Sidor som bilder

is frozen, every artery benumbed, and our teeth, ,respondent to our feelings, chatter like Erminia's bones in the old coffin; the refreshing and exhilarating state of body we experience after undergoing a sudatory vapour bath; the delight in the impracticability of turning your eyes the hundredth part of a degree from their straight-forward position for fear of encountering a Bethlem Gabor stare, or being struck dead by a Schedoni frown; and the bracing health acquired by your aerial voyage through the Sadler balloonarian (permit me to coin a word) regions of azure sky and fanciful improbability, as refreshing as a sixpenny trip in an Irish jingle, or au afternoon's expedition in that very respectable vehicle, the Wavertree diligence; what can be finer than Schemoli's glassy (not glass) eye! what more captivating than Bethlem Gabor's whiskers! what more delicately pleasing than the wax figure and iron chair in the Mysteries of Udolpho," and what more magnifi. cently horrid than the phosphorus bottle in the


what he wants, and this idea at the time of going |
preponderates over every idea to the contrary; so
that, whether he get it or not, he expected to get it
(but in a less degree) the same as if it had been left
at a "certain place" for him; for, even then, he
could not be actually certain of getting it, as Mi-
chael Scott seems to imply, he could only expect it;
but his expectation, in that case, would be of the
highest degree; but still it would be only expecta-
tion. So that, in my opinion, if a person goes to seek
a thing with the idea of getting it (which he certaiuly
does) he goes for it.
Dec. 20th 1820.



SIR, An instance of such unexampled barbarity that I could scarce credit it, has been just related to me by a gentleman on whose veracity and honour I can well rely. I wish to hold up the circumstance to public view, as well as for the purpose of its exciting sentiments of disgust towards the perpetrator of the offence, and to make him feel (if he possessess any feeling) proper sensations of compunc tion and remorse.

mysterious hand!" it is the grand hyperbole of horror, and towers at the top of the climax of terror, while beneath it rise, in gradual ascension, western turrets, lonely heath, midnight groans, moving ta pestry, blood, ghosts! and the inquisition, with all the delightful horrors attending that mysterious edifice From my ardour in the cause, you may easily conjecture that I have not suffered my talents to lie idle, and on this subject I chiefly address you, in order to assist me in the distribution of two little works, the production of leisure hours and literary retirement; one is "Sally Snds, or the mysterious One evening, a Gentleman was walking down Chambermaid," in nine volumes, octavo; the other, "Sir Theophilus O'Blarney;" the former bears a -; and hearing a noise on the other side the strong but flattering likeness to " Ivanhoe," the lat-street, was attracted towards the occasion of it; ter is more on the plan of "Anastasius." Terms for to his surprise he beheld a young man of fashionable subscription, three guineas a copy; and the "Two appearance holding in his hand a cat, whilst his Wealthy Farmers,” versified by the author, as a gratuitous gift to each subscriber. They will be published next month, along with Kenilworth; and indeed I have little doubt of the success of the whole trio with the public. Betty has just brought me in that enchanting work Melmoth, and Bigou is crying for his dinner (and his third to-day), so I must bid you good day! and subscribe myself, with fraternal feelings, your partner in talent,


P.S. A shocking rude correspondent of yours has composed a satirical poem on me, which appeared 'a few weeks since in your paper. As Sterne said, in relation to a dead ass, “I am sure I have a soul," so I say, in relation to a living one, he has none;; moreover, his barbarous mistake in regard to my name, omitting the soft Italian termination-besides, I take my oath I never wore " mazarine blue” in my life, being always drest in a pensive straw colour, which Dr. Marrowfat said became my complexion best.


to the EDITOR.

SIR,-In reply to the letter of Michael Scott, in your last Kaleidoscope, I take the liberty to say that a person will not look for a thing (except at the desire of another) in a place where he has no idea of finding it; in the hurry of looking he may, as Michael says, look in a place, where, if he gave himself time to reflect, he might be sure it could not be; but as he does not give himself time for reflection, his idea at the time is, that he will find it thereor why does he look? What other reason can he have but to satisfy himself that the thing is not there? No one would surely be such an idiot as to look for a thing, where, at the same time, hewas sure it could not be.

In answer to the second part of his letter, I beg to say, that when a person goes to seek a thing, he has an idea, that at some particular place he will get

dogs (less brutal than their master) were worrying
it. The poor creature uttered cries of agony, and
made many attempts to escape from its inhuman
persecutor; in vain,-it was literally torn to pieces.
The Gentleman before alluded to, felt such horror
at the sight, that he instantly knocked the savage
down; the other rose, and was again deservedly hurled
to the ground by the superior skill of his antagonist.
High words passed between the parties, they exchang-
ed cards, and separated; but, from that period to
the present nothing further has transpired. Cruelty
and cowardice are ever connected together, as I be-
lieve Sterne says.

