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committee, and will be near the iron gate in the inclosure of Tank-square, facing the Government-House. It is intended, we believe, that the monument shall be in the form of a temple, and built of stone, contrived in such a manner as to protect the marble figure from the corroding influence of the seasons in this climate. Those interested in the subject will be glad to know something of the statue, the sculptor, and the progress that has been made in its execution. The late John Flaxman, Esq., Professor of Sculpture in the Royal Academy, was the artist employed. In June 1826 Mr. Flaxman had almost finished two models for selection. He had some time before waited on Lord Hastings to obtain a sitting, or a cast from his features, but his Lordship was SO highly satisfied with the celebrated bust of himself by Nollekins, that he preferred the head of the statue being copied from that. Accordingly the sculptor proceeded in his work, and made two sketches--both excellent; but the one finally approved, was admitted by Mr. Flaxman himself to be the most simple and noble in design. It was a plain figure with a military cloak, and a scroll in one hand. The model stands about three feet high, raised upon a square pedestal, which is adorned with allegorical basso relievos. Happily at the period of Mr. Flaxman's death, the model of the statue of Lord Hastings was finished, and the workmen had commenced upon one of the most beautifully pure blocks of marble that we have seen.

The same people are completing it who have finished the best efforts of their master, so that there need be no apprehension about its being adequately executed, and worthy of the illustrious personage it is intended to honour. The height of the statue is about seven feet, and together with the embellished pedestal, will stand about twelve. Col. Gov. Gaz., Feb. 7.


The Calcutta papers mention that the country round about Aurungabad and Doulutabad had been visited by two tremendous storms of hail towards the latter end of last December; the effects of which were experienced over a space of more than 52 miles. The hail-stones are represented to have been as large as walnuts, and to have covered the road, between the places above mentioned, for the distance of four miles, more than fetlock deep. One of the frozen masses, picked up two days after the fall on the 22d, exceeded eight pounds in weight. The vines had been completely destroyed, and the damage sustained by the crops is so extensive, that the Ryots talk of absconding to Berar unless a remission of revenue or some other lenient and efficacious measure is adopted to assist their necessities.


On the 10th January, the Seventh Annual Examination of the pupils of this academy was held before a numerous and respectable audience, principally of the Armenian community: amongst those present, were seen the officiating clergy of the Armenian church, and the venerable Father Simon, Nuncio from the convent of Anapat. The Rev. Mr. Robinson, principal Mill, and Professor Holmes, together with some Greek and native gentlemen, were also present.

The public are perhaps aware of the object of this interesting institution, which is directed to the cultivation of the Armenian youth with European learning and civilization. It has been founded by the Armenian community of India, and we are glad to observe, that it continues to receive the united support and patronage of the Armenian nation. It is gratifying to observe, that the Armenians have of late acquired a more ardent zeal for polite and useful learning; they are, generally speaking, an active and intelligent people, and their conversancy with commercial affairs is universally acknowledged from their respectable and independent situations in every country in which they inhabit. Lamentable as their expatriated condition is, they do not lose any opportunity of bettering their situation and taking an active part in the welfare of the Haican nation. The Czar of Russia is particularly favourable towards this people, and manifests a good disposition for their moral and political welfare by extending his patronage to the Eliazarian college instituted in Moscow. In Paris, Armenian literature is successfully cultivated, where M. St. Martin and M. De Sacy, with some other Orientalists, have directed their attention to useful researches in the lore of that ancient and venerable language. The Armenian college in Venice, together with the Mechitarian Society attached to it, has contributed exceedingly to the revival of the Armenian language by the publication of numerous ancient manuscripts and translations of standard works from the European languages. It is satisfactory to find, and it tallies well with their national disposition, that the Armenians under the protection of the British government, amidst their com mercial engagements, have not neglected to cultivate the intellectual faculties of their children, and to make themselves better acquainted with the literature of their own country.

