Sidor som bilder

he is one who does not disdain to take a hint when I speak of the accent as it relates to verbs. But what offered in friendship.

would you think of any one who would spell traSome nations, we are told, think laughter beneath the reler with a double L, and traveling or traveled dignity of man, and designed only for apes and mon- with a single one? And yet any one would so spell, keys. This is the other extreme. Laughter is an if he were to follow the rules laid down for the spellinnate propensity of the human frame; and, very spell the nouns as they are in Johnson's Dictionary ing of the participles and past time of the verbs, and doubtless, meant to be indulged under certain restric-But Robinson, in his edition of Eutick, spells all tions, but never at the expense of propriety.

Nothing, perhaps, does one more good than a hearty laugh; yet he is inexcusable who shows his teeth with the design to mortify or irritate another; and still less is he to be excused who exposes the failure of a wellmeant attempt, or the unavoidable misfortunes of his acquaintance, to unprincipled satire and scorn.

Let us laugh, but not at calamity we cannot care; let us smile, but not at personal deformity and age.

Dull and uninteresting as some would have us believe this world to be, it contains sufficient amusement to prevent us seeking where we are forbidden to intrude upon such a search; where Misery hath placed her withering hand, and Desolation seems to say, "Thou shalt come no farther."

I remain your obedient servant,




SIR,-I have waited until the publication of your forty-fourth number, in the expectation of reading the remarks of your correspondents Benvolio, Amicus, and Criticus, or of one of them, in order that I might learn what reason there may be for spelling with double L words of an orthography similar to that of "traveler;" but as you have not inserted any of their correspondence, and have craved the assistance of your friends, to enable you if possible to set this matter to rest, I lose no time in forwardiug to you what I think will satisfy any unpreju diced mind; and in so doing I shall abstain as much as possible from making remarks of my own, and Content myself with presenting what I conceive to be sufficient authority for the spelling of such words.

I think it will be allowed, that the accent is on the first syllable of the word "travel."

the words which I have quoted, and many others which I have not quoted, with a single L; thereby abiding as much as possible by the accent.

It has been argued, that this rule of accent cannot always be followed; and such words as possibility do not think this argument a fair one; for there is and imbecility have been cited as examples. But I an obvious difference between the orthography of such words as possible and travel. In the latter, the consonant follows the vowel; in the former, it precedes it.

Before I conclude, I must say one word to your scientific correspondent, George Meanwell, who says, he "found the L always omitted where the word used without the ed ended only with one L, such as marvel, travel, cancel, &c. in opposition to such words as call, toll, roll, &c." George should recollect, that call, toll, roll, &c. ending with double L, can only take ed or ing in the forming of their participles; but in declining the verb to recal, the accent being on the second syllable, we write recalled, reculling.

If what I have written tend to remove any doubt as to the propriety of spelling the word traveler with one L, I shall feel gratified. I remain respectfully yours, Liverpool, May 1, 1821.


J. C.

SIR,-I am at present residing in England, for the benefit of learning the English language, which I find very difficult to accomplish, chiefly owing to the strike me as being best for examples I will now quote: great similitude in many of the words. Those that

"Hare, heir, hair;" also, " pair, pear, pare.” If you can point out the manner in which each of these ought to be pronounced, I shall not hesitate to recommence my labours in obtaining a correct knowledge of your language; and I feel assured your compliance will oblige all foreigners, but not any one more than Yours, obediently,

Mr. Lindley Murray, in that part of his grammar which relates to the spelling of words, says :"Monosyllables and words accented on the last syllable, ending with a single consonant preceded by a single vowel, double that consonant when they take another syllable beginning with a vowel. But if a dipthong precedes, or the accent is on the preceding syllable, the consonant remains SINGLE."-This, Sir, if there were no other authority, would I pre-in sume be sufficient to establish the right of spelling such words as "traveler, leveler, driveler, sniveler, dueler, modeler, canceler," and various others, in the same way as we spell "opener, scrivener, visiter, worshiper, gossiper, whitener, wanderer," and words of similar orthography and accentuation.

Murray, however, is not the only one who gives a rule for this method of spelling. A more modern grammarian (Cobbett) in treating on this subject, says:-"If the infinitive of the verb have more than one syllable, the consonant is not doubled (in forming the participles and past time) unless the accent be on the LAST syllable."