Had this barbarous act been committed by a per-
son in the lowest class of society, it would still have
been inexcusable: what shall we then think of it in a
young man of liberal education and respectable fa-
mily? Assuredly, that he must have made the worst
use of the former, and now disgraces the latter.
I am, Sir, yours, &c.

[blocks in formation]

ORIGINAL COMPOSITIONS.-Our present publication contains so much original matter, that we have little room for one department of the work upon which we set some value, we mean "The Gleaner," which we never willingly omit in any one number of the Ka leidoscope; for, however desirable original composi tions may be, we hold in no less estimation à se ries of good selections, continued through our vo lume, and forming altogether an extensive and entertaining series of instructive reading, attained without the drudgery of wading through the bad to arrive at the good. Such a collection as that we contemplate under the head "Gleaner," will assimilate with those entertaining miscellanies, "The Curiosi ties of Literature," &c. collected by D'Israeli, and others.

The necessity we feel this week of publishing the K
leidoscope early on the Monday, owing to its being
Christmas-day, obliges us to be as brief as possible
with our correspondents, who will, we trust, excuse
any inaccuracies or unavoidable omissions, of which
we may be guilty under such circumstances; and
which we shall endeavour to expiate in our next.

peared in last Friday's Mercury, signed CENS:
reference to which we take the opportunity to observe,
that we have heard all the disgraceful particolare
specting the cat-stealers, and cat-worriers, confirmed
by the writer of that letter. We have now to acknow
ledge another letter, signed H. St. John, relating to
similar atrocities, probably committed by the sel
same parties; as we are loath to believe that the
are many such wretches to be found amongst us !!
these cowardly and disgusting practices be repeated,
it will be proper to publish the names of the parties a
full length; and we assure them, that we shall not be
deterred from adopting that measure, by the appre
hension of any dreadful consequence, from the indig
nation of such contemptible poltroons. If such a
ciety as that we once attempted to establish in this
town were in existence, there would soon be an
to such detestable outrages as we have had so f
occasion to notice. We have by no means abandoned
the intention of making a second effort in the cau
of humanity and decency; and we shall shortly
dicate a column or two of the Kaleidoscope to the
promotion of a scheme, for the success of which i
timate acquaintance with the character of our
men holds out a very rational prospect.

WEIGHTS OF COALS.-CARBON complains, as a put
chaser of river coals, that he now receives only
lbs. instead of 120 lbs. per cwt.; an alteration whic
was recently made by municipal authority, and which
CARBON attributes to undue favour towards the canal
coal companies, to whose system of weights the rive
trade must now conform. Our correspondent
be aware, that such a regulation cannot make
dearer: prices will be proportionate; and, there
no grievance arises from the regulation. We m
express our opinion, that the present varietiesof weighs
and measures, of long hundreds and short hundreds,
wine measure and ale measure, apothecaries' weight
and avoirdupoise weight, statute acres and Cheshire
acres, and bushels of all sizes, are discreditable to the
common sense of the country. Weights and measure
ought to be made so simple and uniform, that whit
a hundred weight, an acre, or a bushel be spoken of,
we may understand what is meant, and judge of t
lative prices accordingly.

Printed, published, and sold


Liverpool Mercury Office.
Sold also by John Bywater and Co. Pool-lane; Mont
Evans, Chegwin and Hall, Castle-street; Mr. The
Smith, Paradise-street;
Mr. Warbrick, Public
Library, Lime-street; Mr. G. P. Day, Newsman,
Dale-street; Mr. Lamb, Hanover-street; and Mr.
John Smith, St. James's-road, for ready money osty.
London, Sherwood and Co.
Dublin, J. K. Johnston & Co. Preston, Mr. Whittle,
Warrington, Mr. Harrison
Manchester, Mrs. Richardson. Stoke, Mr. Tomkinson
Stockport, Mr. Dawson.
Leeds, Mr Dewhirst.

Bolton, Mr. Kell.
Hull, Mr. Perkins.
Lancaster, Mr. Bentham.

Hanley, Mr. Allbut.
Wigan, Messrs. Lyon
Ormskirk, Mr. Garside

Blackburn, Mr. Rogerson, ( Northwich, Mr. Kant


Fine Arts.


Literary and Scientific Mirror.

ON COLLECTING PRINTS. (Written for the Kaleidoscope.)



"And here the faithful graver dares to trace
A Michael's grandeur, and a Raphael's grace !"

