Sidor som bilder

remarkably “smooth, short, velvet turf." The Cas- | the way to Airdsmoss, merely to visit the tomb of

tle, which, as the writer in her poem on Bogton says, "lifts its airy brow,

Reflected in the wandering Cart below,"

Gooseberries, currants, and strawberries, now begin to ripen.

the martyr Cameron, he could have told when and where, and how every martyr suffered, in what spe- The hay-harvest commences about the end of the cific spot he was buried, and he could have repeated month, in the southern and midland parts of the verbatim, the inscriptions on every one of their kingdom. Of all the seasons, or rural occupations, suits exactly the description of the Castle of Tille- tombstones. In short, though he had been raised in the year, hay time is the most delightful. It is tudlem. The river winding under the walls crossed from the dead for the very purpose, he could not more tranquil than the greater bustle of harvest : by “a narrow bridge of one steep arch, and a ham- be more accurately portrayed, than he is in the the gaiety of the flowers before the grass is cut, the let a short way below the Castle:" the country on character of Old Mortality. She has not liked fresh verdure of the sward afterwards, the delicious the one hand lovely and richly cultivated, and on to draw him too plainly, and when she has dropt scent of the new hay, arising chiefly from the sweetthe other wild and mountainous; but it is needless to him in the character of Old Mortality, she has scented vernal grass already mentioned, the mixdetail every circumstance, as every feature of the carried on his conversation afterwards in the mouth ture of females with the men in this light work,landscape demonstrates that Mrs. Grant has given of Cuddy Headrigg's mother." Such were the re-and the cheerfulness which prevails under a cloudin her novel an exact description of it. Continuing marks of Mr. Dick; and, if the proof were not less sky, all combine to give it an inexpressible my examination of the scenery, I have since disco- complete before, it would surely be so now that old charm. vered that Bogton Liur is evidently the original of Mr. Dick was the original of Old Mortality; and the Now swarms the village o'er the jovial mead: Mrs. Grant's “Black Linn of Linkwater," and the identity goes on to the very last. Returning home The rustic youth, brown with meridian toil, cave at Bugton Linu in which she says Willie Wil- one dark stormy winter night from a religious Heathful and strong; full as the summer rose kie "lived and raved," is obviously the retreat of meeting which was held in the Merrilee farm house, Blown by prevailing suns, the ruddy maid, Balfour of Burley daring his paroxysms of insanity, he unfortunately lost his way, and was drowned in Her kindled graces burning o'er her cheek. Eere, and here only, is to be found that cavern, with its a quarry. His bonnet floating on the surface of Even stooping age is here; and infant hands rude ribs of "timestone" rock, which the novel, with the water led to a discovery of the body. Mrs. Trail the long rake, or, with the fragrant load its uniformi inaccuracy, alleges to be near Lanark. Grant had listened evenings without number to his O'ercharged, amid the kind oppression roll. The house from which Widow Maclure's is obviously interesting circumstantial narrations, and there is Wide flies the tedded grain; all in a row taken was situated at a place called "the Mains," Advancing broad, or wheeling round the field, no doubt that the impression on her mind by his They spread the breathing harvest to the sun, from whence, keeping the ascept of the stream to melancholy end, suggested a sudden extinction to That throws refreshful round a rural smell: the Castle, where the country suddenly turns wilder, Old Mortality. It will be recollected that he exOr, as they rake the green-appearing ground, it is just about a mile to the Linn by the windings of pired on the highway. Were it necessary, I could And drive the dusky wave along the mead, the river. The Linn still gives gratification to the easily point out more of Mrs. Grant's characters. The russet hay-cock rises thick behind, lovers of rural scenery; but it does not now possess In a Laird of Titwood she found ample materials In order gay. While heard from dale to dale that sombre grandeur, and striking sublimity, it did for her misers, and in one of the late Maxwell's of Waking the breeze, resounds the blended voice 45 years ago, when it was the favourite haunt of Williamwood (which is evidently Millnwood) she Of happy labour, love, and social glee. Mrs. Grant. Then, the mountain stream rushed found the original of Henry Morton; but it is un The hay-time, however, is often a season of great over a stupendous rock, and dashed in one foaming necessary to adduce more circumstances on this anxiety when the weather is wet and catching. The mass into a “deep, dark, and restless" semicircular question. Any of the facts I have stated is suffi- provident farmer generally provides a covering for pool, which was nearly overshadowed by the spread- cient to decide the question, and when taken in the his rising and otherwise defenceless stack or cock. ing branches of large and lofty oak and birch trees aggregate, they present a mass of evidence which The return of peace has enabled Government to sell that grew on each side of the steep shelving banks. it would be fruitless to dispute, and which it is im-off much of their army stores, and the tents have To carry off the water and facilitate the working of possible to controvert. But you, Sir, had formerly been disposed of to make retreats and shelters in the limestone a deep narrow channel was cut through discovered the truth from the literary circumstances the pleasure ground and hay-field, or to defend the the rock in 1801, which has destroyed the fine water-alone. It was the cast of the features (the style) stack from the rain till it is completed and thatched. fall, and the large trees have been cut down. A which enabled you to identify the person; and the This is indeed a fit accompaniment of beating our visit to this romantic spot is alone necessary, to successful search that I have made has brought to swords into ploughshares. Long may inany thou. convince any person that it is the identical retreat light the particular articles (the scenery, and the sauds of such tents of Balfour of Burley; and, besides an exact descrip- characters.) I am sure that if there still exist any tion of the scenery, the novelist gives the local history person, who knew Mrs. Grant's habits while at Lagof the place, even to the felling of the trees, for she gan, he could add to the mass of evidence by which, says that Henry Morton and his guide "came to a independently altogether of Old Mortality, she has decayed thicket where brambles and thorns supplied been proved to be the author of Waverley. In the the room of the oaks and birches of which it had same way, should any one remember Mr. Gray at once consisted." Fortwilliam I dare say he will easily recognise the source of the border knowledge displayed in Guy Mannering.

