Sidor som bilder
[blocks in formation]

Lactantius, an examination of the argu-
ment of his treatise De Iru Dei, i.

Lamb, paschal, a type of the future
sacrifice of Christ, iii. 198, 200
Lambert, his character, ii. 25
Language, a deduction of the origin of,
ii. 185-upheld at first by a mixture
of words and signs, 185-its improve-
ment by apologue or fable, 187-its
advance to elegance by the metaphor,
189 the revolutions of, traced, 210-
Diodorus Siculus's account of the ori-
gin of, 375-first taught by God, 375
Law, the two great sanctions of, i. 117

Mosaic, the objections brought
against the sufficiency of it in obtain-
ing its end, equally valid against the
law of nature, ii. 457-its provision
against idolatry, 460-cause of its
inefficacy, 461-its divine institution
manifest in the dispensations of provi-
dence toward the Jewish people, 465
-the primary intention of, 465-the
temporal sanctions of, not transferred
into the gospel, 508 illustrations
from the prophets of the temporal
nature of its sanctions, iii. 1- the
Christian doctrine shadowed under the
rites of, 76-in what sense typical or
spiritual, 134-not supposed by St.
Paul to offer a future state to its fol-
lowers, 164

Lawgiver, heroic, displayed in the cha
racter of Eneas, i. 239-from what
motive induced to have recourse to
fiction, ii. 413

Lawgivers, summary view of their con-

duct in the propagation of religion,
iii. 244

Laws, penal, to enforce opinions, only
equitable under a theocracy, ii. 431
Lazarus, passages in the parable of,
explained, with reference to arguments
founded on them of a future state
being taught by Moses, iii. 154
Legislation, ancient, a divine interposi-
tion the very spirit of, i. 237
Legislators, and their pretended mis-
sions, an enumeration of, i. 174
an inquiry into their motives, 176–
placed by Virgil in Elysium, 275–
however different from each other in
other points, unanimous in propagat-

[blocks in formation]

Liberty, civil, too great an attention to
the security of, subversive of religion,
ii. 85

Life, the promises of, under the Mosaic

law, how to be understood, iii. 141-146
Livy, his character of Scipio Africanus,
ii. 83

Locke, Mr., his memory injured by his
friend Collins, i. 88-his last word to
Collins, 89-his observations on the
Jewish theocracy, ii. 432
Lord's supper, the antitype of the pas

chal lamb, iii. 384-the institution of,
examined from St. Paul's sense of it,
387-Bossuet's objections to the Pro-
testan's' opinion of the figure of "This
is my body," by those of "I am the
vine, I am the door," examined, 468
Lot, his story supposed to be allegorized
by Ovid in Baucis and Philemon, i.

Love, Plato's account of the origin of,
iii. 341

Lucian, his opinion of death, i. 457—

his account of the origin of brute-
worship controverted, ii. 231
Lucius, story of his transformation, from
the Golden Ass of Apuleius, i. 295
Luxury, observations on the vague
meaning of that word, i. 157-true
definition of, 159

Lycanthropy, a Grecian disorder, ac-
count of, i. 439

Lycurgus, his chief aim in the laws of
Sparta, ii. 355

Lyte, anecdote relating to his conjectural
notes touching the origin of the uni-
versity of Oxon, &c., ii. 79

[blocks in formation]

what his successes were chiefly owing, |


Mahometan writers, a character of, ii.

Man, how determined to action, i. 148
-in society described, 153-an in-
quiry into the moral constitution of,
as an individual, and in society, 318
Man and woman, examination of the
Mosaic account of, iii. 340-examina-
tion of the command to increase and
multiply, 342 - Mosaic account of
their specific nature examined, iii.
344 their admission into paradise,
346-their first religion acquired na-
turally, 346-their early acquisition of
speech, 347-religion revealed to them
in paradise, 348-their condition un-
der natural religion inquired into, 349
-their condition under revealed reli-
gion inquired into, 354

Manasseh, detail of God's dealings with
him, iii. 90

Mandeville, examination of his princi-
ple of private vices being public bene.
fits, i. 156—his arguments reduced to
an absurdity, 159

Manicheans, Art. VII. of the Church
of England directed against them, iii.

