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"On quitting the Marianna Islands we bent our course | feet four inches in height, and the other for his strength towards the Sandwich Islands, where we spent about and activity. These two men meeting together one twenty days, very busily employed, often perplexed as day in the street, (a third being present) the former, in to the means of victualling our ship. When we arrived a high tone, made use of some insulting language to there, the old king, we found, had been dead three or the other, which he could not well put up with; he four months ago, and this event had been productive, called him a coward, said he was his inferior in every especially at Owyhee, of strange consequences. Whe- re-pect, and so provoked his anger, that unable any ther their grief was sincere or affected I cannot exactly longer to contain himself, the latter, with great warmth z pretend to ascertain; but the truth is, that the common instantly replied: You have grossly insulted me; people, after having mutilated their faees and wounded but I will prevent you from doing the like again!' and several parts of their bodies, actually seized upon all the at the same moment stabbed him through the body cattle belonging to the late king, who generally possesses with his knife, so that he dropped down dead by his the whole of what is seen throughout the country, killed side. The alarm being immediately spread through and ate them all, and rent the air with their savage the village, a crowd of Indians assembled, and the bowlings. For this, my dear M., is the etiquette ob- murderer having seated himself on the ground by the serval in this country on such occasions, and the manner side of the dead body, coolly awaited his fate, which how they express any violent sorrow. The result was he could not expect to be any other than immediate this, that I was obliged to go from one island to another death, particularly as the cry of the people was Kill in quest of what was barely necessary to reach Port him, kill him!' But although he placed his body and Jackson, for which we are now making. head in a proper posture to receive the stroke of the


pass into one of his post horses, in order to carry the despatches of the court to distant provinces. They exhort me, therefore, to perform my duty well, when I enter upon my new state; not to stumble, kick, or bite, nor to hurt any one. Run well, they tell me ; eat little, and be patient.-By this you will excite the compassion of the gods, who will often at last convert a good beast into a man of quality, and a considerable Mandarin. I confess, my father, that this idea makes me tremble; it haunts me day and night. In may sleep, sometimes I already imagine myself in harness, and ready to set off at the first lash of the postilion: I awake in unspeakable terror, not knowing whether I am man or horse. Alas! how deplorable will be my fate, when this is no longer a dream! I will tell you, then, my father, the resolution I have taken. I am assured, that the followers of your religion are not subject to these calamities; that men with you will be always men; that in the other world, they will be what they were in this. I implore you to receive me ainong you; I know very well that your reli gion is difficult to be observed; but were it far mons difficult, still I am ready to embrace it.'

IMMOLATION OF HINDOO WIDOWS. (Continued from our former Numbers.)

"Our stay there was wholly devoted to several geo-tomahawk, no one attempted to lay hands on him; graphical operations, entirely new, and particularly to a but after removing the dead body from where it lay, Considerable number of physical operations, which will they left him alone. Not meeting here with his ex- "This address, and the situation of the sick person, be the means of procuring a rich supply for science, and pected fate, he rose from this place for a more public excited my compassion; but reflecting that God makes enlarging the sphere of knowledge; in this, at least, our part of the village, and there lay down on the ground use even of simplicity and ignorance to conduct mento navigation has proved fortunate, and has more than ful-in the hope of being the sooner despatched; but the the truth, I took the opportunity which this gave me to led my expectations, for the weather at the same time spectators, after viewing him, all retired again. Sen- convince him of his errors, and to point out to him the was greatly favourable." sible that his life was justly forfeited, and anxious to road to salvation. I instructed him a long time; he bebe relieved from a state of suspense, he took the reso-lieved at last, and I had the satisfaction of seeing him lution to go to the mother of the deceased, an aged die not only with more rational sentiments, but with all widow, whom he addressed in these words. Woman, the signs of a good Christian." I have killed thy son; he had insulted me, it is true; but still he was thine, and his life was valuable to thee. I, therefore, now surrender myself up to thy will. Direct as thou wilt have it, and relieve me speedily from misery.' To which the woman answered: "Thou In the Calcutta papers of the 7th January, was hast, indeed, killed my son who was dear to me, and the only supporter I had in my old age. One life is a letter from a British officer, dated Lucknow, dealready lost, and to take thine on that account cannot scribing the prevention of the immolation of a widow on the funeral pile of her husband, by a party of be of any service to me, nor better my situation. Thou officers, who saved her at the risk of their lives, from hast, however, a son, whom if thou wilt give me in being a third time thrown back on the pile by the the place of my son whom thou hast slain, all shall be brutal mob who surrounded it. Since this period, wiped away.' The murderer then replied; Mother, two instances have been related in the above papers, my son is yet but a child, ten years old, and can be of of similar sacrifices having been prevented in a no service to thee, but rather a trouble and a charge; much less hazardous manner, by the interference of but here am 1, truly capable of supporting and main-tha Collector of that place, near which it was intended to effect them. The circumstances of the taining thee: if thou wilt receive me as thy son no- first of the instances we allude to are as follow: thing shall be wanting on my part to make thee comfortable while thou livest.' The woman, approving of the proposal, forthwith adopted him as her son, and took the whole family to her house."