The course of education pursued at this institution consists of geometry, geography, arithmetic and grammar, taught in the Armenian and English languages. Latin is also included in the academical studies. The lads were examined in the Armenian by the venerable Father Simon, assisted

assisted by Messrs. David and Agabeg, and in the English and Latin by the Rev. Mr. Robinson. The latter rev. gentleman, on concluding his part of the examination, expressed the greatest satisfaction with the progress the youths have made during the past year; and the venerable Father Simon also displayed much gratification at the examination of the Armenian classes. After the business of the day, which afforded general satisfaction, prizes were adjudged to the most proficient of the candidates.-Beng. Hurk., Jan. 17.

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1. That this Meeting, duly appreciating the force of the sacred claims which the East-Indian branch of the rising generation have upon their sympathy and regard, deem it their duty to form themselves into an Association, to be called "The Commercial and Patriotic Association."

2. That, though the scheme of such an Association has emanated from an EastIndian (since it must emanate from some quarter or other), and has consequently a special eye to the good of the East-Indian community, it shall nevertheless be freely and fully open to the admission of all, whether Europeans or Natives, who may be found willing to join the Association.

3. That each and every individual contributing, at one payment, the sum of sicca rupees 1,000, as his personal share in the joint stock, shall be considered a member of the Association, to all intents and purposes.

4. That the whole of the property, of whatever kind, thus originated, shall constitute the joint stock of all the members composing the Association, for their individual and mutual benefit, according to the extent of their own interest at stake.

5. That each and every member of the Association shall be at liberty to take as many shares in the joint stock, whether for his own benefit or in behalf of others, as he may be able to pay for.

6. That the purchase of three shares in the joint stock, shall entitle such individual shareholder to an additional vote (beyond that which he possessed from the purchase of a single share), in all matters connected with the Association; and that the purchase of six shares shall, in like manner, entitle him to the privilege of still another vote in those matters; but no individual shall be considered to enjoy more than three votes, under any circumstances, and whatever may be the amount of his shares in the joint stock.

7. That each and every share in the joint stock shall be held transferrable from

one hand to another, at the option of the individual shareholder, according to such rules as may be framed hereafter for the guidance of the Association.

8. That no individual shareholder shall be permitted to withdraw, either on his own account or that of others, any share or shares from the joint stock of the Association.

9. That the primary and leading object of the Association shall be to engage, through the medium of proper instruments employed by them for that purpose, in the wide field of agriculture, trade, and general commerce, in order to promote the substantial interests of the undertaking.

10. That, should ultimate success attend their united operations for one common object, under the Divine blessing, the Association shall hold it to be a sacred and

interesting part of their duty to watch over and promote, by every legitimate means in their power, the real welfare and interest of the East-Indian branch of the rising generation around them, including all such youths of European descent as may be destined to be born, to live, and to die in this country.

11. That the Association shall, in the case above contemplated, equally hold it to be their highest duty to promote the work of sound and wholesome education among the native population, and to introduce a spirit of general improvement into all the available resources of the country around them, on such a scale as circumstances touching their financial prosperity may warrant,

12. That the affairs of the Association shall be conducted by a Committee of Management consisting of seven members, including a Correspending Member and Secretary, who are to be annually chosen, with the general consent and sanction of the Association, and any three of whom shall be deemed competent to form a quorum for the transaction of business.

13. That each and every Member of the Committee of Management, shall and must necessarily be a shareholder in the joint stock of the Association.

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In our last number we stated that the celebrated Hakeem Mendy, or Mooatim ud Dowla, had recovered his credit at Lucknow, and was reappointed minister. It would appear from the following extract from the Jami Jehan Nama, published in the Government Gazette of January 28, that he is again in disgrace:

Early on the 8th of Jemadi-oo-sani, corresponding with the 29th of December, his Majesty, after giving an audience to Mooatimud al Doulah, ordered Amrit Lal, the master of requests, to prepare breakfast in the Furukh-Buksh chamber, and send to request the company of the Resident.

