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Perkins, Rev. Justin, letters from, to
the Editor, 150, 681.
Permanence of Christianity in the In-
tention of its Founders, The, arti-
cle on by Joseph P. Thompson,
D.D., 223; summary of Christi-
anity given by Paul at the close of
the Epistle to the Romans, 223;
Christianity asserted to be perma-
nent in the intention of its found-
ers, 224; Christianity evidently
from God, and designed to be the
only hope of the world as to moral
progress, 224; Christianity re-
garded by some as a stage in the
natural development of the race,
225; the Bible asserted by some
to be antiquated, on the ground of
scientific discoveries, 226; Chris-
tianity denied to be a supernatural
religion, and one which was meant
to be permanent, 227; citation from
Compte, 227, from Herbert Spen-
cer, 227; the question of the per-
manence of Christianity a vital
question, 229; statement of the
question, 229; Christianity not a
natural development of human
thought, but an incoming of divine
thought, 230; the apostles, with
one exception, learned all directly
from Christ, 230; an unconscious
preparation for a purer faith, 231;
Christianity a development of Ju-
daism, 232; citation from Merivale
in proof, 233; the Gospel meant
to be made known to all nations,
234; Christianity proved by ex-
perience to be adequate to the
needs of human society, 235; the
Bible adequate to the demands of
man's spiritual nature in the most
advanced stage, 236; the Hebrew
portraiture of nature judged by
Humboldt to be correct, 236; this
more and more confirmed by sci-
ence, 237; an impenetrable mys-
tery in nature conceded by ration-
alists, 238; Christianity able to
unveil this mystery, 240; allusion
to the uncovering of the statue of
Schiller, 240; Christianity equal
to the whole work of social pro-
gress and reform, 242; proved by
facts, 243; Christianity equal to
the work of political reconstruction,
VOL. XXII. No. 88.


244; the need of the South in re-
gard to reconstruction, 245; Chris-
tianity alone adequate to meet the
spiritual wants of man 247; Chris-
tianity alone recognizes the moral
condition and needs of the human
soul, 248; the church should be
aggressive, 250.

Phillips's Dogmatic Theology of the
Lutheran Church, noticed, 519.
Potwin, Rev. Lemuel S., article by,


Prophecy of Isaiah, The, by Dr. Fried.
Hosse, noticed, 694.


Readings, Various, of 1 Tim. iii. 15,
article on, 1.

Religion and Chemistry, article on,
by Andrew P. Peabody, D.D., 440;
Prof. Cooke's Religion and Chem-
istry characterized, 440; the work
a treatise on natural theology, 440;
the argument from design objected
to on the ground of our ignorance
of final causes, 441; knowledge of
final causes not needed in order to
prove design, 443; the chemistry
of the atmosphere proves the adap-
tation of means to ends, 444; were
the atmosphere a simple substance
design could not be so easily in-
ferred 445; the atmosphere con-
sidered as a self-perpetuating sys-
tem, 447; objection drawn from
the development theory, 448; no
relation of cause and effect to be
traced in this view of the subject.
448; organic existence and animal
life everywhere show creative pur-
pose, 450; the development theory
confounds adaptedness with causa-
tion, 451; the phenomena of na-
ture clearly prove design and a
designing mind, 451; science has
shown that all power belongeth
unto God, 453 does the universe
prove the infinity and eternity of
God? 454; does it prove the moral
attributes of God? 455; science
proves utilities and beneficent ad-
aptations, 456; divine providence
an article of natural religion, 458;
the doctrines which appertain sole-
ly to man's spiritual constitution
intimated in nature, 461; natural

theology or religion susceptible of
two different meanings, 464; an-
alysis of Cooke's Religion and
Chemistry, 465.

Remarks on Renderings of the Com-
mon Version in the Epistle to the
Galatians, article, by Prof. H. B.
Hackett, 138; chapter iv. 2, 139;
vs. 4, 139; vs. 5, 139; vs. 7, 9 and
12, 140; vs. 13, 141; vs. 17 and
18, 142; vs. 22, 24, and 25, 143;
chapter v. 3, 144; vs. 12, 145 ; vs.
13, 15, and 17, 146; vs. 19, 147;
chapter vi. 5, 147; vs. 11, 148.
Resurrection of Christ, by Dr. Bey-
schlag, noticed, 694.