Robinson (author of the "Art of Teaching") in kis stereotype edition of Entick's Dictionary, says: "Verbs of two syllables, accented on the first, never double their final consonant; as iu, to model, modeled, modeling. But dissyllables, accented on the second, always double their final consonant; as in, to abbor, abhorred, abhorring.”

I own, Mr. Editor, that the latter authorities only

Excuse my awkward English.




SIR,-In reply to your correspondent, D. N. R. your last, I am clearly of opinion that it was the part of B to examine the correctness of A's score. But I think D. N. R. wants to know whether A must count 49 or 50; and as to that, I think that if there were such several numbers on A's paper as made up the sum of 50, he is entitled to that sum, although he by mistake called the sum of 49; but I should think otherwise, had the parties been playing with a cribbage-board and A had got his peg in the 49th hole; for in that case there would be no paper or sum to refer to.

Liverpool, May 3, 1821.


To Correspondents.

LIVERPOOL, FROM 1750 FORWARDS.-The Friend to whom we are indebted for a very entertaining MS. on this subject, will enhance the obligation by intimating whether it is original, or taken from any printed work, in order that we may render unto Casar the things that are Caesar's." Mr. Kaye, of the Courier-office,

is the publisher of a very entertaining and useful little work, called the Stranger in Liverpool, in which, it is probable, the article we are now acknowledging has already appeared: we say probable, as we have not, at this moment, the means of ascertaining the point, not having access to Mr. Kaye's publication. ORTHOGRAPHICAL INNOVATIONS.-Our correspon dent A. B. C. would have seen his letter in our present number, had not the ground been previously occu pied by J. C. whose reasoning and conclusions coincide with those of the former. We are of opinion that J. C. has established the propriety of the mode we have recently adopted of spelling with one the word tre veler, and other similar words, whose emphasis rests upon the first syllable. We have given the preference, this week, to the letter of J. C. because it was essen tial to the justification of the mode of spelling the word traveler, &c. in our office. We shall have ac casion, however, to notice the arguments of other correspondents on the subject, upon which it is ef importance to come, if possible, to a right understanding.

AMERICAN SKETCH OF THE ENGLISH CHARACTER We have not lost sight of the whimsical sketch, by Hopkins; which, with certain omissions, of poli cal or theological cast, shall have an early place. We cannot make out the name of the work from which K-y copied his notes on marriage: the writing is very indistinct; and it is of importance to que names and authorities correctly.

ETYMOLOGIES-A correspondent, who signs Box SHORT, will feel obliged if some of our reader will inform him of the origin or derivation of the verd "Hogshead;" and whether it bears any reference to a celebrated animal of the four-footed species, the first syllable would imply, viz. a Hog's-head. We thank our good friend J. J. for the loan of Priest': Travels, and the MS. both of which shall be apprepriated, after which they shall be returned.

ETYMOLOGICAL ANTIQUITIES.-The letters of Tot and of T. on the derivation of the names of places in North Britain are prepared, and shall be inserted in our next publication.

BRITISH COINS.-We shall be glad to hear from COCCIENSIS; and if the subject is likely to occupy several letters, we beg to recommend individual be vity.

SQUARE TOES is reserved for a perusal at our leisure.

We have to acknowledge a No VI. of the Young Ob server; and No. XI. of Horæ Otiosa. CANDIDUS is an enemy. We not only forgive in, however, but, in the true spirit of Christianity, return good for evil, by giving him a piece of advice, which, if followed, will spare him the mortificati being laughed at. Let him not aspire to the office d Critic, one requisite for which is, an acquaintance with the simple rules of the English grammar CANDIDUS challenge us to the proof of his aberration we shall point out a few in confirmation of our sertion.

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Literary and Scientific Fatror.


This familiar Miscellany, from which religious and political matters are excluded, contains a variety of original and selected Articles; comprehending Literature Criticism, Men and Manners, Amusement, Elegant Extracts, Poetry, Anecdotes, Biography, Meteorology, the Drama, Arts and Sciences, Wit and Satire, Natura History, Monthly Diary, Fashions, &c. &c.; forming a handsome Annual Volume, with an Index and Title-page.-Regular supplies are forwarded to the following

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The Traveler.


(Written for the Kaleidoscope.)

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TUESDAY, MAY 15, 1821.