His Excellency arrived at the appointed hour, and was met by his majesty, attended by Mooatimud al Doulah. After breakfast, a long conversation was held in private, between his Majesty and the Resident, the minister, and Meer Gholam Hosein, the Moonshee of the Resident being in another apartment. After calling them in, the Resident took leave, and his Majesty, having communicated some instructions to the minister, repaired to the mausoleum of his late Majesty, and after some time returned to, and entered the private apartments. Early in the morning, upon his Majesty's rising from repose, he was informed that a messenger had arrived from the Resident, to require the attendance of Mooatimud al Doulah, upon which his Majesty came forth, and having given orders that the minister should immediately wait upon the Resident, again retired. From this moment the star of Mooatimud al Doulah's fortune fell from its meridian, and set in disgrace. "In one instance the spring is in the arms of autumn, and death stands behind the holder of the winecup." Information was next brought that Mooatimud al Doulah was at the Residency under the protection of a guard of sepoys, and the Moonshee of the resident, after communicating a message from his master to Myded Khan, and Fakeer Mohammed Khan, risaladars; Mirza Beni, keeper of the arsenal, Raja Seva Deen Singh, Raja Bakhta-war Singh, Mirza Mita Beg, the kotwal, and other officers, had returned cheerfully to the residency. On hearing this, his Majesty summoned Meer Fazil Alee to the inner apartments, and despatched Fatteh Alee Khan to the above-named persons, to remind them that they were the servants of his Majesty, and expected to perform their duty; and to threaten them with condign punishment if they took any part with Mooatimud al Doulah; and the troopers of the Kandahar Risala and a number of troops were posted on guard round the palace. In the midst of this, intelligence arrived that the Major Sahib, by desire of the Resident, escorted Mooatimud al Doulah to his house, and posted guards of English sepoys around it. His Majesty commanded that Amrit Lal, the Arzbeg, Dilawer Khan, jemadar, and the eunuch Nouroz Khan, should be put in custody, and sent off a message to request the presence of the Resident. His excellency accordingly arrived, and was received with due ceremony, and a long and private conversation ensued; after which, Meer Fuzil Alee and Moozuffur Alee Khan were called, and an honorary dress conferred upon the former, and the office of Darogha of the Dewan Khana and Top Khana bestowed upon the latter, and dresses of approbation upon Captains Futteh Alee Khan, and Khairats Khan. After the Resident bad

taken leave, orders were given to fire a salute, when Meer Fuzil Alee repaired to the residency, and brought back a report of proceedings. Moozuffer Ali Khan was also sent with a message to the Resident, and brought back a reply to his Majesty. A verbal order was sent to Maida Khan, kotwal, not to permit the associates of Mooatimud al Doulah, or any of their effects, to quit the city, and Capt. Futteh Alee Khan was commanded to place guards round the dwellings of Mooatimud al Doulah, his kinsmen and associates. On the 10th, Mohun Lal, the agent of the mother of the Nawab Jelal al Doulah, who, with his friends, had been detained in the minister's house, and Mohun Lal, the dewan of Mirza Hajee, were released from confinement, and several persons who had been banished from the city by the late minister, took this opportunity to return, and received marks of favour. Or ders were given that all public women, who had any persons concealed in their houses to turn them out, and give informa tion against them, and any repetition of the offence would be severely punished. The kotwal was ordered to proclaim, that whoever possessed effects of, or was in account with Mooatimud al Doulah, should give information of the same, and all property that should be attempted to convey clandestinely away, should be seized and handed over to Moozeffer Ali Khan, On the 11th, several friends of the late minister were put into confinement, and much property seized. Some trifling articles belonging to the female part of the family, which were found in the house of a common woman, were sent to the Resident. The nazir of the residency arrived with a representation from his master, stating that the troopers employed to patrol round the house of Mooatimud al Doulah had behaved with great insolence, and paid no regard to the prohibition of the English centinels. The removal of the guards. was taken into consideration, and those stationed on several houses were withdrawn. On the 13th, after the Resident had breakfasted, his Majesty paid a visit to him. Orders were given to imprison Meer Jaffier Alee, who had charge of a battalion, for what offence we do not know.