Mansfield, Lord, dedication of books iv.
v. vi. to him, ii. 84

Mead, Dr., his opinion of demoniacs
examined, iii. 472

Medicine, the parts of, and when each
obtained in use, ii. 168-indication of
the great antiquity of, 168
Melchizedec, observations on the story
of, iii. 269

Metempsychosis, why taught in the Mys-
teries, i. 277-the doctrine of, how
employed by the ancients, 439-and
metamorphosis, difference between,
439-Pythagorean notion of, 444-
came originally from Egypt, and be-
lieved by all inankind, 445-Plato's
notion of, 451-the doctrine of, not
the origin of brute-worship, ii. 231
Mexicans, remarks on the religion of, i.
169-their use of hieroglyphic writing
illustrated by their manner of paint-
ing their prayers, ii. 173-account of
a Mexican history in the hieroglyphic
style, 174

Mhhokek, the proper signification of that
word pointed out, ii. 477
Middleton, remarks on his Life of Ci-

cero, ii. 75-his arguments of the
derivation of popish from pagan rites
examined, 415-his opinion of the
gift of tongues exposed, iii. 470
Milesian fables, what, i. 294
Milton, remarks on the species of poetry
in his Paradise Lost, i. 245
Mind and intellect, the Aristotelian dis-
tinction, i. 486

Minerva, exposition of a famous hiero-
glyphical inscription on her temple
at Sais, ii. 195

Miracles, evidences of an extraordinary
providence over the Jewish nation, ii.
493, 499-a necessary confirmation of
the secondary senses of the Jewish
prophecies, iii. 219-the use to be
made of them in disputes, 317-the
testimony required for the belief of,
406-421-what to be accounted mira-
cles, 407-the only proof of a doctrine
proceeding from God, 409 of the
resurrection of Christ considered, 411

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of casting out devils, or evil spirits,
considered, 413-of healing natural
diseases considered, 415-intended to
defeat the designs of impious men
considered, 418

Mirth, an enemy to chastity, i. 296
Missionaries, Catholic and Protestant,

reasons of the ill success of their mis-
sions, i. 376 compared with ancient
lawgivers, 379

Missions, pretended by ancient legis-
lators, list of, i. 174

Molech, the meaning of giving seed to
him, iii. 144

Montesquieu, extract of a letter from, to
the author, ii. 67

Moon, its various symbols and attri-
butes, as represented in the pagan
mythology from the Golden Ass of
Apuleius, i. 299

Moral sense, the foundation of, i. 130-
Plato the patron of, 134
Morality and faith, summary view of
the disputes concerning, ii. 79
Mosaic dispensation, not a complete reli-
gion, ii. 55-logically proved to be
supported by an extraordinary provi-
dence, 57 on what principles the
proof of it conducted, 58-its limita-
tion to a particular people, no impeach-
ment of the impartiality of God to-
wards mankind in general, 61—sum-
mary estimate of, 62-its divinity
logically proved, iii. 241, 255


ritual, the cause of the admission
of sacrifices into it, considered, iii.

sacrifices, had types and also a
moral import, iii. 377
Moses, a list of pagan gods and heroes,
supposed by Huet to have arisen from
the corruption of his history, i. 438—
his account of the Egyptian priest-
hood, a confirmation of those of the
ancient Greek historians, ii. 154-cor-
roborates their account of the reli-
gious rites of Egypt, 156- of the
funeral rites of Egypt, 171-of the
division of the lands of Egypt, 172—
the former of the Hebrew alphabet,
by an improvement of the Egyptian
characters, 207-the difference be-

tween contradicting the astronomy and
the history written by him, 247-cha-
racters in the pagan mythology sup-
posed by some to be intended for him,
254-one intention of his law to pro-
hibit all intercourse between the He-
brews and the Egyptians, 281-his
motives explained, 281-the reason of
his unwillingness to undertake his
mission, 301-his laws accommodated
to the prejudices of the Jews, in fa-
vour of the Egyptian customs, 310-
this no objection to the divinity of his
mission, 315-his knowledge in the
Egyptian learning, and the laws by
him instituted, a confirmation of the
divinity of his mission, 352-answers
to deistical objections against the divi-
nity of his mission, 354-vindicated
from the supposition of having had
recourse to fiction in certain cases, 413
-his injunctions to the Jews against
the local idolatry of the Cutheans, 448
-his injunctions to the Jews against
the local idolatry of Canaan, 453—
the omission of a future state in his
law, intended, iii. 3-two periods ob-
servable in his history, 3-the sense
of his expressions relating to the crea
tion of man ascertained, 131-the veil
over his face explained, 185
Moses, Divine Legation of, demon-

