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Printed and fold by ROBERT MARTIN; and by R. GOADBY, in Sherborne, M. MORGAN in Lichfield; T. SMITH in Wolverhampton, A. DONALDSON in London, R. BOND in Glocester, and by all Country Booksellers.


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Dramatis Perfonæ.

VINCENTIO, Duke of Vienna.

Angelo, Lord Deputy in the Duke's abfence.

Efcalus,. }

An ancient Lord, join'd with Angelo in the


Claudio, a young Gentleman.

Lucio, a Fantastic.

Two Gentlemen

Varrius, a Gentleman, Servant to the Duke.




A Justice:


two Friars.

Elbow, a simple Constable.

Froth, a foolish Gentleman.

Clown, Servant to Mrs. Over-done.

Abhorfon, an Executioner.

Barnardine, a diffolute Prisoner.

Ifabella, Sister to Claudio.
Mariana, betrothed to Angelo,
Juliet, beloved of Claudio.
Francifca, a Nun.

Mistress Over-done, a Bawd.

Guards, Officers, and other Attendants.

SCENE, Vienna.

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