Sidor som bilder

Morpain, Captain, opposes the
landing of the English, ii. 97;
defeated by the English, ii. 98;
ii. 277, 291.
Morris, ii. 115.

Morville, Comte de, ii. 4.

Moulton, Captain, sent out against
Norridgewock, i. 245.

Moulton's regiment at Louisbourg,
ii. 103.

Mount Desert, i. 122.

Mouse River, the, ii. 20.
Musquawkies, the, see Outagamies,

Mussey, Widow, killed by In-
dians, i. 48.

Muy, De, the elder, send to suc-
ceed Bienville, i. 307; death of,
i. 307; ii. 235, 247, 251, 254.
Muy, De, the younger, ii. 235, 238.

NANTASKET, i. 165.

Nantasket Roads, i. 165; ii. 88.
Nantes, the Edict of, i. 4; revo-
cation of, ii. 61.

Napoleonic wars, the, i. 4.

Narantsouak, see Norridgewock.
Narragansett Swamp Fight, the,
i. 257.

Nassonites, the, i. 356.
Natchez, city of, i, 304.
Natchez Indians, the, i. 304; mas-

sacre the French, i. 320, 321.
Natchitoches, French post at, 355,
356, 358.

Captain, captures

Elisha Plaisted, i. 53.
Naurantsouak, see Norridgewock.
Neal, Andrew, fortified house of,

attacked by Indians, i. 48.
Necessity, Fort, Washington at, i.
339; ii. 185.

"Neutral French," the, ii. 173.
Neuvillette, Lieutenant, death of,
i. 111.

New Brunswick, i. 110, 212.
Newbury, proposed French and
Indian attack on, i. 96, 97; i


Newcastle, Duke of, ii. 84, 86, 87,
105, 107, 118, 127, 142, 143, 144,
146, 147, 150; at the head of the
government, ii. 151; his ab-
surdities, ii. 151; approves of
Shirley's plan to conquer Can-
ada, ii. 152; his promises, ii.
153; he fails to keep his prom-
ises, ii. 154, 155; ii. 157, 164,
168; his apathy regarding the
defence of Acadia, ii. 170; Shir-
ley's letters regarding the Aca-
dian dilemma to, ii. 171, 175,
176, 179, 312, 314, 317, 320, 322,
325, 330, 331, 342, 345, 349, 350,
352, 353, 354; leaves Acadia to
drift with the tide, ii. 180; ii.
201; blamed by Shirley for not
protecting the Acadians, ii. 204;
Clinton complains to, ii. 209;
letter to Shirley from, ii. 348.
Newcastle, island of, ii. 73, 74.
New England, loose use of the
name, i. 5; French plans for
the destruction of, i. 5; the
whole burden of war falls upon,
i. 16; the Abenakis spurred on
by the French against, i. 48;
Vaudreuil sends a large war-
party against, i. 55; another
expedition against, i. 96; contri-
bution to the sufferers of the
Island of St. Christopher from,
i. 100; has a lion's share in the
Acadian fisheries, i. 111; disap-
pointment in the delay of the
British fleet, i. 145; barred out
from the fur-trade by New York,
i. 272.
Newfoundland, divided between
two conflicting powers, i. 131;

L 156, 161; claimed by England,
i. 184; i. 188, 189; ii. 318,


New France, the early missions of,
i. 214; fatal error of her rulers
in not acquiring possession of
New York, i. 273; has two
heads, i. 324.

New Hampshire, the colony of, i.
7; the whole burden of war falls
upon, i. 16; i. 56; the Abe-
naki tribes of, i. 101; joins an
expedition against Port Royal,
i. 125; ordered to furnish troops
for the conquest of Canada, i.
135; her prompt response, i.
138, 143; decides to attack Port
Royal, i. 145; expense of her
futile expedition of 1707, i. 146,
150; ii. 55; joins Shirley's ex-
pedition against Louisbourg, ii.
69, 70, 71; make-up of her con-
tingent, ii. 82; reimbursed by
England for expenditures on the
Louisbourg expedition, ii. 143;
supports the plan to conquer
Canada, ii. 152; ii. 156; re-
sponds to Shirley's call to the
defence of Annapolis, ii. 182;
suffers from Indian border at-
tacks, ii. 217; disputes the claim
of Massachusetts to Fort Dum-
mer, ii. 217; ii. 260, 313, 320,
343, 350.