[blocks in formation]

of it consulted on a subject relative to to trace the progress of the arts in the the arts, but the necessary information was different schools; it is to this silly and unmost easily obtained. Such a facility forms meaning mode of arrangement that we owe the value of a collection; and the great plea- the imprudencies of the Strutt and Bryan sure of possessing one, most amply repaying illustrators, who, rather than fall short, of the cost and the trouble of being regular a specimen of an artist mentioned in their and systematic in the arrangement.

Dictionary, will pay, for a contemptible frontispiece, or book-plate, a price which › would have purchased a fine work of Marc Antonio or Albert Durer! The advantages. of the latter or chronological arrangement, are too obvious to the judicious collector, to need my recommendation.

It is not my intention to give a history of the Art of Engraving, to explain the different processes of that art, or to offer any advice on the choice of specimens from the works of its followers; it will be enough for me to SIR,-In my last I submitted to you say, that, on the former subjects the reader we observations on the advantage and will find ample information in the various To effect, then, this desirable purpose, I lity of collecting Prints. I shall now, Encyclopedias, and in the introductory chap- should advise that a collection should be your permission, fulfil my promise of ters of "Strutt's biographical Dictionary of divided into schools, viz. the ITALIAN; the ying to your readers some idea of a very Engravers," &c. And, on the latter, he GERMAN; the FLEMISH and DUTCH; the uple and easily effected arrangement of may consult the same work, Bryan's Dic- FRENCH; and the ENGLISH: and it will be › eir collections. tionary of Painters and Engravers, and Mr.necessary to have a port-folio, of a conveni. Having frequently had the high gratifi- Otley's correct and highly-valuable History ent size, viz. about 24 by 18 inches, for each tion of seeing Mr. Roscoe's collection, of the Origin of Engraving, &c. in our own of these schools: my experience leads me. then it was in the possessession of that Gen language; and the inestimable labours of prefer port-folios without leaves, having ran; much as I prized the rare, and valu- Heineken, in his Idée générale d'une Col-leather flaps; as into such (having mountple specimens it contained, to me it possessed lection," his "Dictionnaire, des Artis-ing paper cut to the size). I can at any time.. indescribable charm, equal at least to tes:" of Bartsch, in his "Peintre Gra-introduce my specimen in its proper place, its riches-it was that of arrangement. veur," and various "Catalogues;" and of and mount it at my leisure. Every print, he enviable facility it thus afforded of con- Huber, in the " Manuel des Arts et des Ama- should have a number, and these numbers lting the works of the different masters, teurs," and "Notices générales," with many should commence with the earliest master i well as of contemplating the progress of other foreign publications. In these works, of the school, and run on in chronological. in each school, was, in my opinion, of his attention will be directed to, and his judg-progression, as near to the present day, as > utmost consequence, and gave a value ment assisted in, the choice of his specimens. the judgment or taste of the possessor in- : that collection beyond many others that He will be taught to value the originality duces him to go forward in the pursuit, Lave seen, although perhaps more costly and excellence of impression, he will be A more numerous. The collection was shown how to distinguish the copy and the med, as we are told, in the advertise-retouched print: in short, he will be enabled ent to the sale catalogue of Mr. Roscoe's to detect imposition, and to select only what RAWINGS, chiefly for the purpose of is valuable.

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Here, I am well aware that the difficulty. begins. We have no such progressive arrangement to guide us, at least, not in our own language. I have therefore taken, as far as I find it serviceable to my purpose,

astrating by a reference to original and It appears that there are two methods of that of Huber's Manuel, which I find the thentic sources, the rise and progress of arranging a' collection of prints; the one, most perfect, if not the only one by which e arts in modern times, as well in Germany alphabetically, or according to the first let-a collection can be arranged, so as to enable in Flanders and Italy." By the order of ter of the artist's name; and the other chro- the possessor to mark the progressive imarrangement, as well as in the number nologically, or according to the date in provement or decadence, of the art: but d excellence of its specimens, it was fully which he lived and flourished. The former the " Manuel may be improved upon by a petent to such a purpose; and never seems to me to fail in the principal induce- little attention to the subject, as I shall on the liberal and enlightened proprietor ment to collecting-that of being enabled deavour to show hereafter,


The Gleaner.


