Sidor som bilder

Supplement to the Notes

, with No. 238, July 18, 1898

Dagenham, co. Essex, passages from early register, 182 Dickens (Charles), marked file of Household Words,'
'Daily News' jubilee, 64

Dalton (C.) on siege of Derry, 337

Gibson (Bp. Edmund), 137

Hawley (Lieut.-General), 121

Dana (M. D. B.) on Nicholas Butler, 387
Mayhew (Thomas), 307

Osborne Hollis, 329

Dancing story and its variants, 112

Dante, his translators, 462; his Caorsa, 466
Danteiana: 'Inferno,' canto vii. 1, "Papè Satan," 183
D'Anterroches (Monseigneur), Bishop of Condom, 387
Darby (S.) on Cookham Dean, 473

Dare, use of the verb, 387

Darling (Grace), her monument, 486

327; Nickleby Married,' 489

Dickons (Robert) and "silver-tongued " Smith, 401
'Dictionary of National Biography,' notes and correc-
tions, 205, 263, 271, 286, 405
Directories, ecclesiastical, 96, 316
Disgruntled, origin of the word, 306, 397
Dives, Norman roll at, 467
Divining rod, 266, 335, 415
Divorce, Jewish, in 1778, 444

Dix (E. R. M.) on 'Life of Sheridan,' 484
Sterling (Rev. James), 196

Dix (John Ross), pseudonym, 177

Dixon (James), F.R.C.S., his death, 60; his biography,
101, 132

D'Armagnac (Counts of), their family name, 127, 272 Dixon (Miss) on Muggletonians, 127

Darwin (F.) on Chinese sensitive leaf, 27
Dasent (A. I.) on W. and T. Chiffinch, 35

Dauglish (M. G.) on Harrow School "Bill Books," 367
Dauntsey manor and manor house, Wilts, 368, 475
D'Auvergne (Philip), 1735-1816, 154

D'Avenant (Sir Wm.), music of 'Siege of Rhodes,' 489
Davenport family, 69

Davey (H.) on English Minstrelsie,' 94

Pepys's Diary, Wheatley's edition, 246
Davies (F. R.) on Shemus O'Brian,' 281
Davies (T. L. O.) on ecclesiastical directories, 96
Davies (W. W.), his death, 240

Davis (Capt. John), chart of his voyages, 508
Davis (M. D.) on Cock, Jewish name, 464
"Four corners to my bed," 194
Marish, its meaning, 217
Oxford, its etymology, 308

Davy (A. J.) on "Aller," 477

Devonshire dialect, 116

Potatoes a cure for rheumatism, 248

Day family, co. Salop, 327

Dead body arrested for debt, 241, 356

"Dead men's fingers," plant name, 387, 449

Dockerer or dockerrer, its meaning, 47, 197

Dod (Rev. John), M. A., and John Dod of Ashley, 198
Dog, sporting, of ancient Britons, 13, 432
Dog nail, its meaning, 266, 394
Dog story, 484

Doggo, history of the word, 266
Dog-hay, its meaning, 227

Dogmatism, history of the word, 227, 314, 432
Doiley, origin of the name, 156, 314
D'Oilliamson family, 287, 390, 511
Domdaniel, its meaning, 406

Domestic superstitions, 123

'Domiduca Oxoniensis,' blank page in, 28

Doncaster miracle, 1524, 105

Dongola race, origin of the term, 327

Donkey eighty years old, 505

Donne (Dr. John), his memorial seals, 41

Donnelly (Ignatius) and Dr. Nicholson, 272, 349

Doog. See Mauthe doog.

Doran (A.) on Napoleon and his illnesses, 169, 287
Dory. See John Dory.