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(By the Rev, Mr. Heckewelder.) "Genuine wit, which one would hardly expect to weber find in a savage people, is not unfrequent among them. I have heard them, for instance, compare the English and American nations to a pair of scissors, an instrumement composed of two sharped edged knives exactly e alike, working against each other for the same purpose, that of cutting. By the construction of this instrument, they said, it would appear as if, in. shutting, these two sharp knives would strike together, and destroy each other's edges; but no such thing-they only cat what comes between them. And thus the English and Americans do when they go to war against one another. It is not each other they want to destroy, but us, poor Indians, that are between them. By this means they get our land; and when that is obtained, the scissors are closed again, and laid by for further


"They have a strong innate sense of justice, which will lead them sometimes to acts which some men will call heroic, others romantic, and not a few, perhaps, will designate by the epithet barbarous; a vague indefinite word, which, if it means and thing, might, perhaps, be best explained by something not like ourselves. Among the doctrines taught by the Bonzes or Priests However that may be, this feeling certainly exists of the Chinese god Fo, is the Pythagorean doctrine of among the Indians, and as I cannot describe it better the transmigration of souls. The impression which 'than by its effects, I shall content myself with relating this doctrine makes upon the credulous Chinese, may on this subject, a characteristic anecdote which hap-be judged of by a fact related by Father le Compte in pened in the year 1793, at an Indian village called La his Memoirs. "I recollect," says he, "that being one Chine, situated nine miles above Montreal, and was old me in the same year by Mr. Ramée, a French Canadian inhabitant of that place, whom I believe to abe a person of strict veracity. I was then on my retora from Detroit, in company with General Lincoln, and several other gentlemen, who were present at the relation, and gave it their full belief; I thought it then so interesting, that I inserted it in my journal, from

which I now extract it :

“There were in the said village of La Chine, two remarkable Indians, the one for his stature, being six


A young Bramanee woman of respectable family, married to a dependant Zemindar, who was receiving from the head Zemindar a pension of 1000 rupees per month, was about, on his decease, to burn herself with the body. The Collector of the district, however, as soon as he had information of this, sent to a Bramin to endeavour to dissuade the widow from her intention; but the vehement opposition of her parents, and more particularly her brother, to her seceding from her resolution, rendered this attempt useless. The Collector determined therefore to try the effect of making a show of an intention to interrupt the ceremony by force; and aware that any measures he should adopt for this purpose would soon be made known to the parday in the province of Chanci, I was called to baptize a ties, he directed a dozen peons whom he stationed sick person. This was a man of 70 years of age, who in a street through which the body was to pass, to lived on a small pension the emperor granted to him. seize the woman and conduct her to her house; and The moment I entered his chamber, he exclaimed, at the same time concealed a guard of sepoys below How much I am obliged to you, my dear father! Yon in the Bund of a Tank to enforce this measure if will deliver me from the greatest of misery! You know, necessary. The result was, that the people hearing my father, that I have lived for a long time on the the intended ceremony, the widow was quite reconof the arrangements, desisted from proceeding with bounty of the emperor. The bonzes, who are well in-ciled to live, and sent a message to the Collector, formed of what passes in the other world, assured me, requesting, that as the pension of her deceased husthat in gratitude, I shall be obliged to serve my bene- baud would go to her brother, that he (the Collector) factor after my death, and that my soul will infallibly would provide for her. She is now enjoying a pen

sion of 18 pagodas per month, out of the allowance formerly granted to her husband.


"The second case was of the wife of a principal Zemindar, whose death, and the determination of his widow to sacrifice herself on the following mor ing, were not announced to the Collector till twelve o'clock at night. He immediasely despatched a letter to the heir, threatening to oppose him to the utmost of his power as a magistrate, if he did not prevent the sacrifice; he also addressed letters to the widow's relatives, and these measures were attended with the desired effect, and the widow in this, as in the former case, was reconciled to live.

Scientific Records.

[Comprehending Notices of new Discoveries or Improve-
ments in Science or Art; including, occasionally, sin-
gular Medical Cases; Astronomical, Mechanical,
Philosophical, Botanical, Meteorological, and Mine-
ralogical Phenomena, or singular Facts in Natural
History Vegetation, &c.; Antiquities, &c.; to be
continued in a Series through the Volume.]


years, and the Sieur Tousant, son of the assistant ma-
gistrate of Hans-sur-Meuse, aged 28 years.

The Narrateur de la Meuse contains the following "We cannot conclude this subject without remark- article on the cure of two deaf and dumb persons, who ing on the conduct of the Collector, to whom we have recovered their hearing and speech. This novel have alluded; it is such as to entitle him to the and successful operation was performed by M. Deleau, warmest thanks of every friend of humanity. In a young practi ioner, a doctor of medicine, of the faculty his own heart, however, he will find a richer reward of Paris, ex-surgeon to the 4th regiment of cuirassiers, than the praise of the whole world can yield. It is and now established at Mibiel (Meuse.) The two deaf nevertheless to be regretted, that we are not per and dumb, who underwent the operations (whereby he mitted to give his name, as such disinterested ac. perforated with dexterity and success the Meatus Audi tions cannot be made too public. We trust, how-torius) are Mademoiselle Bivier de St. Mibiel, aged 16 ever, that the noble example he has set will be generally followed, as we have no doubt, from all we have been able to learn on this subject, that measures similar to those pursued by him, would, in almost every case, be attended with the same happy results. At all events, we think that the Collector, Magistrate or Judge of the district, should not suffer these sacrifices to take place without seeing the intended victim, and being as sured by viva voce evidence, that the intended immolation was perfectly voluntary. If too, the unhappy widow, could be separated for four and twenty hours from the wretches who surround her, and who are interested in persuading her to adhere to her resolution, and she could afterwards be examined alone, as to her wish to put an end to ber existence in this horrible manner, we imagine that this resolution, made generally under the united influence of violent grief, and a quantity of opium, aided by the clamours of relatives interested in her death, would in most instances yield to the mild persuasion of a disinterested person, particularly if a promise of securing to her a provision for her life were held out.