I formerly stated that old Mr. James Dick was undoubtedly the prototype of Old Mortality. Soon after the publication of my last letter, I called and showed it to Mr. Dick of the Royal Bank here, son of the venerable covenanter. After perusing my letter with great care, Mr. Dick said, "this is all true to my certain knowledge. My father was indeed known and respected by all the West country; and when any gentlemau in the wide round of his acquaintance met him on the highway he would bave reined in his horse and kindly inquired for his welfare. I recollect well when I first got the Tales of my Laudlord, I instantly recognised him in Old Mortality. It was his dress, bis figure, his very language. I was particularly interested with the book, because, as I read on, it revived the pleasing recollections of my youth, and I really thought my father again stood full before me. He was indeed a singular man; he had a most extraordinary memory, and a wonderful flow of language of his own peculiar kind. He had a surprising knowledge of the Bible, and could with great facility quote particular passages to prove his opinions. Disputes about the minute points of faith were uniformly referred to him, and none ever thought of an appeal from his judg ment. But the principles and sufferings of the covenanters were his favourite subjects. It was just bis delight to hold forth about a sinful land, and a broken covenant; and such was the pious reverence in which he held the memory of the martyrs, that besides visiting all their graves, which bis constant travels brought within his reach, besides going all


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It was suggested long ago, in the Glasgow Chro nicle, that it was likely enough that some members of Mrs. Grant's family might aid her in the novels, in which opinion I concur; but the principal "mighty unknown" is Mrs. Grant herself.

I think I have now set this question completely
at rest; and, unless some correspondent step forth
in favour of the delusion, it is not likely I shall
trouble either you or myself farther on this subject.
I have been indebted for information to several re-
spectable people in Cathcart; and particularly to
a very intelligent man in this parish, Mr. John Barr,
who was educated in Catheart, and whose father
occupied a farm at Wilkie's Linn.

I am, Sir, yours, &c.
Eastwood Parish, Muy, 30, 1821

The Naturalist's Diary,

For JUNE, 1821.
(Concluded from our last.)


The fern owl may be seen about the middle of the month, in the evening, among the branches of oaks, in pursuit of its favourite repast, the fern-chaffer.

The several kinds of corn come into ear and flower during this month, as well as most of the numerous species of grasses.

Rise in the air, and whiten all our vales.

About this time, birds cease their notes. We take a farewel of the nightingale in the following pretty sonnet:

Sweet poet of the woods, a long adieu!

Farewel, soft minstrel of the early year!
Ah! 'twill be long ere thou shalt sing anew,

And pour thy music on the night's dull ear.
Whether on Spring thy wandering flights await,
Or whether silent in our groves you dwell.
The pensive muse shall own thee for her mate,
And still protect the song she loves so well
With cautious steps, the love-lorn youth shall glide
Through the lone brake that shades thy mossy nest,
And shepherd girls from eyes profane shall hide
The gentle bird, who sings of Pity best:
For still thy voice shall soft affections move
And still be dear to sorrow and to love!


The rural economy of sheep-shearing nsually takes place in June, and was formerly celebrated with much innocent pastime.

The following plants are generally seen in flower about the end of June: goat's beard, deadly nightshade, meadow-sweet, the day-lily, the holy-oak, and the jasmine.

The maritime plants which flower this month are the sea-barley, sulphur-wort, and loose sedge, in salt marshes; the sea-plantain, among the rocks on the sea-coast; and slender-leafed buffonia, and the tassel pond-weed, in salt water ditches. To these may be be added, the common alkanet, the narrow-leafed pepper-wort, and the Roman nettle, in sea wastes; the black salt-worl, on muddy shores; the sea chickweed, and the common sea-rocket, on sandy-shores; and the perfoliate cabbage, among maritime rocks.

The trees, particularly the laurels and evergreens, uow make their second or midsummer shoots, the

younger and lighter shades of which form a variety "The Coronation of Queen Anne, consort of Prince | King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, at Westand contrast to the darker and yellow colours of the George of Denmark, was more magnificent than any first shoots. The acacia at length puts out its ele-in England till that time. gant light and bright foliage, and its tassels of white papilionacious flowers, which emulate the orange in


"This Princess was anointed and crowned Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, on St. George's day, the The innumerable species of insects that are called patron of England, in Westminster Abbey, by the into life by the heat in this month, afford a never-Archbishop of Canterbury, in the year 1702. failing source of amusement and instruction to the admirer of Nature's minutest works. Many of these are only discoverable by the microscope, and are eminently worthy of our observation.