New Hampshire Assembly, the,
i. 109; refuses to support Fort
Dummer, ii. 218.

the plan to conquer Canada, ii.


New London, i. 165.

New Mexico, i. 311, 346, 354, 357,
360, 367.

New Orleans, site of, i. 302; fee-
ble foundations laid, i. 318; i.
328, 368; Charlevoix at, ii. 5.
Newton, ii. 242.

New York, French plans for the
destruction of, i. 5, 6; assist-
ance received in waging war
from the different colonies by,
i. 8; in a wretched condition for
defence, i. 9; private assistance
received by, i. 9; its short-
sighted treatment of the Five
Nations, i. 9, 10; a mixture of
races and religions, i. 10; Indian
trade in, i. 14; a virtual truce
between Canada and, i. 16;
ordered to furnish troops for
the conquest of Canada, i. 135;
her decided change of policy, i.
137; sees the necessity of con-
tinuing her warlike policy, i.
146; ordered to make ready for
the Canadian expedition, i. 165;
the only rival of Canada for the
control of the West, i. 273;
quarrels with New Jersey, ii. 56;
gives aid to the Louisbourg ex-
pedition, ii. 85; supports plan
to conquer Canada, ii. 152; ii.
156; her deplorable condition
as respects military efficiency,
ii. 206; ii. 313, 336, 341.

New Hampshire Regiment, the, New York Assembly, the, i. 137;

ii. 109.

New Haven, i. 136.

New Jersey, State of, ordered to
furnish troops for the conquest
of Canada, i. 135; refuses to
comply, ii. 137; quarrel between
New York and, ii. 56; supports

hampers Governor Clinton, ii.
207, 208.

New York City, receives the news
of the capture of Louisbourg by
the English, ii. 141.

New York traders, the, i. 15.
Niagara, the Five Nations refuse

to allow the French to build a
fort at, ii. 52; the French build
the fort at, ii. 53; slighted by
the western tribes, ii. 54; im-
portant position of, ii. 57.
Niagara, Fort, ii. 57.
Niagara River, the, ii. 51.
Nicholson, Colonel Francis, com-
mands the conquest of Canada,
i. 136, 139; his march to Wood

tion of, ii. 183, 184; Ramesaj
plans to surprise, ii. 184; the
attack, ii. 191-193; killed, ii.
193; military honors rendered
to the remains of, ii. 199; ii.
342, 354.

Noble, Ensign, ii. 191; shot down,
ii. 193; military honors ren-
dered to the remains of, ii


Creek, i. 140; his meeting with | Noddle's Island, i. 165, 166, 169.
Ramesay, i. 140, 141; pestilence Noiville, Noël-Alexandre, priest
in his camp, i. 143; sails for at Pigiquid, i. 209.
Europe, i. 146; commissioned to Norfolk, village of, ii. 157.
command the attack against Norridgewock, mission village of,
Port Royal, i. 147; character- i. 37, 50, 217; description of, i.
istics of, i. 148; the attack on 218; destroyed by Colonel Hil-
Port Royal, i. 151; demands the ton, i. 218; Colonel Westbrook
surrender of the fort, i. 153; at, i. 218; life at, i. 218; Father
Subercase surrenders to, i. 153; Rale at, i. 218, 236; Dummer
the journal of, i. 155; makes sends a force against, i. 245;
ready for the Canadian expedi- the attack on, i. 246-248; de-
tion, i. 164; his rage at the struction of, i. 250.
failure of the fleet, i. 177; dis- Norridgewock Abenakis, the, i.
bands his army, i. 178; gov- 37; join an expedition against
ernor of Nova Scotia, i. 191; re- New England, i. 96; on the
solves to keep the Acadians in Kennebec, i. 213; Father Sebas-
the province, i. 195; ii. 337. tien Rale among, i. 214; i. 217;
Nicholson, Fort, i. 140.
description of their village, i.
Niganiche, ii. 96.
218; at the convention at
Portsmouth, i. 220; embittered
against the English, i. 223;
alarmed by the intrusion of
settlers, i. 224; attend a coun-
cil at Georgetown, i. 224;
urged to war by Rale, i. 231;
the second council at George-
town, i. 233; on the war-
path, i. 235; completely broken,
i. 256.
Northampton, i. 50; Indian at-
tack on, i. 94; ii. 90, 220.
North Carolina, ii. 48, 152.
Northeast Battery, the, at Louis
bourg, ii. 110.

