Sidor som bilder

cessful debutante is also distinguished for musical capa-
city-Miss W. herself is eighteen years of age, and ar-
ticled to Mr. Welsh till she completes her 21st year.
She was likely, in the first instance, to become a pupil
of Lanza's; but circumstances induced her friends to
seek the tuition of her present able instructor. Experi-
ments of the kind are so doubtful, that Mr. Welsh de-
clined the task; but handsomely offered to allow Miss
W. opportunities of improving herself, and developing

will long be remembered by those who had
the good fortune to enjoy his acquaintance;
while, among a numerous circle of relations
and friends, the kindness and generosity of
his character have rendered his death an
irreparable loss. To the poorer classes his
professional advice was at all times gratuit-
ously open; and such was the disinterest-her talent under his observation, while teaching others.
edness of his conduct, that his income The ability which she soon displayed led to the more
never was nearly so great as the celebrity permanent arrangement now existing, and which is likely
of his name might have procured.

to turn out so beneficial to both parties. The fame of
her London success has procured her offers from Edin-
burgh and other places, from which it is said she would


We know of no one to whose life and conduct we can more truly apply the clas-receive £5000 within the present year. sical words which he himself inscribed on the tomb of one of his earliest and most valued friends: "Vir priscæ virtutis, per omnes vitæ gradus, et in omni vitæ officio, probatissima."-SCOTCH JOURNAL.

Musical Notices.

The following are two articles, which, although they amount, in effect, to regular advertisements, we conceive to be adapted to the plan of our work, in the promotion of refinement and science:


One of the highest treats which the musical world can ever expect is promised at the Music-hall, in Easter week, when the performances, which take place on Monday, Tuesday, Friday, and the following Monday, will be enriched by Mr. Kiese wetter, whose transcendent powers upon the violin have created the greatest astonishment among those before whom he has played. It is, therefore, but reasonable to entertain very sanguine anticipations of the wonderful effect which his performance is expected to produce. One of the papers speaks of Mr. Kiesewetter as follows:-The greatest novelty at the Drury-lane Theatre Oratorio was the first public appearance of Mr. Kiesewetter, first violin to bis Majesty's Chapel Royal at Hanover. The renown which had preceded his arrival, had not exaggerated his talents; they are of a superior order, in all styles; for, the Concerto which he formed, called for a display of the most varied, as well as of the most powerful abilities. He evinced the taste and execution of a master. The moment of his performance, in fact, pre

sented a phenomenon, which we have seldom remarked

Under this head we have to notice WÉBBE'S PSAL-
MODY for churches, chapels and families, which is pub-
lished at the usual places, and is highly approved. It con-
tains all the established favourite church tunes, with a
choice selection from Handel, Purcell, Corelli, Haydn,
&c. Mr. Webbe has also published "Laudate pueri," a
favourite Quartett or Trio; the Lord's Prayer for one
voice; and, "Holy! Holy! Holy!" an anthem for
the words by WM. Roscoe, Esq.
three solo voices and chorus, with an accompaniment:

The Gleaner.

“I am but a gatherer and disposer of other men's stuff." WOTTON.



We extract the following fine effort of descriptive eloquence, from the Review of Mr. Atherstone's Poem, on this subject, in Baldwin's London Magazine for the present month:

"A great city-situated amidst all that nature could create of beauty and profusion; or art collect of science and magnificence-the growth of many ages-the residence of enlightened multitudes-the scene of splendour,

and festivity, and happiness-in one moment withered in our Theatres; or which, if we have observed, has never been of such duration as on this occasion: it was as by a spell-its palaces, its streets, its temples, its that of complete silence. Not only was every movement gardens glowing with eternal spring,' and its inhabisuspended, every voice hushed, but every breath tants in the full enjoyment of all life's blessings, obliteseemed held, as if hearing had become the only sensa-rated from their place in creation, not by war, or famine, tion for the thousands assembled! The faintest note, -the most delicate thrill, rose, as it were, distinct in or disease, or any of the natural causes of destruction vacancy. The soul followed it, till it gradually died to which earth had been accustomed but in a single away, and became almost an imagination. Never was night, as if by magic, and amid the conflagration, as it Milton's description of the Nightingale's song, more were, of nature itself, presented a subject on which the truly realized:

"Silence was pleased."

The applause, which delight held captive whilst Mr.

Kiesewetter continued to weave the spell of harmony, burst in thunders at its close; and, as no audience had ever been thrown into such a state of enchantment, never

did it bestow such rapturous marks of admiration on a performer." Besides this attraction, there are engaged, Miss Wilson, Mr. T. Welsh, and Mr. Braham; of the two latter it is unnecessary to speak; but we must de

vote a few lines to Miss Wilson.