rate port-folios; they deserve particular A refinement of taste and superiority notice as being always the production of the of execution, if not a priority of dis- greatest masters: witness, the magnificent "I am but a gatherer and disposer of other men's covery, give to this school the first rank wood cuts of Titian, and the splendid stuff." WOTTOS. in the art of engraving. I shall therefore Chiar-óscuroes of Parmegiano, of Beccaproceed to show a mode which I should fumi, of Vincentini, and of Andreani. From the St. James's Chronicle of Dec. 19 to 21, 18 recommend for the arrangement of the The ETCHINGS also of this school form specimens which belong to it. The disco- a most valuable and interesting series. They We have no doubt that a little time will bring to light very of the art in Italy is said to have been will commence with the matchless works of many objects of natural history peculiar to the cleraldl regions of central Asia, and hitherto unknown in the made about the year 1460, by Maso Fini- of Parmegiano and the artists of Lombardy, animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms, particularly guerra, a goldsmith of Florence. His works continuing progressively to comprehend the in the two former. This is an opinion which we ha are of the greatest rarity, and it is almost spirited and beautiful productions of the long entertained; but we are led to the expression of i hopeless, that a collector, of moderate for Carracci and of Guido and his scholars, the perusal of a most interesting communication im on the present occasion, by having been favoured with tune, should possess even a single specimen which the enlightened Bartsch has thought Major Latter, commanding in the the Rajah of Sin by him; yet I would give to him the mark of sufficient consequence to form a distinct territories, in the hilly country east of Nepaul, dermed of honour, No. 1, proceeding with the next catalogue. M. Huber has brought up the to Adjutant general Nicol, and transmitted by his in chronological succession, as thus:- Italian School of Engraving as far as the the Marquis of Hastings. This important papa ap citly states, that the unicorn, so long considered a Maso Finiguerra, No. 1-Baccio Baldini, year 1776, and it contains about 310 different fous animal, actually exists at this moment, in the is No. 2.-Antonio Pollajuollo, No. 3.-San- artists. The systematic regularity I here re-terior of Thibet, where it is well known to the inhabi dro Botticello, No. 4. Andrea Mantegna, commend will at first require a little attenNo. 5-Zoan Andrea, No. 6.-I. M. de tion, but it affords so many advantages, Brisiensis, No. 7.—I. A. de Brixiensis, No. that no collector will regret the time and 8-Jerome Mocetto, No. 9.Nicoletto da trouble bestowed on such an arrangement. Modena, No. 10.-Benedetto Montagna, The Sale Catalogue of Mr. Roscoe's col-procured the other day from the hills, the unicor No. 11-Robetta, No. 12. Domenico lection, although it may not include the Campagnuola, No. 13. Julio Campagnuola, works of several artists which may be desiNo. 14. MARC ANTONIO RAIMONDI, rable, will be of assistance in the arNo. 15, and so on.



"This (we copy from the major's letter) is a very e

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rious fact, and it may be necessary to mention box circumstance became known to me. In a Thing manuscript, containing the names of different animt

classed under the head of those whose hoofs are divided;

it is called the one-horned tso'po. Upon enquiring the kind of animal it was, to our astonishment, the p son who brought me the manuscript described, exci rent schools, but of the unicorn of the ancients: saying that it was a m of the interior of Thibet, about the size of a tatter The foregoing will serve to shew the this more especially. For the series of En-horse from 12 to 13 hands high), fierce, and extrem

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rangement of

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wild; seldom, if ever, caught alive; but frequently shot; and that the flesh was used for food.


The person (Major Latter adds) who gave me this this information, has repeatedly seen these animals, l eaten the flesh of them. They go together in bank like our wild buffaloes; and are very frequently met with on the borders of the great desert, about

month's journey from Lassa, in that part of the ca inhabited by the wandering Tartars.".


This communication is accompanied by a dar made by the messenger, from recollection: it bear resemblance to a horse, but has cloven hoofs, a lang shaped tail, like that of the ferra monoceros d curved horn, growing out of the forehead, and a scribed by Pliny. From its herding together, unicorn of the scriptures is said to do, as well as fire 1 the rest of the description, it is evident that it canne the rhinoceros, which is a solitary animal; besides, Ma jor L. states, that, in the Thibetian manuscript. rhinoceros is described under the name of wild horse, well known in Thibet, for that also ha classed with the elephant; «e of servi

