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This power imparts incalculable advantages to a nation whose population is not fail. The United States require the use of this power, because they do not abound in population. The diminution of manual labour by means of machinery, in the cotton manufacture of Great Britain, was in the year 1810 as 200 to one.

scribed to them by the peace and apparent repose of Europe.

Our apprehensions arise from causes that cannot animate by their effects. Look wheresoever the eye can glauce, and what, are the objects that strike the vision? On the continent of Europe, industry, deprived of its motive and incitement, is paralyzed; the accumulated wealth of ages, seized by the haud of military despotism, is appro priated to, and squandered on, objects of ambition; the order of things is unsettled, and confidence between man and man an nihilated. Every moment is looked for with tremulous, anxious, and increased solicitude; hope languishes; and commercial horizon appears to be calm, but many, of enterprise stiffens with fear. The political signs portentous of a violent tempest, which no ordinary sagacity, think they behold will again rage and desolate that devoted

Our manufacturers have already availed themselves of this power, and have profited by it. A little more experience in making machines, and in uranaging them with skill, will enable our manufacturers to sup-region. ply more fabrics than are necessary for the home demand.

Should this prediction fail, no change for the better, under existing circumstances, Competition will make the prices of the can take place. Where despotism-miliarticles low, and the extension of the cot-tary despotism-reigns, silence and fearful ton manufactories will produce that com- stillness must prevail. petition.

Such is the prospect which continental Europe exhibits to the enterprise of American merchants.

One striking and important advantage, which labour-saving machines bestow, is this-that in all their operations they re- Can it be possible for them to find in quire few men, as a reference to another that region sources which will supply them part of this Report will show. No appre- with more than seventeen millions of dolhensions can then be seriously entertained lars, the balance due for British manufacthat agriculture will be in danger of hav-tures imported; this balance being over ing its efficient labours withdrawn from its


On the contrary, the manufacturing establishments, increasing the demand for raw materials, will give to agriculture new life and expansion.

and above the value of all the exports to foreign countries from the United States? This view, which is given of the dreary prospect of commercial advantages accruing to the United States by an intercourse with continental Europe, is believed to be just. The statement made of the great balance in favour of Great Britain due from the United States, is founded on matter of fact.

The committee, after having with great deference and respect presented to the house this important subject in various points of view, feel themselves constrained, before concluding this Report, to offer a few more observations, which they considered as not less so, with regard to the present and future prosperity of this nation.

The prospects of a large commerce are not flattering.

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Every nation in times of peace will supply its own wants, from its own resources, or from those of other nations.

When supplies are drawn from foreign countries, the intercourse which will ensue will furnish employment to the navigation only of the countries connected by their reciprocal wants.

Our concern does not arise from, nor can it be increased by, the limitation which our navigation and trade will have preYOL. IV. No. 21. Lit. Pun. N. S. June 1.

In the hands of Great Britain are gathertogether, and held, many powers that they have not been accustomed hitherto to feel and to exercise.

No improper motives are intended to be imputed to that government; but does not experience teach a lesson that should never be forgotten-that governments, like individuals, are apt "to feel power, and forget right?" It is not inconsistent with national decorum to become circumspect and prudent. May not the government of Great Britain be inclined, in analysing the basis of her political power, to consider and regard the United States as her rival, and to indulge an improper jealousy, the enemy of peace and repose?


Can it be politic, in any point of view, to make the United States dependent on any nation for supplies absolutely necessary for defence, for comfort, and for accommodation ?

Will not the strength, the political energies of this nation be materially impaired at any time, but fatally so in those of difficulty and distress, by such defence?

now free may be advantageously charged with a duty, to what amount, and in what manner? 4. What articles, classed under general descriptions, admit of a more definite and specific arrangement? 5. What articles, now charged with duties ad valorem, may be advantageously charged with specific duties, to what amount, and in what manner? 6. What non-enumerated arDo not the suggestions of wisdom plainly ticles of importation may be advantashow, that the security, the peace, and the geously specified, and charged with a spehappiness of this nation depend on opening | cific duty: in what manner, and to what and enlarging all our resources, and drawing from them whatever shall be required for public use or private accommodation?

The committee, from the views which they have taken, consider the situation of manufacturing establishments to be perilous. Some have decreased, and others have suspended business. A liberal encouragement will put them again in operation with increased powers; but should it be withheld they will be prostrated.— Thousands will be reduced to want and wretchedness. A capital of near sixty millions of dollars will become inactive, the greater part of which will be a dead loss to the manufacturers. Our improvidence may lead to fatal consequences; the powers, jealous of our growth and prosperity, will acquire the resources and strength which this government neglects to improve. It requires no prophet to foretel the use that foreign powers will make of them. The committee, from the consideration which they have given to this subject, are deeply impressed with a conviction that the manufacturing establishments of cotton wool are of real utility to the agricultural interest, and that they contribute much to the prosperity of the Union. Under the influence of this conviction, the committee beg leave to tender, respectfully, with this Report, the following resolution:-


Treasury Notes.

