Sidor som bilder



After which commandment given, they and the maior's last, as they go to Paul's set forth in order, as hereafter is described at Christmasse, and in that order they [From Gold and Northouse's "London Magazine."]| First, before maior's barge was a foyste, for rowed down to Greenwich towne, and there a wafter full of ordinance, in which foyste cast anchor, making great melodie. The following description of the corona- there was a great red dragon, continually three of the clocke, the Queene, apparalled tion of Queen Ann (Ann Bullen) wife of mooving and casting wild fire, and round in rich cloth of gold, entered into her Henry VIII. was written by a person who about the said foyste stood terrible mon- barge, accompanied with divers ladies and lived at that time, and was present thereat. strous and wilde men castinge fire, and gentlewomen, and incontinent the citizens The King's Highnesse addressed his let-making a hideous noyse: next after the set forward in their order, the minstrels ters to the maior and commonalitie of Lon-foyste a good distance came the maior's continually playing; and the bachelors don, signifying unto them, that his pleasure barge, on whose right hand was the bache- barge going on the Queene's right hand, was to solemnize the coronation of his most lor's barge, in which were trumpets, and which she took great pleasure to behold. deare and well-beloved wife Queen Ann, at divers others melodious instruments; the About the Queene's barge were many noWestminster, at Whitsunday next ensuing; deckes of the said barge, and saile yards, blemen, as the Duke of Suffolke, the Marwilling to make preparation, as well to fetch and the top castles, were hanged with rich quesse Dorset, the Earl of Wilshise her her Grace from Greenwich to the Tower cloth of gold and silke; at the fore-ship father, the Earls of Arundell, Darbie, by water, as to see the citie garnished with and the sterne were two great banners rich Rutland, Worcester, Huntingdon, Sussex, pageants in places accustomed for the ho- beaten with the arms of the Kynge and Oxford, and many bishops and noblemen, nour of her Grace, when she could be con- Queene; and on the top castle was a long every one in his barge, which was a goodlie veyed from the Tower to Westminster. streamer newly beaten with the same armes, sight to beholde. She thus being accomWhereupon a common-council was called, the sides of the barge was set full of flags panied, rowed towards the Tower, and in and commandment given to the Haberdash- and banners of the devices of the company the meane way the ships were commanded ers, of which craft the maior was, that they of haberdashers and merchant adventurers, to lie on the shore for the letting of the should prepare a barge for the bachelors, and the lasserass or cords were hanged barges shotte divers peals of gonns, and ere with a master, and a foyste garnished with with innumerable little bells at the endes, she landed, there was a marvellous shott out not only their bannners accustomed, but also which made a goodlie noyse, and was a of the Tower. I never heard the like; to decke them with targets by the sides of the goodlie sight, wavering with the wind. On and at her landing there met with her the barges, and to sett up all such seemly banners the outside of them were three dozen es- Lord Chamberlaine, with the officers at and banneretts, as they had in their halles, cutcheons in mettal, of the armes of the armes, and brought her to the Kinge, which or could get to furnish their said barges, and Kyng and Queene, which were beaten on received her with loving countenance at every barge to have minstrels, according to square buckerams, divided so that the right the postern by the water side, and kissed which commandment great preparation was side had the Kyng's colours, and the left her; and then she turned back againe, and made for all things necessary for such a side the Queene's, which scutcheons were thanked the maior and citizens with many noble triumph. fastened on the clothes of gold and silver, goodlike wordes, and so entered into the hanging on the deckes; on the left hand of Tower. After which entrie, the citizens all the maior's was another foyste, in the whiche this while hovered before the Tower, making was a mount, and on the mount stood a great melody, and went not a land, for none white faulcon crowned, upon a roote of were assigned to land but the maior, the golde environed with white roses and red, recorder, and two aldermen: but to speake which was the Queene's device; about of the people that stoode on every shore to which mount sate virgins singing and play-beholde this sight, he that saw it not, will ing melodiously: next after the maior fol- not believe it. lowed his fellowship the haberdashers; next On Friday at dinner, served the Kinge, after them the mercers; then the grocers, all such as were appointed by his Highnesse and so every companie in his order; and to be Knights of the Bathe, which after last of all the maior's and sheriffe's officers, dinner were brought to their chambers, and every companie having melodie in their that night were bathed and shriven accord. After that the maior and his brethren barge by themselves, and goodlie garnished ing to the old usage of England; and the were in their barge, seeing that the com- with banners, and some covered with silke, next day in the morning the Kinge dubbed panies to the number of fifty barges were and some with arras or such like, which them according to the ceremonies thereto ready to waite upon them, they gave com- was a goodly sight to behold; and in this belonging, whose names hereafter ensue, mandment to the companies, that no barge order they rowed by Greenwich, to the nineteen in number. should row nearer to another, than twice point beyond Greenwich, and there they the length of the barge; and to see the turned backwards in another order: that is, order kept, there were three wherries pre- to wit, the maior's and sheriffe's officers pared, and in every part one of them two first, and the meanest craft next, and so officers to call on them to keep their order. ascending to the uppermost craft in order,

