Bibliography: Dante, English translations, 462 Jeakes's Charters of the Cinque Ports,' 228 Ku Klux Klan Society, 505 'Lions Living and Dead,' 68, 95, 177, 435 Marvin (J. G.), 187 'Merry Devil of Edmonton,' 266 Ovid, his 'Metamorphoses,' 427, 455 Pennant (Thomas), his 'Tour in Wales,' 349 Phillips (Sir Richard), 104, 315 Russell (Thomas), LL.D., 145, 214, 450 Scott (Sir Walter), 32 Shakspearian, 122 Smith (Thomas), topographer, 404 Sterling (Rev. James), 23, 195, 237, 284 Topographical, county, 361, 497 Whittingham Press, 366, 414, 472 Sonnets,' 89, 157, 332 his 'Ecclesiastical Bidder (G. P.) as a cryptographer, 188 Bindon (J.) on Culpeper family, 68 Birch (H.) on Oxford University, 427 Bird (T.) on dated bricks, 267 Essex folk-lore, 225 Smoking in church, 11 Birdcage Walk, origin of the name, 165 Birthday calendar, royal, 367, 431 Bishop, his oath, temp. Henry VIII., 268, 355, 514 Bitmay, its meaning and derivation, 47, 133, 217 Black (W. G.) on Candlemas school custom, 384 Clerical dress, Scotch, 245 Blair (O. H.) on English kings' heraldic supporters, 477 Isabella of Angoulême, 194 Master of Revels for Scotland, 54 Seal, armorial, 12 Blair (R.) on postage at high rates, 118 Blenkinsopp (E. L.) on Austrian lip, 374 Child commissions, 70 Dog, sporting, of ancient Britons, 432 "Led will," its meaning, 70 Whiz-gig, its meaning, 237 Bliss (R.) on Lions Living and Dead,' 177 Blyth (J. N.) on Hood on a London fog, 458 Boar, white, as a badge, 267, 331, 358 Boase (G. C.) on Bedford Chapel, Bloomsbury, 221 Gretna Green marriages, 61 Mitrailleuse, ancient, 368 Scott (Ladies) and their writings, 448 Boat-race, University, 251 Bocase, its etymology, 187 Bodkin, in Shakspeare, 362, 422 Boger (C. G.) on first Crusade, 106 Boggart-ghost, 14 Bohun (Edmond), letter from George Hickes, 203 Boleyn (Anne) and Greens of Northamptonshire, 47 Bonaparte (Napoleon), and the Grande Armée, 1; his marshals, 51, 75, 97; his illnesses, 169, 237 Bond (Sir Thomas), Bart., his biography, 176 Bone (John William), F.S.A., his biography, 97 Bonfire, its etymology, 186 Book terms, 341 Book title wanted, 328 Booking places at theatres and spectacles, 244, 357 Books. See Bibliography. Books recently published: Adolphus's (F.) Memories of Paris, 299 Anderson's (J. C.) Old Testament and Monumental Coincidences, 280 Arthur's (J. K.) Bouquet of Brevities, 340 Baring-Gould's (S.) English Minstrelsie, 19, 94,359 Birrell's (A.) Obiter Dicta, Second Series, 360 Burns's Poetry, ed. by W. E. Henley and T. F. Burton's (E.) Life of John Leland, 499 Byrom's (John) Poems, ed. by A. W. Ward, 139 Compton's (M.) Snow Bird and Water Tiger, 159 Dalbiac's (P. H.) Dictionary of Quotations, 359 Farnell's (L. R.) Cults of the Greek States, 519 Foote's (M.) Elizabethan Sonnet Cycles, 359, 395 Inderwick's (F. A.) The King's Peace, 59 Jacobs's (J.) Barlaam and Joshaphat, 179; Johnson's Lives of the Poets, ed. by A. Waugh, 339 Keats's Poems, edited by G. T. Drury, 279 Leland's (C. G.) Legends of Florence, 419 New English Dictionary. See Oxford English Dictionary. Newman's (E.) Gluck and the Opera, 119 North's Plutarch's Lives, Vols. V. and VI., 319 Northall's (G. F.) Folk-Phrases of Four Counties, 19 Orchard's (T. N.) Astronomy in 'Paradise Lost,' 400 Oxford English Dictionary, 138, 320 Books recently published: Parsons's (J. D.) Non-Christian Cross, 280 Rodway's (J.) West Indies and Spanish Main, 339 Shepherd's (R. H.) Bibliography of