Dossetor on Bedford Chapel, Bloomsbury, 430
Douglas (D.) on Col. Stuart, 258

Deane (Richard), the regicide, elegy on his death, 65 Douglas (W.) on Robert Roxby, 172

Death: To death: Unto death, 437

Debarkation, most successful, 247, 338

Saville (Faucit), 157

Saville (John Faucit), 33

De Berneval (G.) on first steamer to cross Atlantic, 453 Dover, Smith's Folly at, 208

De Bernis (Abbé), his career, 44

Debosco (C.) on beaver in Britain, 238

Debt, corpse arrested for, 241, 356

De Carteret papers, 87

De Chandever family, 128

Deedes (C.) on church bells, 34

Holdfeld (Richard), bell-founder, 513

New Testament, Bishops',

Dees (R. R.) on inscription at Samaden, 8

De G. (E.) on Gerard Smith, 287

De Lagarde (Count A. de M.) on Brighton, 507

De Ligne (Madame) inquired after, 169

Delta on Liverpool, 233

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

D'Oyley. See Doiley.

Dragon, its pronunciation, 324

Drinking-cups, information about, 68, 118, 231
'Drought and the Rain,' 482

'Drumclog,' hymn tune, 187, 251, 372

Drury Lane Theatre and "gallery gods,” 427

Drury (C.) on John Hoole, 518

Dryden (John), reference in, 56, 366; literary parallel,

65; epitaph by, 828, 377

Ducking stools, existing, 56

Duel in 1843, 188, 230

Duellists, lady, in 1792, 227
Duncalf surname, 76

Dunheved on "Fantigue," 254

Launceston as a surname, 78

Dunstan (F.) on Larmer: Rushmore, 286
Dutch family history, 447

E. (K. P. D.) on double-barrelled guns, 68
Eagle feathers folk-lore, 187, 293

Earth, weighing it, 224, 314, 393, 470; primitive dis
tribution of land on, 408, 457

Easter, first, its true date, 135, 175, 256, 309, 356
Easton (W. M. G.) on Cupples surname, 298
Heraldry Offices, provincial, 193
Killiecrankie, battle of, 173

Leitchtown and Gartur arms, 153

"Sir John with the Bright Sword," 71

Ebsworth (J. W.) on 'Drought and the Rain,' 482
Ecstasy, its spelling, 225

Edgcumbe (R.) on letter of Lord Byron, 132

Casanova (François), 172

Casanoviana, 44, 143, 281, 363, 502
Michiel motto, 348

Edinburgh city guilds, 194

Editor on ruined churches, 35

Edwards (J.) on corpse arrested for debt, 356

Egg Saturday-Saturday before Lent, 217, 431
Eklek on Cæsarianus, 37, 279

El Saltero on Bonaparte's marshals, 75

'Secret of Stoke Manor,' 67
Valse, its introduction, 76

Elder (J. J.) on descendants of Knox, 75
Elder-tree superstitions, 91, 517
Electrocute, new word, 55

Elford (T.) on May Day superstition, 376
Eliot (George) styled Mrs. Lewes, 225

Elizabethan houses facing the north, 219, 372, 472
Elliott (Robert), Gretna Green "priest," 61
Ellis (A. S.) on Breamore, Hants, 52, 213
Eschuid (John), 218

Ellis (F. S.) on " amiable" June, 47
Elm, wych, 288, 358, 474

Elodea canadensis, tale about, 87, 372

Elworthy (F. T.) on luck-money custom, 17

Stones, perforated, 317

Ely, shrine of St. Audrey at, 27
Emerald, Vatican, 9, 111, 195

Empson (C. W.) on Highgate Jewish Academy, 148
Enfield, Keats's school at, 206

Engine, its primary and secondary meanings, 324
England, French prisoners of war in, 289, 355, 497
English place-names, their pronunciation, 156
English sovereigns, their heraldic supporters, 228, 477
English words from Romance sources, 481
Engraving, old sea-battle, 187, 256, 338

Enigma: "I sit alone on a rock," 267, 312

"Entire," applied to beer, 265, 397, 518
Envelopes, early, 88, 194, 318

Eon (Chevalier), his biography, 106


"There's a spirit below, and a spirit above," 430
Episcopal palace v. house, 244, 352


Foxall (Zachariah), at St. Botolph's, Aldersgate,

Harding (Philip), in Crudwell Church, Wilts, 424
"Her manners mild, her temper such," 206
Paston (Margaret), by Dryden, 328, 377
Taylor (John), at Poughkeepsie, 425
Whittell (Hugh), at San Francisco, 185