Mr. Dallas's circular to the Collectors that funds have been assigned for the payhas this beginning" You will perceive ment of certain Treasury Notes, and that consequently, the interest on those Notes of the 3d of March last, cease on the days," will, pursuant to the 7th section of the act &c. &c. The following is the section alluded to: "That it shall be lawful for the Secretary of the Treasury to cause to be paid, the interest on Treasury Notes that have become due, and remain unpaid, as well with respect to the time elapsed before they become due, as with respect to the time that shall elapse after they become due; and until funds shall be assigned for the payment of the Treasury Notes, and notice shall be given thereof by the Secretary of the Treasury." These funds the Secretary states to be bills of Baltimore and other Southern Banks: a mode of payment and a species of funds utterly unknown to the laws of the country, and at the time he provides them at a discount of from 15 to 20 per cent. in Boston!!!—(Boston Paper.)


The following statements are from an Address by the Rev. Mr. Beecher to a SoResolved-That from and after the 20th ciety, formed in Connecticut, for the purday of June next, in lieu of the duties now authorised by law, there be laid, levied, pose of endeavouring to remedy this most and collected on cotton goods, imported lamentable evil, this disease that preys on into the United States and territories the vitals of individuals, and of society at thereof, from any foreign country what-large. The population of the Union is so per centum ad valorem, being cents per square yard. scattered, that seldom can a Public Instructor embody under his charge so many as five hundred persons; but, to avoid cavil, the Speaker accepts the calculation of one thousand, to each Minister. He then pro

not less than

System of Duties.

Several merchants in Boston have received circulars from the Secretary of the Treasury, requesting from them information on the following inquiries: 1. What ar ticles of importation into the United States admit of being charged with higher duty, and to what amount? 2. What articles require a reduction in the duty now charged, and to what amount? S. What articles


Take this rule, then, and the 6,000,000 of inhabitants in the United States need 8,000 ministers. The number of our educated ministers is not more than 3,000; of course 5,000 are at present needed, and

5,000,000 people are destitute of competent | the United States: that of course one third religious instruction. There may be, per- of the population, or nearly three millions haps, 1,500 besides, who are nominally of people, look to them for religious ministers. These Mr. B. strikes off the list. teachers. To supply this population, as His reasons for so doing are, that they are New-England was supplied for more than extremely illiterate, despising learning, and 130 years after its settlement, (that is, till utterly incapable of exerting that religious, within the memory of many now upon. and moral, and literary influence which the stage,) would require 4,250 ministers. belongs to the ministry. Yet it is a fact, that there are now living only 760 ministers, graduates of Harvard and Yale, leaving an arrearage of 3,490.

"Illiterate pastors," Mr. B. justly observes, "cannot be the patrons of schools, academies, and colleges. They cannot, and if they can they will not, exalt society above their own level. Education, religious and literary, will be neglected in their hands; civilization will decline, and immoralities multiply. If the influence of such men be better than nothing, if it do not help on the decline caused by human depravity, it is totally incompetent to arrest it."

"To speak more particularly of YaleCollege. Probably one sixth of all who receive a collegiate education in the United States are graduates of this seminary.-Allotting then to Yale-College one sixth of the population of the United States, as her portion, to supply, if this portion were now fully supplied, with one minister for every 1,000 souls; yet, barely to fill the vacancies by death, and to meet the annual increase of population, the College would be called on to furnish EIGHTY ministers

"Illiterate men have never been the chosen instruments of God to build up his cause. The disciples of our Lord, to sup-annually; and this number to be increased ply the deficiency of an education, were instructed by himself for three years; and then, were miraculously taught languages, and clothed with the power of miracles, and were guided beside by the immediate suggestion of the Holy Spirit.


in future, in proportion as the population should increase. Yet it is a fact, that for the last forty years, there has not been an average of NINE ministers annually from this institution."

We are brought then to this conclusion, that, "an immediate, universal, vigorous effort must be made to provide religious instruction for the nation.