We conclude this month's diary with a description of the "farm-yard," by M. Kleist, author of Spring," a poem.

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In the court-yard extends a fish-pond clear,
On whose bright surface other skies appear,
A boundless space; in whose expansive blank
The eye is lost. Upon the sloping bank,
The hen, with ruffled plumes, and mournful tone,
Calls the young brood she falsely thinks her own;
Anxious the little heedless things to save
From all the terrors of the fatal wave.
By instinct led, her voice they disobey,
And in the rippling pool delighted play.

The long-necked geese, fierce bullying hiss around,
And from their young ones drive the curious hound.
A pretty, little, busy, bustling maid,
With her neat basket on her arm displayed,
To give her feathered care their daily food
Runs through the yard, by all the train pursued.
She stops: and waving now her empty hand,
Delights to tantalize the greedy band;
Now as at once the show'ring grain she sheds,
They peck, and scramble o'er each others' heads.
In his dark hole the snow-white rabbit lies,
And watchful rolls around his fiery eyes.
The cooing pigeon leaves his woody nest,
Adjusts with crimson foot his changing breast,
Where all the rainbow's various colours bloom,
And sooths with stroking bill each ruffled plume:
Then seeks his mate upon the topmost roof,
While she in jealous anger keeps aloof.
But soon he hears the soft relenting fair,
Who fondly calls him; then the happy pair
Together spread their airy wings on high,
And o'er the blooming garden hov'ring fly



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The following extract from a scarce work, published in the year 1723, may be found interesting at the pre

sent moment :

"The English, or Ancient Britons, whose religion before the birth of Christ was the same with that of the Gauls, that they received the faith from the first century; and that Lucius, having desired some missionaries from Pope Eleutherius, to instruct his subjects in the truths of the Gospel, he was baptized with many of his Britons, about the year 156. Yet the most aneient writers of the English story do not mention any Kings to have been anointed before Ergar, or Edgar, who received the holy unction from Archbishop Eudo, about the year 959. From this time, the Kings of England have been anointed in a manner nearly resembling that of France. The anointing of John Sans-Terre, was celebrated in the city of London, in the year 1195,

by the Archbishop of Canterbury, who claims the single right of anointing and crowning the Kings of England.

"On the Coronation day, the Queen left the Palace at St. James's early in the morning, and went through the Park to the Abbey, with kettle-drums beating, and trumpets and other instruments playing.

"The Baronesses of England began the procession; the Viscountesses came after, followed by the Countesses, Marchionesses, and Duchesses, all in train, one after another, habited after the Roman manner, in robes and long mantles, fastened on the shoulders with

diamond buckles.

"All these ladies were dressed with a great number of jewels; and each bore in her hand a coronet set with pearls and diamonds, larger or smaller, according to their rank and quality, (1)

"After this numerous and shining court, walking two and two, came the Barons, Viscounts, Earls, Marquises and Dukes, dressed likewise in the ancient manner, each bearing in his hand a coronet. Two Lords, one representing the Duke of Normandy, the other the Duke of Aquitaine, (2) closed the train. (3) Prince George of Denmark, her Majesty's spouse, went single, just before her.

"The Queen was in her royal robes, and three young ladies of the first rank in the kingdom bore her train; in this majestic figure she entered the church, and placed herself in the choir, beneath a pavilion erected for that purpose. The sermon was preached by the Archbishop of York, from these words: Kings shall be thy nursing fathers, and Queens thy nursing mothers.' Then she received the communion, and took the accustomed oath; (4) after which she was anointed by the Archbishop of Canterbury, and crowned Queen of Great Britain, France, and Ireland.

minster Abbey, by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Octo ber 31, 1714, with great Pomp, and the same ceremo nies that were observed at the last coronation, except that the train consisted only of Lords, and the Ladies were only spectators. The sermon was preached by the Bishop of Oxford; his text, Psalm cxviii. 24. "This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.""

(1) The Court was then at St. James's, Whitehall hav. ing been burnt many years before.

(2) It is only in France and England, among Christian Princes, that the presence of Peers at a Coronation is spoken of; England has adopted these dignities on the score of her pretensions to France. tation of straw; because they whom they represented (3) They had caps covered with golden tissue, in imi

had the same.

(4) This oath is to defend the church, according to and maintain the laws of the kingdom. See Devil's the form established by Edward VI. to render justice Description Générale de l'Europe.

(5) Called, The Aged, King of England, whe cended the throne in 900, and died, after a gloriss reign, in the year 924.

(6) They who relate this ceremony tell us that it was seven in the evening when the Queen sat down to table. See Les Memoires du Temps, printed in Holland, in 1721.

(7) If he does it without falling, the English take it for a very good omen; for, if the Champion be dis mounted, or the horse makes a trip, they reckon it an ill presage to that reign.