Supplement to the Notes

, with No. 238, July 18, 1886


Eschuid (John), his biography, 53, 152
Essex folk-lore, 225

Essington on Culpeper family, 175

Evelyn (John), his 'Memoirs,' 317
Kilburn, old inns at, 274

Este on Jordan's Grave, 218
Euphuism, why so called, 66

Evans (F. E.) on Brehon Laws, 48

Evelyn (John), discovery of Memoirs,' 95, 218, 317
Evil eye, in Shakspeare, 402
Execution of criminals, public, 26
Eye of a portrait, 468

F.S.A. on Swinnerton family, 9

F. (C. S.) on Swinnerton family, 173
F. (F. J.) on West-End alley in 1811, 224
F. (J.) on French prisoners of war, 497
F. (J. T.) on Cuthbert Allanson, 216
"Cremitt-money," 397

"Dead men's fingers," 449
Oyster-shella used in building, 215
Potatoes and rheumatism, 396

F. (R.) on Oliver asking for more,
Fairy powder, 306

Falconer (Mr.), his MS. collections on Cheshire, 448
Falkiner (W.) on substituted portraits, 458

Fallow (T. M.) on Monseigneur D'Anterroches, 387
Family societies, 424, 513

Fan, "alluvial," 306

Fantigue fidget, 36, 90, 254, 358

Farmer (Capt. George), portrait and biography, 398
Farnhurst, Sussex, its name, 303, 372, 452

Fawcett (Lieut.-Col.), his duel with Lieut. Munro, 230
Feared frightened, 385

"Fed to," perverted phrase, 128

Fèret (C. J.) on Sir James Branscomb, 168

Fulham, MS. account of, 288

Fulham Palace, its chapel, 469
Hart (Dr. Richard), 68

Hickman (Charles), Bp. of Londonderry, 447
Jenkinson (Sir Robert), 208

Leyrestowe, its meaning, 75
"Man-Jack," 292

Mountant, photographer's word, 474

Mustow or mustew, 109

"No quarter," 494

Osbaldeston, Bp. of London, 328

Parish charities, 36

Quadrille, the dance, 37
Rhine watercourse, 157

Robinson (J.), Bp. of London, 468
Saunders (Sir Edmund), 276
Sowgelder's Lane, 29

Ferguson (R. S.) on paste star, 347, 397

Pew, movable, 191

Fernhurst, Sussex, its name, 303, 372, 452
Ferrara (Andrea) and his brothers and son, sword-
makers, 187, 213, 317

Ferrers (Lawrence Shirley, fourth Earl), his trial and
execution, 308, 349, 435

Festing (H.) on oyster-shells used in building, 214

Epworth, co. Lincoln, and Rev. Charles Wesley the Field (X.) on Saxon wheel cross, 447

elder, 21

"Equivocal" poem, 28, 76

Ernst (C. W.) on "Caucus," 126, 510

Fieschi (Joseph), house where plot was planned, 265
Figures, emaciated, 92, 152, 254, 478
Filature folk-lore, 324

Supplement to the Notes

, with No. 238, July 18, 1896

Finch (H. C.) on Baldwin's Gardens, Holborn, 46

Brewer (Thomas), 207

Findy, its meaning and derivation, 465

Firth (C. H.) on George Hickes, 203

Fish and ring story, 405

Fisher (Capt. Peter), his biography, 308

Fishes described by Spenser, 228, 313


Washing hands, 425

Weather saying, 465
Whist, 146

Font outside chancel arch, 128, 190
Fonts, inscribed, 167, 253, 295

Fool's paradise, the phrase, 327, 414, 496

Fishguard, landing of French troops at, 1797, 247, 313, Foolscap water-mark, 327, 373, 431

433, 479

[blocks in formation]

'Drumclog,' hymn tune, 251

Fan, "alluvial," 306

Japanese language, 333

Latin inscription, 192
Orr (J. S.), 292
Quotations, foreign, 197
Williamson family, 390

Flesher butcher, 186

Fletcher (W. G. D.) on Rowland Stedman, 308
Fleur-de-lis, its origin, 412
Flittermouse-bat, 348, 476

Floors, clay, leaves impressed on, 368, 418
Florence as a male Christian name, 125, 435, 455
Flounce=trick at cards, 127