The 29th day of May being Thursday, the maior and his brethren all in scarlet, and such as were knights had collars of esses (SS.) and the residue having great chains, and the councell of the cities as sembled with them at St. Mary-hill, and at one of the clock descended with them to the new staire to their barge, which was garnished with many goodly banners and streamers, richly covered, in which barge was shalmes, sackbutts, and divers other instruments of musicke, which played continually.

The Marquesse of Dorset; the Earle of Darbie; the Lord Clifforde, sonne and heire to the Earle of Cumberland; the Lord Fitz-Walter, sonne and heire to the Earle of Sussex; the Lord Hastings, sonne and


Bishop, these translators of the holy scriptures, one
by one, from Affganistan, from Guzurat, from
Cashmere, from Telinga, from Nepal, from Assam,
from China, &c..

family, the elder sister, who was attached to the prince she has since married, in order to avoid the honour of Ferdinand's hand, disfigured, by her mode of dress, a person not unpleasing. The younger, Josepha, did not need much persuasion to induce her to accept the proffered crown, nor did she practise any hesitation when the formal proposal was made.

After the formal marriage, she appeared much flattered by the Spanish Minister addressing her on his knee; though it is said, when he first placed himself in that posture before her, she was alarmed by the apprehension that he was about to communicate some disastrous intelligence from Spain.

heire to the Earle of Huntingdon; the Lord Montague; the Lord Vaux; Sir Henry Parker, sonne and heire to the Lord Morley; Sir William Windsore, sonne and "We have a still higher gratification in these heire to the Lord Windsore; Sir John translations. The perusal of them without the Mordant, sonne and heire to the Lord intervention of a living teacher, has led several of Mordant; Sir Francis Weston; Sir Tho-the natives to renounce the tenets of heathenism mas Arondell; Sir John Huddlestone; Sir and profess the Christian faith. Two very respect- She is said to be an extremely pious, or what some Thomas Poynings; Sir Henry Sorrell; Sirable Hindoos of the writer cast, have been led by a call a bigoted, catholic, observing all the injuncGeorge Fitz-Williams, of Lincolnshire; Sir perusal of the Bengalic Testament to renounce tions of that church with most scrupulous exactpaganism. One of them is now employed in the ness.—She is distinguished by an undeviating sin. George Tindall; Sir Thomas Jerney. Court of Justice under the Dutch government, at cerity in all her expressions, by the most rigid adChinsurah; the other is one of our best Hindooherence to truth, and the punctual observation of all (To be continued.) poets, the greater part of the hymns in our Bengalee her engagements. She had studied the Spanish lanhymn book being of his composition. guage, and at an early period of her engagement "The persons connected with the Serampore with Ferdinand, had begun to correspond with him. Mission have baptized between six and seveu hun-It was suggested that her letters had better be corThe attention of the Christian public, of late, dred Hindoo Pagans and Mahometans. There is a rected by some person who was an adept in that. has been frequently called to Missionary exertions in Christian church of Aracanese in and around Chitta- tongue; but she repelled the suggestion with great Foreign lands. Christians, of various denomina-gong, speaking the Burman language, and reading scorn, declaring that it would be practising a detions, have warmly engaged in them, and talents, of that part of the New Testament already published, ception on the King, which she would never use. the first order, have been consecrated to the cause. In Jessore there is another church of converted The Church of England has taken a conspicuous Hindoos and Mahometans, cousisting of nearly 100 part in this field of labonr; and not many days members. At Cutwa another church of nearly the have elapsed since some of her sons, under the eye same number exists, consisting of converted Hinand patronage of our worthy mayor, communicated doos and Mahometans. At Dinajepore there is anmost pleasing information of the toils and fruits of other church of more than 100 members. In Seram her servants in distant parts of the globe. Since pore and Calcutta there are nearly 200 christian con1793, the English Baptists have been engaged in a verts from the Hindoos and Mahometans. In short, Foreign Mission, which a gracious, Providence has this Mission has in Hindoost, here, and Bengal, crowned with great success. Their Missionaries at nearly twenty churches of christian natives; among Serampore, in Bengal, have particularly devoted these are many individuals who adorn, highly adorn, themselves to the department of translation; and, in the doctrine of God, our Saviour. Krishnoo, the that department, have laid a foundation for the dif- first Indian convert, has stood the test of twenty fusion of Christianity by Christians of other deno-years, and still recommends the christian profession," minations among the populous nations of the East. The above is a short extract from the unvarnished We shall take the liberty of annexing an extract letter of one of the three senior Missionaries, who is from a letter lately addressed to a friend in Edin- expected in town in a few days to plead the cause of burgh, by the Rev. Mr. Ward, one of the senior à Mission, in which he has taken so active a part, Missionaries at Serampore, which will prove more and of which he has been so bright an ornament. gratifying to our readers than any thing we can Did not our limits forbid, we could set before our advance. readers a most interesting account of the schools set Extract from the Rev. Mr. Ward's letter:-ou foot by this Mission, in which many thousand "When I left Serampore, there had been translated, printed, and published, the whole of the Old and New Testaments in the Sungskrit, the Bengalee, the Mahratta, the Hindee, and the Odriya languages. The New Testaments in the Kunkun, the Pushtoo, the Telinga, the Punjabee, the Assam, the Kuruata, the Guzuratee, and the Chinese. In of India. the Punjabee and the Chinese, considerable progress had also been made in printing the old testament. Several other versions were also in the press; and there are now sixteen presses at work in the Serampore Printing-office, mostly employed on new versions or new editions of the scriptures.