Schneckenburger's Lectures on the
New Testament Times, noticed, 347.
Scriptural Philosophy of Congrega-
tionalism and of Councils, The,
article on, by Edward Beecher,
D.D., 284; the kingdom of God,
the higher system of which Con-
gregationalism is a part, 284; three
parts in the life and actions of
Christ, 285; predictions of a fu-
ture kingdom of God in the Old
Testament, 285; the kingdom of
God fully developed and univer-
sal, 287; the kingdom of God
does not abolish civil governments,
288; means of attaining the king-
dom of God, 289; these means,
wisely adapted to the striking
characteristics of that kingdom,
289; God everywhere supreme in
his kingdom, and all great human
centralizations to be avoided, 290;
particular churches, not to be or-
ganized into one body, 290; his-
torical facts on which Congrega-
tionalism rests, 291; fundamental
warrant and reason of Congrega-
tionalism, 292; the fundamental
reason of Congregationalism its su-
perior fitness to promote personal
holiness, 292; Congregationalism
best fitted to keep Christians in
vital contact with the Bible, 292;
bad effects of higher organizations,
294; these effects of hierarchies,
not merely imaginary, but histor-
ical facts, 294; the chief impulse
to form such organizations a long-

ing after the unity of the church,
296; Congregationalism aims at
and tends to bring about a real
unity, 296; the history of hier-
archies a history of divisions, 297;
the power of the congregational
principle, 299; congregational
councils, 300; councils a mode of
securing a real unity of the church,
300; definition of councils 301;
considerations in proof of the ac-
tual power of councils, 301; illus-
tration of these principles. 302;
congregational councils different
from ancient councils after the
second century, 305; ideals of
congregat onal development in
the future, 306; division of local
churches among higher organi-
zations will cease, 306; doctrinal
differences removed, 307; increase
of patience of thought, 308; the
production of intelligent, self-gov-
erned people, 309; sanctification
of all departments of society, 310;
necessity of the highest degrees of
holiness and communion with God,
311; this holiness to be extended
to all departments of human action,
312; the divine laws of unity to
be regarded, 313.

Sears. Pres. Barnas, article by, 251;
Shemitic and Indo-Germanic Races
in their Relation to Religion and

Science, by Grau, noticed, 172.
Simon, Dr. D. W., article by, 353.
Son of God, The, article on, by W.

S. Tyler, D.D., 620; God and man,
the two great subjects of human
thought, 620; Christ called the
Son of God most frequently in
John's Gospel, 620; styled the Son
of God in an altogether peculiar
way, 622; the title implies peculiar
nearness to God, 623; Christ the
Son of God in a peculiar sense in
his higher nature, 624; wonderful
ways wherein this higher filial re-
lation was expressed during his
humiliation, 626; the Son of God
the image of God, 629; Christ the
eternal word of God, 630; the Son
of God the representative of the
Father, 633; the Son of God real-
ly and truly God, 636; the general
teachings of the Bible show that

Christ is really God, 637; his char-
acter superhuman, 638; Christ a
perfect type and pattern, 640; the
religion of Christ the means by
which perfection is to be reached,


Son of Man, The, article on, by W.
S. Tyler, D.D., 51; the name
found only in the Gospels and in
the Acts, 51; applied only by
Christ to himself, 51; a prepara-
tion for its use in the Old Testa-
ment, 52; reference to Daniel vii.
13, import of the phrase, 55; it
implies that Jesus was a man, 55;
proof of his humanity, 56; he was
not only a man but the man, 58;
he had no individual idiosyncrasies,
59; he had no prejudices, 60; he
was a model man, 61; exhibited
all human virtues in a perfect form,
61; he was the representative man,
63; he was a friend of man, 65;
originally he was more than human,
68; lessons of practical wisdom
suggested by this idea of the Son
of Man, 69; it throws light on
many prophecies of the Old Tes-
tament, 69; the prophecies con-
tained in Genesis iii. and in Psalm
viii., 70; passages that had refer-
ence originally to David and Solo-
mon, 71; danger of undervaluing
the human side of our religion,
72; reference to the negro ques-
tion, 73; not sufficient prominence
given to the human nature of
Christ, 74; sacredness of our com-
mon humanity, 76.

Sprague's Annals of the American
Pulpit, noticed, 526.
Substitutionary Sufferings, by Dr. H.
Schultz, noticed, 690.
Supernatural, Marks of the, in God's
Promise to Abraham, article on, by
Prof. S. Harris, 79.


Temptation, The, article on by Rev.
Lemuel S. Potwin, 127; the temp-
tation of Christ the real theme of
Milton's Paradise Regained, 127;
the primary design of Satan to as-
certain whether Jesus was in a pre-
eminent sense the Son of God, 127;
Milton's account of the temptation,

Neander's theory of the temp-
tation, 130; Olshausen's theory,130;
Ellicott's, 131; the significance of
each of the three temptations, 132;
the main design of the tempter in
the first temptation to call in ques-
tion our Lord's sonship and divin-
ity, 133; such a temptation ex-
ceedingly natural, 133; such a
temptation very severe, 134; not
likely that Jesus would perform
any miracle at the devil's bidding,
134; the first temptation to be re-
garded as a specimen, 134; the
method pursued in the second
temptation different from the first,
135; the third temptation the ap-
plication of all temptations like the
first and second, 137; Christ's
temptation does not lie beyond the
scope of human sympathies, 138.
Tholuck's History of Rationalism, no-
ticed, 621.