(8) Half full of wine.

(9) The historical journals say, that this Prince, be fore he was crowned, caused his son and his eldest daughter to be declared Prince and Princess of Wales, October 3, 1714, and that the crown which he wore at his coronation, made for that purpose, cost a million; and the coronet of the Prince of Wales, his son, was almost of the same value.

«Then the church resounded with the acclamations of the people, who expressed their joy by loud huzzas. The Queen departed with the imperial crown upon her head, with the globe in one hand, and the sceptre in the other. The ladies that went before wore their coronets. The Queen was seated in the chair of St. Edward, (5) after which she was conducted into Westminster Hall, where the coronation feast was to be TO THE "BRIEF JOURNAL OF THE SIEGE celebrated. (6)

“During the feast, the Champion appeared on horseback, according to custom, armed cap-a-pee; and, throwing one of his gauntlets upon the ground, he made this challenge :- If any one pretends that Anne Stuart is not lawful Queen of Britain, let him take up this gauntlet, and he shall find me ready to answer him.'

"No person accepting the challenge, the Champion makes several rounds and flourishes with his borse, (7) and the Queen drinks his health in a golden cup, (8) which she presents to him afterwards; and he, drinking it off, takes it as his perquisite.

"After dinner, the Queen went to take her seat in Parliament; and then returned to St. James's, in the same order she went thither.

"Queen Anne, after a reign of twelve years, died "James I. was anointed withAnne his Queen, daugh- on the 12th of August, 1714. without leaving any ter of the King of Denmark, July 24, 1607, at West-issue; the nobles and people of England, with one minster, near London. He had been already crowned common consent, agreed to invite over and to proclaim King of Scotland, at two years old; and as King of the Prince George Elector of Brunswick-Lunenburgh. England he was anointed on the head, the forehead, between the shoulders, on the arms, the hands, the feet; and the Queen only upon the head and neck.

This was done five hours after the death of the Queen, and Prince George, Lewis I. Elector of Hanover (9) (at present on the throne) was anointed and crowned


OF LATHOM HOUSE," Which appeared in three Numbers of our present Volume; see pages 145, 153, and 169. [Continued from pages 341, 347, 366,575, and 383 of our present


(13.) Mr. Richard Holland, of Heaton and Denton, a branch of that illustrious family which, in the early periods of English history, was adorned with the highest titles, and closely allied to Royalty. Col Hol land commanded a regiment of foot in the Parliament service, and being very active during the wars, sate for Lancashire (1654) in Cromwell's second Parliament. The following is from a MS. obituary, kept at the pe riod to which it alludes, by a nonconformist minister: "Col. Holland, of Denton, Lancashire, dying 1664, left an estate of £800 per annum. His younger bro ther, being almost sixty years of age, beired his

lands. Had never been married. Found out a suita ble gentlewoman: one Mrs. Britland. The marriage In the mean time he fell sick, and died, and was buryed day was appointed; all things settled and concluded. upon the day that was prefixed for marriage solemny ties. The minister preached upon the same text st the funeral, as was appointed for the nuptials, only made, forbehold the bridegroom cometh."" 1fird changing the words (Mal. 25, 5) There was a cry in the same obituary, "Mr. Holland, of Heaton, third brother of that house that enjoyed the estate £600 pet