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George Town, between Fort St. Philip | bought a dozen fine peaches for a penny. and Mahon, is a wretched place, and its Time allowing, I made an excursion into the possessors are in perfect unison with interior, in company with two gentlemen, their possessions. The town of Mahon who were proceeding to Malta, but were stands at the head of the harbour; about waiting to hear the state of health at that SIR,--Minorca is one of the Balearic two miles from the entrance it is tole-place, and who afterwards became fellow lands, famed in ancient history for the rably well built and walled, and from voyagers with me to Sicily. Iroitness of their archers and slingers; the whiteness of the houses has rather a We hired asses for our journey, such aniad no wonder if what is recorded be true; cheerful air. The churches are large, but mals being in general use, and with fowlingthe mothers never gave their children disgraced, as they very commonly are in pieces in our hands, took our route towards eakfast before they had struck a certain Catholic countries, by the multitude of the centre of the island. The roads, if such ark suspended to a tree. You may be paltry pictures and trumpery, displayed as they deserve to be called, are miserable; tre I lost no time in getting on shore; votive offerings, about the walls and altars. the face of the country not particularly d I flatter myself the week I spent in No sooner is the devout follower of the interesting, although in some parts richly inorca was not lost. I first took a survey Church of Rome relieved from any particular cultivated. Myrtles and heaths grow wild the harbour, which is reckoned one of infirmity of body, than he procures a repre- and luxuriantly; and to me it was new to e finest in Europe, it being large, and sentation of the diseased part in wax, co-ramble amidst bushes of the former as I had rfectly sheltered from all winds, with loured to the life; or if he be in good wont to do in my boyish days at home, in Scient water for vessels of the largest circumstances, in silver: sometimes he pre- search of that palatable, but neglected fruit, rdens. The British fleet, on the Toulon fers a picture in which he is represented on the blackberry. I noticed the Indian fig, ation, frequented Mahon to water and his sick bed, with the visible intercession of a in great plenty, the fruit of which is parfit, there being a dock-yard, extensive favourite saint. In either case the offering ticularly refreshing in the climates unfaretto, mast-houses, and every conveni-is suspended in the church, accompanied der which it flourishes. We halted at ce, the Royal George and Barfleur, with a pecuniary one, which finds its way a farm-house, if I may so call the resirst rates) with several seventy-fours and into the pocket of the priest. Although dence of a Minorkeen husbandman, in the gates, were then in the harbour; and while one is constrained to respect the pious mo- midst of vineyards. It was the first time I erained there, the Boyne, of 104 guns, tive, one cannot help regretting the igno- had ever entered a door without being able en quite new, arrived from England, hav-rance of such devotees. This custom, a to address the occupants: our host knew g on board Sir Thomas Maitland, just remnant of heathenism, is now merely con-nothing but Spanish; and I did not then pointed to the station he still holds, that fined to the poorest classes, and those least possess Italian sufficient to understand, or Governor and Commander in Chief of informed. As the people get enlightened be understood, by the affinity which exists e British forces in Malta and the Ionian it will disappear. Mahon has little com- between the two languages. It was during lands. The entrance to the port is nar-merce, but was, during the war, a very our stay, a dialogue of signs; a merry panw, and defended by batteries; but the lively place, from the number of naval tomime, rendered more agreeable by the -incipal fortification is the celebrated Cas-officers and seamen dashing about in all hospitable treatment of our host and family. of St. Philip; for not relieving which, directions, Jack Tar like, spending their Returning to Mahon, we met a crazy old rather to satisfy the bad passions of the hard-earned dollars as soon as they got vehicle, drawn by mules, apparently ill fed, nistry of the day, the unfortunate admiral them, and oftentimes in anticipation. The and as ill caparisoned; the driver, as well ng suffered an ignominious death. You markets are well supplied, and teem with as the servants behind, appeared to have seen rhaps recollect the affected witticism of figs, grapes, peaches, and indeed fruits of better days. The road being narrow, we oltaire upon the occasion, who remarked almost all kinds, at what we should call filed singly to the side to let the carriage at he suffered "pour encourager les autres." | small prices, when I inform you that I pass. An ancient lady, anciently attired,