Col. Gibbs, of the United States, is of opinion that the reason why the dry rot is so much more frequent now-a days than it was formerly, is that, in consequence of the great consumption of wood during the last century for naval and architectural purposes, all the old wood has been consumed, and nothing is now left for these pur poses but comparatively young wood, in which the alburnum bears a much greater proportion to the heart than in old trees. He mentions some facts that have been stated to him by Colonel Perkins, of Boston, and which seem entitled to attention. Several ships built at Boston have been salted, or filled in between the tim bers with salt, while on the stocks, and after the lapse of ten or fifteen years the timbers have, in every case, bea Col. Perkins which had been salted, (fourteen years old found to be perfectly sound. A large ship, belonging required repairs, new decks, and new iron work. Con sidering the age of the ship, it was important to examine the frame in every part. The ceiling was, therefore, ripped up, and a complete examination took place. The result was, that the timbers and planks were found com pletely sound in every part. A vessel of 500 tons required 500 bushels of salt, and two years after being built, 100 bushels were added to fill up the space of the salt dissolved.


The young girl is doing extremely well. It is more than a month since she underwent the operation. Her left ear is perfectly healed, and the opening made to the tympanum always continues, which is absolutely necessary. She takes notice of the least sounds, and begins In removing the library, and clearing away the floor to articulate words in a very satisfactory manner. Her and book-cases that have so long incumbered the Lady vivacity pleases and her figure changes for the better. Chapel of Exeter Cathedral, a discovery has been made She is incessantly humming various airs which her sis-of two ancient tombs. The sculpture of both is early, ters teach her. They are placed in Gothic niches of much later date) and appear to be only the lids of sarcophagi, and to have been removed from some other station to the which they now occupy. The material is the Par beck marble. The most ancient of them is the figure of a prelate with a depressed mitre, a beard and mustachios; the two first fingers of the right hand pointing upwards, in the act of benediction; in the left hand a crosier. In spandrils, above the head, are side on two birds, which terminate in the centre with cherubs. The feet of the figure and the crosier rest single head, the face of which is human. The sides and ends are wrought into wide flutes, without filet, like the fluting of the Doric column; the front placed parallel with the niche, and the upper corner of the lid at the back inserted four or five inches into the will This tomb is on the north side of the chapel. The other tomb is placed on a niche on the south side of the chapel, immediately opposite that first described, This is likewise the figure of a prelate, and is carved in good style, and in much higher relief than the for mer. The arms and hands are placed in easy and a tural positions on the body, over the staff of the tre sier; the head or crook is defaced. The mitre of th figure is of a more recent form than the other; the feet rest on a chimæra, carved in a style of spirand beauty that would do honour to a period of matt fined art. The head is that of a wolf, terminating the body of a serpent, branching off on each side and scrol ing down the sides of the lid, and branching off into rich foliage, tastefully arranged by the feet of the figure, between which the head is seen.

The young man of Hans-sur-Meuse, who was operated upon a short time since, hears as well as his comrades, and even more lively. His right ear is finer than his left; he makes constant efforts to pronounce all sorts of words. The surgeon hopes that in three or four months the two subjects will speak perfectly. It is evident, that they must be instructed like children, who begin to make the first efforts to articulate. afford the happy facility of finishing the operation in M. Deleau is constructing an instrument, which will three minutes, by which its success will be more certain. By means of this instrument he will raise on the tympanic membrane enough of substance to prevent the necessity of introducing probes into the perforation, during from thirty to forty days. He is of opinion, that he can restore the hearing of all those who may "It is unquestionably a subject of the deepest in- have been deprived of it by the obstruction of the Eusterest to humanity, and as such, we think no apo-tachian organ, and by the obesity of the membrane of the tympanum. logy need be offered to our readers for our frequent and strenuous endeavours, to call the attention of the whole of British India to the calm consideration of the means by which such an abomination to God and man can be most speedily and effectually abolished, so as to wipe off the foulest stain that hangs upon the empire of the East."


A Table of the Quantity of Water contained in the river
St. Lawrence and all its tributary lakes and rivers,
from "Darby's Tour."

Superior...........Ft. 900 836,352,000,000 900 376.898,400,000

Huron....................... Michigan........... Erie................................... Ontario............ St. Lawrence and other rivers and smaller lakes.