nnum. Before the estate came to him he was parson | during the siege of Lathom: "That Lady Derby kept
f Malpas, in Cheshire. Died, July, 1682, aged 66 the island by her Lord's commands, and without his
orders she would not deliver up; being in duty
(14.) Lady Derby, the daughter of Claude, Duke bound to obey her Lord's commands." On the 25th
of Tremouille, and Charlotte Brabantine de Nassau, of October, a very formidable force appeared before
daughter of William, Prince of Orange and Charlotte the island, under the command of Dukenfield and
of Bourbon. The Duke of Tremouille was a Hugo- Birch. Sir Philip Musgrave, a renowned Cavalier, of
hot, and the faithful follower of Henry the 4th. He an ancient Cumberland family, was Governor of the
married A. D. 1598; and died at the age of 37 years, island, and together with Sir Thomas Armstrong, who
at Thouars, A. D. 1604, (Mem. d'Aubignè) An en- held Peel Castle, and his brother, who commanded at
graving of this nobleman is before me, wherein he Rushen, resolved to hold the island for his Majesty.
appears young, and of a grave cast of features, his The Earl of Derby's letter, his dying injunctions laid
ir black, short, and combed upward, his eyes have a upon Bagguley to dissuade Lady Derby from defending
efect, the sight being oblique: the portrait is neither the island, were never once resorted to by Dukenfield;
semarkable nor handsome. The union of Lady Char- the very form of a summons was laid aside, and he
otte, of Tremouille, and Lord Strange, took place wrote a flippant letter to the Countess, wherein he
about the pear 1626; for, in the letters of naturaliza- spoke of "the late Earl, her husband," (the first intel-
on, dated 22d Sept. 1626, addressed to Lady Strange, ligence that unhappy Lady obtained of her loss) and
the marriage is alluded to as having very recently taken intimated that he was about to take possession of the
place. (Rymer, vol. 18, page 754, 2 Car. 1.) we find island Heath.) In vain Musgrave and Armstrong
he name of this accomplished lady amongst those who continued firm to their purpose; for Dukenfield ap-
ook part in the masques performed before Charles the proaching the shore, the Mancksmen rose, and putting
First. On the 18th of September, 1630, the dowager off in their boats, brought the invaders triumphantly
Duchess of Tremouille, on her road to visit her daugh- to land. Captain Christian, of whose former seditious
ter in Lancashire, was received near Chester by a practices Lord Derby speaks at such length, and who
reater number of Knights, Esquires, and Gentlemen had long been excluded from all offices of trust, either
han ever had been assembled together in that part of was released or escaped from Prison, and placing him-
he country: the Corporation, Gentlemen of Artillery, self at the head of the rebels, the whole island surren-
ad 600 horsemen meeting her at Hoole Heath, they dered almost without conditions. The intelligence of
ode in great state to the Pentice, where a magnificent these events was received with exultation in London.
nquet was prepared. Tradition is not silent on the The Parliament voted its thanks to Dukepfield and
ubject of this Lady's reception in Lancashire; Birch; and the very messenger who brought the tid-
and there were, a few years ago, ancient people ings received one hundred pounds. The revenue of
t Warrington, who could recite verses, in which the Isle of Man, at this period, amounted to 1500
he beauty and princely carriage of the young Lady per annum (Whitelock, p. 491) and the Parliament
trange, and the dignified presence of her mother, as commanders presented Lady Derby with £200 in
hey rode together over the bridge near that town, plate; but to her request to live at Peel, whence she
vere fully set forth; nor was the gallant bearing of had planned an escape to Holland and France, they
he Esquires of both counties, accompanying them gave a decided negative, and appointed Rushen Castle
pon this occasion, forgotten.
as the place of her captivity. She there lingered
About the year 1635 Lady Strange ceased to visit nine long years, until the return of Charles restored
London, and, with her husband, appears to have her to liberty. Fairfax, to whom the island had been
ought, in the education of a numerous family, and in given, was a person of unquestioned goodness and
he exercise of a princely hospitality, some relief from humanity, and his officers appear to have been well
he gloomy politics of the day. In the early part of chosen. James Challoner, in 1652, was a commis-
he civil war (1642-1643) Lady Derby (William, the sioner for ruling this little state; and in 1658-60 be-
hird Earl, was then no more) resided at Latham in
came Governor, and consequently gaoler to Lady
omparative security; but when, during the Earl's Derby. This man bore an extraordinary character.
bsence, the enemy beat at his gates, we have seen with By birth and attainment a gentleman, he condescended
that rare piety and heroism this princely Lady con- to become a Roundhead, not from any principle, but
acted herself. In the summer of 1644, Lord Derby because it appeared the stronger side; and yet, whilst
nd his family retired to the Isle of Man; and when, most largely partaking of the greatness of his party, he
fter the battle of Marston Moor, the Royal cause could never refrain from amusing himself at their ex-
Taned rapidly, that little island became a place of re- pence. His death was remarkable, and is thus given
age to those whom adverse fortune had cast upon by Aubrey (see Wood's Athenæ also): "After the
he world. Meanwhile, the Parliament, sequestering restoration of Charles the 2d, he kept the castle of the
he vast estates of the Stanleys, apportioned them Isle of Man, where he kept a pretty wench that was
mongst their own dependants, with the exception of his concubine. When they told him the castle was
nowsley and a small part of the Lancashire posses- demanded for his Majesty, he spake to his girl to make
ons, reserved for the Earl's children. All this, how-him a posset, which did, in a very short time, make
ver, was not carried into execution until Lord Derby him fall a vomiting exceedingly; and, after some
ad sternly rejected every attempt made to induce time, vomited nothing but blood. His retchings were
im to surrender the Isle of Man. Cromwell never
so violent that the standers by were much grieved to
ttempted, by force of arms, to disturb the Loyalists behold it. Within three hours he died. The de-
a their place of refuge, though he often found the mandants of the castle came and saw him dead; but
aconvenience of their proximity to his newly-acquired he was swollen so extremely that they could not see
ower. In 1651, Lady Derby was again left by the any eie he had, and no more of his nose than the tip
Carl, who, in August, landed at Wyre Water, with of it, which showed like a wart. This account I had
100 gentlemen (Heath-Whitelock) and immediately from Geo. Estcourt, D D. whose brother-in-law, Na-
roceeded to summon Lancashire to the King's stand-than, was one of those that sawe him."
rd. Of the disastrous conclusion of this expedition
t is not our intention to speak. Wigan Lane and
Worcester saw the termination of the hopes of the
Cavaliers, and left the ill-fated Lady Derby to experi-
ence the mercies of rebellious islanders. Early in
October, and before the doom of the court martial had
Bishop Latimer, in one of his Court Sermons before
been carried into effect, Captain Young, with the Pre-King Edward, inveighing against the nobility and gen-
ident frigate, sunimoned the Isle of Man. The an-
wer was the same that had so often been returnedy, and speaking of the moderation of landlords a few
years before, and the plenty in which their tenants
The history of the year (1643) furnishes two similar in-lived, tells his audience, in a familiar way, that upon
tances of female resolution. Blanche, Eady Arundel, defended a farm of FOUR pounds a year, at the utmost, his
her Lord's Castle of Wardour, in Wiltshire, with only twenty- father tilled as much land as kept half a dozen men;
five attendants, against Sir Edward Hungerford and 1300 soldiers, that he had it stocked with a hundred sheep and thirty
for several days. A full account of the atrocities committed by cattle; that he found the King a man and horse; gave
the Parliament troops on this occasion, and of the sufferings of his daughters FIVE pounds a piece in marriage; lived
Lady Arundel, may be found in the Mercurius Rusticus. Seward
has transcribed the narration into his "Anecdotes," and adorned honourably among his neighbours; and was not back
it with an engraving of the heroine; but he has neglected to wards in his alms to the poor.
inform his readers. that the portrait at Wardour, from which it
taken, is not an original one.-Brilliana, third wife of the
In her Presbyterian, Sir Robert Harley, held our for seven week:;
her husband's castle of Brampton, in Herefordshire, against
Sir Henry Lingen, and a very superior force, The Royalists here
perpetrated great enormities.-(Collins.)