Floyd (W. C. L.) on Col. Stuart, 170

Floyer (J. K.) on 'Pole's MS. of Charters,' 407
Flying Dutchman, writers on, 448
Folkard (H. T.) on Robert Huish, 367
Pike (Albert), 210

[blocks in formation]

Footmen, running, the last of them, 185

Ford (P. L.) on Protestant Tutor for Children,' 88
Forman (H. B.) on portraits of Keats, 130

Wordsworth (W.), his 'Ecclesiastical Sonnets,' 157
Forte on an enigma, 267

'Forty Christian Soldiers,' its author, 307
Foster family of Drumgoon, co. Fermanagh, 109,


Foxglove, its etymology, 16, 73, 517
France, its Academy, 67
Francesca on "Bail," 217

Gory or Gorey family, 295

Strafford (Earl of), letters to Wandesforde, 147
Wentworth letters, 127

Francis (J. C.) on Daily News' jubilee, 64

'Guardian' jubilee, 83

Francis (Philip), inscription by him and Burke, 148

Franklin (Benjamin), as a Derbyshire miner, 145; his

house at Passy, 428

Fraser family, 27

Fraser (Sir W.) on "Humbug," 459

Freemasonry and Albert Pike, 147, 210, 297

Freman (William), D.D., inquired after, 467
French Bibles and Testaments, 7

French kings, their wives, 87, 215

French newspaper in London, 1650-58, 286
French prisoners of war in England, 289, 355, 497
French quotations, 197

Frost (F. C.) on Albert Pike, 211

Fry (E. A.) on arms of the see of Canterbury, 131
Fry (J. F.) on "Betty Careless," 453

Sévigné (Madame de), 314

Fulham, MS. account of, 288

Fulham Palace, its chapel, 321, 469

Fullwood's Rents, Holborn, 385, 454

Funeral ceremony, Austrian Imperial, 188

Fyamore (R. J.) on Margraves of Anspach, 216

Family societies, 513

Liverpool, its derivation, 515

G. on name of university, 488

G. (D.) on topographical collections for counties, 498
G. (E.) on fairy powder, 306

G. (E. L.) on Canal, Salisbury, 105

Earth, weighing it, 393

Holborn, its etymology, 438

Land, its primitive distribution, 457
Royal Exchange, church near, 213
Spider folk-lore, 437

Street names changed, 375

G. (F. S.) on "Betty Careless," 453

G. (G.) on duel circa 1840, 188

G. (G. M.) on Hogarth's Politician,' 149

G. (G. P.) on goblets and drinking-cups, 68

G. (H. T.) on brasses, 188

G. (J.) on Isabella of Angoulême, 28

G. (K. H.) on Milton's mother, 167

[blocks in formation]

Gartur arms, 15, 153

Gasc (F. E. A.) on "Brucolaques," 55

"No quarter," 278

Gaye (S.) on Capt. Austin, 27
Gayley family, 107

Gazette, its etymology, 347, 492
Genealogical queries, 167

General: "Our only general," 166
Generations, long, 6

Genua or Janua surname, 434
George III., his chaplains, 107, 176
Gerard (J.) on Gunpowder Plot, 195
Gerish (W. B.) on acclimatization, 277
Brehon Laws, 175
Footmen, running, 185

Lowell (J. R.) on Hawthorne, 151
"Merry" and places, 271
Penn (William), 243

Sin-eaters, 111

Tulliver surname, 397

German quotations, 197

Giaour, its pronunciation, 386, 418, 491
Gibbet Hill, hills named, 388, 432

Gibson (Edmund), Bp. of London, discovery of books
and papers, 81; his biography, 82, 178, 230; his
descendants, 137

Gibson (Thomas), son of Bp. of London, 178
Giglet, its meaning, 114

Gildersome-Dickinson (C. E.) on Breamore, Hants, 133
Brehon Laws, 174
Eliot (George), 225
Garnons family, 168
Levis family and arms,
"Lubbers," 186