strated. The medium employed to es-
tablish his divine legation, i. 110—
propositions on which this demonstra-
tion depends, 112-summary view of
the opposition this performance met
with, ii. 101-recapitulation of the
argument proving his divine legation,
iii. 238-the length of it accounted
for, 242-argument designed for the
subject of books vii. viii. ix. of the
Divine Legation, 265, 338
Musa, Antonius, not depicted by Virgil
under the character of Iapis, i. 287
Muskets, humorous story of a parcel of,
with a logical inference, iii. 264
Mysteries, of the pagan religion, for
what purpose instituted, i. 193-what
the original ones, 194-the Eleusi-
nian, 195-arguments in favour of,
197 who the first institutors of, 232
-the abuse of them in the Christian
religion, 390-explanation of that
term, 391-pagan, marks of their
Egyptian original, ii. 155—summary
view of, iii. 245

Mythology, ancient, explanation of, ii. 29
-the testimony not to be trusted, in
ascertaining times and facts, 270-
sources of the confusion in, 271
Mythras, priests of, explanation of their
names, i. 207-probationary trials
previous to initiation into the myste-
ries of, 256


Nature, state of, and civil society, dif-
ference between, i. 117-inquiry into
the systems of, iii. 333
Nebuchadnezzar, inquiry into his disor
der, i. 440

Nero, emperor, how deterred-from at-
tempting to intrude upon the Eleu-
sinian mysteries, i. 197

Newton, Sir Isaac, his account of the
origin of idolatry, i. 171—his system
of idolatry controverted, ii. 28-his
character as a natural philosopher,
246 misled by Greek mythologists,
246-the argument of his Egyptian
chronology, 247-his reasons for the
identity of Osiris and Sesostris, 248-
his mistake in this, illustrated by a
case stated in similar terms, 251-the
source of his mistake, 255-his hypo-
thesis supported principally by two
mythologic fables, 272-mistakes the
times of the pagan deities, compared
with the era of the Trojan war, 273-
his system of chronology contradictory
to scripture, 277-his chronology re-
futed by deduction, 277-his account
of Vulcan, compared with that of
Homer, 279-his assertion of the con-
quest of Libya furnishing Egypt with
horses, invalidated, 280-his opinion
of the time when the Egyptians intro-
duced animal food, refuted, 286-his
period of the division of the lands of
Egypt, disproved, 287-his account of
the first introduction of letters into
Egypt, rejected, 288—his observations,
relating to the populousness of Egypt,
examined, 289 makes Sesostris to be
Hercules, 290-quotes Esculapius as
the first who built with square stones,
291-summary view of the dispute
concerning the identity of Osiris with
Sesostris, 292

Nile, the happy effects of its annual
overflowings, ii. 151

Nisus and Euryalus, remarks on the
episode of, in the Æneis, i. 243
Noah, his character found to answer to
that of the Indian Bacchus, ii. 399
Nocturnal assemblies, of the primitive
Christians, first occasion of, ii. 112—
their antiquity among pagans, 130
Norden, captain, his mistaken conclu-
sion, from a view of the pyramids,
concerning the antiquity of the Egyp
tian hieroglyphics, corrected, ii. 383

Oaths, of the citizens of Athens, i. 355—
of the priestesses of Bacchus, 356-
solemnly regarded by the Romans,
409-Cicero's opinion of the obliga-
tion to fulfil, under the belief of the
immutability of the Deity, 468

Obelisks, of the ancient Egyptians, the
public records of the times, ii. 194
Obligation, duties of perfect and imper-
fect, how distinguished, i. 116
Ombites and Tentyrites, occasion of the
intolerant proceedings of, i. 363
Omens, their admission into ancient his-
tory, accounted for, i. 173-two kinds
of, 237

On, some account of the priests of, ii.