This favourite songstress is a native of the southern

part of Berwickshire, in Scotland, her father being from the town of Coldstream. A younger sister of the suc

Pliny ordered his galley, and, urged by his philosophie spirit, went forward to inspect the phenomenon. Ina short time, however, philosophy gave way to humanity, and he zealously and adventurously employed his galley in saving the inhabitants of the various beautiful villas which studded that enchanting coast. Amongst other he went to the assistance of his friend Pomponianus, who was then at Stabiæ. The storm of fire, and the tempest of the earth, increased; and the wretched inhabitan were obliged, by the continual rocking of their houses, to rush out into the fields with pillows tied down by p kins upon their heads, as their sole defence against

shower of stones which fell on them. This, in the comm of nature, was in the middle of the day; but a deeper darkness than that of a winter night had closed around the ill-fated inmates of Herculaneum. This artificial darkness continued for three days and nights; and vie, at length, the sun again appeared over the spot where Herculaneum stood, his rays fell upon an ocean of lava! There was neither tree, nor shrub, nor field, nor house, nor living creature; nor visible remnant of vat human hands had reared-there was nothing to be seen but com black extended surface still steaming with mephitic vi pour, and heaved into calcined waves by the openin of fire, and the undulations of the earthquake! Pliny was found dead upon the sea shore, stretched up cloth which had been spread for him, where it was t jectured he had perished early, his corpulent and spplectic habit rendering him an easy prey to the suffocating atmosphere."

Scientific Records.

[Comprehending Notices of new Discoveries or Improve ments in Science or Art; including, occasionally, singular Medical Cases; Astronomical, Mechatia Philosophical, Botanical, Meteorological, and Miss ralogical Phenomena, or singular Facts in Natual History, Vegetation, &c.; Antiquities, &c.; continued in a Series through the Volume.]


[Continued from page 50 of the presentarme.]

Respecting this country, the discovery f which was first announced in the Literary Gazette, the Edinburgh Philosophical Jo nal has obtained some further interesting, accounts. They occur in a notice of second voyage, under E. Barnfield, master despatched of the Andromache, who was the brig which originally visited New Sh land (the William) in order to ascertis the truth of the statements brought by Mr. We sailed from Valparaiso on the 20th Smith and his crew. The writer s December, 1819, but did not arrive cruising ground till the 16th of January 1820, having been almost constantly rassed with baffling winds and calms till arrived in a high southern latitude. On


wildest imagination might grow weary without even
of Vesuvius, by which Herculaneum and Pompeii were
equaling the grand and terrible reality. The eruption
overwhelmed, has been chiefly described to us in the
letters of Pliny the younger to Tacitus, giving an account
of his uncle's fate, and the situation of the writer and his
mother. The elder Pliny had just returned from the
bath, and was retired to his study, when a small speck
or cloud, which seemed to ascend from Mount Vesuvius,
attracted his attention. This cloud gradually increased,
and at length assumed the shape of a pine tree, the day, however, we had the good fortune
trunk of earth and vapour, and the leaves, red cinders.' discover land to the south-eastward,

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"We left the coast on the 21st of March, and arrived at this place on the 14th of April, having touched at Juan Fernandez for refreshment."