"Ah! my dear friend, how do I wish that you could have been present, when the Marquis and Marchioness of Hastings, the Bishop of Calcutta, &c. &c. did us the honour of visiting the establishment at Serampore; when they entered the room in which about thirty learned Hindoos were silently sitting, and translating the sacred writings, each in his own tongue, when Dr. Carey presented to the Governor-General of India and to the learned

children are now educating in India. For the same
reasou we are compelled to say nothing of the noble
attempts made by these Missionaries in promoting
the interests of general literature. A college has
been lately founded at Serampore, which has been
honoured by the patronage of the Governor General



(From Jacob's Continental Tour.)

young Queen is said, by those who have been as intimate with her as court etiquette would allow, to possess most unbounded ambition, and to have such a commanding spirit as to have obtained, at her early age, almost the sole power over the Royal Family. When her elder sister was demanded in marriage by an Austrian Archduke, she declared she would never marry but to a kingly throne. When the ambassador of Spain, the object of whose mission was known, was first introduced to the

The picture of Ferdinand, superbly set with diamonds, was presented to her, with which she was much pleased, as he was certainly a fine looking man. It was afterwards known, and by some person communicated to her, that the picture was painted for, and presented to his first wife; that after her death, the same present was sent to Brazil for his late Queen; and now for the third time, presented to the Saxon Princess as the resemblance of one, who must have passed a longer period than she has lived, since it was painted for him. Whatever chagrin the discovery might have occasioned, the prospect of a crown seemed to have healed the wound and allayed the feeling.


(From the Percy Anecdotes.)

The connection of the House of Brunswick with the royal family of England, and the act of settlement by which the succession was settled, are circumstances well known to every reader, but few are conscious that the King of England is heir in direct succession_(the Catholic line of course excluded) to the British, Cambro-British, English, and Scottish Kings. Mr. Yorke, in his "Royal Tribes," has given the pedigree, and from this curious work we extract the following account of the British descent of George III.

1. Cadwaldr, last King of the Britons.

2. Idwal Iwrch, his son.

3. Rhodri Molwnog, son of Idwal.
4. Cynan Tyndæthwy, son of Rhodri.

5. Esyllt, daughter and heiress of Cynan, married
to Merfyn Frych.

6. Rhodri Mawr, their son.
7. Anarawd, son of Rhodri.
8. Idwal Foel, son of Anarawd.
9. Meurig, son of Idwal.
10. Iago, son of Meurig.
12. Cynan, son of Iago.
13. Gruffydd, son of Cynan.
14. Owain Guynedd, son of Gruffydd.
15. Iorwerth, Owain's son.

16. Slewelyn, son of Iorwerth.

17. Dafydd, son of Slewelyn.

All the above were Princes of Wales.

little pleasure in relaxation, what to ordinary minds
must have been a fatigue, appeared to his no more
than merely a matter of course, or perhaps, more pro-
perly speaking, a luxury. When any topic of specula-

which will not soon be able to reflect on its termination by the stroke of death, without a tear of painful remembrance in thinking of what can never be recalled. Such an initimacy afforded peculiar opportunity generally known, and which ought not soon to be forgotten.