Oneirocritic art, explained, ii. 220—
whence the art of deciphering bor-
rowed, 222

Oracles, the original motive of consult-
ing them, ii. 263

Origen, and Celsus, comparative charac-
ters of, i. 194-his account of the
Stoical renovation, 457-his misun-
derstandings of the promises of the
Jewish law pointed out, iii. 290
Orpheus, said to have been struck dead
by lightning, i. 228-where placed in
Elysium by Virgil, 275

Osiris, and Sesostris, their identity con-
troverted against Sir Isaac Newton,
ii. 249-who, 255-and Sesostris, dis-
tinguished, 255, 258-account of, and
his cortege, from Diodorus Siculus,
255-his symbols, 260-proof of his
antiquity equal to Moses, 260-his
superior antiquity to Sesostris, ascer-
tained, 260-his various characters at
different places, as expressed in an
epigram of Ausonius, 269-repre-
sented in the golden calf of the Egyp-
tians, 303

Ovid, remarks on his Metamorphosis, i.

Ovid's Metamorphosis, a popular history

of providence, i. 441-key to his
poem, 443-Metamorphosis founded
on the metempsychosis, 443-his ac-
count of Tryphon's war with the gods,
ii. 227

Oxyrynchite and Cynopolite, Plutarch's
account of the religious contest be-
tween, i. 364


Paganism, chiefly founded in the deifi-
cation of dead men, i. 170-ancient,
the religion of the civil magistrate,
171-favourer of mysteries, 235—the
genius of, considered as opposed to the
true religion, 361-intercommunity of
worship general in, 362

Pan, how painted by the Egyptians, ii.

Pantomime, historical anecdote of the
great expression of one, iii. 191-story
of a famous one at Rome, 299
Parable, the origin and nature of, ii.

Parmenides, the philosopher, his public
and private doctrines, i. 417

Passover, Jewish, its typical meaning
pointed out, iii. 206

Patriarchs, Jewish, shown to be no pu-
nishers for opinions, iii. 269

Patriots, where placed in Elysium by
Virgil, i. 275

Paul, St., why brought before the court
of Areopagus at Athens, i. 371-why
supposed not to be brought before that
court in a criminal view, 403-the
sense of his words in Heb. xi. 6, as-
certained, ii. 53 for what purpose
called to the apostleship, 323—cita-
tions from, in proof that the doctrine
of a future state was not known under
the Mosaic dispensation, iii. 18-that
its sanctions were all temporal, 22—
his sentiments of persecution before
and after conversion, 53-his defi-
nition of faith, 158-a seeming con-
tradiction in, between Acts xiii. 32,
and Heb. xi. 39, reconciled, 162—an
important passage in his Epistle to the
Romans, viii. 3, 4, expounded, 163-
his account of the institution of the
Lord's supper, examined, 387-his
account of justification by faith, recon-
ciled to that of James, 399
Pelasgians, account of their adoption of
the names of the Egyptian gods, and
application of them to their own dei-
ties, from Herodotus, ii. 264-commu-
nicate the names of the Egyptian gods
to the Greeks, 265
Perfection, the doctrine of, inquiry con-
cerning it, iii. 398

Peripatetics, their notions of Providence,
i. 474

Peripatetics and Old Academy, their
conformity, ii. 71

Persecution for religious opinions, the
true origin of, traced, ii. 109; iii. 269
-inquiry into the nativity of, ii. 121
-frequently an engine of state, 125—
discountenanced by the gospel dispen-
sation, iii. 53

Persians, why they had no statues of
their gods, i. 171-their superstition
described in Ezekiel's visions, ii. 309
Peruvians, remarks on the religion of,
i. 169

Peter, his vision of the clean and un-
clean beasts, explained, ii. 326-his
double sense, pointed out, iii. 216
Pharaoh, king of Egypt, the scripture
account of, ii. 151-promotes Joseph,
155 an illustration of the oneirocritic
art, drawn from Joseph's interpretation
of his two dreams, 222-his chariots
and cavalry, in the pursuit of the
Israelites, 280

Pharmacy, general division of, ii. 169
Phenician superstition, described in Eze-
kiel's visions, ii. 309

Pherecydes Syrus, the first advancer of
the notion of the Tò ev, i. 493

Philosophers, Greek, legislative, always |
professed belief in a future state;
mere philosophers, the contrary, i. 425
-the causes which induced them to
disbelieve a future state of rewards
and punishments, 467-their concep-
tions of the soul, 478