ending on both bows as far as the eye could | cipally of four species of the penguin; with | sea-lion is, I am told, nearly equal in value each. At a distance, its limits could scarce- albatrosses, gulls, pintadoes, shags, sea-swal-to that of the spermaceti whale. And the y be distinguished from the light white lows, and a bird about the size and shape of great number of whales we saw every where clouds which floated on the tops of the the common pigeon, and of a milk-white near the land, must also be an important mountains. Upon a nearer approach, how-plumage, the only species we met with that thing to our merchants, as they are said to ever, every object became distinct. The was not web-footed. We also fell in with a have been lately very scarce to the northwhole line of coast appeared high, bold, and number of the animals described in Lord ward. ragged; rising abruptly from the sea in per- Anson's voyage as the sea-lion, and said by pendicular snowy cliffs, except here and him to be so plentiful at Juan Fernandez, there where the naked face of a barren many of which we killed. Seals were also black rock showed itself amongst them. In pretty numerous; but though we walked the interior, the land, or rather the snow, some distance into the country, we could It is a singular coincidence, that the doped gradually and gently upwards into observe no trace either of inhabitants or of biography of Capt. Cook closes (by way of high hills, which appeared to be situated any terrestrial animal. It would be im-summary) with the declaration, that the ilsome miles from the sea. No attempt was possible, indeed, for any but beasts of prey lustrious navigator had decided two great nade to land here, as the weather became to subsist here, as we met with no sort of problems-namely, that there was no antather threatening, and a dense fog came vegetation, except here and there small arctic land, and no passage into the arctic , which soon shut every thing from our patches of stunted grass growing upon the polar sea. These unlucky assertions are, iew at more than a hundred yards distance. surface of the thick coat of dung which the by a strange chance, both negatived in the A boat had been sent away in the mean sea-fowls left in the crevices of the rocks, same year, 1820. ime to try for anchorage; but they found and a species of moss, which occasionally he coast completely surrounded by dan- we met with, adhering to the rocks themgerous sunken rocks, and the bottom so selves. In short, we traced the land nine or foul, and the water so deep, that it was not ten degrees east and west, and about three thought prudent to go nearer the shore in degrees north and south, and found its ge- We have been favoured with the perusal of a letter, the brig, especially as it was exposed to neral appearance always the same, high, dated "Ship George, New Shetland, Jan. 3, 1821," almost every wind. The boat brought off mountainous, barren, and universally cover-fur trade, to that newly-discovered island. The George from a young man who embarked from this port, in the some seals and penguins which had been ed with snow, except where the rugged visited the Falkland Islands, where it was hoped to hot among the rocks: but they reported summit of a black rock appeared through kill some of the numerous cattle that herd on that shore; them to be the only animated objects they it, resembling a small island in the midst of but they were too wild to permit a near approach. They had discovered. The latitude of this part the ocean; but from the lateness of the forded a seasonable supply. They quitted these islands however killed 142 wild 'geese, and a bear, which afof the coast was found to be 62 deg. 26 min. season, and the almost constant fogs in which in November; and, in December, reached New South S. and its longitude to be 60 deg. 54 min. we were enveloped, we could not ascertain Shetland, the barrenness, and inhospitable climate of whether it formed part of a continent, or which, the writer describes with the spleen of a disappointed traveler. One day, while walking on a mounwas only a group of islands. If it is insu. tain, never probably before trodden by human foot, he discovered the skeleton of a whale, lying in the snow, which does not disappear in that region even in summer. The discovery of this animal, at a distance from the


"Three days after this, we discovered and unchored in an extensive bay, about two de-lar, there must be some of an immense exrees farther to the eastward, where we were tent, as we found a gulf nearly 150 miles in nabled to land and examine the country. depth, out of which we had some difficulty Words can scarcely be found to describe its in finding our way back again. arenness and sterility. Only one small "The discovery of this land must be of pot of land was discovered on which a land-great interest in a geographical point of view, ng could be effected upon the Main, every and its importance to the commercial inother part of the bay being bounded by the terests of our country must be evident from same inaccessible cliffs which we had met the very great numbers of whales with which with before. We landed on a shingle beach, we were daily surrounded; and the multion which there was a heavy surf beating, tudes of the finest fur-seals and sea-lions and from which a small stream of fresh-water which we met both at sea and on every point ran into the sea. Nothing was to be seen of the coast, or adjacent rocky islands, on but the rugged surface of barren rocks, upon which we were able to land. The fur of which myriads of sea-fowls had laid their the former is the finest and longest I have eggs, and which they were then hatching. ever seen; and from their having now beThese birds were so little accustomed to the come scarce in every other part of these sight of any other animal, that, so far from seas, and the great demand for them, both being intimidated by our approach, they in Europe and India, they will, I have no even disputed our landing, and we were doubt, become, as soon as the discovery is obliged forcibly to open a passage for our-made public, a favourite speculation amongst selves through them. They consisted prin- our merchants. The oil procured from the


sea, and on the height of a mountain, gives ample scope for speculation to the naturalist, curious in deluvian lore. The people of the George had not seen a star or moonlight from the time of their arrival; the sun was only 2 hours under the horizon during the 24.

But the fog was sometimes so dense, that on one occasion the boat was dashed among the unseen rocks, and the crew with difficulty escaped destruction. The cald (in January, which is the summer of these regions) was skins, and continued to kill about 1,000 seals a week, although they were not so numerous as had been represented at Liverpool.

similar to that of our Christmas. They had secured 9000


An elderly lady, in Dumfries, on breaking open as egg at supper, was greatly astonished to see something like a worm put up its snout, and then disappear. Thinking she might be mistaken, she put on her spectacles; she spread the contents on a plate; when, lo! it proved and not being disposed to taste such a delicate morsel, be either a worm or an asp, about an inch and a half long. The egg (that of a duck) had no smell, and appeared to be quite fresh.-Dumfries Journal.