Tennyson, 180 Tuer's (A. W.) History of the Horn-Book, 399 Wylie's (J. H.) History of England under Zimmern's (A.) Porphyry the Philosopher, 860 Borrow (George), his family, 407, 474 Bosch or bosh, its etymology, 324, 418 Bostal or Borstal, its meaning, 323, 410, 454 Arnold (Matthew), his 'Cromwell,' 5 Brucolaques, its meaning, 9, 255 Country life, changes in, 171 Hugo (Victor), 'Notre-Dame de Paris,' 88; and Keats (J.), his' Ode to a Nightingale,' 18 "Maid of France," 49 May Queen, 371 Merry" and places, 271 Milton (John) and Shakspeare, 114 Our Lady of Hate, 138 Smoking in church, 12, 314 Spenser (Edmund), description of fishes, 228 Bouchier (J.) on harmony in versе, 482 Bowen (J. H.) on French landing at Fishguard, 318 Bradley (H.) on Flounce=trick at cards, 127 Foolscap water-mark, 327 Brand (E.) on Bunhill Fields Burial-ground, 376 Flambard family, 168, 501 Handel's "Harmonious Blacksmith," 203 Harty Church, chest at, 38 Holborn, Hanwell, and Harrow, 290 Branscomb (Sir James), Knt., his biography, 168 Bread, "bleeding," 269 Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, 68, 170 Brett (Thomas), LL.D., Nonjuror, 467, 499 Translation, cruces in, 351, 416, 510 Brewer (Thomas), Principal of Thavies Inn, 207 Bridge House Estate mark, 347, 397 British Isles, cannibalism in, 129, 216 Brompton, co. York, and Wordsworth, 62, 150 Brooke (W. T.) on St. Teresa or St. Ignatius, 192 Brown (J. D.) on free public libraries, 417 Brown (W. H.) on Sir Robert Jenkinson, 316 Land, its primitive distribution, 408 Browning (Elizabeth Barrett) and Coxhoe Hall, 37, 271 Bruce (Robert) and the spider, 7 Brucolaques, its meaning, 9, 55, 254 Burial at cross roads, 325 Burke (Edmund), inscription by him and Francis, 148 Burningham (R.) on Printery-printing office, 25 Bury, in village names, 385 Butler (C.) on shrine of St. Audrey at Ely, 27 Butler (Nicholas), emigrant to New England, 387 C. on bookseller or publisher, 30 C. (C. H.) on Saunderson family, 429 C. (J. R.) on Chambers family, 268 C. (R. W.) on Phineas Pett, 237 C. (W. B.) on Leitchtown and Gartur arms, 15 C. (W. E.) on Chambers family, 313 Cæsarianus, architect and author, 87, 254, 279, 458 Calder (A.) on "Fountain of perpetual youth," 468 Calendar, lunar, 501 Calendar of Korea, 204 Cam family, 191 Camaldoli, Carthusian monastery in the Apennines, 23 Campbell (G. W.) on harvest custom, 176 Campbell (Thomas) and Hohenlinden, 325 Brushfield (T. N.) on church briefs: Philippen Colony, Canard-duck-wonderful yarn, 166, 238, 350, 393 Candle, sale by, 404 Candlemas school custom in Scotland, 384 Candy (F. J.) on Farnhurst and Fernhurst, 373 Canorous, its meaning, 49, 97 Canterbury, arms of the see, 29, 131, 212 Canterbury Cathedral memorial inscriptions, 344 Cards, playing, sold by candle, 404 Cards, visiting, their introduction, 172, 475 Carlyle (E. I.) on John Ranking, 47 Carthusians, their severe rules, 22; in modern days, 23 Casanoviana, 44, 143, 281, 363, 502 Vauxhall, earliest, 290 Cat, wild, not extinct in Britain, 93, 252, 393 Cave-Browne (J.) on Spanish Armada, 367 Houses, Elizabethan, 372 Celtica on May Day superstition, 288 "Cerne Giant," turf figure, co. Dorset, 38, 59 Chalmers's Biographical Dictionary,' 305 Chambers (E. K.) on Wise family, 227 Chambers (R. N.) on Beresford: Phillips, 67 Chance (F.) on "Henchman," 249 Trilby, the name, 84 Channel Islands patois, 272 Chapel Street, Belgrave Square, its name, 450 Charles I., genuine