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Fine Arts.


Literary and Scientific Mirror.


Written for the Kaleidoscope.)



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given to posterity such splendid copies of Let us now see, Sir, what royal, princely,
the works of Rigaud, of De Troy, of Coy- and noble munificence has done for the art
pel, and other French academicians; while of engraving in France, The first example
the admirers of a spirited delineation of the is the splendid monument of the taste of
Figure united with extraordinary neatness Louis XIV. called "Legrand Cabinet du
and delicacy of execution, will delight in Roi,"executed under his auspices in twenty-
the works of Callot, of Israel Silvestre, of four volumes folio, and by him copies were
Le Clerc, and of Picart. The admirable sent to foreign courts as-presents, perhaps
imitations of the works of Teniers and Wou-as lessons to his brother potentates, to in-
struct them in the proper method of cherish-
ing those arts which civilize mankind. The
first volume contained originally 22, prints
only, but was afterwards augmented to 38-
of the excellence-of-its contents it need
only be said, that the specimens were judged
worthy of being classed on the same volume
with the well-known Holy Family by Ede
linck after Raphael, an acknowledged chef
d'œuvre of att...The most celebrated artists
The woop CUTS which properly belong of that time contributed to enrich the other
to this school are not of sufficient conse-volumes of this magnificent work; the con-
quence to deserve a separate series; for, if tents of each volume are given by Heineken,
we except a few rude ornaments to early in his “Idée générale d'une «collection
printed books, we shall scarcely find a wood d'estampes."

SIR-The history of the invention or dis-wermans by Le Bas; those of Gerard Dow,
covery of the art of engraving in France is Metzu, and Mieris, by Wille; those of the
involved in considerable obscurity; and al-landscapes and sea-views of Vernet by
though there can be little doubt that it Fliepart, Cochin, and Balechou; with the
was practised in that country nearly as early beautifully-finished histories by Beauvarlet,
a it was in Germany, yet connoisseurs do will be found in this school.
not commence their series of French engra-
ing before the year 1510, and then with the
forks of Jean Duvet, called "the Master of
be Unicorn," from having frequently intro-
uced that doubtful animal in his works.
Some collectors will not begin before the
time of Callot, 1593; but by this decision
hey improperly exclude the works of se-
alable artists, whose names will be seen
the "Manuel."

Following the chronological arrangement & M. Huber, I would give to the works Jean Davet, No.1; to those of Solomon lernard, No. 2; and so on to the present me: thus including those of upwards of 00 masters.

The ETCHINGS of the French masters
include the masterly works of Sebastian
Bourdon, Brebiette, Le Poire, the Perrelles,
Boissieux, and others.

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cat or a chiar-oscuro, the work of a French In the reign of Louis XV. the arts were artist. Those of a later day have, how-more neglected; but the spirit of a private ever, brought to an almost incredible per- amateur, M. Crozat, called into vigour the fection the aquatinta and the art of print-almost dormant talents of nearly forty of ing from coloured plates; specimens of the first artists of the day, and under the which, with the few mezzotintoes, which direction of his friend, the Count de Cayles, belong to the school, will, if arranged so as he published the collection of about 180 fine Although French engravings are not, in to show their progress and perfection, form prints, after the finest pictures in France, eneral, objects of much research among an interesting portfolio. called "Le Cabinet de Crozat. To those e British amateurs, yet the school admits The French engravers have received from may be added the following galleries and f so great a variety of subjects, as well as monarchs, from princes, and from a power-collections: "de Versailles," "du President f manner, that it cannot fail to be highly ful nobility, a fostering encouragement and Lambert," "du Luxembourg," "de Dresde," teresting. The amateur, who loves to reward, which should have placed their "les Cabinets," "de Choiseul," "dePrasontemplate the dignity of classical history, works at the head of the art in Europe;lin," "de Poullam," "de M. Le Brun," that ay find pleasure in the works of the and for this honour our neighbours on the of the " Duc d'Orleans," of a more recent tellas and Audruns, those "renewers and other side of the straits of Dover strenu- date, and many others of minor conseaultipliers" of the works of Poussin, Leously contend; yet it is but justice to them quence. To these may be added, the several Brun, and Le Sueur. He who is fond of to say, that a fine impression of a Woollett, he laborious and highly-finished pöftrait a Strange, a Heath, or a Sharp is, with will be gratified with those of Masson, of them, an object of high consideration, for Nanteuil, of Drevet, and others, who have which they will pay most liberally.

splendid and accurate embellishments of
recent works on the arts; voyages, travels,
&c. undertaken, perfected, and published, at
the national expense.