Look on the ruin Death hath made;

How wasted now those lov'd remains l; How dreary the eternal shade,

Which wraps them in the spoiler's chains! Once o'er that pale and marble brow, Her smiling train Hope gaily led; And from those dark'ned orbs below, 'Mid many a sunny ringlet play'd. Bright was the glow on that wan cheek, The hues of youth were blushing there;; And sweetly did the flatt'rer-speak

Of many a gay returning year.. Cold too are now those pallid lips,

That wont to smile in youthful glee 5. And mute the charm, so used to fix

Th' admiring ear with harmony.. O'or all that forms proportion rare,,

The stiff"ning hand of Death is laid; Still is the foot, that light as air,

So oft hath tript the woodland shade, The joys, the sorrows of her breast,

Shall wake the swelling sigh no more;: The throb of life has sunk to rest,

And Mary, blooms on Eden's shore. Liverpool..


Thou mighty pow'r unseen, yet felt and heard (For now i feel thy pinions cross my cheek,. And hear thy voice, and oft articulate word,

At lonely midnight have I heard thee speak ;) O stay thy rapid footsteps, for I seek


To know thee, and from whence thou comest, and where
Thy going is, when thou hast ceased to break,
With the wild strife of clemental war,
Light zephyr's soft repose, calm slumbering in the air.

In Ocean's gloomy caverns dost thou dwell?
Or is thy habitation in the skies?
What mystic form does herald thy assail
"To the bold seaman, ere the waves arise
To mountain billows, and the vessel flies,
Like a sear leaf before thy withering blast?

(Transmitted from Manchester.)

Ah, simple maid! that gentle breast,
The pillow now of peace and rest,
May heave with woe, may swell with care,,
May prove the pangs of fell despair;
Then let no vagrant wishes find
An entrance to thy spotless mind,
My sweet, my artless Mary.
Then let not pride's fallacious ray
Seduce thee from the hunible way:
Ambition dazzles to destroy,

And wealth but seldom leads to joy:.
The gold and gems that shine so fair,
Too often hide a heart of care,

My sweet, my artless Mary.
Ah! let not gaudy toys ensnare;
Sell not content for empty glare:
Here health is found in every gale;
Fair virtue loves the quict vale:
She flies the senseless giddy throng,
To dwell the sylvan groves among,.
My sweet, my artless Mary,
Take now the moral of the lay:
Ah! never discontented stray,
From that safe path where peace presides,
To flaunt where empty pomp resides;
For man will flatter to betray,
Then leave with scorn their helpless prey,
My sweet, my artless Mary.

For I, whatever ills befall,
Would love thee, though despised by all;
Would mourn the fate that bade thee roam ;:
Would try to lure thee to thy home;
And, if affection could not save,
Would sink with thee into thy grave;
My sweet, my artless Mary.

Fine Arts.



(Written for the Kaleidoscope.)



SIR,-As the variety of the reverses forms one of the chief. recommendations of this study; so, perfect preservation constitutes one of its greatest beautics. Indeed, it is highly risible to see a collector poring over the obliterated remains of antiquity, and from each letter, or even sometimes from but the moiety of one, which to complete is a riddle in itself, forming a word which he eventually translates into some remarkable occurrence, suitable to its small remains. This folly Thou hast been hurrying past me, yet thou art not past! is justly and well ridiculed by the facetious author of

O thou art wonderful! thought prostrate lies Before thee as a deity: how fast

All things created have a form but thee.

How like a God the sun pursues his way

Diffusing life and beauty! but we see

From whence proceeds the vivifying ray:
But thou art viewless, formless; night and day,
Thy steps are on the ocean, on the earth,

Ánd far above, the clouds thy will obey.
Before the heaven and earth, wert thou brought forth?
Or, did this globe, in space, produce thy mighty birth?
Of all the created things, within the ken

Of human knowledge, thou resemblest most. The Great Original; and there are men,

So far in their own mazy reasoning lost, Who say, thou art the Mighty One, that dost Guide with a skilful hand this ponderous carth.

How wild and weak the subtle reasoners boast! The same Almighty Cause did give thee birth, That brought the globe, the heaven, and all existence

forth. Liverpool, 7th April, 1821..


Peregrine Pickle; in which he introduces a virtuoso, who, out of an English farthing, with nothing remain

inducement to persons of skill to exercise their inver tion for the purpose of imitating it; but they have a yet so far fallen short in their projects, as not to be able to deceive the most youthful collector.

We frequently find coins in which the letters are displaced, as is particularly common in those of Clau dius Gothicus; but they are not so much esteemed, and their condition is also regarded as dubious. Nei ther are those so highly valued, the reverses of which are blundered by a slip of the hammer; and not only the reverses, but we sometimes see a double head, whilst the figures on the other side are perfectly ve struck. There is also another blemish, which, not withstanding, is a recommendation, inasmuch as it is looked upon as a proof that the coin is of undoubted antiquity; that is, when the edges are split, and eve they appear sometimes split as far as the middle by the force of the hammer; a further description would be unnecessary. But as this crack has been attempted to be imitated, a few hints may be useful: in the ancient ones the branches of the crack will be in an irregular and gradually diminishing form, whilst on the forgeries you may plainly discern the marks of the file and its sudden termination; a little practice may be necessary at first, but in a short time the distincti will be so evident as to cause a surprise that you should ever have been deceived by such a vile attempt.