18. Guladys Ddu, sister and heiress of Dafydd, mar- tion took possession of his mind, he was eager to ren- of appreciating a character which well deserves to be ried to Ralph Mortimer.

19. Roger, their son.

20. Edmund Mortimer, son of Roger.

21. Roger, son of Edmund, first Earl of Marche.
22. Edmund, son of Roger, married Philippa, daugh-
ter and heiress of Lionel, Duke of Clarence,

third son of Edward III.

23. Roger, their son.

24 Anne, daughter and heiress of Roger, married to
Richard of Conisburg, Earl of Cambridge.
25. Richard, Duke of York, their son.
26. Edward IV. eldest son of Richard.

27. Elizabeth, Edward's eldest sister, married Henry


28. Margaret, their eldest daughter, married James

IV. of Scotland.

29. James V. of Scotland, their son.
30. Mary Queen of Scots, daughter of James.
51. James I. of England, son of Mary, by Lord Darn-


52. Elizabeth, daughter of James, married to Frede

ric, Elector Palatine.

33. Sophia, their daughter, married to Ernest Augustus, Elector of Hanover.

34. George I. their son.

55. George II. his son.

der it the subject of conversation, in which his powers
of clear conception and appropriate expression were
uncommonly great. Yet this eagerness of discussion
display; it proceeded only from the fulness of his
had no connection with motives of vanity, or of self-
heart, impressed with the importance or interest of
his subject, into which, in all its bearings, he entered
tion.With the practice of composition he had not
deeply, and with singular actuteness and discrimina-
been early familiarised, nor did it ever become easy to
him; but his judgment of it was always correct, and
could hardly be excelled.
in verbal discussion, which was evidently his forte, he

36. Frederic Prince of Wales, son of George II, and more precious order remain to be noticed-bis amiable

father of

George III. his late Majesty.

Biographical Notices.


The Drama.


(From a cotemporary Journal.)

"We rejoice in having at length the opportunity The knowledge he possessed on every subject, and the facility with which he brought it to bear on all his of congratulating the public on the appearance of a topics of conversation, were indeed admirable, and successful and genuine tragedy. Mr. Knowles's Vircertainly formed a qualification of no ordinary value ginius which was received at Covent-garden, for the for an instructor of youth. At the same time, how- first time on Wednesday se'nnight, with the most ever ably he must be allowed to have discharged the enthusiastic and most unanimous approbation we had the light and energy of so powerful an intellect worthy, in fact, of the reception it encountered. As functions of his office, it can hardly be doubted, that for a long time remember to have witnessed, was studies of his profession, he must have attained to a energetic and beautiful compositions. Its diction been more exclusively concentrated on the peculiar a poem, indeed, it will not rank in the first order of still higher rank in the scale of professional eminence. aspires not to the vigour and comprehensive energy Great and striking as this praise of intellectual cha- of Shakspearean metaphor, and the compression of racter must be esteemed, qualities of yet a higher and volumes of sentiment and feeling into one nervous innocence and simplicity of mind-his acuteness of line; but if it hath not this species of merit, it hath moral sensibility-his disposition, so truly disinterest- that (with only one or two exceptions) which is next ed, unassuming, inoffensive, and susceptible of the to it in excellence-an expressive and unaffected warmest attachment and friendship. Never did a simplicity, which, if it places not the feeling in the heart of purer benevolence and integrity, or more ex- strongest point of view, is never false to it; the aualted above every thing mean, dishonourable, or un-dience go along with the speaker, and if they be not worthy, glow in the breast of a human being. In as transported, they are moved; and the emotions that sisting the needy, and in patronising or encouraging are awakened are never such as the heart can aftermerit, his own interest or convenience were, on all Among the lamented characters of eminence, whose occasions, his least concern, and his liberality, in pro-wards reproach itself for having entertained. The recent loss it has been our mournful duty to record, portion to his means, was often generous to an ex-vices and virtues exhibited are such as we know befew are entitled to a higher place in the estimation and treme. Affectation and disguise, in every shape, were long to human nature; and they are not so mingled regret of the public, than Professor Christison. It equally foreign to his nature, which delighted in and confounded together as to bewilder the moral will not, therefore, be deemed improper by those who manly openness and sincerity. A spirit, naturally sense, and to fix the sympathies of the audience, as are alive to the feeling of intellectual and moral excel- quick and lively, was always tempered by amiable feel- upon the rack, and make us forget the crime in the lence, that a small portion of our transient page ing, and the expression of benignity, which so fre- torture. Vice, indeed, is punished, but the suffershould be devoted to the memory of a man, who ex- quently brightened his masculine countenance, carried ings that swell our bosoms and call the water to our hibited so rare and valuable an assemblage of the with it a peculiar charm.-This expression of benighighest powers and best affections of human nature.nity, and the powers of speech which it always accom- eyes, are the sufferings of innocence and virtue. The Seldom, indeed, has an understanding of such vigour panied, are now stilled in the silent grave; but never sorrow is such as leaves the mind that has sympaand comprehension been found united with a heart so will the impression they produced be effaced from the thised with it purified, not contaminated; which is pure and undisguised. Possessing an ardour and energy of mind which recollection of the friends who remain to lament his of itself no small praise in a composition of this Byronised and Maturinised age; and we thank both could hardly be contemplated without astonishment In reference to the highest and most important of the author and the public for justifying the sentias well as admiration, the attainments of knowledge all our moral obligations, he appeared to consider re- ment we had already ventured to pronounce, that which he made in the different departments of litera-ligion as a concern betwixt the Almighty and our such moral exhibitions would prove more in tune ture and science were, as might be expected, equally own conscience alone. But, from all his conduct and with the genuine feelings of the time, than the exavarious, extensive, and profound. Nor is it surpriscerbations of profligate depravity which the bad Eng, that with such native force of talent, he should at first have owed the elements of what he knew, less to taste of certain popular authors has obtruded of late the instruction and aid of others, than to his own unwearied industry and application; and that, with no into our closets, and upon the stage. original advantages of birth or fortune, he should have gradually raised himeslf to his acknowledged emimence and respectability. He was early noted at the University as a classical scholar of the first distinction. Thus qualified, he filled successively, and with increas- Over the remarkable and instructive union of intelng reputation, different offices in the department of terary instruction, before he was appointed one of he masters of the High School; from which, after discharging his duty in that distinguished seminary, with the highest credit to himself, he was, in conse quence of his singular merits, and under the impression of his extraordinary qualification, as a literary Character, promoted by the unanimous voice, not only of the patrons, but of the community at large, to the Bonourable station of the Professorship of Humanity a the University of Edinburgh.