politely moved, which salutation was, of some other vessels I could name, produced | Palermo very severe, although but for a course, returned. Upon enquiry we found such a degree of mutual hatred between few days' duration. The splendour of the the personage in question was none other officers and men, that desertion was the city, with its numerous domes and towers, than the present Duchess Dowager of Or-sure consequences of opportunity. Light the superb palaces which line the shore, the leans, widow of the celebrated Duke who winds slowly carried us past the mountains beautiful gardens and suburbs, and, above fell during the dreadful reign of terror of Sardinia; and after many a long look all, the elegant and lively promenade in the which succeeded the French revolution. It from the mast head, to which, in fine wea- evenings, were so many objects to render seems the old lady retired to Minorca, to ther, I went daily, Maretimo, the most wes- my confinement more irksome. Almost the enjoy in quiet the pension allowed her by ternly of the ancient Egades appeared blue first thing on our arrival was to rid the cabin the British government. She now resides above the horizon. Here our Commodore of a number of packages which the captain's near Paris. The Minorkeens closely resem- took his 'departure, after having made the greediness of gain had induced him to take ble their Catalonian neighbours, in customs signal for the vessels to make the best of in the space allotted for his own and pasand dress. The women wear their hair their way into port. For several days we sengers' comfort; and which had, from our high above the forehead, in a stiff and for- were struggling against contrary winds to leaving England, obliged us to move more mal manner, and are passionately fond of weather Cape di Gallo, during which time horizontal than upright, not to speak of the large ear-rings and other ornaments. we were often sufficiently near the coast to inconvenience from such an arrangement in Accounts of the most unfavourable na-enjoy the sight of the rich corn-fields and regard to ventilation, which became doubly ture having arrived from Malta during our vineyards with which the valleys seemed necessary from the change of climate. Bestay at Mahon, it was determined to pro- covered. An adverse wind is the more pro-ing assured I had nothing to fear, I freely ceed to Palermo in the first instance, and voking if it assail you when in sight of the exercised myself in swimming, and used to from thence to Messina; thus inverting the wished for port; every hour then seems a plunge into the clear and almost tepid water original scheme of the voyage. By a sin-day, and what in the boundless expanse at almost all seasons; never experiencing gular coincidence, the Pelorus was the ves- amused, then fails in a great measure to be- the least inconvenience from remaining ia sel appointed to convoy us to the promon-guile the time. Whether from wishing or the same for an hour or more at a time. tory of that name, and I again embarked praying, the west wind at length blew, and Whilst before Palermo, the news arrived of and left Minorca without regret, anxious to passing the celebrated Mount Pelegrino, the decisive victory of the allied armies over behold the wonders, as well as beauties, which I shall hereafter describe, we found the French at Leipsic; and two days after. which Sicily presented to my imagination. ourselves at anchor in the enchanting bay of his Excellency Lord William Bentinck made A few days after leaving Mahon we were Palermo, immediately opposite, and not far his appearance in the Swiftsure, 74, from unexpectedly visited, one forenoon, by our distant from, the city. Spain. Lord B.had the advantage of us poor Commodore, Captain Gambier, upon the old We were visited by the health police, and mercantile men, as he landed immediately; errand of procuring seamen. The gallant for our consolation, declared in quarantine, men of war, except under particular cir Captain, however, forgot the object of his in consequence of the plague continuing its cumstances, not being liable to quarantines. visit over a Welsh rabbit and a bottle of ravages at Malta, and our having touched In consequence of their splendid achieve. brown stout; for he had been cruising four at Gibraltar and Mahon. The vessels were, ments, the garrison of Palermo, consisting months upon the same station, and the sight however, permitted to discharge their mer- of British, Neapolitans, and Sicilians, tege of old English fare was reviving. My civi-chandise at the Lazaretto; but all inter- ther with the ships of war, celebrated the lities were early reciprocated, as Captain G. course with the shore, except at that place, event by royal salutes, feux de joie, &c. very politely invited me to dine with him the was forbidden by the health office, under pain The troops, flanked by artillery, were next day, should the weather prove favour-of death: and indeed the first object I dis-formed along the Marina, a delightful road able, a provision always necessary in visiting cerned at the latter was a gallows, with the upon the strand, about sun-set: and, as in fatal rope in terrorem, You may readily this latitude there is little or no twilight This invitation I was reluctantly obliged to suppose that we required no broader hint the running fire of musketry for near a mile decline from mistaken motives of prudence; that it was necessary to keep to the letter of in the dark, had a most beautiful effect. might the master of our vessel fearing it the law. The mode of execution in Sicily, The men of war were illuminated, the most subject us to inconvenience, in regard to the by hanging, is extremely cruel, and accords conspicuous of which was the Havannah quarantine, on arriving at the destined with the semi-barbarism of its inhabitants. I frigate, which displayed blue lights at the port, should the fact transpire. Little did will endeavour to explain it, as described to extremities of her masts, yards, &c. The I then anticipate the unjust captivity I after-me. On the knot or noose there is a wooden vessels destined for Messina having comwards endured. I had opportunities of trencher pierced in the centre, through knowing, while under the protection of the which the rope passes; on this the execuPelorus, and I mention it with pleasure, tioner sets his feet, one at each side, and as that the crew of that vessel were much soon as the cart is withdrawn, stamps until attached to their commander, who secured, the poor culprit's neck is dislocated, and mutual protection. For twelve hours we by a proper behaviour, their attention to then the revolting operation ends. Beg-were becalmed nearly opposite the Bay of their duty, without an instance of corporeal ging pardon for this elegant digression, Palermo, but night bringing with it a fire punishment; while a different course, in I assure you I felt my imprisonment before westerly wind, we pursued our voyage mer.