The most exquisite imitations of the money of the ancients are those of the Paduans; and in such high estimation are they held, as frequently to fetch a higher price than those they are made to imitate; and for a further description of the various modes of counterfe ing, the reader is referred to the chapter on that subject by Pinkerton, who has enlarged very fully on the subject, as well as afforded the means of discovering such from the genuine.

Liverpool, March 26, 1821.




(From the Chester Guardian.)

A few days since, in an orchard, in the holding of Mr. Faulkner, in Further Boughton, near Chester, Altar, in an excellent state of preservation, was found It is about four feet high, with a shallow basit on the top, supported by two volutes. The shaft of the colum is four sided; on two of its sides is the following instr tion::


in extended characters, Nymphis et Fontibus Legi Dedicated to the Goddesses of the Waters and to the Sp Vicessima valente vitrici; which may be thus Englehed, rits of the Fountains, by the soldiers of the Twent Legion, the powerful, the conquering.

ing of the word Britannia, but the NI, finds the victory tieth Legion, or Legio Vicessima valens victris; of Severus over Pescennius Niger: and equally liable

are all to fall into the same error.

Nothing contributes so much to their preservation as that fine rust, with which we frequently find them surrounded; and which is caused by their lying in a particular soil. But while this rust is so ornamental to the brass and copper, it is most prejudicial to the gold and silver, which never admit of a perfect coat, on the former it preserves the medal from the ravages of time, yet does not conceal one line which is on the coin itself; but on the two latter it corrodes the coin instead of preserving it: and, as the state of such coins is the cause of their fetching high prices, so it has been the

"It appears that Chester was the seat of the Talthough it might possibly have been anteriorly a Br station, there is little doubt of its having been furthe by Ostorius Scapula, for the protection of the Ronst army, after the defeat and capture of Caractacus, a A. D. 50." According to which, this altar has be placed in its present situation somewhere about 100 years. The ground near to where it was formed b been considerably underdug, so as to drain off the upper waters, but there can be little doubt, that, at the abor date, this scite abounded with springs and well water. At the introduction of Christianity into a island, this altar was most probably overthrown (it found lying on one side) and the heaps of clay thro quity have been found on the spot, as pieces of Rause over it, as may be now seen. Various remains of a pottery, &c.

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Scientific Notices.


SIR,—As it may be interesting to many of your readers to possess a scale of the gradations of the focial line, as arranged by Professor Camper, I have made a drawing of a size suitable for the columns of your entertaining and useful publication, which is at your service, should you think it worth the trouble and expense to have it engraved for insertion. With it I inclose a few extracts from authors who bave written on the subject.—I remain yours, &c. April, 1821. T. T.

[blocks in formation]

According to Professor Camper, the facial line of a monkey makes an angle of 40 degrees with the horizontal line; that of an Oran Outang, 58; that of a negro, 70; of a Chinese, 75; of au European, 80 or 90. The Roman painters preferred the angle Lavater says, 'It must have been already remarked, of 95 deg.; the Grecian antique, 100. If above that I take the system of the bones as the great out-100, it begins to grow monstrous; and with a greater bae of man; the skull as the principal part of that system, and that I consider what is added almost as the colouring of this drawing; that I pay more attention to the form and arching of the skull, as far as I am acquainted with it, than all my predecessors; and that I have considered this most firm, least changeable, and far best defined part of the human body, as the foundation of the science of physiog.

[blocks in formation]

this month.

The blossoms of trees now present to the eye a angle, the head must resemble that of a child labour-most agreeable spectacle, particularly in those couning under hydrocephalus. See the scale above. ties which abound with orchards. Blackthorn is Dr. Thuuberg says, 'The language, which fre- the first that puts forth its flowers; a host of others quently is almost the only thing that distinguishes ivy, the box-tree, the pear-tree, the apricot, the follow, among which may be named the ash, groundthe indolent Hottentots from the brute creation, is peach, nectarine, the wild and garden cherry; and poor, unlike any other in the world; it is pronounced the plum; gooseberry and currant trees; the hawwith a clack of the tongue, and is never written.' thorn, the apple-tree, and the sycamore. Gamon says, "The sound of their voice resembles somy." sighing. Spitsbergh says, that their language He asks, · Wbieb are in general the weakest ani- Í resembles the clucking of a turkey,' By way of illustration, the annexed sketch may be referred to.

