And all their ministers attend on him. Glo. What doth she say, my lord of Buckingham? And sooth the devil that I warn thee from?, O, but remember this another day, When he shall split thy very heart with sorrow; [Exit. Hast. My hair doth stand on end to hear her curses. Riv. And so doth mine; I muse, why she's at liberty.1 Glo. I cannot blame her, by God's holy mother; She hath had too much wrong, and I repent My part thereof, that I have done to her. Q. Eliz. I never did her any, to my knowledge. That is too cold in thinking of it now. and hell, sinne was their mother. Therefore they must have such an image as their mother sinne would geue them." H. White. 9 Live each of you the subjects to his hate, And he to yours, and all of you to God's!] It is evident from the conduct of Shakspeare, that the house of Tudor retained all their Lancastrian prejudices, even in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. In his play of Richard the Third, he seems to deduce the woes of the house of York from the curses which Queen Margaret had vented against them; and he could not give that weight to her curses, without supposing a right in her to utter them. Walpole. I muse, why she's at liberty.] Thus the folio. The quarto 1 reads: 66 I wonder she 's at liberty." Steevens. 2 He is frank'd up to fatting for his pains;] A frank is an old English word for a hog-sty. "Tis possible he uses this metaphor to Clarence, in allusion to the crest of the family of York, which was a boar. Whereto relate those famous old verses on Richard III: "The cat, the rat, and Lovel the dog, He uses the same metaphor in the last scene of Act IV. Pope. A frank was not a common hog stye, but the pen in which those hogs were confined of whom brawn was to be made. Steevens. God pardon them that are the cause thereof! Riv. A virtuous and a christian-like conclusion, Το pray for them that have done scath to us.3 Glo. So do I ever, being well advis'd;— For had I curs'd now, I had curs'd myself. Enter CATESBY. [Aside. Cates. Madam, his majesty doth call for you,----And for your grace,—and you, my noble lords. Q. Eliz. Catesby, I come:-Lords, will you go with me? Riv. Madam, we will attend upon your grace. [Exeunt all but GLO. Glo. I do the wrong, and first begin to brawl. Namely, to Stanley, Hastings, Buckingham; With old odd ends, stol'n forth of holy writ; But soft, here come my executioners. From the manner in which the word is used in King Henry IV, a frank should seem to mean a pen in which any hog is fatted. "Does the old boar feed in the old frank?" So also, as Mr. Bowle observes to me, in Holinshed's Description of Britaine, B. III, p. 1096: "The husbandmen and farmers never fraunke them above three or four months, in which time he is dyeted with otes and peason, and lodged on the bare planches of an uneasie coate." "He feeds like a boar in a frank," as the same gentleman observes, is one of Ray's proverbial sentences. Malone. Mr. Bowle's chief instance will sufficiently countenance my assertion for what hogs, except those designed for brawn, are ever purposely lodged "on the bare planches of an uneasy cote?" 3 Steevens. done scath to us.] Scath is harm, mischief. So, in Soliman and Perseda: "Whom now that paltry island keeps from scath." Steevens. How now, my hardy, stout, resolved mates? Are you now going to despatch this thing?4 1 Murd. We are, my lord, and come to have the warrant, That we may be admitted where he is. Glo. Well thought upon, I have it here about me: [Gives the Warrant. When you have done, repair to Crosby-place. But, sirs, be sudden in the execution, May move your hearts to pity, if you mark him. 1 Murd. Tut, tut, my lord, we will not stand to prate, Talkers are no good doers; be assur'd, We go to use our hands, and not our tongues. Glo. Your eyes drop mill-stones, when fools' eyes drop Enter CLARENCE and BRAKENBURY. Brak. Why looks your grace so heavily to-day? So full of fearful dreams, of ugly sights," 4 to despatch this thing?] Seagars, in his Legend of Richard the Third, speaking of the murder of Gloster's nephews, makes him say: "What though he refused, yet be sure you may, "That other were as ready to take in hand that thing.” The coincidence was, I believe, merely accidental. Malone. 5 Your eyes drop mill-stones, when fools' eyes drop tears:] This, I believe, is a proverbial expression. It is used again in the tragedy of Casar and Pompey, 1607: "Men's eyes must mill-stones drop, when fools shed tears." Steevens. 6 So full of fearful dreams, of ugly sights,] Thus the folio. The quarto, 1598: 7 "So full of ugly sights, of ghastly dreams." Malone. -faithful man,] Not an infidel. Johnson. I would not spend another such a night, Though 'twere to buy a world of happy days; Brak. What was your dream, my lord? I pray you, tell me. Clar. Methought, that I had broken from the Tower, Upon the hatches; thence we look'd toward England, O Lord! methought, what pain it was to drown! 8 -to Burgundy;] Clarence was desirous to assist his sister Margaret against the French King, who invaded her jointurelands after the death of her husband, Charles Duke of Burgundy, who was killed at the siege of Nancy, in January, 1476-7. Isabel the wife of Clarence being then dead, (taken off by poison, administered by the Duke of Gloster, as it has been conjectured,) he wished to have married Mary the daughter and heir of the Duke of Burgundy; but the match was opposed by Edward, who hoped to have obtained her for his brother-in-law, Lord Rivers; and this circumstance has been suggested as the principal cause of the breach between Edward and Clarence. Mary of Burgundy however chose a husband for herself, having married in August, 1477, Maximilian, son of the Emperor Frederick. Malone. 9 What dreadful noise of water in mine ears!] See Mr. Warton's note on Milton's Lycidas, v. 157. Milton's Poems, second edit. Steevens. 1791. 1 What sights of ugly death -] Thus the folio. The quarto has -What ugly sights of death. Malone. 2 Inestimable stones, unvalued jewels,] Unvalued is here used for invaluable. So, in Lovelace's Posthumous Poems, 1659: All scatter'd in the bottom of the sea. Some lay in dead men's skulls; and, in those holes Clar. Methought I had; and often did I strive Brak. Awak'd you not with this sore agony? I pass'd, methought, the melancholy flood, The first that there did greet my stranger soul, the unvalew'd robe she wore, "Made infinite lay lovers to adore." Malone. 3 That woo'd the slimy bottom By seeming to gaze upon it; or, as we now say, to ogle it. Johnson. 4 Kept in my soul,] Thus the quarto. The folio-Stopt in. Malone. 5 To seek the empty, vast, and wand'ring air;] Perhaps we should point thus: To seek the empty vast, and wand'ring air. that is, to seek the immense vacuity. Vast is used by our author as a substantive in other places. See Vol. VI, p. 164, n. 3. Seek is the reading of the quarto, 1598; the folio has find. Malone. · empty, vast, and wand'ring air;] Vast, is waste, desolate— vastum per inane. Steevens. 6 within my panting bulk,] Bulk is often used by Shakspeare and his contemporaries for body. So again, in Hamlet: '66 it did seem to shatter all his bulk, 4 7 grim ferryman -] The folio reads-s s-sour ferryman. Steevens. |