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I am, Sir, your obedient servant,



Let the amateur of the arts consider these around; and but for the buildings and bustle were shot. When the spring had advance facts; and, turning to his specimens of the of the arsenal, it would have been easy to a little, they appeared in small droves o other schools, while he wonders at their fancy Melville Island was at hand. Our Melville Island, coming evidently over the progress towards perfection in this and in friends, who had passed their long winter ice from the American continent. The fe other countries, he will blush for those who here, assured us, that the prospect afforded males and the calves were very shy; but th have had power to reward and influence to a very complete idea of their situation on superior boldness of the bull led him to fac protect, but not the taste to admire, or the the northern coasts. We were delighted the human strangers till too late to retres good sense to understand them. with these circumstances, which gave in- and to this courage the three slain fe terest to our excursion; nor was that in-victims. The carcase of the first killed, an terest lessened by our being obliged to reach largest, weighed about 700 lbs, or 570 vi the Hecla in rather an extraordinary way; out the entrails. They are therefore abo namely, by being slung in a chair on a the size of the cattle of the Scotch Hig pully, and run across a cable thirty feet in lands.* air, from the shore to the rigging of the sheer hulk, alongside of which the vessel lay in the middle of the river. The space below was sludge ice, and entirely prevented navigation, though it could not bear the weight of persons desirous of passing over; and this expedient was resorted to with all the ingenuity and expertness for which British sailors are so remarkable.

Scientific Records.

Comprehending Notices of new Discoveries or Improve

ments in Science or Art; including, occasionally, singular Medical Cases; Astronomical, Mechanical, Philosophical, Botanical, Meteorological, and Mineralogical Phenomena, or singular Facts in Natural History; Vegetation, &c.; Antiquities, &c.; to be continued in a Series through the Volume.]


[From the Literary Gazette.]

(Continued from our former Numbers, pages 177, 186, and 196; and to be continued in our future publications.)

In ornithology, the most beautiful spec men is the king duck, not only the pride arctic birds, but decidedly the finest of the species to which it belongs in the universe We never beheld such exquisite marking as the head displays; and the colours a equally superb and uncommon. The figure seem cut out of the most elegant vele which the feathers resemble in form as