avowed sentiments on this momentous subject, it is
at once gratifying and satisfactory to be assured, that
his views and feelings with regard both to natural and
could have wished them to be. With such principles
to revealed religion were such as every real Christian
and dispositions it is hardly necessary to observe, that
in every domestic and social relation he was a pattern
of kind affection and propriety of conduct.

lec and moral excellence now described, Death has length drawn his veil. How justly it was appreciated in this community, and how feelingly its extinction is now regretted, may be concluded from the last honours which were paid to the remains of Professor Christison by the Patrons and Members of the University, and by an attendance of friends and students unusually numerous and respectable. To all appearance the strength and soundness of his constitution corresponded to the vigorous character of his mind, and promised, from his regular habits of During the whole of Professor Christison's public temperance, a duration of life prolonged beyond the ife, it was always an object of interest and pleasure usual term. But an inward disease, which seems to o observe the vigour and activity of his mind, delight- have eluded observation, had long, it is probable, ng to range uncontrolled over all the fields of human preyed on the vitals of his frame, and has unexpectknowledge, and entering with ease into the most ab-edly deprived society of so valuable a member, at an struse and difficult speculations both of philosophical age comparatively little advanced.

and of mathematical science. If he indulged any par- This hasty sketch of departed worth, exhibiting icular tendency, it was towards the study of the features somewhat novel, has perhaps exceeded the igher calculus; with a view to explain its elementary proper bounds. But it will be received with the rinciples in a clearer and simpler manner than, in his greater indulgence, that it is the affectionate tribute pinion, had yet been done. By his perpetual habits of a friendship which, without abatement or interintense thinking, from which he seemed to have ruption, has subsisted upwards of forty years, and

"The story of Virginius is too well known, and too faithfully followed by the author to require any particular detail of the plot or fable. The only material deviation from the record of history, is the manner of the death of Appius; who, in the tragedy, is strangled by Virginius in prison, during the insanity with which the unhappy father is represented as afflicted after the immolation of his child: and which is conducted with much more dramatic effect than the incident itself would seem to promise. It is certainly a defect, in a critical point of view, that the death of the heroine, the real dramatic catastrophe, takes place at the end of the fourth act; and leaves us another whole act to witness after the chief object of sympathy is no more. But we do not remember a single instance in which a defect of this kind is so well got over :-a happiness, however, in no small degree attributable to the fine acting of Macready; for whose great powers the whole character, indeed, affords very ample opportunities of display. Nothing could be more lovely or more interesting than Miss Foote's Virginia. It is a character within the compass of her powers, and it would not be saying at all too much, if we should pronounce that there is, perhaps, no actress, either on or off the stage, that could have performed it

better. Terry's Siccius Donatus was also a master-tance of this gigantic undertaking, has also proved
piece. We never saw him to more advantage. The
episode which introduces this character, is, we think,
judiciously interwoven by the author. Played as it
is, we at least are sure that the audience would be
very sorry to lose it. C. Kemble was so hoarse as
to be sometimes scarcely audible; in spite of which,
however, he played to his very best, and we know
not that his efforts were ever crowned with more
hearty or more merited applause. The play, indeed,
was admirably acted throughout. When it comes
before us from the press, we shall probably notice it
again. For the present we resign it to that career
of success to which we believe it is destined.”