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carried out to sea, where they had been floating five days, and had reached the extremity of the cruizing line, with the wretched fate before them of a lingering death by famine, if their frail bark should have much longer withstood the gales which have been lately rough and frequent at the Sand-Heads. Mr. Laine, the pilot, who has the praise and good fortune to have effected this providential deliverance, abandoned their boat, and instantly sailed for Kedgeree, where on the morning of the 16th the boats of the place were employed in landing them from the Asseerghur, in number, men women and children, about 150.-Cal. John Bull, Jan. 19.


The general meeting of the subscribers of the Military Fund was held at the house of the Secretary, No. 31, Parks street, Chouringhee, on the 25th instant. The accounts of the past year were approved, and the following directors elected for the ensuing year :-Captain G. Young, Lieutenant-Colonel G. Swiney, Major J. N. Jackson, the Reverend J. Brown, Major C. H. Campbell, Captain R. Armstrong, Captain J. W. J. Ouseley, Captain W. C. Baker, Captain W. Oliphant, W. Twining, Esq., Lieutenant J. P. Macdougall, James Young, Esq., and J. Grant, Esq. Captain G. Young was elected president. The capital of the fund, to the 30th April 1827, exceeded seventeen lacks. Cal. Gov. Gaz, Jan. 28.

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RAMMOHUN ROY'S ANGLO-HINDOO SCHOOL. A public examination of Rammohun Roy's Anglo-Hindoo school took place, January 7, at the Hurkaru public rooms, when we had a proof of the strong interest felt in native improvement, afforded by the presence and continued attention to the proceedings of several of the principal merchants and gentlemen of Calcutta, besides natives. The number of boys examined appeared to be about fifty, but the number whose names are in the school register is between seventy and eighty. This institution is principally supported at the expense of Rammohun Roy, with the aid of a few philanthropic individuals, both among his own countrymen and Europeans, who are friendly to the communication of liberal education to the natives of this country; and it must have afforded a very high degree of pleasure to that distinguished individual, as well as to those who have aided him in his benevolent exertions, to observe the progress which several of the pupils have made in their studies. To the intelligent observer it must also have been an additional source of gratification, to notice among the scholars several of the children of the native gentlemen who contribute to the support Asiatic Journ.VOL. 25. No. 151.

of the school, in no respect distinguished from those who receive their education gratuitously.

Besides three classes that were examined in reading, spelling, grammar, and translation, the first, or most advanced class, was also examined in Joyce's Scientific Dialogues on Mechanics and Astronomy, in the first sixteen propositions of the first book of Euclid, and in translating into Bengallee a passage of Voltaire's History of Charles XII. of Sweden, in all of which they acquitted themselves apparently very much to the satisfaction of the audiAlthough this class appears to have made very little progress in mathematics, yet they were perfect masters of all that they professed to know; and one boy in particular, Bissonauth Mitter, was distinguished for the great facility with which he demonstrated the propositions assigned to him, and the clear apprehension he had formed of their import, and of the corollaries deducible from them.


One of the greatest obstacles, perhaps, to the thorough education of the natives in general knowledge, is the want of a sufficient check to secure their constant and regular attendance; although reasoning from general principles alone, we should be inclined to suspect that this evil is attributable, in a certain extent at least, to some defect in the system of education adopted or in the internal economy of the school. One instance has been mentioned to us of a boy, who one day came to school and coolly took his place among the rest of the scholars, after three years' absence !— Beng. Hurk., Jan. 10.