Philosophy, the study of, not the only
business for which man is sent into
the world, i. 379

Physic, critical inquiry into the state of,
in ancient Egypt, ii. 157
Pirithous, account of the fable of his
design to steal Proserpine from hell,
i. 270

Planet-worship, the earliest species of
idolatry, ii. 30-the first religion of
Greece, 260

Plants, worshipped by the Egyptians,
ii. 223

Plato, the proem to his laws, i. 191-his

definition of sacrilege, 191-the first
of his laws, 192-his public writing
shown to differ from his private senti-
ments, 417-a character of his poli-
tics and philosophy, 448-Cicero's
remarks on his Phædo, 450-in what
sense an advocate for the immortality
of the soul, 451-his sentiments con-
cerning the soul, 484

Platonists, their notions of Providence,
i. 475

Pleasure, allegorical view of the dangers
attending an indulgence in, i. 296
Pliny, the reason of his persecuting the
Christians, ii. 110, 116-his doubts
respecting the manner of proceeding
against Christians, 116
Plutarch, his opinion of two principles,
i. 187 his derivation of superstition,
337-his notion of death, 465-ob.
servations on his recital of the opinion
of the philosophers, concerning the
soul, 488-an examination of his com-
parison between superstition and athe-
ism, ii. 8-his famous exclamation to
his countrymen, 13-accuses the Jews
of worshipping swine, 393
Pococke, his account of the Egyptian
hieroglyphics, ii. 367-objections to
his account, 367
Poisons, the virtue of, i. 102

Policy, human, Critias of Athens, his
history of, ii. 3

Political romances, the common errors
they have all fallen into, i. 120
Polybius, his testimony in favour of the
piety of the Romans, i. 408—his opi
nion as to the means by which states
are brought to ruin, 409-remarks on
his character, 409
Polytheism, in what it consisted, ex-
plained, i. 299

Pomponatius, some account of, i. 123-
his opinion of a future state, defended
against Bayle, 124

Pope, Mr., his observations on Lord
Bolingbroke, i. 338

Poppy, why the juice of, is used in the
ceremonial of the shows in the
Eleusinian mysteries, i. 261

Porphyry, and Clemens Alexandrinus,
their accounts of the Egyptian charac-
ters and writing, ii. 191-his account
of the origin of brute-worship, contro-
verted, 233

Posterity, why the punishments of the
Mosaic law extended to them, iii. 5-
the case argued, 7

Posthumius, extract from his speech on
the introduction of foreign worship to
Rome, i. 356-his intention only to
prevent the exercise of unlicensed
religion, 373

Pre-existence of the soul, inquiry into
the sentiments of the ancients con-
cerning, i. 480

Press, liberty of the, propensity of the
present age to infidelity, not to be as-
cribed to, i. 78—the complaints of its
being restricted, disingenuous, 79
Prideaux, his account of the deification
of heroes, controverted, ii. 238
Priests, pious and virtuous, where placed
in Elysium, by Virgil, . 275
Principles, good and evil, the belief of,
how guarded against by the writer of
the book of Job, iii. 116

Priscillian, the first sufferer for opinion,
ii. 124

Prodigies, &c., their admission into an-
cien: history, accounted for, i. 173
Prophecies, scripture, defended from the
insinuations of Dr. Middleton, iii.
204 their primary and secondary
senses, distinguished, 221-misunder-
stood by the Jews, and why so or-
dained, 229-the use to be made of
them in disputes, 317
Prophecy, what a necessary confirmation
of their reference to the Messiah, iii.
221-an evidence of a doctrine pro-
ceeding from God, 422—considerations
on, 422
Prophets, reason of the institution of a
school for, ii. 317

Jewish, an inquiry into the
nature of the divine commission to,
ii. 62-rational account of their il-
lustrating their prophecies by signs,

Propitiatory sacrifice, origin and nature
of it, explained, iii. 371
Providence, the doctrine of, the great
sanction of ancient laws, i. 179-the
spirit of legislation depends on the
doctrine of a, 235—the inequalities of,
how rectified by the ancients, 439-
what kind of, believed by the ancient
theistic philosophers, 474-adminis-
tration of, at various times, considered,
ii. 338-remarks on the different re-

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