Thompson, Joseph P., D.D., articles
by, 223, 679.

Tongues, The Gift of, article on, by
Rev. D. Green, 99.
Tyler, W. S., Prof., articles by, 51,



Ward, Rev. W. H., article by, 1.
Webster's Dictionary, new edition,
noticed, 166.

What is the True Conception of Chris-
tian Worship? article on, by Rev.
J. O. Means, 529; importance at-
tached by Paul to the place of
worship, 529; his scrupulosity per-
haps blamed, 530; definition of
worship, 531; right conceptions of
God should be entertained, 531;
the form of expression should be
appropriate, 531; duty of worship,
532; it arises from a just concep-
tion of God and of our relations to
him, 532; worship necessary for
our good, 534; the importance of
worship shown in the very struc-
ture and contents of the Bible, 534;
spirituality of worship, 535; spirit-
uality of worship does not imply
that places and seasons may not be
considered as sacred, 536; we ne-
cessarily assign to God a locality.
537; spirituality does not abrogate

set forms of worship, 539; forms
of spiritual worship may vary, 540;
new sacraments enjoined in the
New Testament, 541; twofold
danger of making too much of
forms, and doing away with them
entirely, 542; conceptions and
emotions that demand expression
in Christian worship, 544; distinc-
tive recognition of God in Christ,
544; the feelings which arise in
view of the grandeur and glory of
the divine attributes, 545; the idea
of homage and the expression of
gratitude and praise, penitence and
faith, 546; love and joy in view of
salvation, 547; appropriate forms
for expressing Christian feeling in
worship, 549; prayer and praise
in vocal and musical expression,
549 singing and music needed in
the largest measure, 550; lan-
guage only an inferior sort of mu-
sic, 551; presentation of offerings
to be recognized as an act of the
most elevated Christian worship,
552; in the ancient economy offer-
ings were prominent in divine
service, 553; offerings a part of
public worship in the New Testa-
ment, 553; the spirit of benevo-
lence as developed under the gos-
pel, 555; reading and meditation in
the Word of God a part of worship,
556; preaching as related to wor-
ship, 557; preaching, reading the
Bible, 558; preaching makes the
worshipper sensible of the presence
of God, 558; baptism and the
Lord's supper the culminating
point of worship, 560; the Lord's
supper, 564.

Wisenmann's History of Jesus accord-
ing to Matthew its own Evidence,
noticed, 520.

Woolsey's Introduction to the Study
of International Law, noticed, 174.
Works on the Life of Christ, article
on, by Rev. Samuel J. Andrews,
177; identity of Christ and Chris-
tianity, 177; J. N. Sepp's Leben
Jesu. 179; all pagan religions
symbolic, and find their explana-
tion in Christ, 180; Sepp fails in
the interpretation of the symbols

of paganism, 180; devotes less at-
tention to geography than to chro-
nology, 181; his work compara-
tively valueless as regards the
harmony of the Gospels, 182;
Friedlieb's Geschichte des Lebens
Jesu Christi, 183; his chronology,
183; his work on the whole use-
ful, 183; Bucher's Das Leben
Jesu Christi, 184; Patritius's de
Evangeliis Libri Tres, 184; its
great amount of patristic learning,
185; ample proof of progress in
the work, 186; Ewald's Geschichte
Christus und Seiner Zeit, 186;
outline of his theory of the origin
of the Gospels, 187; his Life of
Christ necessarily unsatisfactory
and defective, 188; not, however,
without value, 189; Hase's Das
Leben Jesu, 190; assumes that
Christ was a mere man, 191; little
to choose between Hase and
Strauss, 192; inferior to Ewald in
depth and earnestness of character,
193; Clarke's translation of the
work, 193; Lichtenstein's Lebens-
geschichte des Herrn Jesu Christi,
194; essentially unlike the works
of Hase and specially adapted to
the use of clergymen, 194; gives
much attention to chronology, 194;
the author's obligations to Prof.
Hofman of Elangen, 195; Ebrard's
Kritik des Evangelischen Ges-
chichte, 195; his work decidedly
polemic, 195; his chronology, 196;
his examination of various critical
theories, 198; Hofman's Das Le-
ben Jesu nach des Apokryphen,
199; contrast between the true
and the apochryphal Gospels, 200;
much reason for gratitude to Ger
man scholars, 202; pride of lite-
rary reputation evinced by Ger-
man writers, even upon theological
subjects, 203; gradual approach
to surer results as it regards the
life of Christ, 203; discrepancies
between the Evangelists fast dis-
appearing, 205.

Worship, True Conception of Chris-
tian, article on, 529.
Wrath of God, The, by Dr. F. Weber,
noticed, 346.

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