THE PUBLICK Divine Service OF THE CHURCH, OR THE Common-prayer-book, Proved to be taken out of the Holy 1 With a Preface by the Reverend Dr. Brett. EDINBURGH, Re-printed by Mr. ROBERT FREEBAIRN. 138.g. 466. To Mr. Keble, SIR; You O are pleafed to defire my Opinion of a fmall Treatife, called, The Publick Divine Service of the Church, or the Common-Prayer-Book, proved to be taken out of the Bible, &c. The Defign is certainly very good, and as well as I can judge, the Performance fully Answers the Defign; for the References are juft and fair, the Expreffions in every Petition of our Prayers, or Suffrages, being exactly agreeable to those Texts which the judicious Author has affixed to them, in many Places being the very Words of the Scripture, and when they are not fo, are perfectly Confonant thereto. I hope it may be of great ufe to convince well-meaning Diffenters, that our Liturgy was not taken from the Mafs-Book, as they are commonly perfwaded to think it was. And although feveral of the Prayer's, Hymns and Suffrages may be found in the Romish Poatifical, yet they are not retained by us, because A 2 they |