Niles, on the Indian attacks on
the frontier of Maine, i. 46.
Nims, escapes from Indian cap-
tivity, i. 87.

Nipigon, Lake, ii. 9.

Niverville, Boucher de, sent by
Saint-Pierre to the Saskatche-
wan, ii. 39, 40; his sufferings,
ii. 39, 40; commands an attack-
ing force against Number Four,
ii. 223; his interview with
Stevens, ii. 226; retires from
the siege, ii. 227.

Noble, Colonel Arthur, at Grand
Pré, ii. 182, 183; critical posi-

Northfield, settlement of, i. 56;
ii. 218, 230; notoriously danger-
ous, ii. 231; early days of, ii.


North Mountain, the, ii. 182.
"Northumberland," the, ii. 160,
161, 165.

Northwest Battery, the, at Louis-
bourg, ii. 107.
Norton, Mr., chaplain at Fort
Massachusetts, ii. 241, 242, 243,
245, 247, 248, 249, 251.
Notre Dame, church of, at Mont-
real, i. 90.

Nova Scotia, i. 110, 191, 212; ii.
159, 174, 175, 176, 312, 313, 314,
316, 320, 321, 322, 324, 325, 326,
327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 333, 335,
337, 339, 341, 342, 344, 345, 346,
347, 348, 350, 351, 352, 354, 355,

Nova Scotian Peninsula, the, ii.

Noyes, Dr., i. 222.
Noyon, Jacques de, i. 90.
Number Four, settled by the
Farnsworth brothers, ii. 218;
fort built at, ii. 219; Indian at-
tacks on, ii. 221; looks to Massa-
chusetts for defence, ii. 221;
left to its own keeping, ii. 222;
the fort abandoned, ii. 222;
Massachusetts sends Stevens to
reoccupy, ii. 222; attacked by
Niverville, ii. 223; Stevens' suc-
cessful defence, ii. 224-227;
name changed to Charlestown,
ii. 228.

Oncpapa Indians, the, ii. 34.
Oneida Indians, the, i. 13.
Onion River, the, i. 76.
Onondaga, the Iroquois capital, i.
11; the Jesuits at, i. 11; Prot-
estant clergymen at, i. 12; the
centre of intrigue, i. 13; Abra-
ham Schuyler at, i. 138; di-
vided between France and Eng-
land, i. 138.

Onondaga country, the, Cham-
plain in, i. 18, 279.
Onondagas, the, plunder and burn
the Jesuit mission-house
Onondaga, i. 138.


Ontario, Lake, i. 33; ii. 53, 55,


Orléans, Duke of, i. 315; interest
in the New World revives under
regency of, ii. 3; orders Charle-
voix to investigate the Western
Sea, ii. 4.

Orléans, Fort, i. 361, 362, 363, 366.
Osage River, the, i. 359.

Osages, the, i. 356; village of, i.
359; join Bourgmont's expedi-
tion, i. 361; i. 365.
Osborne, ii. 114.

