Printed and fold by ROBERT MARTIN; and by R. GOADBY, in Sherborne, M. MORGAN in Lichfield; T. SMITH in Wolverhampton, A. DONALDSON in London, R. BOND in Glocester, and by all Country Booksellers. MDCCLXVIII. Dramatis Perfonæ. VINCENTIO, Duke of Vienna. Angelo, Lord Deputy in the Duke's abfence. Efcalus,. } An ancient Lord, join'd with Angelo in the Deputation. Claudio, a young Gentleman. Lucio, a Fantastic. Two Gentlemen Varrius, a Gentleman, Servant to the Duke. Provoft. Thomas, Peter, A Justice: } two Friars. Elbow, a simple Constable. Froth, a foolish Gentleman. Clown, Servant to Mrs. Over-done. Abhorfon, an Executioner. Barnardine, a diffolute Prisoner. Ifabella, Sister to Claudio. Mistress Over-done, a Bawd. Guards, Officers, and other Attendants. SCENE, Vienna. |