall ring the sacring bell, Keep your hours, and toll your knell." "He Again, in Reginald Scott's Discovery of Witchcraft, 1584: heard a little sacring bell ring to the elevation of a to-morrow mass." The now obsolete verb to sacre, is used by P. Holland, in his translation of Pliny's Natural History, Book X, ch. vi. And by Chapman, in his version of Homer's Hymn to Diana: 8 Sacring my song to every deity." Steevens. when the brown wench &c.] The amorous propensities of Cardinal Wolsey are much dwelt on in the ancient satire already quoted, p. 259, n. 2: Again: "By his pryde and faulce treachery, "The goodes that he thus gaddered "In causes nothynge expedient. "And to mayntayne baudes and whores "A grett parte thereof is spent." And still more grossly are his amours spoken of in many other parts of the same poem. Steevens You wrought to be a legate; by which power Nor. Then, that, in all you writ to Rome, or else Was still inscrib'd; in which you brought the king Suf. Then, that, without the knowledge Either of king or council, when you went Ambassador to the emperor, you made bold To carry into Flanders the great seal. Sur. Item, you sent a large commission Without the king's will, or the state's allowance, Suf. That, out of mere ambition, you have caus'd Sur. Then, that you have sent innumerable substance, (By what means got, I leave to your own conscience,) To furnish Rome, and to prepare the ways You have for dignities; to the mere undoing1 Of all the kingdom. Many more there are; Which, since they are of you, and odious, I will not taint my mouth with. Cham. O my lord, 9 Your holy hat to be stamp'd on the king's coin.] In the long string of articles exhibited by the Privy Council against Wolsey, which Sir Edward Coke transcribed from the original, this offence composed one of the charges: "40. Also the said Lord Cardinal of his further pompous and presumptuous minde, hath enterprised to joyn and imprint the Cardinal's hat under your armes in your coyn of groats made at your city of York, which like deed hath not been seen to be done by any subject in your realm before this time." 4 Inst. 94. H. White. ར། This was certainly one of the articles exhibited against Walsey, but rather with a view to swell the catalogue, than from any serious cause of accusation; inasmuch as the Archbishops Cranmer, Bainbrigge, and Warham, were indulged with the same privilege. See Snelling's View of the Silver Coin and Coinage of England. Douce. 1- to the mere undoing -] Mere is absolute. So, in The Honest Man's Fortune, by Beaumont and Fletcher: "I am as happy “In my friend's good, as if 'twere merely mine.” Steevens. See Vol. II, p. 12, n. 2. Malone. Press not a falling man too far; 'tis virtue: Sur. I forgive him. 3 Suf. Lord cardinal, the king's further pleasure is,— Out of the king's protection :-This is my charge. The king shall know it, and, no doubt, shall thank you. [Exeunt all but WOL. Wol. So farewel to the little good you bear me. 2 Fall into the compass &c.] The harshness of this line induces me to think that we should either read, with Sir Thomas Hanmer-Fall in the compass, or Fall into compass, omitting the article. Steevens. 3 of a præmunire,] It is almost unnecessary to observe that præmunire is a barbarous word used instead of præmonere. Steevens. 4 Chattels, and whatsoever,] The old copy-castles. I have ventured to substitute chattels here, as the author's genuine word, because the judgment in a writ of pramunire is, that the defendant shall be out of the king's protection; and his lands and tenements, goods and chattels, forfeited to the king; and that his body shall remain in prison at the king's pleasure. This very description of the pramunire is set out by Holinshed, in his Life of King Henry • VIII, p. 909. Theobald The emendation made by Mr. Theobald, is, I think, fully justified by the passage in Holinshed's Chronicle, on which this is founded; in which it is observable that the word chattels is spelt cattels, which might have been easily confounded with castles: “After this, in the King's Bench his matter for the pramunire being called upon, two attornies which he had authorised by his warrant signed with his own hand, confessed the action, and so had judgment to forfeit all his landes, tenements, goods, and cattels, and to be put out of the king's protection." Chron. Vol. H, p. 909. Malone. 6 Farewel, a long farewel, to all my greatness! 5 This is the state of man; To-day he puts forth 6 The tender leaves of hope, &c.] So, in our author's 25th Sonnet: "Great princes' favourites their fair leaves spread, "But as the marigold in the sun's eye; "And in themselves their pride lies buried, "For at a frown they in their glory die." Malone. nips his root,] As spring-frosts are not injurious to the roots of fruit-trees," Dr. Warburton reads-shoot. Such capricious alterations I am sometimes obliged to mention, merely to introduce the notes of those, who, while they have shewn them to be unnecessary, have illustrated our author. Malone. Vernal frosts, indeed, do not kill the root, but then to nip the shoots does not kill the tree or make it fall. The metaphor will not, in either reading, correspond exactly with nature. Johnson. I adhere to the old reading, which is countenanced by the following passage in A. W.'s Commendation of Gascoigne and his Poesies: “And frosts so nip the rootes of vertuous-meaning minds.” See Gascoigne's Works, 1587. Steevens. 7 - and their ruin,] Most of the modern editors read-our ruin. Steevens. Their ruin is, their displeasure, producing the downfall and ruin of him on whom it lights. So before: "He parted frowning from me, as if ruin 66 Leap'd from his eyes." Malone. And when he falls, he falls like Lucifer, 8 Enter CROMWELL, amazedly. Why, how now, Cromwell? What, amaz'd Crom. I have no power to speak, sir. Wol. Crom. Wol. How does your grace? Never so truly happy, my good Cromwell. Why, well; A still and quiet conscience. The king has cur'd me, A load would sink a navy, too much honour: Too heavy for a man that hopes for heaven. Crom. I am glad, your grace has made that right use of it. Wol. I hope, I have: I am able now, methinks, (Out of a fortitude of soul I feel) To endure more miseries, and greater far, Than my weak-hearted enemies dare offer." And when he falls, he falls like Lucifer,] So, in Churchyard's Legend of Cardinal Wolsey, MIRROUR FOR MAGISTRATES, 1587: Your fault not half so great as was my pride, "For which offence fell Lucifer from the skies." Malone. In The Life and Death of Thomas Wolsey, &c. a poem, by Tho. Storer, student of Christ-church, in Oxford, 1599, the Cardinal expresses himself in a manner somewhat similar: "If once we fall, we fall Colossus-like, "We fall at once, like pillars of the sunne," &c. Steevens. I am able now, methinks, (Out of a fortitude of soul I feel) To endure more miseries, and greater far, Than my weak-hearted enemies dare offer.] So, in King Henry VI, Part II: "More can I bear, than you dare execute." Again, in Othello: "Thou hast not half the power to do me harm, "As I have to be hurt." Malone. |