The following ludicrous adventure took place in the state of New-Jersey, not a century ago: a young clergyman went to pay a visit to a senior brother parson, who resided on the sea coast. During his stay, he was in

vited by his friend to go a fishing; to this the young gentleman readily acceded, and as they were proceeding on their excursion, asked what fish they should be likely to take? His friend replied, that they should probably get some weak fish, and devil fish. After trying some time they hooked a large devil, who immediately ran off and dragged the boat with considerable velocity. The senior parson burst out in a hearty laugh, while his friend, apparently much alarmed, inquired the cause of his laughter. The older gentleman replied, he was laughing at the idea of the devil running away with two parsons.

Scientific Records.

[Comprehending Notices of new Discoveries or Improve. ments in Science or Art; including, occasionally, singular Medical Cases; Astronomical, Mechanical, Philosophical, Botanical, Meteorological, and Mineralogical Phenomena, or singular Facts in Natural History, Vegetation, &c.; Antiquities, &c.; to be continued in a Series through the Volume.]


Most of our readers are, we doubt not, acquainted with the fabulous account of the singular sound emitted from the pedestal of the statue of Memnon, at sun-rise and sun-set. this subject is from Tilloch's Philosophical MagaThe following notice on zine for January: we do not implicitly rely upon it; and consider it as not a little singular, that Sir A. Smith should write to the Russian Ambassador at Rome, rather than to one of our many philosophical Societies. If our memory does not deceive us, Messrs. Humboldt and Bonpland in their most interesting travels, mention a fissure in a rock in South America, from which were heard at certain times of the day sounds of a peculiar nature. They attempted to account for the phenomenon from physical causes.—Edt. Kal.

"The Russian Ambassador at the Court of Rome has received a letter from Sir A. Smith, an English traveller, who is at present at the Egyptian Thebes. He states, that he has himself examined the celebrated statue of Memnon, accompanied by a numerous escort. At six o'clock in the morning he heard very distinctly the sounds so much spoken of in former times, and which had been generally treated as fabulous. One may,' he says, assign to this phenomenon a thousand different causes, before it could be supposed to be simply the result of a certain arrangement of the stones.' The statue of Memnon was overturned by an earthquake; and it is from the pedestal that this mysterious sound is emitted, of which the cause has never been ascertained, and which was denied merely because it was inexplicable.”—Tilloch's Magazine.

The Terpodion.-A musical instrument of an entirely novel description, has lately arrived in London. The instrument has excited a high degree of interest on the continent; and the inventor Mr. Buschmann, has obtained the most flattering testimonials of approbation from many celebrated musical characters in Germany; and it is represented to us by those who have heard it in this country, as being a very delightful instrument, combining the sweetness of the flute and clarionet with the energy of the horn and bassoon, and yielding a full and rich harmony, resembling an orchestra of wind instruments. This surprising effect is said to be produced by the most simple combination of wooden staves!


Of 1000 persons, 23 die in the birth; 280 from teething, convulsions, and worms; 35 from small pox; 7 in the measles; 100 of fevers; 14 of apoplexy and lethargy; and 41 of dropsy; omitting other diseases not so well ascertained; so that only 78 of 1000 attain Or it may be taken in what may be deemed old age. another point of view: of 1000 persons, 260 die within the first year; 80 in the second; 40 in the third; 24 in the fourth; and within the first 8 years of life, 446, or almost one half of the number are cut off by premature death-Sickly years are from one in four, to one in six or seven to the healthy. December, January, and April, are, from observation, found to be the most sickly months, and June the most healthy in the year. January is to June as eleven to one.




as it might be merely suspended; this case may therefore properly be litigated. There are, I can assure you, dearest Madam, several authentic cases on record, of persons being actually restored to life, after being shut up in the coffin for twenty-four hours; and also carried to the place of interment: and an instance of this kind occurred through the awkwardness of the pall-bearers, who gave an unlucky jerk which aroused the husband, who was about to be consigned to the earth. He returned, and lived fifteen years after, very happily with his ADVANTAGE OF EARLY APPLICATION. wife, who, fortunately, bad not been yet engaged to a




Important to Married, as well as Single, Persons.