900 527,568,000,000 501,811,200,000,000

120 418.176,000,000 492 200,724,480,000


(From Thompson's Annals for November.)
It is the custom with many of the merchants and ma-
nufacturers of Glasgow, to spend several of the summer
months at sea-bathing quarters, leaving the care of their
town-houses to a single servant, or sometimes shutting
them up altogether. A gentleman, a neighbour of
mine, removed with his family to Largs, in May last,
carried with him all his servants, and shut up his house.
It was opened for the first time about the end of August.
The house stands on the side of a pretty steep declivity,
Medium Superficial area in Solid contents, in so that the kitchen, which is in the back part of the
house, though sunk considerably below the level of the
752,716,800,000,000 street, is entirely above ground. It is remarkably well
359,208,560,000,000 lighted and ventilated. I was in it on the day that the
50,181,120,000,000 house was opened, without perceiving any unusual ap-
98,756,444,160,000 pearance of dampness. In an opening of the wall near
the kitchen fire, originally intended, I believe, for an
oven, there was placed a wooden barrel, bound with
iron hoops, and filled with oatmeal. This meal having
heated of itself during the absence of the family, had
at last caught fire, and was totally consumed, together
with the barrel which contained it, nothing remaining
but the iron hoops, and a few pieces of charcoal. I pre-
sume that the meal had been somewhat moist, and that
it had heated precisely in the same way as hay does
when stacked moist. The great avidity which oatmeal
has for moisture, and the heat generated by its absorp
tion of it, must be familiar to every one who has been
in the habit of seeing oatmeal. Indeed Mr. Leslie
found that its avidity for moisture was so great, that it
could be substituted for sulphuric acid in his well-
known method of freezing water, by confining it over
sulphuric acid, under the exhausted receiver of an air-


2,430,894,880,000 1,742,757,644,160,000 Lake Superior, in its greatest length, is 381 miles; its breadth is 161, and its circumference is little less than 1152 piles; it is as remarkable for the transparency of its waters as for its extraordinary depth.

Lake Huron, from west to east, is 218 statute miles long; at its western extremity it is less than one hundred miles broad, and at about one hundred miles from its eastern shore it is barely 60 miles broad; but near the centre it suddenly bends away to the southward, and is 100 miles in breadth; making a circumference of little

less than 812 miles.

Lake Michigan deepens into a bay 262 miles in length, by 65 in breadth; and its entire circumference

$ 781 miles.


A loom has been invented by a clothier of Malmer bury, by which the texture of cloth is rendered so cle that it will resist the wet like a skin. We learn that the inventor has applied for a patent.

The Journal de Nancy announces that a gentleman of that city has invented a carriage which is impeiled forward by a piese of mechanism, set in motion by a person stationed at the back of the vehicle. It is said that six persons may ride in this c riage as rapidly as though it were drawn by horses at a trotting



A field of seven acres, in the county of Surrey, wat last year prepared for barley by the spade: the labourer employed earned in the winter 15s. per week-od. per rod being given for digging; and the proprietor cons ders that it would have cost him double the expe to have had it ploughed.

Mr. Falia, of Gateshead, Newcastle, has this ye grown: upon land worked by the spade, two pieces of wheat transplanted from a seed-bed into rows 6inch apart, which produced 17 coombs per acre; and c 12 inches, which produced 15 coombs; a fourth pie sown in drill, and a fifth in broadcast, yielded 19 coombs per acre. The produce of the land there by ploughing is usually about six coombs.

Natural History.


(From "Sketches of South America.")

The gulph of Cariaco is frequented by innumerable Blocks of marine birds.

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"When the natives wish to catch any of these wild fowl," says M. Lavaysse, they go into the water, having their heads covered each with a calabash, in which they make two holes for seeing through. They thus swim towards the birds, throwing a handful of maize on the water from time to time, of which the grains scatter on the surface. The ducks and other birds approach to feed on the maize, and at that moment the swimmer seizes them by the feet, pulls them under water, and wrings their necks before they can make the least movement, or, by their noise, spread an alarm among the flock. The swimmer attaches those he has caught to his girdle, and he generally takes as many as are necessary for his family."

Amongst the natural curiosities of this neighbourhood is a lake full of crocodiles and various other reptiles, one of which, if we are to believe a common tradition of the people, resembles the winged dragon of the poets. In going from Carupano to Guiria, our author passed through the "smiling valley" of Rio Caribe, watered by numerous streams, and which he calls the Temple and Compagna of Venezuela. Speaking of the celebrated Grotto of Guacharo, in the mountains of Bergantin, M. Lavaysse observes, "In every country the same causes have produced similar effects on the imagination of our species. The grotto of Guacharo is, in the opinion of the Indians, a place of trial and expiation: souls when departed from bodies, go to this cavern; those of men who die without reproach do not remain in it, but immediately ascend, to reside with the great Manitou in the dwellings of the blessed; those of the wicked are retained there eternally; and ich men as have committed but slight faults of a Tenial nature, are kept there for a longer or shorter period, according to their crime.