order of arrangement, as far as the time gravers, see page 27, for the Etchings page of Marc Antonio, whose works, with 71, and for the Wood Prints, &c. page 149. those of his scholars, form so brilliant an and it may be proper to notice here that, in epoch in the art of engraving, in Italy. The the " Manuel," the series comprehends the works of the artists before his time are Works of every Artist: the Engraver au more objects of curiosity than excellence, burin," the Wood Engraver en bois," although many of them, especially those of the Etching "à l'eau forte," &c. But I Andrea Mantegna, evince no common share would advise the amateur to place each of of ability. Taf vin is it to be these particular walks of Art as well as the From Marc Antonio and his school, to Mezzotinta and Aquatinta, if he thinks the the time of Agostino Carracci and his scholar two latter worthy of his notice, in a separate Villamena, the works of every master are port-folio, and he will find no difficulty in worth possessing, and will follow in an in-effecting a chronological arrangement of teresting succession. Beyond the time of them as he has done his Engravings. the latter, it will remain for the taste or in- In my next I shall offer a few offer a few remarks on clination of the amateur to decide how much the German, Flemish, and Dutch Schools; further he will go; if after that period he and remain, Sir, truly yours, one bodonot continues to collect, I should advise him to form a separate port-folio of the "later" Italian School," in which he may place some very fine specimens, and even enrich himself with the works of the justly celebrated of all it, which Ceted in January, Raphael ad de moitos!ion Suddenly and unexpectedly it fell into the immense gulf over which it is erected, the Before I quit the notice of the Italian 1820. This bridge was arch of iron, which for its extent and height stood unrivalled in this country or School, it will be necessary to observe, that Europe. The arch consisted of nine ribs, its chord I would advise that those valuable works of 852 feet, and height of the railing above the water 200 art, the wood ours and PRINTS in CHIARO-tant in its location, as it conc713 feet. It was importano dimilem cavite servo, pedibus fere coitorum die eminente, Hanc feram vivam ne Mund, lib, 5, cap. Bridge-road leading through the north and west part of SCURO, should forth the contents of sepa-the state of New York.(New Jersey paper.) The resemblance is certainly very striking.

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(From Belzoni's Traveli.)

A strong wind that farose this day leads me to mention some particulars of the phenomena that often happen in Egypt. The first I shall notice is the whirl einds, which occur all the year round, but especially at the time of the camseen wind, which begins in April, and låsts fifty days. Hence the name of cam, which in Arabic signifies fifty. It generally blows from south-west, and lasts four, five, or six days, without varying, so very strong, that it raises the sands to a great height, forming a general cloud, so thick that it is impossible to keep the eyes open, if not under over. It is troublesome even to the Arabs, it forces the sand into the houses through every cranny, and fills every thing with it. The caravans cannot proceed the desarts; the boats cannot continue their voy agel, and the travellers are obliged to eat sand in spite of their teeth. The whole is like a chaos. Often a quantity of sand and small stones gradually ascends to & great height, and forms â column sixty or seventy feet in diameter, and so thick, that were it steady on ane spoc, It would appear a solid mass. This not only revolves within' its own circumference, but runs in a ircular direction over a great space of ground, someimes maintaining itself in motion for half an hour, and where it falls it zécumulates a small hill of sand. Rod help the poor traveller who is caught under It! The next phenomenon is the mirage, often descripl by travellers, who assert having been deceived by it, kat a distance it appears to them like water. This is ertainly the fact, and I must confers that I have beep exeived myself, even after I was aware of it. The infect resemblance to water, and the strong desire for als element, made me conclude, in spite of all my hiền not to bẻ đeceived, that it was really water I aw. It generally appears like a still lake, so' unmoved the wind, that every thing above is to be seen most Selactly reflected by it, which is the principal cause the deception. If the wind agitate any of the plots that arise above the horizon of the mirage, the marion is seen perfectly at a great distance. If the traaller stand elevated much above the mirage, the pparent water seems less united, and less deep; for, as eyes look down upon it, there is not thickness ough in the vapour on the surface of the ground to oceal the earth from the sight. But if the traveller on a level with the horizon of the mirage, he can

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him and his customers. It was this difficulty, no doubt, that suggested to village post-men the Petrus Ramus tells us of a wooden eagle and an iron friendly practice of displaying their uncalled-for fy, made by Regiomontanus, a famous mathematician letters in the office window, where they might haply of Nuremburg, whereof the first flew forth out of the meet the eye either of the person for whom they city, aloft in the air, met the Emperor Maximilian a were intended, or of some good-natured neighbour, good way off, coming towards it; and, having saluted who, if he had not money to "louse" the same, him, returned again, waiting on him to the city gates, would at least apprise his friends that such things The second, at a feast, whereto be had invited his fa awaited them. But in Galloway they manage these miliar friends, flew forth from his hand, and, taking a matters better, and particularly in that secluded round, returned thither again, to the great astonish-region which stretches between the Glenkens and ment of the beholders; both of which the excellent

pen of the noble Du Bartas rarely expressed.
In the twentieth year of Queen Elizabeth, Mark
Scaliot, a blacksmith, made a lock, consisting of eleven
pieces of iron, steel, and brass, all which, together
with a pipe-key to it, weighed but one grain of gold,
He also made a chain of gold, consisting of forty-three
links, whereunto having fastened the lock and key be
fore mentioned, he put the chain about a flea's neck,
which drew them all with ease. All these together
lock and key, chain and flea, being weighed, the
weight of them was but one grain and a half.--Faybian,
Ann. p. 128