Manumission, late instance, 446

Marriage of clergy, 165

Pews, their possession, 194

Stourton (Lord), his will, 106

Suicide, register entry, 24

Twilight of plate," 109

Gillum (W. J.) on translations of Dante, 462

Gisors on American universities, 468

Gladstone (Rt. Hon. W. E.) on "Leaps and bounds,"


Glasse (Rev. Dr.), rector of Hanwell, 12

Gol-sheaf, its meaning, 447, 514

Goodwin (G.) on Rev. Charles Clarke, F.S.A., 406
Colwall (Daniel), F.R.S., 484
Hussey (Rev. John), 444
Perrinchief (Richard), D.D., 446
Povey family, 346

Shere (Sir Henry), 426

Smith (Thomas), topographer, 404
Stack (Thomas), M.D., 506
Tothall (William), 384
Walcott family, 383

Waller (Richard), F.R.S., 465

Wilson (Thomas), F.S.A., 344

Gordon (A. A.) on Knights of St. John of Jerusalem,

Williamson family, 391

Gore (Sir Ralph) noticed, 461

Gory or Gorey Castle and family, 108, 295
Gould (I. C.) on cannibalism in British Isles, 216
Guildhall, subway to, 457

Jettons, or Nuremberg tokens, 69
Marian (Maid), 334

'New Help to Discourse,' 489
Gowers (W. R.) on printers' errors, 445
Senses, the seven, 328

Graham Border families, 71

Graham of Claverhouse (John), Viscount Dundee, his
death, 173, 251, 331

Graham (John) of Kilbride, and "Sir John with the
Bright Sword," 71

Graves (A.) on Waldegrave picture sale, 206
Gray (G. J.) on 'General Pardon,' &c., 428
Grazebrook (H. Sydney), his death, 520
Green Bag maker, origin of the term, 468, 494
Green (S. A.) on William Penn, 357
Gretna Green marriages and "priests," 61, 149, 389
Grevill (Sir Edward), his biography, 97
Greville (Charles Cavendish) unmarried, 208, 256
Griffinhoofe (H. G.) on an epitaph, 206

Goblets and drinking-cups, 118
"I know 't, my lord," 326
Leaves impressed on floors, 418
Taster, its meaning, 78
"Twilight of plate," 137
Weddings, house for, 254

Wedgwood silvered-lustre ware, 277

Grimsby Castle, Berkshire, its history, 207

Grissell (H. D.) on arms of the see of Canterbury, 131
Emerald, Vatican, 9

Groves (J. P.) on Isle Dieu occupied by British force,

Gualterulus on historical badge, 69

Devonshire dialect, 116

Malingering, its derivation, 252
Taafe family, 219

Guardian' jubilee, 83, 137

Guestling Church, "Flanders chest" in, 38

Gloucester (Eleanor, Duchess of) and Peel Castle, 382, Guildhall, subway to, 366, 457

Goblets, information about, 68, 118, 231

Gods, theatre gallery, 427

Goethe (J. W. von) on natural gifts, 468

Golding (C.) on Claxton family, 154

Goldsmith (Oliver), "Padoreen" mare, 289, 412, 461;
passages in She Stoops to Conquer,' C07, 431

Gunpowder Plot, its authorship, 86, 195

Guns, double-barrelled, their introduction, 68, 176
Gutenberg (John) and invention of movable types, 31
Gwynn (Nell), her remains, 446

H. (A.) on Richard Beckford, 193

Bedford Chapel, Bloomsbury, 430

[blocks in formation]

H. (F. O.) on French landing at Fishguard, 247
H. (J.) on Avery Farm Row, 237

H. (Jno.) on "Diable de La Fontaine," 429
"Our only general," 166

H. (S) on first Earl of Nottingham, 254
H. (S. G.) on "Poor's," 74

H. (T.) on Goethe, 468

H. (W.) on May Day superstition, 376

H. (W. H.) on books illustrated by their authors, 497
Hackwood (R. W.) on elder-tree superstitions, 91
"Led will," its meaning, 70
Registers, printed, 337

Haggis, its etymology, 307, 353, 391
Ha-ha, sunk fence, its derivation, 296
Haines (C. R.) on Thomas Gibson, 178
Hale (C. P.) on Battletwig=earwig, 14
Boggart=ghost, 14