Immediately after the death of their parents and friends, the Indians proceed to the entrance of this savern, to listen to their groans. If they think they hear their voices, they also lament, and address a prayer to the Great Spirit, and another to the devil Maboya; after which they drown their grief with intoxicating beverages. But if they do not hear the washed-for voices, they express their joy by dances and festivals. In all this there is but one circumstance that creates surprise, it is that the Indian priests have not availed themselves of such credulity to augment their revenues. Many Indians, though otherwise converted to Christianity, have not ceased to believe in Gacharo: and to descend into Guacharo, is among them, synonymous with dying.


small round ears, black outside, white inside; around
its nose and mouth were long stiff bristies, some appear
to grow out black half the length, then white, six inches
long. The hair on the end of the tail is longer than
elsewhere; tail slim; its legs were short, and its feet
were like a cat's, only much larger; with large claws,
large teeth; supposed to weigh about 150lbs.



The fraternity of shoemakers have, unquestionably, given rise to some characters of worth and genius. The late Mr. Holcroft was originally a shoemaker. His dramatic pieces must rank among the best of those on the English stage. Robert Bloomfield wrote his poem of "the Farmer's Boy," while employed at this business, and Dr. William Corey, professor of Sanscrit and Bengalee, as the college of Fort William, Calcutta, and the able and indefatigable translator of the scriptures into many of the eastern languages, was in early life a shoemaker in Northamptonshire. The present Mr. Gifford, the translator of Juvenal, and the supposed editor of the Quarterly Review, spent some of his early days in learning the "craft and mystery" of a shoemaker, as he tells us, in one of the most interesting pieces of auto-biography ever penned, and prefixed to his nervous and elegant version of the great Roman airist.

An old woman, a carrier in High-street market, Bristol, has lately come into the possession of £10,000 by the death of a distant relation."

Lately, as some caravans of wild beasts, which had been exhibited at Buckingham fair the preceding day, were proceeding from thence, a large polar bear contrived to make his escape. He was immediately pursued; but it was not until after a considerable chase, in which many of the country people joined, that he was overtaken, and ultimately killed. It appears, that the animal took refuge from his pursuers beneath a bridge at Bacon Wood near Stowe, having passed through the village of Water Stratford, to the great consternation of the inhabitants. During the chase, he was frequently fired at, but without effect. He was at length secured with ropes, but was strangled in the act of dragging him from his hiding-place.

At the Guildhall, in York, a most extraordinary occurrence recently took place.-Eleven men from Marston, in the Anisty, with ten wives and twenty-three children, applied to the magistrates not only for relief, but entire maintenance; having been all completely thrown out of employment. Of course the whole nnmber of 44 were ordered to be relieved, and £5 3s. 6d. the parish rates of the small town of Marston (in one was granted to them weekly: making an addition to day) of nearly £270 per annum.


From the Connecticut Herald, it appears, that the progress of the Methodists, though somewhat checked in England, continues to advance in America. cording to the minutes of the annual Conferences for the year 1820, we find that they had 904 traveling preachers, besides 15 supernumerarics, and 42 superannuated, and that the number of individuals returned to the Conferences were 217,628 whites, and 38,753 people of colour. The total last year was 240,924. and this year 255,881, making an increase this year of 15,957. Three circuits of the Baltimore Conference were not returned; but, allowing the numbers to be the same this year as the last, the amount to 3409, which, added to the above, will make an increase of 19,366.

There was shot lately on North House Farm, Roxburghshire, a raven that measured from the extremity of its wings, 4 feet 24 inches, and from the tip of its bill to the end of its tail, 2 feet 2 inches

A woodman engaged lately in splitting timber for rail-posts, in the woods close by the lake at Haining, a seat of Mr. Pringle's, in Selkirkshire, discovered in the centre of a large wild cherry tree a living bat, of a bright scarlet colour, which he foolishly suffered to escape, from fear, being fully persuaded it was (with the characteristic superstition of the inhabitants of that part of the country) a "being not of this world." The tree presents a small cavity in the centre, where the bat was inclosed, but is perfectly sound and solid on each side.-Caledonian Mercury.





SIR-It gives me great pleasure to find so flattering a compliment passed upon me, in your last, by your correspondent J. P. "that it could not have fallen into better hands, and hope that, in my endeavours to bring about this beneficial amusement, shall be aided by the assistance of himself and many others." Now, as the Theatre will be closed before this month is out, an early application for the occupation of it will be necessary; and I shall be very glad to meet J. P. and all others desirous of assisting us, on Thursday evening next, the 30th inst. at seven o'clock, at the Albion Hotel, Ranelaghstreet, in order to arrange for further proceedings. Yours, &c. J. H. P.




A few lines, addressed to A. B. left at your office, appointing an interview, will have immediate attention.