On Monday morning two of the Chinamen lately condemned for murder suffered the last penalty of the law; and yesterday morning two more, guilty of the same crime, were also executed. The severe but necessary example made in the case of these unfortunate men, will, we trust, have a salutary effect, in teaching their countrymen greater respect for the laws under which they live; as we doubt not that a belief had got abroad among them, that no Chinaman, although condemned, would ever suffer the sentence of the law. understand that the unhappy men who suffered yesterday evinced the greatest indifference to their fate. Their execution was not attended, as we are told, by a single Chinaman.- Calcutta John Bull,

Jan. 9.



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The Lord Bishop of Calcutta, attended by his chaplains and family, paid a visit yesterday morning to Bishop's College. We observe that the funds of this institution are receiving very considerable additions from the donations of public bodies at home, connected with the Church of England. We have not yet seen any detailed account of the proceedings of the college, and how far it is likely to attain the pious object for which it was instituted; but we may now expect that such explanation will be soon afforded to the Christian public. Cal. John Bull, Jan. 22.


Advices from the court of his Highness extend to the 28th of December. On the 22d, Ganpat Rao reported that Sankat Rao and Mihnet Rao, followers of Patenkar, were endeavouring to create a disturbance under pretence of supporting Appa Sahib, and that it was necessary they should be secured. An order to that effect was sent to Mr. Jacob, and a letter was addressed to the Resident. On the 23d, a letter from Gurgi Beg Khan, one of the officers of the arsenal, to Patenkar, promising to execute what that chief should order him, was intercepted, and orders were given to arrest the writer. Gurgi Beg finding his danger, attempted to defend himself in his dwelling by firing, from which several of the soldiers, sent to apprehend him, were killed. At last they forced their way to the roof, where the parties fought hand to hand, and about fifteen persons were killed and wounded; amongst the latter was Gurgi Beg himself, who, after being prostrated by the thrust of a spear, was taken prisoner, heavily ironed, and put into prison. On the 24th, Hindoo Rao reported, that of the ten lacks due by Patenkar, the Baiza Baee had advanced four, and promised that the rest should be paid on the 1st of the month. In the mean time Patenkar, having sent off his effects during the night, set off at

dawn with Appa Sahib and two hundred horses, and fled about eleven coss from the camp. Baiza Baee was in great affliction on hearing of these events, and a message of condolence was sent to her, saying, that if she wished, an officer should be sent to induce Appa Sahib to return, although it was not likely that Patenkar would permit him. The Baee returned no answer. Information was received that Gurgi Beg had destroyed himself, and orders were given to throw his body any where. On the 26th, a letter was sent by Appa Sahib to the Baee, who despatched a reply with ten loads of articles and ten troopers.-Jami Jehan Nama.

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Last evening, Capt. Biden, of the Hon. Company's ship Princess Charlotte of Wales, had the honour of leading forth his "Nautick Band on the Chowringhee boards, in the comedy of John Bull, before the Right Hon. the Governor-general and family, and one of the most brilliant audiences ever witnessed at this theatre. The comedy was played with pretty good effect, making all allowance for "first appearances,' &c. Between each act there was a song, in which two young asthe pirants of "sock and buskin evinced great powers, and were loudly applauded and encored. The afterpiece was one of the leader's own imagination, entitled, The Patriotic Feast, or the Anniversaries of the Glorious Victories of Co runna and Bhurtpore, in which he led forth the little sailor lads belonging to the Marine School, for the benefit of which institution our readers are aware the play was got up. Several transparencies were given in the last scene, before which the boys sang the national anthem, and the curtain fell amidst the loudest plaudits at about half past eleven o'clock.-Cal. John Bull, Jan. 19.

The collection at the doors amounted to 10,000 rupees, which, with donations to the institution, made 26,000.

posed of six East-Indian Gentlemen, and On the 25th January, a deputation comheaded by Mr. J. W. Ricketts, waited upon Capt. Biden, agreeably to appointment, for the purpose of presenting him with a piece of plate, as a token of their esteem and applause for his laudable exer. tions in behalf of their marine school.

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