himself fully competent to do all that it requires he
should do. Mr. Vandenhoff ranks high in the ele-
Kant. A traveller once showed Lavater (the physi-
vated walk of the drama, and few men perhaps have
ever merited general approbation more than he does. ognomist) two portraits; the one of an highwayman
His Macbeth, though, I believe, not considered by who had been broken upon the wheel-the other was
himself his most successful effort, in my judgment the portrait of Kant, the philosopher: he was desired
is not surpassed by that of any man now on the British to distinguish between them. Lavater took up that of
the highwayman: after attentively considering it for
stage. I speak, Sir, of the chaste, dignified, and ener-
getic delineation of Macbeth, with which he delighted some time," here," said he, "we have the true philo-
all the judicious admirers of dramatic excellence who sopher, here is penetration in the eye, and reflection in
saw him on the above evening; and which, I again the forehead; here is cause, and there is effect; here is
assert, is worthy a place among the very best perform- combination, there is distinction; synthetic lips! and
analytic nose." Then turning to the portrait of the
ances of the present day.
philosopher, he exclaimed, "the calm thinking villain
is so well expressed and so strongly marked in his
countenance, that it needs no comment." This anec-
dote Kant used to tell with great glee.

Mr. Vandenhoff's first scene was uncommonly good, as was likewise that with Lady Macbeth, wherein she Another journalist adds the following information: suggests the horrid idea of murdering Duncan; the "The author of Virginius is a Mr. Sheridan dreadful cogitations of his distempered mind, after he Knowles, a relation, we are informed, of the cele-Thane of Cawdor," and during the developement of became acquainted with the fact that he was really brated person from whom he takes his Christian his wife's fell purposes, were ably depicted, and the line name. It is curious that modern tragedy and co"We will speak further," medy should both issue out of the same family We wish, for our part, we could have prevented it: for we know nothing that would have been more to the taste of our ambition, than the revival of a natural style in represented tragedy. But we love the thing itself much better than any thing we might have been able to do for it; and bail it accordingly. Non equidem invideo: miror magis."


A theatrical critic, in a recent sketch of the celebrated actress, Mrs. West, speaking of her individual merits, in comparison with those of Mrs. Siddons and the late Miss O'Neil, says

"As an actress, she certainly ranks with the firstrate tragedians of the age. It is true, in the representations of the extremes of deep and agonizing distress of the convulsiveness of exquisite and impassioned anguish she is inferior to the late Miss O'Neill; and in the delineation of the majestic, the sublime, the awful, and the terrible of tragedy, she is considerably below the great Mrs. Siddons; but in describing the pathos of woe and the softness of tenderness, parental affection and filial love, the piety of a daughter's zeal and the power of a mother's fondness, she is greatly superior to either. In fine, if we might illustrate our meaning by a metaphor, we should say, that the acting of Miss O'Neill reminded us of a willow, agitated with ten thousand convulsions by the least fury of the blast; Mrs. Siddons to the majestic oak, bravely daring, battling, and conquering the force of the elements; and Mrs. West to the lily, bowing its head before the storm, and neither unnecessarily writhing under its influence, nor fearlessly braving its desolating power.

A comparison, however, cannot well be instituted between performers who belong to decidedly different schools of acting. It is notorious, that the celebrated Mr. Kemble, and, indeed, the whole of that distinguished family, have attempted to make the histrionic profession as mechanical in its acquirement as any of the useful sciences; in fact, to render dramatic excellence the result of art more than of nature-of deep and continued study, more than of innate inspiring propensities."



SIR,-Having honoured me with a distinguished situation in your interesting miscellany of Tuesday last, I am encouraged to hope I may again "find fa vour in your sight," and thereby communicate to the public some portion of the gratification I experienced at our Theatre on Monday evening.

was uttered in such a way as pourtrayed most feelingly
the mighty workings of his soul." The soliloquy

"If it were done, when 'tis done, then 'twere well,
. It were done quickly."

was executed in a masterly manner, and his start at the
sudden appearance of Lady Macbeth, with the inter-


"How now, what news?"