"Thus in the majestic forests of South America, as in the ancient civilization of Hindostan; under the harsh climates of the north of Europe and Canada, as Shipley Fête Champetre. Recently, Edward Miller in the burning regions of Africa, in all parts the man Mundy, Esq. M. P. of Shipley-hall, Derbyshire, gave a of every colour is distinguished from other animals by grand treat to his colliers, tenants, domestics, &c. in this irresistible foreboding of a future life in which an commemoration of fixing a large new steam-engine, (apSIR-Having observed the letters of J. P. and Omnipotent Being recompenses the good, and punishes propriately named The Leviathan,) and opening of a J. H. P respecting au amateur performance, I beg evil doers. Whatever may be the modifications, differ- new colliery, in the immediate vicinity of his mansion. the favour of your inserting these lines in your vaences, or absurdities with which imagination, igno- The plum-pudding extraordinary prepared for the occarance, and greedy imposture have enveloped this belief, sion was twenty-six yards long, and weighed about nine luable Kaleidoscope, as a means of introduction to it appears to be one of the strongest moral proofs of hundred and eighty pounds! It was put into a new-those gentlemen. If it be their intention to select the identity of our species, and to be a natural conse-made bag, and boiled, or rather steamed, in a coiled a tragedy, I should be happy to take a part in the quence of reflection." form, in a large cylinder, for the space of twenty-two hours! and afterwards cut into divisions of one yard each. The tables were also substantially furnished with a couple of fine oxen, killed specially for the purpose; nor was there any thing wanting in the fruit pie lne, &c. to complete the tout ensemble. Our readers are no doubt quite on the tiptoe, by this time, to hear about another essential article to crown the joys of the day, the Sir John Barleycorn. Well then, the gallant knight was "nothing loth," with his potent services; he washed down the viands, reddened the cheeks, and gladdened the hearts of his votaries, to the tune of three hundred gallons! Music, singing, and dancing, kept up the jocund scene till a late hour in the evening. The order that was observed throughout was admirable; to this, the personal attendance, exertions, and condescending affability of the founder of the feast and his lady were mainly attributable. It is said the coal, at this new colliery, lies two hundred and fifty yards deep.

Frankfort, Kentucky, Aug. 21.-The following decription of an animal lately killed in Ohio county, in this state, has been handed to us by the sheriff of that County, who assures us that the statement contained therein is strictly correct:

A leopard was killed on the 6th day of June, 1820, by John Six, living on the waters of Green River, ten miles south-east of Hartford, in Ohio county; length from the end of the nose to the buttock five feet, and a tail two feet long; under the jaw the colour was white and black spots equally proportioned; the sides and back are yellow, with black spots curiously aranged; a row of black spots on its back, much larger than those on its sides,extending half way down the tail;


SIR-In selecting pieces for representation at the anticipated amateur performance, for the benefit of the public charities, it is to be hoped that those gentlemen who form the committee will avoid such pieces as tend to cherish party feeling, in order that all parties may come cheerfully forward in support of this truly benevolent undertaking.

Liverpool, Nov. 24th, 1820.

J. P.

[blocks in formation]

SIR-Allow me, through the medium of your very interesting paper, to express my willingness to fur-weeks back, that an Obelisk, or Pillar, in the centre of SIR-It was suggested in one of your papers a few ther the laudable scheme of performing an amateur play, for the benefit of the public charities of this the New Haymarket would be a great ornament to that town. I could not, I am sensible, do justice to a part of the town. On passing that way this morning very arduous part, but so far as my exertion can be I was much pleased with the idea; and it occurred to of service to this my native town, or its public cha-me that a sum sufficient for this purpose would readily rities, they are, and will be ever, ready to answer at be raised, if it were to be erected to the honour of Mr. their call. Waiting the result of this communica- LEYLAND, who has now, at an advanced age, taken tion, and hoping to hear in your next Kaleidoscope, upon himself to discharge the arduous duties of our from some of your correspondents, whether my as sistance will be acceptable? Chief Magistrate for the third time; an office which he I am yours truly, has always filled with singular advantage to the community.

G. L. The parts in the drama which Mr. Bass is in the habit of sustaining would be most agreeable to me. Liverpool, Nov. 22, 1820.


SIR-As an admirer of the drama, and as a warm friend to public charity, being born and educated in this town, I assure you there is nothing I should so much delight in as to offer my humble endeavours in bringing forwards on the Liverpool boards a tragedy, which may in some measure tend to be of advantage to the institutions that are supported by charity in this town, conscious that some of them are at this time greatly in debt.-I should admire the character of Bajazet, in the tragedy of Tamerane; Virginius; Colonna, Ludovico, or Vicitio, in Evadne, which I beg to say would be the most judicious tragedy to select, the characters being few in number. Hoping for an answer, I remain,

W. H. B.

'N. B. I should like to be informed where the dresses are to be found: by answering this, you would much oblige an ardent promoter of this highlyto-be-admired scheine.


SIR-I ever had a strong desire to appear on the stage, but the entreaties and persuasions of my friends have prevented my appearance on several occasions. Still possessing the same desire, I have at length obtained their indulgence, and feel quite anxious (should there be any vacancy) to make my debut, at the intended amateur performance, for the benefit of the public charities.

The characters which I profess to play are Dennis Brulgruddery or Tom Shuffleton, in John Bull; Looney M'Twolter, in the Review; Doctor Pangloss,

in the Heir at Law; Major O'Flaherty, in the West Indian, or any other such like character.


N. P.

Permit me further to observe, that I think it is a reflection upon the gratitude of our townsmen that we cannot show a single public monument or memorial to record the active exertions of any one of the many spirited individuals which Liverpool has produced.

All that I apprehend is wanting to accomplish this object is, to find a few of Mr. Leyland's friends who would commence a subscription, and place books for this purpose in the banks and public rooms. The subscribers would afterwards have to meet to elect a committee to be entrusted with carrying their wishes into effect. I am, Sir,

Your obedient servant, ONE THAT WOULD SUBSCRIBE. Liverpool, 23d Nov. 1820.