Our readers are aware, that most of the substance. There is a skinny membra specimens of natural history, &c. from Lan-above the bill, of a delicate lemon-tint, i caster Sound, have been landed, and are all around is of hues as brilliant as fan either in the possession of private individuals could conceive in a painted bird. or deposited in public museums; Surgeons We have now lying on our table, a pie During the late severe frost, we accom- Hall, and the British Museum. The custom- of the skin of the deer in its winter fur, pained some friends to Deptford to inspect house officers, four of whom, we believe, length of which is nearly three inches! T the preparations for the new expediton watched this transfer with lynx-eyed jea-colour is white, with, in parts, a taway fit to the Northern Seas, and to examine lously, had even assessed the upper bone of on the extremities. such of the products of the late voyage as a whale's head, which we observed on the Of the mineral productions, we have abo were still on board the Hecla; having pre-deck of the Hecla, and which, it was conse-twenty different varieties, from granite viously seen the principal objects of curi-quently said, would be thrown into the gneiss, of the primitive, to sand-stone a osity which had been brought on shore. This Thames! Yet this singular curiosity was iron-stone of the secondary order. Seve visit was rendered peculiarly interesting by brought from Melville Island, where it was specimens of slate are among the numbe the state of the weather and river. Sur- found three quarters of a mile from the a reddish granite like that of Egypt, m Founded by all the varieties of ice, which shore, and about 50 feet above the level of grey limestone, marble, serpentine, qu are visible in the Polar Seas, except perhaps the sea, nearly embedded in the earth, where stinkstone, madrepores, and a sort of the terrific Berg, the vessels which had just in all probability it had lain for many cen-minous slaty coal, which burns with a achieved the dangerous exploit of pene-turies. How it came into this situation is a like_Cannel-coal when put to the candle trating into unknown hyperborean regions, problem not to be solved, except by the this substance there was abundance; ba lay securely at anchor on the wintry bosom of supposition, that these islands must forthe Thames, amidst what was to us a scene merly have been under the water; for its of desolation, rendered more dreary by the weight was so great, as to require seven piercing cold of a day unusual to our cli- men to remove it down to the ship; and no mate, but which seemed to the officers of human means existed in the quarter where The mouse of Barrow's Sound is not the expedition animated nature and a tem- it was discovered, to have transferred so common mouse of Europe, but a disti perate season. The whole was calculated to ponderous a marine production to such a species; it is a sort of dun colour in su make a deep impression on the imagination. distance inland. We also saw the head of mer, but turns white in winter. It abou The ships looked as if they were at home in the musk-ox, a model of compact strength. on Melville Island, and is supposed to fo the buttressed and gurging ice; and while The bases of the horns are so broad as to during the hardest period of the year one side of the river was locked in the fetters cover all the upper portion of the skull principal part of the food of the wolf. of frost, the other presented the moving above the eyes, and several inches in thick- At the period when the sun had its gre picture of water-streaks, and ponderous con- ness, with slight grooves to the bend of the gealed masses whirling about in all the horn, when a smooth and fine curve is pro-al; the print of the female has more resemblance The engraving in Shaw's Zoology is not like the eddies of the tide. A few gulls skimmed jected. Of these animals, only three males male.


was not calculated to burn alone so as to advantageously used by our gallant count men, as the slate predominated over mineral pitch.

st southern declination, there was percep- | Hecla, and (instead of the miserable little the North. Under such a shed, our brave ible from about half-past 11 o'clock A. M. to Griper) the Fury bomb, of nearly the same tars regularly exercised in the most incleearl P.M. (by-the-by, our poor fellows had tonnage, will sail about the end of May. ment weather, by moving rapidly round the ittle of either ante or post meridian for se- Its immediate object is not Lancaster's deck. Strange it is to say, that the want of eral months) a glimmering of light by Sound, but Hudson's Bay, which it is ap- clear ice prevented them from the exerhich, turning the back to the south and pointed to explore to the north and north-cise of skaiting. olding up the volume so as to receive the west, to ascertain if any channel leads to The national feeling having been so inll benefit of the faint effulgence, aided by Prince Regent's Inlet, or other parts of the tensely roused on the subject of these dis. e reflection from the snowy ground, it was seas traversed last year. Should nothing of coveries, we take it for granted, that the new assible to read the print of a small prayer- this kind be discovered, we presume that the expedition will be equipped in a far supeook. The moon was visible through the 24 first season will be spent ; and the vessels rior manner to its precursor; which it may ours, and shone with a splendour resem-will, in the second, again attempt to reach the more readily be, as past experience will ling our clearest frosty nights in winter. the Pacific Ocean by the north-west passage. enable the officers to choose such stores as Of the vegetation we spoke in our pre- That this passage exists from the longiare best adapted for the climate which they ading notices. We have since seen most tude obtained by Captain Parry, we have are about to visit. the specimens (amounting to perhaps no doubt. The flowing of tides from the genera which, not to fatigue our readers west, is a sufficient evidence that there is a th their botanical names, chiefly consist passage to the Ocean in that direction. mosses, grasses, and some flowers, Among Whether or not the ice renders it eternally e latter, we recognised the poppy, which unnavigable, remains to be investigated. ows to the height of 7 or 8 inches, and Perhaps the best mode of doing so would isoms above the whitened surface; thus be to sail from the Southern Sea up ording a standard whereby to judge of the Behring's Straits: and this hypothesis is neral depth of the snow, and shedding a greatly favoured by the accounts given by ely enamal on the uniform desert. An- the natives to Lieut. Kotzebue in his last ter of the flowers resembles the cowslip, voyage. t has a different leaf. The lichens are rious and pretty. One of the grasses seeds h a great profusion of cotton-like sub


Of the Atmospherical Pressure and Temperature, Rain,
Wind, &c.
Deducted from diurnal Observations, made at Manchester
in the month of December, 1820.