+ D Q Q Q Q Q Q









larch also exhibits its red tufts, or flowers, which soon expand into cones, and the fir tribe show their cones also. The first larch-trees ever seen in Scotland were sent to the Duke of Athol at Dunkeld, in the year 1738, in two garden-pots. They came from Switzerland, and were at first put into the green-house. By degrees it was discovered that that they could bear the winter of Scotland without injury; they were therefore planted in the Duke's park at Dunkeld, very near his house. There they may be still seen, having grown in the course of 81 years, which have elapsed since they were planted, to the size of very large trees. Their circumference, about a foot above the ground, is nearly 18 feet; and at the

The beech, elm, and larch are now in full leaf. The

A. Monkey; B. Oran Outang; C. Negro; D. American Savage; E. Asiatic; F. European; G. Beau height of 8 feet, the circumference is nearly 14 feet. Ideal of the Roman Painters; H. Grecian Antique.

• The Roman Painters preferred the angle of 95°.




There could scarcely be a publication more fitly

Till magic power shall give it birth,
And in heaven's colour call it forth.
What shall destroy this mighty world?
That power apply: the veil's unfurled..
After reading this with much surprise, her atten-
tion was called to the piece of blank paper inclosed
in the note. Puzzled at first, she knew not what to
make of it; but she soon conceived that she was
to employ the agency of fire, and, on heating the
fine blue, and was able to read as follows:

Thus in 81 years they have produced as much wood as an oak would in the course of several centuries. From these two parent trees have sprung all the larches which abound so much in Scotland. The reproaches of Dr. Johnson turned the attention of Scottish landlords to planting; and in many parts of Scotland, particularly in Perthshire, the defect of which the greatest planters of trees in that county, and perDoctor complained has been removed. The two haps in Scotland, are the Duke of Athol and the Earl of Breadalbane; each of these noblemen, it is said, has planted at least sixty millions of trees.

That magnificent and beautiful tree the horse-ches

ffording room to expatiate on the pleasures of home paper, she beheld it covered with characters of a nut, now displays its honours of fine green leaves

han the Kaleidoscope, which so often conduces to the amusement of the family circle; and he who hould make that subject the theme of his tribute to its columns, might, with ability, richly add to their worth, and produce pleasure and benefit to many, of its readers.

The pleasures of home are varied and infinite; but their excellence is only known to the serene and virtuous mind. To the soul which suffers itself to be the slave of violent passion, those pleasures are as transient gleams of sunshine on a stormy sea; and to the eye, ever bent on the selection of a novel object of dissipation, the joys of home are as things invisible, or else not existing. These observations lead to the introduction of the following trifle, which shows that the slightest occurrence may be directed by the willing mind to augment the simple joys of

[blocks in formation]

Yet the magician waves his wand,
The sylph yet in the ether dances,
The music wakes to lifeless hand,

The peacock in proud glory glances;
The serpent wreathes his train of gold,
The bird of paradise is singing:
She who would the scene behold,

Must watch when eight the bells are ringing.
The fire has glowed; the secret's known:
Vanish words! the charm is done.

while the young lady continued gazing on them and
The blue characters obeyed this injunction; for
trying to guess the meaning, the whole gradually
vanished, and the paper remained in her hands blank
her brother if Mr. Louis's exhibition was still in
as at first. She at length-remembered having asked
town, and when he would go with her to see it; and
now she found her queries answered by the mystic
paper, and held herself in readiness accordingly.

The pleasure afforded by the exhibition was

The magician, mechanical musician, peacock, bird, &c. formed a part of the ingenious exhibition of the mechanism of Mr..Louis.

and its handsome" spikes pyramidal" of white and red flowers. It is quite the glory, of forest trees. The common laurel is in flower,

Many and lovely are the flowers which are showered, in profusion, from the lap of April: among them may be named the jonquil, anemoné, ranunculus, polyanthus, and the crown imperial. Other flowers which adorn our fields, at this time, are the chequered daffodil, the primrose, the cowslip, the


Welcome, pale Primrose! starting up between

Dead matted leaves of ash, and oak, that strew
The every lawn, the wood, and spinney through,
Mid creeping moss and ivy's darker green;

How much thy presence beautifies the ground!
How sweet thy modest, unaffected pride
Glows on the sunny-bank and wood's warm side.

And where thy fairy flowers in groups are found,
The school-boy roams enchantingly along.