SIR-It is not, perhaps, universally known, that the whole of Europe has been long indebted to a rock in France, for the only known substance applicable to the manufacture of mill-stones for grinding wheat, called "French Buhrs;" though this was scarcely felt during the late war, when their export from that country was prohibited. To overcome our dependance on a foreign nation, for purposes so vitally essential as the preparation of our daily bread, is certainly a subject of national congratulation; and it is a curious fact, that a quarry of the same kind of buhr was discovered on the Halkin Mountain, near Holywell, in Flintshire, about four years ago; since which several mill-stones have been made of them, and prove their full competition with the French Buhr, in hardness, toughness, and every other requisite, and,

in some cases, their actual superiority, as for the uses of distilleries.


[blocks in formation]

To Correspondents.

AMATEUR THEATRICALS-The letter of J. H. P. is an advertisement; and we trust with confidence that our correspondent will repay us the three shillings and sixpence, which will be required from us at the Stap office. J. H. P. by the proposed interview, will m terially accelerate the measure in contemplatieThe liberty we have taken with the date we can sat factorily explain to him.

THEATRICALS. We thank LA ROCHE for the trouble he has taken in preparing his estimate, which we should have published, had it reached us a few weeks


Several correspondents, who have suggested the insertion of verses, &c. on the subject of the Queen, must be aware that we cannot comply with their wishes, consistently with the professed plan of our work, which, by stipulation, as well as inclination, we adhere. Our motto, "Utile dulci," is so comp hensive, that we can very well dispense with policies The same reason applics to the suggested introduce of the details of the recent procession.

W. M. wishes us to animadvert upon some gross in curacies which he would point out in a cotemporary publication. We must decline the office, as its exe cise might disturb the tranquillity and good humeur. in the spirit of which we wish to conduct the Kaleco scope. The errata to which our correspondent aliudes, are in the mathematical department; and we take the opportunity to observe, that, if we have not derete an occasional column to such a subject, it has not be occasioned by any other cause than an apprehens that it would not be much relished. If we had res son to draw a different conclusion, we are fully pr pared to enter upon that branch of science say time.

GREAT PLAGUE. The correspondent who has be

the pains of transcribing the account of the Great Plague, would oblige us with a reference to the ginal printed work. If we mistake not, it is by the celebrated Evelyn, whose interesting narrative of the great fire in London appeared in the first volume of the old series of the Kaleidoscope, page 30. Wer to ascertain this point, because (whenever we the narrative) we should prefer the printed copre MS. which in an article of such a length is inaccuracies.

If we fail this week in paying our individual respecti

our correspondents, we must plead as an excuse, th the extraordinary bustle of the last ten days has so what disarranged our papers, which shall be collated

with care before our next publication. FLORELLA shall have an early place.

SIR-Allow me to inquire, through your medium, The Lines of HIBERNIA NATUS are of too political

of the Chairman or Secretary of the Gas Company,
the reason of their tardy progress, in laying their
Pipes for the better illumination of our streets; and
also, to inquire, as many of your corespondents have
already, when Lime-sticet and Mount-pleasant are
to be adorned by the effusion of their ability? A
favour from them or any other correspondents will
Yours truly,

SIR-During oue of my moonlight rambles, happening to pass by the temple destined for the blind, I was attracted by the solemn grandeur of its effect under the lunar effulgence, when leaning against the bars of one of the gates, I remained a little while to contemplate this fiue piece of architecture. Thus musing, marked the moon beams darting through the intercolumniations, and sweetly relieving each fluted shaft; the grand entablature, whose cornice cast an awful shade on the triglyphed frize, and the tympanum, fair as the eye of heaven, surmounting all, shone conspicuous and divine: yet something seeming to be wanting to complete this beautiful coup d'oeil, it occurred to my moon-struck fancy, SIR-I would, through the medium of your valuthat a row of stately trees surrounding the edifice able paper, call the attention of the proper autho(the front excepted) would greatly improve the efrities to the propriety of lighting with gas the open



the writer, be transferred to the Mercury.

cast for the Kaleidoscope. They shall, by leave d

Printed, published, and sold

Liverpool Mercury Office.

Sold also by John Bywater and Co. Pool-lane; Mess Evans, Chegwin and Hall, Castle-street; Mr. Thos



Mr. Warbrick, Pub

Library, Lime-street; Mr. G. P. Day, Newsma
Dale-street; Mr. Lamb, Hanover-street; and Mr.
John Smith, St. James's-road, for ready money only

London, Sherwood and Co.
Dublin, J. K. Johnston & Co.

Warrington, Mr. Harrison Preston, Mr. Whittle,

fect, and be very gratifying to the lovers of the great ings lately made from the squares into Lime-street Manchester, Mrs. Richardson. Stoke, Mr. Tomkinson.

and beautiful. I must confess I longed to see and hear the whispering trees, at this silent season, casting their shades towards the base of the temple. Nov. 24, 1820. CLAUDIO,

and the Haymarket, as well as St. John's-lane; the darkness with which they are at present enveloped makes them the nightly promenade of numerous prostitutes, to the annoyance of passengers, and makes

Stockport, Mr. Dawson.
Leeds, Mr. Dewhirst.
Bolton, Mr. Kell.
Hull, Mr. Perkins.
Lancaster, Mr. Bentham

Hanley, Mr. Allbut. Wigan, Messrs. Lyon.