relics, 56; at Thames Ditton, Charles II., missing portrait, 347 Charm, curious, 202, 291, 374, 451 Charr in Windermere and Coniston Lakes, 227, 278 Chauvinism, its meaning and derivation, 428 Chelsea enamel, 408, 471 Cheston (E. C.) on Howell or Howel family, 247 Child girl, 326 Child commissions in the army, 70, 198, 355, 450 Chinese in London, 328, 377, 498 Chinese collection at Hyde Park Corner, 489 Chinese sensitive leaf, 27, 78 Chippendale, his biography, 288 Cholmeley (R. F.) on "Humbug," 327 Marish, Biblical word, 294 Cholmondeley (Lady Mary) knighted, 124 Christ (Jesus), letters of Agbar and Lentulus, 202, Christian mysteries, initiation to, 69, 134 Christian names: Florence as a man's name, 125, 435, 455; Testament, 424; Perina, 452 Christie (R. C.) on John Worthington, 276 Church, smoking in, 11, 96, 314; speaking trumpet Church briefs, 421 Churches, ruined, 35, 77; charity inscriptions in, 36; Churches, subterranean, in Leadenhall Street, 412 Cit's Country Box,' a poem, 248, 312 Civil War, 1645, Berks and Bucks troops in, 187, 488 Clark (R.) on Burns, 376 Churches, subterranean, in Leadenhall Street, 442 Horse chestnuts and rheumatism, 507 Ivy Lane and the Authorized Version, 309 Clergy, their marriage, 165 Clerical dress, Scotch, 245, 358 Clio on wives of French kings, 87 Murray (Sir Gideon), 87 Rousby (Mrs.), actress, 231 Cochrane (B. A.) on Scio, 58 Cock, Jewish fore-name or after-name, 464 Coins, new British bronze, 265; imaginary, 266, 293 Coldstream surname and family, 468 Coleman (E. H.) on "Anders," 235 Canaletto in England, 15 "Catching the Speaker's eye," 338 Colonist, wrecked ship, 516 Divining rod, 266 'Drumclog,' hymn tune, 251, 372 Egg Saturday, 431 English sovereigns, their heraldic supporters, 478 Engraving of sea-battle, 256 Fantigue fidget, 36 Fishguard, French landing at, 318 Flambards of Harrow, 276 Flittermouse bat, 476 Coleman (E. H.) on foolscap water-mark, 374 Holdfeld (Richard), bell-founder, 514 Moore (Thomas), his wife,[95 Paley (Dr. W.), his portrait, 273 Pewter hall-marks, 294 Pole (Sir W.), his MS. of Charters, 475 Registers, printed, 337 Rhine watercourse, 157 Rousby (Mrs.), actress, 33 Senses, the seven, Sin-eaters, 111 493 Swans, male and female, 312 Taster, its meaning, 78 Thames or Isis, 455 Umbrellas, 155 Supplement to the Notes , with No. 288, July 18, 1896 Coleridge (S. T.), on Wordsworth, 186; his MSS., Cromwell (Oliver), reports of his commanders, 8; his Colonist, wrecked ship, 347, 516 Colville (R. F. S.) on John Opie, R.A., 47 Colwall (Daniel), F.R. S., his biography, 484 Comagene, its etymology, 96 Comfortable comforting, kind, 12, 274 Common Prayer Book of Church of England in Roman Commons House of Parliament, deaths of ex-members, Communion table in middle of chancel, 308, 376 Connor (Arthur), political poem by, 76 Constance of Beverley, in Marmion,' 308, 352, 418 Cook (Capt. James), 'Voyages,' best edition, 307, 435 Cooper (T.) on Sir William Musgrave, 29 Paquanarists or Paccanarists, 396 Corbiser, its meaning, 348 will, 27 Florence, male Christian name, 455 D. (A. E.) on Cox family, 127 Cordeaux (J.) on sheep-stealer hanged by a sheep, 475 D. (C.) on Thomas Russell, 214 Taylor (Jeremy), 4 Cope (E. A.) on Populist," 507 Corke (B. S.) on letter of Lord Byron, 86 Cornelys (Mrs. Theresa) and Casanova, 281 Cornish (Alderman), his biography, 509 D. (E. W.) on Edward Young, the poet, 488 D. (R. C.) on Orme Square column, 507 |