Plucking the fairest with a rude delight: While the meek shepherd stops his simple song, To gaze a moment on the pl asing sight, O'erjoyed to see the flowers that truly bring The welcome news of sweet returning Spring.


their depredations are most to be dreaded, lay small
heaps of dead leaves, and half-decayed turnips, or
cabbages, and if the season be dry, water them plen-
tifully at night; in the morning remove these heaps,
and you may be assured, that, at the same time, you
will remove great numbers of slugs.
Curlews, and other birds that live on worms, may
be kept in gardens, for the purpose of destroying
them, with some advantage.

lady-smock, and the hare-bell. The yellow star of
Bethlehem in woods; the vernal squill among
maritime rocks; and the wood-sorrel are now in full
flower. The leaves of the wood-sorrel abound with
acid, which is extracted, and, when chrystallized,
forms the salt of lemons, useful for removing stains
in linen. This and the wood-anemoné now in flower,
have both white blossoms, and inhabit shady woods.
The word anemoné has been adopted into our Flora
from Theophrastus and other Greek naturalists.
Pliny says, it never thrives but when the wind blows;
and hence the name anemoné nemorosa. The anem-
one, bere alluded to, adorns most of our woods, pret-is
tily tinged with a pale blush colour; but when the
winds of March and April cease, and the warmth
of May commences, it fades to pallid white, and dies


The early part of this month, in backward springs, affords great advantage to the curious botanist; for the barrenness of the hedges leaves exposed many plants which thrive in thickets; and the early stages of some, and the entire growth of others, are often hidden from view by the tangled bramble and thick foliage of the hawthorn. Of this kind is the spurgelaurel, an evergreen shrub, with numerous lanceshaped leaves on the tops of the branches, and small yellowish green flowers; but so deep in the thicket, that, if the foliage were much advanced, the plant would be hidden from notice. Another, deserving attention, is the cuckoo-pint, or wake-robin. This is not in flower till next month; but as the leaves and flower fall off as the seed ripens, leaving only a naked spike of red berries, the whole plant is never ween entire; and, to obtain a correct knowledge of it, the different stages should be attended to. In this month, the leaves will be found on hedge banks, and in the thickets and woods. They are of the arrow-shape, of a glossy green; some spotted with irregular black spots, others without such marks. It will afford much amusement to watch the pro gress of vegetation in this plant.

The spring flight of pigeons appears in this month, or early in the next.

Dry weather is still acceptable to the farmer, who employed in sowing various kinds of grain, and seeds for fodder; as buck-wheat, lucerne, saintfoin, clover, &c. The young corn and springing grass, however, are materially benefited by occasional showers. The important task of weeding now begins, with the farmer; and every thistle cut down, every plant of charlock pulled up, may be said to be not only an advantage to himself, but a national benefit. When the warmth of the season has caused the sap to rise in the oak, so that the bark will run, or strip off easily, this is the time for felling that sort of timber.