Rain, &


The Hecla is again to be commanded by
Captain Parry; the Fury, by Lieutenant
Lyon, the African traveler, and companion Temperature.
of Ritchie, who has recently returned from
that quarter of the globe, and announced
his journey for publication. Mr. Fisher, the
Surgeon, is appointed to the Hecla. This
able and meritorious officer, is the same who
is mentioned with so much distinction in the
account of the Alceste's Voyage to China:
it is extraordinary to have thus shared in
two of the most memorable voyages of the
age, and excites so strong an interest in the
fate of the individual, that the public will
sincerely join in our hope, that his third may
be still more prosperous for himself, and
glorious for his country. Mr. Beverley, his
associate in the northern expidition does
not, we understand, go out with the new
expedition: Mr. Edwards, the former sur-
geon of the Hecla, also remains; both, we
trust, to reap at home substantial proofs of
their country's remembrance. In this spirit
the city of Bath has done itself credit by
voting its freedom, in a box of heart of oak,
to Captain Parry, who is a native of that
The Fury is at present in the slip of the
dock-yard, fitting for the voyage.
temporary building over her deck is very
expedition, consisting of the similar to that put up while wintering in

To these particulars, which we believe new to the public, we have little further add respecting the returned expedition. he Gazette has announced the division of e parliamentary reward of £5000, viz. 000 to the commander, Captain Parry; 100 to the commander of the Griper, Lieut. idon; £200 to the other officers of the nk of lieutenants, including Captain Sane of the artillery; about £55 to the feers classed with midshipmen; and 10 ch to the seamen. Some promotions have taken place. Lieutenant Parry, to be aster and commander; assistant surgeons #verley and Fisher, to be surgeons. These well-deserved rewards; and we are only ry to see, that they have not been genely bestowed. Probably the etiquette of service prevented Lieutenant Liddon (in ticular) and others from being raised the same rank as the leading officer; but are sure the country expects, and will oice, to see these distinguished individuals moted at the expiration of a year, when ptain Parry may be posted, in honour of

■memorable achievement.

The new


(29.83 | Mean.
30.18 Highest.
29.40 Lowest.

.58 Range.

.36 | Greatest variation in 24 hours. Mean daily Spaces in inches.




Number of changes.

Real Spaces in Inches.

Real Number of Changes.


57° | Highest.
29 | Lowest.

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the 17th. The greatest daily variation of the temperaThe greatest daily variation of the barometer was on rature was on the 20th ; on that evening the maximum of the 49th week, commencing on the 2d, 49°3; 50th, of the day took place at bed-time. Mean temperature 4209; 51st, 41°8; 52d, 36o4.

river Chalmer at Springfield, Essex, in the great East
An Iron bridge was lately opened in one span over the
road leading to Colchester, Harwich, &c. Although
this is not the largest, it is said to be the most classically
elegant iron-bridge ever erected in this kingdom. It is
flat bridge of a superb Gothic order. Being on the
principles of tenacity, it has room and play for the ex-
pansion and contraction of the iron, created by the change
of the heat and cold. This bridge is, we believe, the first
or standards driven into the river.
ever built in this country wholly resting on iron columne,

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Ah! wretched victim at seduction's shrine,
Who would believe thou once wert fresh and gay?
Poor faded remnant of a form divine,
Thou once wert beauteous as the rising day;
Thy heart could once on wings of rapture rise,
Thy reputation was without a spot,
Pleasure would sparkle in thy beaming eyes,
No mortal e'er could boast a happier lot:
But thou art now, alas! by all mankind forgot.
I have beheld thee beautiful and young.
As bright and pure as the unsullied snow
That to the mountain-top still fondly clung,.
Tho' spring had dawn'd upon the vales below:
Thy step was that of nimbly-bounding roe;
And, thot thy
thy soul was not restrained by art,
And all thou did'at irregular and, wild,
Thou then possess dst an uncorrupted heart, ww.
Each action and each thought proclaim'd thee nature's

But now, alas! how hard it were to trace,
Beneath that pale and wasted form of thine,

One remnant of that loveliness and gracelsd)
Which ev'n a cynic would have called divine best
Deep thought has dimm'd that bright and sparkling
affeye,oil sids of hators my enbird-ort as

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[blocks in formation]

19 What does a stone became in the water?

21. A word there is five syllables containis ;.. Take one away no syllable remains.

2. Pray, ladies, who in seeming wit delight.

Say what's invisible, yet never out of sight?