SIR,-It is my cruel lot to come before you and the Public, under circumstances of a most peculiar


During the last few days, I have, most unexpectedly, been thrown into a state of the most distressing perplexity which a female of feeling or delicacy could experience; my only alleviation is the hope I entertain from your judicious and timely advice, unless some humane gentleman of the law should vouchsafe to take my case into consideration, and kindly condescend, through the medium of your truly valuable miscellany, to write his learned opinion on its intricacy, which I will proceed to detail as distinctly as my agitated state of mind, under my novel situation, can permit.


second. Now, Madam, let us inquire from legal and
other well informed persons whether this engage-
ment of yours with Mr. Looksharp may not, without
violation of law or decorum, be broken. If so, dear-
est Madam, let me entertain a ray of hope that you
will be mine, should the answer from the above au-
thorities prove favourable to my cause."-Pray, good
Mr. Editor, let me hear immediately from you, my
case admits of no delay.


If, Mr. Editor, you, or any of the worthy legal authorites, or others who may humanely honour me with advice, have ever experienced a painful state of suspense, then you will be able to appreciate the full extent of my painful anxiety. What with my grief for the memory of my late dear, dear Mr. Goodman (who to do him but justice, was one of the best of husbands!)-then my vexation at my own indiscretion for my premature engagement to that fellow, Mr.Looksharp-oh, dear! what a silly woman I was to listen to such a proposal! add to these, my To be brief then, Mr. Editor, allow me to in- really good wishes for the excellent Mr. Tardy, who form you, that on Thursday morning of last week, is nearly distracted for fear of losing me. He says as I was returning in the mourning coach from he only wishes to have my consent to be his wife, the melancholy daty of witnessing the interment and he will wait for twelve months, or more, if a of the remains of my late loving and much-loved proper regard to that decorum of which every husband! overwhelmed, as may be supposed, with female who regards character and the delicate the most heartfelt sorrow, and my eyes red with" je ne sais quoi" which adorns our sex, be any weeping; I was accompanied by my valued friend, object with me.-Such, good Mr. Editor, is the the worthy Mr. Tardy, of House with generous conduct of my estimable, and highly all that urbanity so natural to him, he endea- respectable admirer, Mr. Tardy of voured to sooth my grief and, after offering a and where is the woman who could remain insensifew handsome tributary expressions to the me- ble to such noble conduct. Is it not incumbent mory of my late excellent husband, he paused upon me then, Sir, to do every thing to remove his for a short interval; and, then, looking irresistibly suspense? I pray you may insert this in order to tender upon me, urged his own passion, and how provoke an early reply. ambitious he was to become happy by being allowed to claim the most amiable and accomplished of her sex (meaning me) for his future wife. In short, Sir, be pleaded in such a persuasive manner, and painted in such glowing colours the happiness 1 might anticipate as his wife, that I wished most fervently to give him that consent, which, alas! was not in my power to bestow. My situation at that moment was past description! he would insist on a reason for my rejecting him: judge, Mr. Editor, of my complicated feelings, when I was obliged to confess that a prior engagement to Mr. Looksharp, On our way going forward to the said melancholy interment, had rendered it quite impossible for me to become the wife of any other. But, here, Sir, allow me to make a short digression, in order to point out to other men, who may be matrimonially inclined, to learn from Mr. Tardy's unhappy delay the danger of putting off till "To-morrow." If Mr. Tardy's case be not a sufficient warning, let me earnestly recommend to them to peruse Miss Edgeworth's Tale of "To-morrow," with serious atten

tion; when they may promise themselves many

useful hints, on various occurrences in the life of man. But to proceed, Mr. Editor, the excellent Mr. Tardy, on my pronouncing the fatal secret, struck his forehead with his expanded hand and sunk back in the coach, in which attitude he remained in profound silence about five minutes ; but while I was deeply deploring his, and my own anisfortune, he suddenly started up, and exclaimed

"No? Madam! thank heaven, I have discovered that it cannot be considered a legal engagement; for, since your promise was made to Mr. Looksharp before your husband was interred, it is a possible case, that life was not yet extinguished,

Yours, most respectfully,

To Correspondents.

THE KALEIDOSCOPE-In reply to numerous en-
quiries on this subject, both in town and country, we
take this opportunity to state, that it will depend upon
circumstances, whether our present volume will close
with the 52d number, which will be published on the
26th instant; or be carried on, as we rather think it
will, to the 53d number, in order to complete the
Notes to the Siege of Lathom-house, the Walks in
Derbyshire, and some other communications, which
cannot, with propriety, be transferred to a future vo-
lume. If our arrangements should render this neces-
sary, then our present volume will be concluded on
Tuesday the 3d day of July, and the second volume
commence on Tuesday the 10th of that month. The
Index to the first volume we expect to have ready for
delivery with the first number of the second volume.