at sea.

pleted their discharging, we set sail, four company, with a light breeze, having previously made an agreement to keep as near each other as convenient, and assist in

Two hours' sail, although baffled by the be discerned without careful examination :—the anthers are collecting on pendulous strings, and the irregularity of the currents, brought us t pistils and germ of the acorn are studded on small an anchor in the noble harbour of the an- stems, protruding from between the leaves, on the young shoots. While speaking of the oak, we must cient Messina, or still more ancient Zancle.not forget to acquaint our readers that the venerable


The Naturalist's Diary,

FOR MAY, 1820.

(Concluded from our last.)

rily, passing the Colian or Lipari islands, at the rate of nine or ten knots (or miles) per hour. Between these islands and the Straits of Messina, we descried a small vessel, which we soon made out to be one of the enemy's gun-boats from Calabria. By her manoeuvring it was very evident she aimed at singling out her prey; but as the sight of this tri-coloured stranger (who, however, did not hoist her flag) sufficed to warn us of danger, and cause us to make mutual preThe gardeu now affords rhubarb, green apricots, paration, we had soon the satisfaction of and green gooseberries, for making pies and tarts. beholding her steer a different course. These This is the season of beauty in the garden; every boats were very formidable in smooth water,« Nature's tenderest, freshest green." The blowing thing in nature is young and fresh, what Gray calls carrying an eighteen or twenty-four pound- of the lilacs and laburnums may be said to be the er, and full of men, well armed and trained. glory of the garden and the shrubbery, delighting Whether I should have been able to screw my courage to the sticking-place, is a question; for so far from bearing any hostile feeling to the enemy before us, I candidly confess, I indulged, regardless of the object of my voyage, a secret wish to be taken prisoner, that I might enjoy a luxurious parole in the enchanting clime of Italy; a country then entirely shut out from every thing English.

Night was fast approaching when we first saw Cape Pelorus; and we had doubts of the safety of entering the straits until morning; the current however being strong and favourable, the wind fair, and the moon having risen, we steered for the light-house at the point, and entered the celebrated straits of Scylla and Charybdis, where

"Far on the right her dogs foul Scylla hides,
Charybdis roaring on the left presides,
And in her greedy whirlpool sucks the tides;
Then spouts them from below, with fury driv'n,
The waves mount up, and wash the face of heaven."

both the sight and the smell.

About the commencement of the month, the

flowers of the lily of the valley, and the flowers of the chesnut tree begin to open; the tulip tree has its leaves quite out, and the flowers of the oak, the Scotch fir, the honeysuckle, and the beech, are in full bloom. The whitethorn, or hawthorn, emphatically called May, is expected to be in flower on the first of this month, but it is only so in very forward and the pink, growing in small bunches all along There are different kinds of it, the white the slender twigs, or rods, of the tree or bush, which form, with the bright green and jagged leaves, some of the most beautiful wreaths of which the country


can boast.


The slender rod of leaves and flowers,
So fragrant and so gay,
Produce of Spring's serener hours,
Peculiarly is MAY.

This slender rod the hawthorn bears,
And, when its bloom is o'er,
Its ruby berries then it wears,

The songsters' winter store.

Then, tho' it charm the sight and smell
In Spring's delicious hours,
The feathered choir its praise shall tell
'Gainst winter round us low'rs.

O then, my love, from me receive
This beauteous hawthorn spray;

A garland for thy head I'll weave:

Be thou my QUEEN OF MAY!