Newton stewart, they have adopted a mode of commuuication, which in point of simplicity, is worthy of the days of Lot and Abram. In this part of the country the farms are very large, and at the extremity, or as near as may be to the extremity of each farm, there is generally a rock, which the herds denominate the post office. Well, the person, we shall say, who resides in the least remote farm, sends to the neighbouring village or burgbtown, for the newspaper, which he has no sooner perused, than he commits it to the care of a sturdy Inyrmecides was also excellent in that kind of work- herd, who forthwith deposits it in some chink of the manship. He wrought, out of ivory, a carriage, with rock already mentioned; from this place it is picked four wheels, and as many horses, in so small a com-up by the servant of the adjoining tenant, who, in pass that a fly might cover them all with her wings. his turn, forwards it to some second station; and in The same man made a ship, with all her tackling to it, this way, we are told, the Dumfries and Galloway so small that a bee might hide it with her wings. Courier will pass through eight or ten different Plin. l. 7.0.1.p. 167. Elian. Var. Hist.l. 1.0.17.p. bands, and over twice the number of miles, in the 13. Servius de Ung. Armar. p. 56, Oswaldus Norbingerus, the most excellent artisan of he most exce course of a day or two, illuminating the lieges t this or any former ages, made 1600 dishes of turned every turn, and carrying the news and novelties of ivory, all perfect and complete in every part, yet so London to the inmost recesses of Loch Doon or small, thin, and slender, that all of them were in- Loch Dungeon.-Dumfries Paper. cluded at once in a cup turned out of a pepper-corn of the common bigness. Johannes Carolus Shad, of Mitelbrach, carried this wonderful work with him to Rome, showed it to Pope Paul the Fifth, who saw and counted them all by the help of a pair of spectacles; He then gave liberty to as many as would see them they were so little as to be almost invisible to the eye. amongst whom were Gaspar Scioppius, and Johannes Faber, of Bamberge, physician, in Rome.-Petr. Servii. Dissert de Ung. Armartol p. 66, 67. Johannes Baptista Ferrarius, a Jesuit, not long since, showed openly, cannots of wood, with their carriages, wheels, and all other military furniture, (small and together with thirty cups, turned out of wood, and slender ones you must think,) for twenty-five of these, neatly made, were altogether contained and included in one single pepper-corn, which yet was such as exceeded not the common bigness.-Servii Dissert. de Armariot p. 67, 68.

At Tibur or Tivoli, near Rome, in the gardens of Hippolitus d'Este, Cardinal of Ferrara, there are representations of sundry birds, sisting on the tops of trees, which, by hydraulic art, and secret conveyances of water through the trunks and branches of the trees, are made to sing and clap their wings; but, at the sudden appearance of an owl out of a bush of the same artifice, they immediately become all mute and vinus informs us.—Hist. Man. Arts, c. 3. p. 37.


The celebrated M. Hufeland, of Berlin, has inserted a his Journal of Practical Medicine, some interesting obser vations in illustration of the comparative numbers of the sexes at birth. The number of males born to that females, observes the learned Professor, seems to be s to 20, over the whole earth; and before they reach the age of puberty, the proportion of the sexes is, reduced to perfect equality, for m more boys than girls die before they are fourteen. After extending his interesting comparison over animated nature in general, Professor Hufeland enters into an inquiry peculiar to himself, in endeavouring to ascertain the principles and commencoment of the equality of the sexes. In some families, says he, equality evidently does not hold. In some, the children are all boys, in others, all girls. He next proceeds to take several families, as 20, 30, 40, or 50, in

see through it, so that it appears to bin clear silent. It was the work of Claudius Gallus, as Posse- one place, in conjunction, or small villages of 150 an


300 inhabitants. But eventhen the just proportion was not yet established. In some years, only boys, in others only girls wêre born; nay, this disproportion continued for a series of a year or two, but by uniting ten or fifteen years together, the regular equality appeared. He next considered, that what took place in small populations must take place every year in larger societies; and he accordingly found it confirmed by actual enumeration He went so far as, by the aid of the Minister of State, Schackmann, to ascertain the comparative number of boys and girls born in one day over the whole Prussian dominions, and the result corresponded with his antici pations. The general conclusions arrived at by M. Hufeland are as follow:

mer. By putting my head first to the ground, and mounting a camel, the height of which from the found" might have been about ten feet at the most, I and a great difference in the appearance of the inge. On approaching it, it becomes thinner, and Persons who by living within precincts of a pears as if agitated by the wind, like a field of ripe considerable town, receive their letters regularly It gradually vanishes as the traveller approaches, as their hot rolls, and who can at any time divert at last entirely disappears when he is on the spot. the ennui of a vacant evening by a visit to a public “The third phenomenon is the locusts. These ani- news room or circulating library, have no adequate als I have seen in such clouds, that twice the number idea of the avidity with which their brethren of the the same space would form an opaque mass which country devour a new publication, or the shifts would wholly intercept the rays of the sun, and cause the world around them. they are sometimes put to in communicating with In the perfection of her plete darkness. They alight on fields of corn, or mail-coach and post-office systems, Great Britain vegetables, and in a few minutes devour their is allowed to surpass every other country upon the whole produce. The natives make a great noise to face of the earth, but still there are many inland and 1st. There is an equal number of males and females ighten them away in vain; and, by way of retaliation pastoral districts, in which the horn of the post-boy born in the human race.-2d. The equality occurs every y catch and eat them, when fried, conoldering them would be a still greater phenomenon than the cry day in a population of ten millions.-3d. Every week, a dainty repast. They are something like a grass. of the bittern. Wide, therefore, as the range of a in 100,000.-4th. Every month in 50,000.-5th. Every country letter carrier commo commonly is, it cannot be expected that he should every day, traverse the "lang year in 10,000.-6th. And in small societies of several faScotch miles, and embrace the whole circle of milies, every ten or fifteen years-7th. That is dose not 66 moors and sloises munie o'," that lye between occur in individual families.

in form, about two inches in length. They enerally of yellow or gold colour, but there me red and some green.'




Messina's port was far behind,

And darkness gathered o'er the sky, And loud, and louder blew the wind; And Alfred's eye no star could spy: And Alfred from the billows dark,

The Hag's wild birds could faintly hear; Those birds that ne'er approach the bark, Save when the furious storm is near.

His pride was, o'er the waters blue,

His course from realm to realm to form; For him his crew would dare-would do,The fearless children of the storm.

In danger's front, inured to stand

They coursed afar unfathomed fields;
And well they honoured that command,
Which bravery but to bravery yields.
Young Alfred's form had long withstood,
Unstrung, the tempest's rudest shock,
Regardless of the raging flood,

When distant from the fatal rock.
What, though his speech in tempest hour,
Was rude as winter's crested seas;
At Love or Friendship's sacred power
"Twas gentle as the summer breeze.

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The steady fire that 'llumed his eye
Told-all that man dared do, he'd dare,
All, save from Honour's lists to fly,

Or cease the prostrate foe to spare.
Yet he was conquered; doomed to yield;
Pierced by the shafts from beauty's eyes.
For what avails the warriors shield
'Gainst Beauty's smiles, or Beauty's sighs?
Ah! why should I his prowess sing?
Why sing her angel form and bloom P
Their virtues can but keener wring

The lover's heart to learn their doom.

And can oblivion bring relief?

The Tragic Muse sighs, sadly, "No!
For there is luxury in the grief,
That clings to distant tales of woe."-
The wave now drenched the slippery deck,
The lightning darted from above;
Nor wind nor wave his thoughts could check
Of Emma's worth, of Emma's love.

Oh! what can human skill avail,

When o'er the lee the breakers roar?
The furious blast bursts every sail

The staggering bark drifts to the shore.
The anchor's gone: O, vain their toil;

She strikes, each seam the torrent drinks;
Around, the yawning billows boil:

Heard you that cry? she sinks! she sinks!
That cry! what worlds of thought were there!
When, the bark crashing 'neath their feet,
Youth, hope, and strength, and grim despair
In one wild struggling grapple mect!
When the bright gleams of joyous life

With lightning's speed to memory roll;-
Quenched sudden in the deadly strife,
While doubt and darkness wrap the soul.
"Tis past!-One hut o'erlooked the strand;
Within, unconscious, all reposed,
When o'er young Alfred and his band
The boiling waves for ever closed.

These artrall birds are known to seamen by the name of Mother Cary's Chickens.

But cries were heard, and murmers deep;
The slumberer started from his pillow:
Then all was hushed, save from the steep
The bursting of th' unbridled billow.
At morn the shivered planks were washed,
And masts and cordage to the beach :-
Young Alfred, mid the breakers dashed,
No more his Emma's bower shall reach!
She, haples maid! in speechless woe,

Heard the dread death her lover met:
One sob; her cheek resigned its glow !
One shriek ;-her mind in darkness set!!
And she would seek the mountain's slope,
And gazing on the watery waste,
Would cry, still cheered by angel Hope,


O haste thee homeward! Alfred, haste!" Aud when the distant bark she spied, Bounding she'd cry at last 'tis he:"

It passed the wayward breeze she'd chide,
That kept her love so long at sea.
And still his name hung on her lip,
And she would trace with lily hand,
The figure of his gallant ship,

Upon the smooth untrodden sand.*
And frenzied thought would man the poop,
And fill with summer winds the sail,
While he, the noblest of the group,
Would seem his faithful bride to hail.
The vision's gone! On the wide waste
Nor bark nor boat are seen to glide,
Gone as the ship her hand had traced-
Engulphed by the returning tide.