Ossipee, Lake, i. 257, 261, 263,


Ossipee River, the, i. 265.
Oswego, Burnet's plan for a forti-
fied trading-house at, ii. 53; its
establishment alarms the French,
ii. 54; becomes the great centre
of Indian trade, ii. 54; the
French fail to ruin, ii. 54.
Otoes, the, i. 363, 365.
Ottawa, i. 16.

OHIO RIVER, the, i. 311, 349, 350; Ottawa Indians, the, i. 14; villages

ii. 51.

Ojibwas, the, i. 281, 295, 340.

of, i. 18; at Detroit, i. 275, 279.
283, 284; i. 340.

"Old Indian House," the, at Ottawa River, the, i. 28, 338; ii

Deerfield, i. 68.

Omahas, the, i. 363, 365.


Otter Creek, ii. 221, 235.

Ouacos, the, i. 357.

Oushala, the principal Outagamie

war-chief, i. 335.
Outagamies, the, on Fox River, i.
275; a source of endless trouble
to the French, i. 275, 278; at
Detroit, i. 280; their camp at-
tacked, i. 285; the siege, i. 286;
their desperate position, i. 287;
make overtures to Dubuisson, i.
287; renewed hostilities, i. 290;
beg for mercy, i. 293; they sur-
render, i. 295; make a furious
attack on the Illinois, i. 330;
the scourge of the West, i. 330;
attacked by the Saginaws, i.
330; Vaudreuil determines to
destroy, i. 331; Louvigny attacks
the fortified village of, i. 333;
sue for peace, i. 334; again at-
tack the Illinois, i. 335; called
to a council at Green Bay, i.
336; conflicting plans against,
i. 337; Lignery sets out against,
i. 338; Lignery burns the chief
village of, i. 339; Sieur de Vil-
liers strikes them a deadly blow,
i. 339; another blow, i. 341-
344; incorporate themselves
with the Sacs, i. 344; i. 350;
their hostile disposition toward
the French, ii. 5, 7.

[ocr errors]

| Paddon, Captain, i. 172, 173.
Padoucas, the, i. 359, 365. See
also Comanches, the.
Padoucas, the River of the, i. 367.
Pain, Father Félix, i. 190, 194.
Palfrey, John G., on the contro-
versy between Governor Shute
and the Massachusetts Assem-
bly, i. 240; on the difficulties of
Lieutenant-Governor Dummer,
i. 242; on the Lovewell Fight,
i. 271; ii. 143.
Panawamské, Abenaki mission of,
i. 236; burned by Colonel West-
brook, i. 244, 245.

Paradis, captures the "Chester,"
i. 170.

"Parfait," the, ii. 165.
Parisian House of Correction, the,
i. 317.
Parliament of Paris, the, i. 318.
Parsons, ii. 77, 95, 96, 120, 141.
Parsons, Widow, carried off by
Indians, i. 48.

Partridge, Colonel Samuel, on the
attack of Deerfield, i. 70.
Passadumkeag, i. 244.
Passamaquoddy Bay, i. 122.
Patterson, on Samuel Vetch, i.
134, 192.
Paugus, war-chief of the Pequaw-
kets, i. 257; death of, i. 267.

Oxford, village of, attacked by the Pawnee Picts, the, i. 357.
Indians, i. 243.

Pawnees, the, i. 335, 359, 365.

Oyster River, Indian attack on, i. Pawnee villages, the, i. 367.


PACIFIC OCEAN, the, plans for
reaching, ii. 3; probable cost of
reaching, ii. 4; report of Charle-
voix on, ii. 5; the brothers La
Vérendrye search for, ii. 22-35;
Captains Lewis and Clark make
their way to, ii. 35. See also
Western Sea, the.

Payne, John, letter to Colonel
Robert Hale from, ii. 88, 89.
Pearl-fisheries, i. 304, 306.
Pelham, Fort, ii. 231.
Pemoussa, the Outagamie chief, i
288, 292, 296.
Penacook Indians, the, i. 37.
Penecaut, i. 350, 351, 352, 355.
Penhallow, Captain, on the con-

ference between Governor Dud

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