The mulberry tree puts forth its leaves; the walnut has its flowers in full bloom; the flowers of the garden rose also begin to open.

spike of large purple flowers; it frequently grows

in patches of several yards square.

Turning the point, a sudden gust of wind laid the vessel down on her side, although The orchis will now be found in moist pastures, with no other inconvenience than the over-distinguished by its broad black spotted leaves, and throw and destruction of the tea equipage, and every thing else of a frangible nature Towards the end of the month, many beautiful which happened to grace our cabin table. flowers take place of the modest primrose and deThe loss of these articles might have justly are ornamented with the pretty tribe of speedwells, licate violet. The banks of rills and shaded hedges been laid to my account, as I had been deaf particularly the germander speedwell, the field to the calls of the steward for an hour be-mouse-ear, the dove's-foot, crane's-bill, and the red campion; the first two of azure-blue, and the last fore the accident, so wrapt up was I with two of rose-colour, intermixing their flowers with the majestic and classical scenery just open-proaching that will afford unceasing employment attractive variety. The season is now rapidly aping to view. I listened in vain for the bark- to the examiner, and ample gratification to the ing of the dogs of Scylla, or the alluring productions invite attention by their fragrance or admirer, of nature. In the vegetable world, many strains of the Syrens; but I heard on the splendor, and are obvious to casual notice; others Sicilian shore, in lieu, no doubt, the old require patient search and sedulous watching for their discovery. The aromatic scent and profusion village pot-house tune of " Mrs. Casey" of blossom of the hawthorn, or May, make the upon the drums and fifes of the British flower of that shrub universally known, but many will enjoy the shade or shelter of the majestic oak, troops quartered in the neighbourhood. and not expect to find its flower, which is not to

Fairlop lately stretched its massy trunk and limbs on that turf which it for so many ages overshadowed with its verdant foliage. Blown down by the high winds in February 1820, it exhibited a melancholy memento of the irresistible power of time to bring to an end not only the flower of a season, but the towering growth of many ages.

Thou wert a bauble once; a cup and ball,
Which babes might play with; and the thievish jay,
Seeking her food, with ease might have purloined
The auburn nut that held thee, swallowing down
Time was, when, settling on thy leaf, a fly
Thy yet close-folded latitude of boughs.
When tempests could not.-
Could shake thee to thy root-and time has been

Time made thee what thou wert-king of the woods;
And Time hath made thee what thou art a cave

For owls to roost in!

The lilac, the barberry, and the maple, are now in flower. At the latter end of the month, rye is in ear; the mountain ash, laburnum, the guelder rose, clover, columbines, the alder, the wild chervil, and the wayfaring tree, or wild guelder-rose, have their flowers full blown. Various species of meadow grası are now in flower, and the heart's-ease shows its interesting little flower in corn fields.

The butter-cup spreads over the meadows; the cole-seed in corn fields, bryony, the arum, or cuckoo-pint, in hedges, the Tartarian honeysuckle, and the corchorus japonica, now show their flowers.

The morning flowers display their sweets,
And gay their silken leaves unfold,
As careless of the noonday heats,
And fearless of the evening cold.

Nipt by the wind's unkindly blast,
Parched by the sun's directer ray,
The momentary glories waste,

The short-lived beauties die away.
Som blooms the human face divide,
When youth its pride of beauty shows;
Fairer than Spring the colours shine,
And sweeter than the virgin rose.

Or worn by slowly rolling years,
Or broke by sickness in a day;
The fading glory disappears,

The short-lived beauties die away.

Yet these, new rising from the tomb,
With lustre brighter far shall shine,
Revive with ever-during bloom,

Safe from diseases and decline.

Let sickness blast, and death devour,
If heaven must recompense our pains;
Perish the grass and fade the flower,
If firm the word of GOD remains.

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The female glow-worm is now seen on dry banks' about woods, pastures, and hedge-ways,

The marine plants which flower this month, and which are chiefly found on sea-shores and in the crevices of rocks, are, buks's horn, which flowers the whole summer; burnet saxifrage, sea arrowgrass, on muddy shores; the clammy lychnis; the sandy shores; the sea cabbage, the sea stork's bill, cerastium tetrandrum ; scurvy-grass, sea-kale on the slender bird's foot trefoil, the mountain flea-wort on chalky cliffs; and the sedge on sea shores.

The leafing of trees is usually completed in May. This is the season in which cheese is made; the

counties most celebrated for this article are Cheshire, Wiltshire, and Gloucestershire.