He perished, whelmed by wave and wind →→
Death preved, but seized not, on her form,
And deeper whelmed, her lovely mind
Was wrecked-yet doomed to feel the storm.
Her bosom torn, in maniac mood,

Yet glow'd with Love's unperished fire;
Like embers on the cold wind strewed
That fiercer glow ere they expire.
The rose has ceased her cheek to press,
Quenched are her blue eye's tender rays:
The wreck of all her loveliness,-

The frantic laugh: the vacant gaze!
And she with shells would deck the cave,
And sing, amid the ocean's din-
"Oh! haste thee homeward-Alfred brave,
This, surely, all thy smiles shall win."
At length the dawn of reason broke,

And slowly brightening o'er her soul,
Confused, as if from dreams, she woke,
Dreams that could sicken"-not console.
And she has sought the giddy steep,

Once more to list the billows rave:
She wept but did not curse that deep;
She could not-'twas her lover's grave!

A bark afar was seen to pass ;

Why did she there her blue eyes turn?
"Heaven may have spared! perhaps " Alas!
Thy Alfred's bark shall ne'er return!
Rushed on her soul the tale, too true,
That he had perished far away,-
Their vows their tender, mute adieu-
Their hopes of many a happier day-
He was her hope, her joy, her life:
She felt like sole surviving wretch,
Spurned on a rock in Ocean's strife,
Where, never arm in aid could stretch.-
"Oh! we shall meet, and ne'er to part !"
Her sob was agonized and deep.
She droops, burst is her tender heart;
She falls, insensate, o'er the steep!
Her grave is near the stormy firth,

And there the loud voracious deep,
That swallowed all her hopes on earth,
Now lulls her in eternal sleep.
And I have sought the mountain heath
A few wild flowers around to twine:
"Tis worthy of a fairer wreathe,

And culled by gentler hands than mine.

Hope deferred maketh the heart sick.”—Solomon. •

For 1, on life, and ocean's wave
By adverse winds have long been tost
Albeit to me, the sailor's grave
Has somewhat of its terrors lost.
Perchance, neglect-misfortune's rust
(That gathered not, in prosperous hour)
Has formed around my heart a crust,
That deadens youthful pity's power.
Seek you a picture sad and chaste

Which lively as their lives shall shine?
Bid Genius snatch the brush from Taste
Be his the hand-for weak is mine.-
One tomb is reared upon the cliff,
It bears the youth and maid's names
And the fisher pauses in his skiff


To tell their worth, their love, their fams J.S.W.

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St. James's, Liverpool, Dec. 1820.

Translated from the Italian.

Thou! who too long in soft and rosy chains
Heldst the dear object of my heart's best care;
Whose angel smile he still delights to praise;
Whose long loose tresses he still deems so fair:
Say! did thy Syren tongue's seducing strafus
His wrapt attention ever fail to move?
Did e'er those eyes on his their radiance bend, a
Nor met responsive tenderness and love?
From that fair face could he avert his gaze?
To those soft accents turn a listless ear?
Ah, no! in me alone his cold disdain
Wakes the unheeded sigh, the unpitied test.
But why that rosy blush, that downcast eye,
Those swift emotions which my fears fulfil
Speak! answer! speak! Nay, answer not; fakar
Oh! tell me not the false one loves thee still!


[Note by a Correspondent.] FAUSTINA MARATTI was the daughter of the brated painter Carlo Maratti, and wife of the pos ambatista Zapphi. She died 1710, at Ancona.


(From Moore's National Airs.)

Then fare thee well, my own dear love!
This world has now for us
No greater grief, no pain above

The pain of parting thus, dear love!
The pain of parting thus.
Had we but known, since first we met
Some few short hours of bliss;
We might, in numbering them, forget
The deep, deep pain of this, dear love!
The deep, deep pain of this.

But no! alas we've never seen

One glimpse of pleasure's ray;
But still there came some cloud between,
And chased it all away, dear love!
And chased it all away.

Yet e'en could those sad moments last,
Far dearer to my heart
Were hours of grief together past;

Than years of mirth apart, dear lore!-
Than years of mirth apart.
Farewell! our hope was born in fears,
And nurs'd 'mid vain regrets;
Like winter suns it rose in tears,
Like them in tears it sets, dear lore!
Like them in tears it sets.

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