The writer of the following is, the most extraordinary anagramatical genius we ever met with. Not content with the ordinary answers given in our 28th (number, page 221, as solutions to the anagrams in the preceding number, page 218,; our correspondent has been ringing the changes, and has formed a completely new set of anagrams; some of which are very good, and the whole very fair, when, it is considered that the ground had been previously occupied.

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and fighting independently, and with the eyes not
only of his brethren: in amns, but of the whole
nation upon bien And what is the other sprinciple
which this warthy professes to acknowlege? It
“l'amour ;” his acceptation of which I can only de-
scribe by saying, that it has no connexion whatever
with the laws of honour. Not that the Frenchman
kas not also his “law of honoung" burts 'unluckily, it
is with him only sanother name for the law of eti-
querte, and makes no provision for the sacredness of
female virtue

(To be continued.)

The Naturalist's" Diary,

For JANUARY, 1821♫.

[To be continued throughout the year]


Au account

If one conversaut with human nature were to 20. My first marks time, my second, spends it, and seek for illustrations of the extremes of society, the my third tells it.. natural and the artificial, he would, I think, cite the North American Indian and the Frenchman, In the one case he would behold the mind bearing itself free and erect, in a happy ignorance of any other laws than those imposed by nature, and un23. What word is that, in the English language, of consciously exercising in their greatest purity the ene syllable, which, if two letters be taken from it, be-first principles of impate honour.. In the other he comes a word of two syllables. would see the absurd omnipotence of public opinion, and of worldly artifice, ruling its slave with a rod of iron, and powerfully assisted in its dominion by the aid of vanity, a passion which I am persuaded can only exist in a state of civilization. He would The name given to this month by the Romans was hear much of species of honour, the line of demar- taken from Janus, one of their divinities, to whom cation of which is marked out and ascertained bythey gave two faces; because, on the one side, the the point of the sword and muzzle of the pistol first day of this month looked towards the new year, In countries in which civilization has been carried to and on the other, towards the old one. the highest pitch, and has been permitted to frame of this god, and of the Hindoo deity Ganesa, may as those esacted for the prevention and punishment 1-3.4 code of laws for society almost as vigorously binding be-seen in the last› volume of Time's Telescope, pp. of crime, the mind has during a long series of ages deteriorated sadly from its primitive state; every day bas rendered it less disposed to trust to its own To the Editor. The following rebus and anagrams, impulses, and more dependent on the factitious you will have the goodness to insert them in your rules of thought and action, which the increasing ert (which you say will conclude your Christmas strength of the baser, passions and the increasing. loses" for this season) may amuse some of your readers.weakness of the once unshackled judgment, have be anagrams, Sir, you will find to be in the same order, mainly contributed to lay down. I take as my exnd composed from the same words, as the first set of ample that nation whose boast it has been to have wagrams, which you have presented us with (in No. stood forth as the model of civilized refineïout to 7. page 213; and, therefore, it will not be necessary the rest of Europe. take up any room in giving the solutions; except erely in specifying the coincidence, which may be me in the same number. The agreement of the tso ts of anagrams emboldens me to hope that you will these a places the rebus has nothing to recommend but originality. Yours, &c. Liverpool, 19th Jan. ̧·



My first is an insect wel known,
My second's one fourth of a passion,
My third, O 'tis oft found alone,
And my fourth it is always in fashiona
My fifth, and my last, you may find

In my second, tho' that were a fiddle;
And the five, when together combined,
Form my whole, which you now may unriddle.

Where'er human beings exist,

I am there with my garments about me; The feeling my sight do detest...

Yet they'd not for the world be without me


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Black storms involve the lowʼring sky,
And gloomy damps oppress the soul.