When the present Marquis of B. came to the title, he was very anxious to preserve the game upon his estates, and desired that none of his tenants should keep sporting dogs. One of them, who had a favourite of that description, being unwilling to part with him, attempted to retain him by a metamorphose of his appearance. Some time afterwards, a gentleman seeing this animal following a man driving a team, enquired to whom it belonged?" To farmer said the fellow. "Of what breed is he?" "Why, Sur, he was a greyhound, but measter cut his ears and tail off, and made a mastiff on un."

A mushroom was lately gathered in the neighbour. hood of Huddersfield, of the following dimensions:


Diameter across the top of the mushroom 134 Circumference round the brim 57 Thickness through the top 23 Weight..........

...........34 Ounces.

was remarkably effective; so indeed was his varied
agitation when her Ladyship, after he had resolved to
"proceed no further in this business," roused into action
all the feelings of his nature by a forcible and ironical
appeal to his valour and magnanimity. The internal
conflict which evidently raged within his bosom while
she poured her damning poison in his ear, with the dire
struggle between honour and ambition, hope, doubt,
and fear, were finely drawn; and when he at length
The reptile stated in the papers to have been recently
conceded to her wishes, he seemed to sink the sad vic-killed near Canterbury, was not a viper, but a black
tim of necessity. We pitied the man, though we con- snake. The toad which was found within it presented
demned his imbecility. Some part of the soliloquy nothing extraordinary, as we have seen two toads in a
similar state taken from a snake of lesser growth.-
previous to Duncan's murder,
Lewes Journal.

"Is this a dagger, which I see before me."

was extremely beautiful; after he had ascertained that
there existed "no such thing," I thought him too tame,
but his exit to the King's apartment made ample
amends for this falling off. His entrance, after he had
"done the deed," was admirable, and imparted to the
audience such a sensation of thrilling horror as cannot
easily be described; here it was that this gentleman's
nice discriminating judgment shone to greatest advan-
tage. Throughout the whole of this appalling scene,
I witnessed such terrific grandeur, as will not soon be
obliterated from my recollection. The lines,
"To know my deed,-'twere best not know myself.

[Knock without.]

Wake Duncan with this knocking! Would thou could'st."

spoken at his exit were delivered with so much poig.
nancy and pathos, as must have excited the sympathy
of every one who heard them. The hypocrisy subse-
quently necessary to conceal the black transaction in
which he had just been engaged was well managed. I
come now to the banquet; and though I did not partake
either of the wine, or the viands, it was, nevertheless,
to me, a most delicious feast. Mr. V.'s surprise and
consternation on discovering the ghost of Banquo
exquisitely painted, particularly after

"And to our dear friend Banquo, whom we miss ;
Would he were here! to all, and him, we thirst,
And all to all.”

[blocks in formation]

"VIVE LA BAGATELLE!"-We shall endeavour to re profit from the hint of MOMUS, by introducing oecasionally such whimsical subjects as may suit him and the laughter-loving crew; and we recommend to his perusal as a pledge, the "Sketch from St. George's Fields," in our poetical column, a recently published piece of humour, by George Colman, jun.; and in our opinion, almost unrivalled in its way.

When the goblet fell from his palsied hand, and during
his frantic address to the ghost, his attitude, his pallid
countenance, and the wild glare of his astonished eye,
presented a most affecting spectacle. The last inter- R. M. has omitted to state whether his lines are original.
view with the "weird sisters," was excellently sup-
Ported. From this period until his death, which was G. N. came too late for insertion this week.
truly grand, every thing he did and said was marked
with finishing touches of such peculiar brilliancy, as
can only be elicited from an actor of highly refined
taste, and extraordinary genius.

Printed, published, and sold

Liverpool Mercury Office.

Macduff was very well performed by Mr. Bass; the same remark will apply to Mr. Younge's Banquo. Mrs. Bartley having passed the ordeal of the metro-Sold also by John Bywater and Co. Pool-lane; Messrs. polis with success, it would be a work of supererogation to notice her performance of Lady Macbeth further than that it was in her usual style of excellence. Yours truly,

Whoever engages to personate the arduous character of Macbeth, undertakes what few have ever fully accomplished. We have, however, the good fortune to possess an actor, (I fear we shall not possess him long), who, while he duly appreciates the vast impor- Liverpool, 6th July, 1820.


Evans, Chegwin and Hall, Castle-street; Mr. Thos
Smith, Paradise-street; Mr. Warbrick, Public
Library, Lime-street; Mr. G. P. Day, Newsman,
Dale-street; and Mr. John Smith, St. James's-road,
for ready money only.