and to realise the satisfaction and thrill of pleasure which the blessing of the receiver shall bring down upon them, a pleasure unequalled and unalloyed; for objected that it would be liable to great abuse; but, it is more blessed to give than to receive. It might be should this prevent the attempt? What charity, or cha ritable individual, but is occasionally imposed upon? And should the honest and deserving become sufferers, owing to the ever-ready, indolent, undeserving inpostors who would seek its advantage? There must be in this town a large number of respect able men, who are ever moving about in the visits of compassion and mercy among the poor and afflicted These would be able and willing to select and bring benefits; and surely none could object to place theit forward recipients for its relief, most deserving of t bounty at the disposal and advice of such responsible men. Or it might be arranged for subscribers to seek out the proper objects, and recommend them to scommittee, with whom regular gratuitous visitors should be connected, who would immediately inspect the cases, and report then to such committee, so that no indiscriminate relief should be afforded to say. It might be further advisable to make the individuals assist themselves by small weekly payments, towards the benefits they were to derive from it. Some would feel disposed to object, perhaps, by urging that such a society would prove only an encouragement to the evil it sought to remedy; but could the plan be adopted, it would be, no doubt, assisted with proposals and advice sufficient to prevent this: it might be, perhaps, made a rule to relieve none more than once. You wil ceive my intention is only to draw attention to the widely-circulating and useful journal, to become the desirable to lend their support to the commencing of it, SIR,-You are often called upon, as the Editor of a to lend their thoughts to it; and should they think it object, and to induce some able and respectable persone advocate of benevolence; and, did a proper feeling which, for myself, I should be very glad tosee accom exist, generally, in the minds of those you are enabled plished. The society might be called the Liverpool to address, it would be, perhaps, one of the most Redeeming Society; and no institution, I think, weld pleasing parts of your public duties. If there is one have equal opportunity of learning the situation of action of the human mind that yields the greatest sa- many decent and distressed families, or be capable of tisfaction, and affords more real pleasure than another, rendering them more advice. By this institution masy it must be that which prompts to universal and un- impositions they are subject to would be brought to ceasing benevolence; and, those who thus feel it, will light, and many grievances be redressed for them. ever be thankful when a new channel is opened for the Many a useful mechanic, by having his tools restored diffusion of it. 'Tis with such, immediately in my to him, would be able to return to his work and proview, I venture to solicit your attention, and that of vide for his family, and it would exceed your limits to your benevolently-disposed readers, to the considera-point out the numerous benefits the poor would reap tion of the practicability of instituting a new society, for the relief of the deserving poor, the object of which should be to raise funds for the prudent release of pledged property, to restore it to the unfortunate owners. It would, I think be almost incredible, could it be known, the extensive articles of furniture, tools, and domestic comforts, which lie in the hands of pawnbrokers, for a very small and insignificant amount: articles which have stripped the dwellings of many honest, but humble individuals, and rendered, perhaps, even many a habitable but comfortable cellar, cheerless indeed. In an hour of temporary distress, or in a season of long-continued want of work, many decent families, SIR,-Perhaps the two following letten may be to prevent the exposure of their situation; or obliged, thought interesting to some of your readers, or serve in order to obtain the necessaries of life, have parted as a supplement to the eighth lucubration of your with their bedsteads, comfortable beds, and clothing, classical correspondent M. They will be found in the thinly covered. On the articles as little has been asked fourth volume of the Pocket Magazine, the Editor of to lie upon the ground, on straw, and withal but very much less than a pawnbroker would have been willing or French, without giving the substance in plain Eng as was sufficient for the immediate difficulty, and often which never introduces quotations or mottoes in Latis to lend upon them: times have grown no better with them, or they have obtained no more than was suffici-lish; a duty, which, for a very obvious reason, should ent for the wants of the family, and the articles have never be overlooked by editors of cheap publications. lain, without redemption, till they have fallen a sacrifice at public sale. The application of a very small sum, in this way, to many a family, would profor them in any other way. I have, perhaps, alduce them more joy and comfort than if expended The black slug abounds at this season. The com- to raise objections. One class of persons might be, as also a collateral descendant of one of no have ready hinted sufficient to excite in many, a disposition "SIR,-Being an ardent admirer of genuine poetry, mon brown slug, the brown, the yellow, and the smaller perhaps, disposed to say, "The calls upon us are already celebrity in the annals of English literature, I have grey, are found in gardens and in fields, and where- too numerous:" that they are numerous, is readily ad- taken some pains to gratify the laudable enquiries of ever there are plants to support them.-For the de-mitted; that the streams of many fountains of bene- your correspondent Beppo, relative to the place of struction of slugs in gardens, we must recommend volence are flowing down among the poor of Liverpool, residence of that Rural Bard, Robert Bloomfield. the same means as for other night-feeding insects. is also too visible to be doubted: but, are there not The information comes from an authentic source, i Either late at night, or very early in the morning, many who could do much more for their fellow-crea- from the poet's son-in-law; who told me, in reply to search must be made, and care taken to secure tures than they do? and, did they remember them- some questions put to him regarding his (the poet's) up and yield an account of, and that their Master himself and family; but he had learnt that his fathe selves to be stewards of a property they must soon give circumstances, that he had enough to do to support sanctioned the appropriation of his own property to in-law had been employing himself in writing son acts of benevolence, and put peculiar honour on those new work (or works) and would shortly come them) who sought out objects for the extension of it, they side in London, for the purpose of getting it (or th would be more ready and anxious to gain the commen-published. If i am not too late in communicating this dation, "Well done thou good and faithful servant," piece of intelligence, I feel no doubt (judging from the

To the interesting violet, we cheerfully add another tribute to that already given in March. Sent to a Lady addicted to fashionable hours, with


Did you but know, when bathed in dew,
M How sweet the little Violet grew
Amidst the thorny brake,
How fragrant blew the ambient air,
.O'er beds of primroses so fair,

Your pillow you'd forsake.
Paler than the autumnal leaf,
Or the wan hue of pining grief,
The cheek of sloth shall grow;
Nor can cosmetic wash, nor ball,
Nature's own favourite tints recal,

If once you let them go.

Various kinds of insects are now seen " sporting The mole-cricket is the most remarkable of the insect tribe seen about this time. The blue flesh-fly and the dragon-fly are frequently observed towards the end of this month. Little maggots, the first state of young ants, are now to be found in their mests. The great variegated libellula (libellula varia of Shaw) which appears, principally, towards the de cline of summer, is an animal of singular beauty The cabbage butterfly also now appears.

in the sun-beams," and living their "little hour."

every slug that can be found. Vegetables lately planted, half-decayed cabbages, and withered leaves, must be more particularly examined, as these are its favourite haunts. And be it remembered, that no search need be made but in wet weather. In parts of the garden where they abound, and where

from it.


I remain, Gentlemen, your obedient servant, Liverpool, March 7, 1821.



I remain,

A SUBSCRIBER TO THE KALEIDOSCOPE. Manchester, April 5, 1821.

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