"Hang out the broom," 435
Kneeler footstool, 351
Luck money, 495

"Merry" and places, 270
Poor's, use of the word, 434
Potatoes and rheumatism, 396
Sewer, his office, 353
Weddings, house for, 164

Halifax law, its meaning, 92, 353
Hall family of Londonderry, 393

Hall marks on pewter, 167, 294, 335, 375
Hall surname changed to Knight, 8

Hall (A.) on cockades, 97

Stafford (Lord), his interlude players, 92
Staple in place-names, 94

Tegg (Thomas), 234

Hall (J.) on a Byron letter, 273

Hall (Sir John), K.C.H., his statue, 129

Hallen (A. W. C.) on Graham Border families, 71

Leyrestowe, its meaning, 136

Haller (Albert), physician, and Casanova, 282
Hambledon (C.) on genealogical queries, 167
Hame, its meaning, 87, 112

Hamilton (Sir William), his successor, 405

Hamilton (W.) on 'Anti-Maud,' 432

Hood (T.) on London fog, 458
Poets Laureate of England, 465

Hampson (M. C.) on Mitton, Mutton, or Mytton
family, 289

Hampstead, Rosslyn House at, 381

Hampton Court, maze at, 88, 178

Handel (George Frederick) and the "Harmonious
Blacksmith," 203, 230, 311, 354, 456, 493
-Handsomebody surname, 205, 277

Hanwell, its etymology, 185, 289, 369, 437
Harcourt (A.) on heraldic supporters of English
sovereigns, 228

Hare, Hebrew word translated, 385
Harmony in verse, 225, 482

Harney (G. J.) on old political poem, 76
Harrison (D.) on an epitaph, 325

London maps and plans, 405

Harrow, its etymology, 185, 289, 369, 437
Harrow Church, its font, 206, 277
Harrow School "Bill Books," 367

Hart (H. C.) on beaver in England, 133
Flittermouse=bat, 476

"Hang out the broom," 95
Visiting cards, 475

Hart (Dr. Richard), his biography, 68
Harting (J. E.) on "Dogmatism," 432
Hartley family, 248

Harty Church, Isle of Sheppey, chest in, 38
Harvest custom, 128, 176

Harvey (Edward), his biography, 229
Haslewood (F.) on Hazlewood family, 288

Hate Our Lady of Hate, 8, 138, 253, 490

Hawkwood (Sir John) and the Shelley family, 268, 416
Hawley (Lieut.-General Henry), his parentage, 121
Hawtayne family, 19

Hawthorne (Nathaniel), Lowell on, 48, 151, 516
Haydon (B. R.), sale of effects, 406; his journals, 508
Hayes (Sir J. W.), Bart., his death, 166, 273
Haynes (G. H.) on J. R. Orr, 167
Haywood (Eliza), her writings, 453
Hazlewood family of Wolverhampton, 288
Headley (R. H.) on heraldic query, 488
Heal (A.) on St. Pancras parish, 91
Heather burning. See Muirburn.

Hebb (J.) on Canaletto in England, 133
Dante, his Caorsa, 466

Earth, weighing it, 224

Keats (John), his school at Enfield, 206
London, vanishing, 454

Quadrille, the dance, 36

Stone (Nicholas), mason, 506
Waterloo Banquet picture, 493

Hebberman, its etymology, 231
Heidelberg, English students at, 76, 190
Heminge (John), Shakspeare's friend, 55
Hems (H.) on Aller-carbuncle, 255
Carrington (N. T.), Devon poet, 56
Derry, its siege, 316
Ducking stools, 56
Figures, emaciated, 479
Font, its position, 128

Hampton Court maze, 178

Kneeler-footstool, 514

Lettering, lead, on sepulchral monuments, 425
New Year superstition, 46

Oyster-shells used in building, 214
St. Peter's finger, 33
Trafalgar, battle of, 513

Well, suffix in place-names, 452
Henchman, its etymology, 249
Henderson (W. A.) on divining rod, 336
Fishguard, French landing at, 433
Gretna Green marriages, 389

Isle Dieu occupied by British force, 98
Liverpool, its derivation, 515
'Phaudhrig Crohoore,' 292
Play, its author, 273

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