The corn is benefited by a cold and windy May, as it is too apt to run into stalk, if the progress of vegetation be much accelerated by warm weather at this season. In late years, some sowing remains to

be done; and in forward ones, the weeds should be, well kept under..

The term weed does not imply any determinate set of plants, but is applied indiscriminately to all those whose growth it is not intended to encourage; thus, in corn fields all the different kinds of grasses are called weeds, because their growth, by exhausting the land, injures, the crop of corn; in a bed of carrots any straggling poppies, onions, or other plants, would be called weeds, and vice versa. To destroy weeds, care should always be taken to pull them up before they seed, particularly such weeds as are annuals; and, as different ones have different times of coming up and seeding, it is not to be expected that one or even two weedings in a season will eradicate all. By carefully attending, however, to the plan of destroying them before they flower, we may be certain of having much fewer another season. Many toublesome weeds may be soon destroyed by learning what animals are particularly attached to them, and by suffering such to feed upon them; the dandelion, for instance, which is considered in some situations a troublesome weed, may be eradicated by turning in swine to such land, just at the time when it begins to flower, for they will greedily devour every stalk, and thus prevent its increase by seed. Sheep are particularly foud of the ragwort; and if turned into pastures where it abounds, early in spring, will crop it short and prevent its flowering. The entomologist, who will attend to this subject, may potut out a variety of insects, whose growth and increase the farmer would do well to encourage, for the purpose of destroying the injurious weeds.

In May, the farmer begins to break up the fal lows, which have lain ever since the crops were taken off the last harvest; one of the greatest la bours of husbandry, requiring, on clayey soils, four, and sometimes more, stout horses.



By the late Shanghnasey O'Shaughnasey, Esq. Cust. Rot. for the County of Tipperary.


"Harp of the north!" begins the fam'd Sir Walter,
"Muse of the South!" another bard commences,
"Ye gentle nine!" the Printers need not alter,
But get it stereotyped, to save expenses,
For this a thousand rhymsters suppliant falter,
As soon as they begin to lose their senses;
As if these dames would quit Parnassian glory,
For farthing rushlight, in an attic story.

I, too, would fain beseech the Muse's charity
In formal phrase, to aid me ere I dash on;
But with the jades I've no familiarity,

And do not wish to put them in a passion.
I cannot play the harp; and lest I mar it, I

Shall not invade the Northern minstrel's fashion; But, mightier spell, to brighten Fancy's disk, I With candid prayer invoke thy aid, → Whisky!

Whisky! thou art bright Inspiration's liquor:
And when thou oil'st the engine of the brain.
It moves with all its thousand wheels, the quicker,

[blocks in formation]

Not far from George's dock, but where there's less stir. They ply to Ireland, Scotland, Eastham, Wales,
The last was planned by Harrison, of Chester;
St. Nicholas and its gothic tower appear:

('Tis well to have such clever neighbours near,
For here, they care not with such things to pester,
They'd rather build of cotton bags a tier;
And thus are we indebted, I conjecture,
To Cheshire, both for cheese and architecture.)
Upon the tower, magnificent and tall,

Rise lantern top and turrets 'laborate
(There, stood a steeple once, which chanced to fall
And crushed some hapless beings 'neath its weight)
The windows of the church are rather small,
(St. George's being too large, makes matters straight)
Here Vestries meet, for Poor's-rates to beseech us,
And make their annual officers and speeches.
With smoky tenements enclosed around,
Some public structures here, that would have graced
Old Rome herself, scarce by the eye are found;
Or seen their beauties never can be traced:
Th' Exchange itself seems to have left its ground,
St. Thomas' Church with houses so they've fenced it;
And squints upon the street it should have faced
You'll see it when you've knocked your nose against it
Tho' round its spire, ignoble houses crowd,
Its taper summit cleaves the passing cloud;-
They strive in vain from distant view to shut it out;
They say, they hoped St. Michael's spire would cut
But when the latter rose, in grandeur proud,
Sudden, with stone extinguisher, they put it out:
And tho' the architect the truth may like ill,
The plain St. Thomas beats the carved St. Michael.
The village church that tops the wooded hill,

it out,

Far from the town, delights me more than these;
Where swells the music of the mountain rill,
The song of birds, the hum of wheeling bees;
Where, lifted by the summer gales that fill

The air with balm, are heard the rustling trees;
And streams, and hills, and woods, responsive raise
One general note of happiness and praise.
[How different are the notes of Henry Hase!]