The question then arises whether these 5,000,000 will ever receive competent religious instructors. A short calculation will shew, that without extraordinary exIt is indispensable, to prevent the great ertious, they never will. The population body of the nation from sinking down to a of the country in past years has far outrun state of absolute heathenism. Let the tide the increase of ministers. "From the of population roll on for seventy years as it 1700 to 1758, there were 1998 students has done for the seventy that are past, and graduated at Harvard and Yale Colleges, let no extraordinary exertion be made to (at that time the only Colleges in New-meet the vastly increasing demand for minEngland.) Of this number, 804 were isters, but let them increase only in the slow ministers of the Gospel. Of these 804, proportion that they have done, and what there were living in 1753, according to the will be the result? There will be within best estimate, 621. The population of the United States SEVENTY MILLION SOULS New-England, in 1753, was 390,000. Of course there was, at that time, on an average, one LIBERALLY EDUCATED mi

nister for every 628 souls in New-England. "From a cursory examination of the necessary documents, it is presumed, that previous to this period, back to the first settlement of the country, the supply was even greater than this proportion.

"Compare this result with the present supply of ministers from these colleges. Let it be first remembered, however, that since 1758 the population of New England has increased nearly tenfold, and has spread itself over the whole western country; and though Colleges have multiplied, yet Harvard and Yale still educate ONE THIRD of -all who receive a collegiate education in

and there will be only six thousand competent religious teachers; that is, SIXTYFOUR MILLION, out of the SEVENTY, will be wholly destitute of proper religious instruction. They may not become the worshippers of idols; but there is a brutality and ignorance, and profligacy always prevalent where the Gospel does not enlighten and restrain, as decisively ruinous to the soul as Idolatry itself.

"If knowledge and virtue be the basis of republican institutions, our foundations will soon rest upon the sand, unless a more effectual and all-pervading system of religious and moral instruction can be provided. The right of suffrage in the hands of an ignorant and vicious population, such as will always exist in a


land where the Gospel does not restrain and | civilize, will be a sword in the hand of a maniac; to make desolate around him, and finally to destroy himself. It is no party in politics that can save this nation from political death, by political wisdom merely.

The expense of crimes and of their punishment, beside all the woes of wickedness, is four times as great, as the expense of their prevention, by a comprehensive system of religious instruction."


If the population in Connecticut be no better provided with Teachers than we have already seen, there can be little wonder that their Brethren, the red men, the Aborigines of the country, should be almost forgotten. We have heretofore mentioned several Societies active in their favour, in some parts; but, we presume, that they have either failed in their efforts, or have directed them elsewhere. The real state of the Back Settlements in reference to Religion, is much worse than can be conceived of in Britain.

instructed, as to be able to read with a good degree of facility in the English Bible; were proportionably advanced in spelling, writing, and arithmetic; and at the same time were taught the principles of the Christian religion. Many Bibles and religious Tracts were distributed, and several individuals, some young, and some of mature age, became hopeful and exemplary Christians. The Cherokee tribe is estimated at twelve thousand souls. If we suppose four thousand of them to be of an age, suitable for attending schools; and four or five hundred of these, nearly an eighth part, were brought forward to the state of improvement now described, in the short period of five years, by the exertions of one man what might not be effected, with the blessing of God, by a combined, well supported, and well conducted effort?

Important Law Decision: Slave.

Providence, Nov. 4. Tuesday last, upon a writ of Habeas Corpus, issued by Judge Brayton, of the Supreme Court, at the instance of the Abolition Society, directed to a Southern Gentleman, who was about to convey to Charleston S. C. a domestic slave whom he had purchased many years since, and who has served in his family in this town for about five years last past, the Judge decided that, under a law of this State, which permits the citizens of other States to retain slaves in their service, the said slave should continue in the custody of his master as his property. The ground of the decision, we understand, was, that the owner, although his family resided here, was in fact, a citizen of South Carolina, being in that state on commercial business upwards of nine months in each year.

Within the United States and their Territories, there are about two hundred and forty thousand Indians, divided and subdivided into about seventy tribes and claus. Nearly one hundred thousand of these Indians are on this side the Missisippi; and of these the four Southern tribes, the Creeks, Choctaws, Chickesaws, and Cherokees, comprise about seventy thousand; more than one fourth part of the number of Aborigines within the juris- Bingrampton (Chenango County) Oct. 24. diction of the United States. These four A salt spring has recently been discotribes seem to claim very particular atten- vered on the farm of a Mr. Beardslee, sition, on account not only of their compa- tuated on the west branch of the Wyarative numerical importance; but also of lusing Creek, in the state of Pennsylvania, their geographical situation, in a fine about 20 miles from this village. Satisfaccountry and climate, and in the neigh-tory experiments have been made on the bourhood of a rapidly increasing white water of this spring, which, we understand, population; and moreover of their disposi- prove conclusively, that ninety gallons of tion and habits, especially of the Che-the water will make fifty-six pounds, or one rokees, Chickesaws, and Choctaws, tending towards a state of civilization, and favourable to the reception among them of missionaries and other instructors. In 1804 the Rey. Gideon Blackburn, whose praise should be in all the churches, instituted, under the auspices of the General As-kettles this fall. sembly of the Presbyterian Church, a mission among the Cherokees, which he conducted in person, and with very inadequate assistance and support; and within about five years, between four or five hundred young persons of both sexes were so

bushel of salt. A pump has been constructed, which throws a stream of water four inches in diameter, and this pump is incapable of diminishing the quantity of water in the well. We understand that arrangements are making to set one hundred


From the successful cultivation of the cane in Georgia, S. Carolina, the Mississippi Territory and Louisiana, Sugar promises to rival or excel the cotton and tebacco plants in importance.