Akenside: Delightful as is the aspect of nature, under the Nothing can be imagined more thoroughly arti-warmth and splendour and genial influence of a firial than the every-day life of a Frenchman. His summer sun, most persons look forward with "pleaexistence has more of a brilliant pageant in it than sure to those seasons, when the falling leaf or drift of sober reality; his habits have all a reference to ing snow draws closer the family circle, and ushers his saccess among the multitude; and, his reflec-in that social and intellectual intercourse which contions, when he reflects at all, receive their tinge from stitutes the dearest charm, and, next to religion, the the unqualified egotism which his mode of life never highest privilege of human existence. When all fails to produce. It as the same with his better half; without is wrapped in darkness, and the freezing blast the folly of the moment is for her a subject of prime howls eager for entrance round your dwelling, with importance; she might once have had a heart, but what enjoyn ent do its inmates crowd to the cheerful she has discovered in the course of her arrangemens hearth, and, as the flame grows brighter on their that it is a useless and occasionally an inconvenient checks, liste", with a sensation of self-gratulating appendage, which it were as well to get rid of with security, to the storm that shakes their solid foot! all due, speed. Yet she continues to dignify the It is here that the power of contrast js experienced multifareous projects of, coquetry with the title of in all itsforce; not only in reference to the exposure, affaires de cœur; so that there is no word in the lan- fatigues, and hazards, which may have been actually guage which she has so frequently in her mouth, incurred ere the daylight closed; but imagination is and to which she attaches so false a meaning. But at work to paint the lot of those less fortunate than the circle in which she moves bas agreed to prosti- ourselves, and who, still exposed to all the horrors Tute the term, and it would argue an extreme de-of the storm, feel the bitterness of their destiny gree of Vandalism to question its propriety. Such too is the opinion of the ferocious looking milituire augmented by intrusive recollections of domestic ease and fire-sidé enjoyments. who is privileged to leau over the back of her chain

w the solutions of which see Kaleidoscope, Nos. 27, and and converse ju au under tone, whilst he ever and 28, pages 213, 221.

Galen's trial.

Smart sabre-men.

No rating.

Ant, mend me..

I lade barm.


For ten epics
Priests, are in Dan.
1 insult age, Sir.
To rid me at nine,,.
A tree sent vipers
Be my lass
Nail a jon
A cat so in fits.

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Ill fares the traveler now, and he that stalks.
In ponderous boots beside his reeking team...
The wain goes heavily, impeded sore

By congregated loads adhering close
To the clogged wheels; and in its sluggish pace
Noiseless, appears a moving hill of snow.
The toiling steeds expand the nostril wide;
While ev'ry breath, by respiration strong »
Forced downwards, is consolidated soon
Upon their jutting chests., He, formed to bear
The pelting brunt of the tempestuous night,
With half-shut eyes, and puckered cheeks, and teeth........
Presented bare against the storm, plods on

anon coaxes his handsome mustachio into a symmetrical curl. Here is a human being who elbows this way through dife on the strength of the only two principles that influence hün, “Edmour,” and "la gloire." It is true that his ludicrous and thorough going vanity in speaking of his country, may pass current for national pride, but it is only because be forms an integral part of the Great Nation, that he discourses in this manner; his heartCor his head is full of nothing abuto what may be | called patriotie egotisma Napoleon, no indifferent judge of character, calenlated mireh upon this fea ture in his military arrangénients, which were con- The pleasures and gratifications which flow from ducted on the plan of leaving every man in his the FIRE-SIDE may be considered as, almost peculiar... The late King of Hayti, Christophe, was a native of army to the operation of his own individual enthu-to these islands. In warmer climates the aid of fire... Island of St Christopher, from which he derived sinsm, and to the gratification of considering him is demanded for little else than culinary purposes; Saame Previous to the revolution, he was purveyor self, not as an unit in the mass, a mere bandler of whilst in the northern regions of continental Eu cook at the Crown Tavern and Hotel, at the Cape,a nusket in common with fifty thousand other rope, the gloomy and unsocial stove forms, in geneen kept by Miss Montgeon, to whom he belonged living machines around. has, but as existing ral, the ouly medium through which the cigours of

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