Churches, assuredly, are good commodities,

But how can I my precious numbers spare,
To tell of each, at once, how long, how broad it is,
While I on hand have much more precious ware:
Besides my readers may cry out, "How odd it is
Ten verses-not a word about the fair:"

So to make friends with all the belles and beaux again,
I'll try to change the tune, and so here goes again.
As such things are not marked upon the town's map,
Strangers for cellar doors must use their sight,
Or disappear like Usher down the clown's trap.
The other day I saw a dandy wight,

In spite of wind and tide, so good their plan:
I'd tell you when they sail, but have advisement
It's six and sixpence for an advertisement.
"Tis sweet to sail upon the Mersey's breast,
Not when the sluggish wave is lulled asleep,
But when it lifts its living snowy crest

To kiss the summer gales that o'er it sweep: "Tis sweet on deck, when the full sail is press'd,

And wings the bark all foaming through the deep; All this is well, till round the Rock you go, Then you'll get sea-sick, and must go below. I think it most adviseable for those

Who go a pleasuring on the watery plain, And feel at the Black Rock th' emetic dose, As quick as possible to turn again; Particularly if it freshly blows.

I vow, a thought now comes across my brain, That not a word throughout this Canto said is, About (God bless their little souls!) the ladies. O ladies! you are most enchanting creatures, All, sylphs in form; all, angels in your features, Man's dearest blessing [this is not a lie]

Your bosoms, paradise; (that's all my eye] You have my fondest love; 'twere heaven to meet yours (We'll talk, you know, of marriage by and bye:) Your praises, lovely ones, you see 's a matter, I Can safely sing without the aid of flattery. But hold! the savoury fume of a beef steak Assails my nasal organ: dinner's ready, (Save on St. Patrick's day, or at a wake,

I love to be quite regular and steady.) In my next Canto I shall mention make

Of business, customs, holiday and play-day ; On other matters too, my hand I'll try, Steak's cooling-whiskey's done-I'm off-good bye!

[blocks in formation]

During the course of my long and wandering dr I have had frequent opportunities of remarking, While putting right his starched cravat, fall down slap, or blinded b that when the great body of the people were enslaved "Lost balance," he exclaimed-stays rather tight:" ignorance, there have always been And the poor tenant's only and last hope, her eggs, lightened than the rest, who have endeavoured Were smashed to pieces by his long grasshopper legs.

All you whose nereves are scarcely thunder proof,
Who happen to be limb and joint not stout of,

I pray you from the docks to keep aloof,
Else, sense and life, you will be shaken out of:
For stunning din of carts, and clattering hoof,
Porter and carter, the discordant shout of,
And caulking mallet, pulley's creaking music,
Mingled with crash of package, will make you sick.
Tho' both are neatly built and sheathed with copper,
The Yankee ships, than ours, they say, sail faster:
The James Monroe, to wit--that comes to Cropper;
Altho' they say the Higginson once passed her,
With a fair wind there's nothing that can stop her;
Except a sea, that on a rock might cast her;
And if, in such a case, they could not spy land,


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turn the tide of popular zeal into the channel f reason; and I have observed, too, that their merite rious exertions were generally repaid by the loss of their lives: so that I have been forced to conclué, that there must be some cogent reason why the tre must never be told, except (and which occurs bet seldom) when it happens to be agreeable. Durag what you self-wise folk of the present day call the dark ages, such examples of heroic virtue were by no means rare; and 1 then fell into the hands of a of this character.

The reverend personage 1 introduced at the con clusion of my last letter was no other than the | celebrated Hooper; a prelate of great worth, thoug of Puritanical principles; and consequently not

And weaves, strong as a home-spun web, the strain, And all the boats were stove, they'd wish for-dry land. much esteemed by the High Court party, The v

Wine, as we see, makes Southey's skull the thicker;

But should the bard, the whisky goblet drain,

His thoughts (like mine) would flash as bright and wonderful

As lightning from the summer cloud that's thunder-full.

And we have trading Schooners, Sloops and Brigs,
That waft us many an European cargo:
From the Levant, wines, oranges and figs,
From Norway goods-(as far as pitch and tar go)

urchin, who, with all the strength an Hercules years old could muster, was tossing the book which I had so long and so peaceably dwelt into t flames, was checked by the presence of Hoop

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