The Forty-eighth.

hollow, wrought in the rock: for so says the author of the Jerusalem Itinerary, written in the fourth century, speaking of Bethany: Est ibi CRYPTA ubi Lazarus positus fuit. quem Dominus suscitavit. Mr. H. has not made the most of this circumstance: it would have added much to the effect of the scene had he narrowed the opening, for the purpose of encreasing the gloom and shadow; while he spread a tender and affecting light on the figure of a beautiful young Lazarus.

We must not be understood to deny the and is further recommended by novelty. merits of this picture; it has happy parts,

Mr. WESTALL'S "Presentation in the Tem

ple," sins against propriety and possibility, that Artists among us should learn to sift too grossly to be overlooked. It is time their subjects from the bran and refuse deknew no better. Not that we mean to livered down by the old masters, who despise or to condemn, the Old Masters. We are aware that they might plead authorities, which are now too little studied. But, this picture displays, for instance, the Ark and the Golden Candlestick of the Jewish Temple, most offensively. If the painter were asked," Why this indeco rum?" he might answer,-" It is the custom, Sir"-Then might he run over a long list of names, from the days of Tintoretto returns-"Was the Ark visible, from any to those of Mignard:-but, the question part of the outer Temple? Was it not sewhich was a-cross a court yard?-and this cluded within the Temple, properly so called, Temple had its porch, with closed doors, the Holy Place, and the most Holy Place, shut up by curtains, or veils, as thick as could it be seen? As to the Candlestick, carpets: in this the ark stood: how, then, it may be tolerated, as a liberty, in any part: as there are many instances of a Candlestick somewhat like it, i. e. with seven branches, being common among the Jews, even in countries distant from Judea: the ancient lamps, yet existing, shew this.

That the Institutions of Art should retain their attractions, after so long a time, cannot but be pleasing to admirers of the Arts; and if we may judge from the crowded rooms at Somerset-house, which we have witnessed this season, there is not only no diminution in popular feeling and interest in behalf of Art, but, an encrease. The number of Artists is not diminished; and, on the whole, we consider the proportion of merit, as somewhat more equally distributed among them, than we have seen it. It is true, that in the department of HISTORICAL PAINTING, there is this year no great display. The Great Room does not boast of so much as a centre piece, of this description; but, the picture, intended as we guess, to have occupied that distinguished situation, is placed in the smaller apartment, where it fills the whole end. The story is, the raising of Lazarus; and it adds to the meritorious works of its author, Mr. HILTON. But, Mr. H. will excuse us if we think he has erred-not in the action of bis Lazarus, but-in the character and age he has given him. It is not possible, at this distance of time to discover what authorities the Ancient Christian Artists had, for representing Lazarus as a young man; but it is certain that in some instances he is represented very young As several of these date from the time of Constantine, and as all agree in the fact, it is very possible, that tradition had preserved this, to their days, as part of the story, nor is there any thing in the Gospel to contradict it. It might have been as well, also, if Mr. H. had introduced that particular manner of swathing the dead, which is expressed in the original, and constantly observed in the ancient pictures we refer to; as may be seen in the works of Ciampini, Aringhi, Buonarotti, and We would fain induce our artists to other antiquaries. The shroud was wound around in a kind of fascia, or what Ter-think, to study, to examine: it is not tullian calls Linea vincula; which bound enough that they make good paintings, the body; the same word is applied to the they must also conform to propriety and costume, or be set down-not always very swathing clothes of infants; which, as noticed by Winkelman, were sufficiently -on the second form of masters. gentlybinding. The narrative certainly loses nothing, considered as a subject for a picture, by introducing the age of blooming youth, combined with beauty of form, in the reviving Lazarus: it commits to the hands of the Artist a new power, acting directly and forcibly ou the eye and heart of a spectator. The sepulchre of Lazarus was a cave, or

They trot like a parcel of sheep, one after another; it is time, that truth were their guide, in the genuine, and proper track.

Mr. WILKIE must also, this year, suffer a reprimand: this ingenious artist's picture of a man making a rabbit on the wall, by randle light, by placing his fingers in a certain attitude for the amusement of children,

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