The Drama.


Literary and Scientific Mirror.

The following whimsical piece has never before issued from the English press, for reasons of which we are not aware. The author is also unknown, as we are informed. We are indebted for the manuscript copy to the kindness of a friend, who thought the publication of "Bombastes Furioso" would chime in with the plan of the Kaleidoscope.




Artaxominous............King of Utopia.
Fusbos..................... Prime Minister of State.
Bombastes Furioso......General of the Army.

Courtiers, Soldiers, &c.



TUESDAY, JULY 18, 1820.

King. Last night, as undisturb'd by state affairs, Moistening our clay, and puffing off our cares, Oft the replenish'd goblet did we drain, And drank and smok’d, and smok’d and drank again: Such was the case, our very actions such, Until at length we got a cup too much: But the fresh bowl each sickening pain subdues; Sit, learned Fushos, sit and tell the news. Fusbos. General Bombastes, whose resistless force, Alone, exceeds a brewers horse,

Returns triumphant, bringing mines of wealth. King. Does he, by Jingo? then we'll drink his health. [Drums and fife.

Fus. But hark! with loud acclaim, the fife and drum, Announce your army near, behold they come. Enter BOMBASTES, attended by one drummer, one 'fifer, and soldiers all of different sizes.

Bomb. [to his army] Meet me this evening at the

I'll bring you pay; you see I'm busy now;
Begone brave army, don't kick up a row.

Bomb. to the King.] Thrash'd are your foes; this watch with silken string,

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The King, seated at a table, a bowel, tobacco-box, glasses, Worn by their chief, I as a trophy bring: decanters, pipes, &c. .

Tris, "TEKELI." Courtiers attending.

1st Courtier. What will your Majesty please to wear; Or blue, green, red, white, or brown?

24 Court. D'ye choose to look at the bill of fare? King. Get out of my sight, or I'll knock you down. 24 Court. Here is soup, fish, or goose, or duck, or fowl, or pigeon, pig, or hare;

1st Court. Or blue, or green, or red, or black, or white, or brown?

What will your Majesty please to wear;

Or blue, or green, or red, or black, or white, or brown? 28 Court. D'ye choose to look at the bill of fare? King. Get out of my sight, or I'll knock you down. [Exeunt Courtiers.

Eater FUSBOS. Kneels to the King.

Fusbos, Hail, Artaxominous! yclept the great,

I come an humble pillar of thy state,

Pregnant with news, but ere that news I tell,

First let me hope your Majesty is well.

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I knock'd him down, then snatch'd it from his fob; "Watch, watch," he eried, when I had done the job, "My watch is gone," says he; says I, "just so," Stop where you are, watches were made to go.” King. For which we make you Duke of Strombolo. [Bombastes kneels to the King, who breaks a pipe over

his head.

Bomb. Honours so great, have all my toils repaid, My leige and Fusbos, here's success to trade, (drinks.) Fus. Well said, Bombastes, since thy mighty blows Have given a quietus to all our foes;

Now shall our farmers gather in their crops, And busy tradesmen mind their crowded shops; The deadly havoc of war's hatchet cease, Now shall we smoke the calumet of peace. King. I shall smoke short cut, you smoke what you please. [Replenishes his pipe.

Bomb. & Fus. Whate'er your Majesty shall deign to


King. Rise, learned Fusbos, rise my friend, and know, Short cut or long, to me is all the same.

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PRICE 3 d.


Hope told a flatt'ring tale,

Much longer than my arm ;
That love and pots of ale,

In peace, would keep us warm:
The flatterer is not gone,

She visits number one.

In love I'm six feet deep,

Love, odds bobs! destroys my sleep.

Hope told a flatt'ring tale,

Lest love should soon prove cool;

A tub thrown to a whale,

To make the fish a fool.

Should Distaffina frown,

Then hope's gone out of town;
And when love's dream is o'er,

Then we'll wake and dream no more. [Exit Bombastes, [The King, having evinced strong emotions during the Song, appears in a dejected state.

Fus. What ails my Liege, oh! why that look so sad?
King. I am in love, I scorch, I freeze, I'm mad.
Oh! tell me, Fusbos, first and best of friends,
You who've got wisdom at your finger ends,
Shall it be so, or shall it not be so?
Shall I my Griskanissa's charms forego;
Compel her to give up the regal chair,
And place the rosy Distaffina there ?

In such a case, what course should I pursue?
I love my Queen and Distaffina too.

Fusbos. And would my King his General supplant?

I can't advise, upon my soul I can't.

King. So when two feasts, whereat there's nought to

[blocks in formation]
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