Ormskirk, Mr. Garside. Blackburn, Mr. Rogerson Northwich, Mr. Kent




Literary and Scientific Mirror.

Scientific Notices.



We confidently anticipate that Captain Parry's recent voyage will afford us many opportunities of gratifying the readers of the Kaleidoscope with copious extracts on a subject so well adapted to the nature of our work.

We have prepared a Map of the recent discoveries in

In the polar regions, which has been engraved by the LYTHOGRAPHIC PROCESS, at our own press; and if the experiment succeeds tolerably, we shall next week present it to our readers, as an useful accompaniment

to the various extracts we may from time to time give upon so interesting a subject.—We have yet had so little experience in the LYTHOGRAPHIC ART, that we feel diffident as to the entire success of this our first public specimen.




fort and convénience for the crews embark-
ed in this perilous undertaking; and it was
universally acknowledged, that no disco-
very ships ever left the shores of England
in a higher state of equipment.

PRICE 3 d.

On their return to Barrow Straits, it was found that the barrier of ice, extending across from Prince Leopold's Isles to the north coast, had broken up, so that the ships were now enabled to pursue their course westwards. Having reached long. 92, they found the land on the north side of the Strait, which had been continuous, from the entrance of Sir James Lancaster's Sound, now discontinuous, owing to a great inlet. Land however, was still seen to the westward: so the expedition continued its course in that direction. In doing so, the ships passed a number of great islands, all of them apparently surrounded with ice; from which circumstance, partial detentions were unavoidable, and their course ran in a sort of zig-zag style, from lat. 73 N. to lat. 75 N..

They left England on the 11th of May, 1819, and reached Cape Farewell, the most southern part of West Greenland, on the 14th of the succeeding June. On the 20th of June, the ships were in lat. 64. N.; on the 26th June, they were beset in the ice, and, after having endeavoured, but in vain, to urge their way, during a painful detention of four days, were, at last, glad to get back again. Having reached lat. 74. N. they determined to force a passage through the barrier of ice, which they found to be The expedition, under the command of eighty miles broad. Having succeeded in - Captain Ross, although very important and this, they reached Possession Bay on the On the 4th of September, they were in interesting, from the numerous nautical 31st July; and, on the 1st August, entered long. 110 W.; and here they discovered an observations it made in Baffin's Bay, still in safety Sir James Lancaster's Sound, island which appeared to be larger than any did not satisfy the expectations of men of where they found the same open sea which they had hitherto examined, and which we science, and the public, in regard to the has been described in the accounts of the understand was named Melville Island, in North-west Passage. The Lords of the former expedition. They advanced to long. honour of the distinguished statesman, now Admiralty, as we are led to believe, from a 89. W., discovered two considerable islands, at the head of the Admiralty. This island, statement (we think a harsh one) in the named Prince Leopold's Isles. But, at this we are informed, extends from long. 160 W. Quarterly Review, were, on the whole, some-point, their progress westwards was inter- to 114 W. On the 8th of September, the what dissatisfied with Captain Ross's inves- rupted by a strong barrier of ice, extend-ships reached 112 W., and were inclosed tigation of Sir James Lancaster's Sound, ing quite across from these islands to the for several days in the ice. Winter was and were of opinion, that if a passage ex-north coast of what Captain Perry, we now fast approaching; the ice was rapidly isted in Baffin's Bay, it must be somewhere understand, named Barrow Straits. Being encreasing, and violent north-westerly gales in that quarter. In order to determine this thus arrested by the ice, and forced to alter kept it in a constant and dangerous state of important geographical problem, an expedi- their course, they now entered a great in- agitation. tion was fitted out last year, consisting of let, of 14 or 15 leagues in breadth, which These, circumstances, of course, rendered two strong vessels, the Hecla and Griper, they found extending to the southward. the navigation very difficult, and began to which were placed under the command of They sailed along its eastern coast; its mid-endanger the safety of the ships. Our galLieutenant Parry. This gentleman, whose dle part and western coast being blocked up lant countrymen, however, continued to talents and feelings are worthy of the best with ice, as far as lat. 71 N,, when their contend with all these difficulties till the and most glorious days of nautical enter- farther progress southward also was found 22d of September, when it became evident prise and discovery, was accompanied by a to be impossible, by reason of the ice. In that farther navigation was at an end for chosen band of intrepid and experienced proceeding down this inlet, the magnetic the season; and therefore, prudence dicofficers, and the vessels were manned by attraction increased so powerfully, that the tated their retreat to a secure haven for the crews full of zeal and enthusiasm, and in existence of the magnetic pole may be conjec-polar winter. For this purpose, they rethe highest and most perfect state of dis-tured to be somewhere in that neighbourhood, turned eastward, and found a harbour in cipline. Government provided every com- probably in the lat. 70 N. and long. 100 W. Melville Island. But the ice had already

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