INADMISSIBLE SUBJECTS.-Our correspondent WIL FRED WENDER will find, upon reference to this day's Kaleidoscope, that we have taken the liberty omit certain passages about the resurrection, in h Walks in Derbyshire: their insertion would be i consistent with the plan of our work, from which we sedulously exclude all topics likely to lead t controversy upon religion or politics. If we ad mitted the passages in question, we could not, with propriety, decline the replies which they would, to certainty, produce, from more than one correspon. dent; and, as the argument would have to rest up scripture texts, it is obvious what the consequence would be. Our correspondent is evidently a religi and moral man; but his mode of treating the subje of the actual resurrection of the body, could not t to displease many of our readers, if our own pledge to the public did not render the subject altogether la admissible.

ORTHOGRAPHICAL INNOVATIONS.-We shall pr bably insert the letter of PHILOLOGUS in our text; and, in the meantime, inform him that our mode of spelling certain words with the single 1, has met with so much opposition, and is, withal, so unseenly, that we believe we must abandon it, although we stil remain unconvinced that it is improper. Brea, another of our literary opponents, shall be noticed the same time.

THEATRICAL CRITIQUES.-If CENSOR had cofined himself to strictures upon the performans, or the performers of our stage, his letter, with me slight omissions, might have suited our jeal More than half of it, consists, however, of ch upon compositions which are absolutely too c temptible for criticism; and for which, even the tics of Bartholomew Fair, or the dramatic censan of a village puppet-show, would be consigned to the nearest horsepond. With this view of the matter, we decline the offering of CENSOR; who, should he renew his correspondence, would do well to keep strictly to the subject.

We have been obliged to postpone the Poem of Cumber Hall, and the lines of Y. after they were prepar for press.

LANCASHIRE DIALECT. We little expected to hav a correspondent from "Hoff-Loine, too mile fr Owdam," whence we are addressed by DIK BOBBIN whose letter shall be attended to in our next, and wi prove a puzzler to the generality of our readers. the mean time we take the occasion to intimate to veral other correspondents, that we have not forgotten our promise to give the new life of the pride of Lar cashire, TIM BOBBIN, which shall have an ey place in our second volume.

EDWIN's offering is acceptable, and shall not bear offering, although he has so politely left its des entirely at our control.

The SCHOOLMASTER'S DIARY is altogether beyond our comprehension.

WIDOW GOODMAN's case is of too intricate a nat for our interference. If the two rivals should chan to be amongst the readers of the Kaleidoscope, 1.005SHARP, if he has any delicacy, will wave his claim to priority, as it is evident that the Widow prefers Mr. TARDY: if there be any fortune at stake, which the lady has not hinted at, that will, however, alter the case. We suppose the lady could not marry both the gentlemen, consistently with the laws of the land; if she could, we are of opinion that her own delicacy would present no insurmountable obstacle to such an rangement.


Letters or parcels not received, unless tree of charge.

declining the favour intended us by MONTMOREN- We can only add, that we have received M.W
CI, we wish to observe that we will, if he require it,
assign the reasons which have influenced our decision.
We often feel the inclination to state the grounds of
our dissent from our poetical friends; but we are
deterred by the excessive irritability which has been
occasionally displayed when we have exercised that
branch of our function, which we always endeavour to
do, with all possible delicacy, and in the spirit of
conciliation. We can have no interest apart from
that of our readers in general, with whom it is our
duty as well as our interest to maintain the most
amicable footing; without, however, compromising
the reputation of our journal to individual caprice, or
blind attachment to a man's own literary bantling.

Liverpool: Printed and published by E. Smith & Co. 54, Lord-street, Liverpool Sold also by J. Bywater and Co. Pool-lane; Evans, Cheg win & Hall, Castle-st.; T. Smith, Paradise-st.; T.WE brick, Public Library, Lime-st.; E. Willan, Bold-st M. Smith, Tea-dealer and Stationer, Richmondand J. Smith, St. James's-road, for ready money on

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Literary and Scientific Mirror.


This familiar Miscellany, from which religious and political matters are excluded, contains a variety of original and selected Articles; comprehending Literature, Criticism, Men and Manners, Amusement, Elegant Extracts, Poetry, Anecdotes, Biography, Meteorology, the Drama, Arts and Sciences, Wit and Satire, Natural History, Monthly Diary, Fashions, &c. &c.; forming a handsome Annual Volume, with an Index and Title-page.—Regular supplies are forwarded to the following


F'aturn-T. Rogerson;

Baton-J. Kell, or J. Brandwood;

Bradford-J. Stanfield;

Bary-J. Kay;

Chester-R. Taylor;

Chorley-T. Parker;

Congleton-J. Parsons;

Douglas-G.Jefferson; J. Denman
Dublin-W. Baker; J. P. Power;
and Mrs. Broadhurst;

Halifax-R. Simpson;


The Traveller.
(Written for the Kaleidoscope.)

[See Notes to Correspondents.]


DEAR SIR-Whilst arranging the materials of my fifth letter, it occurred to me, that, as I shall have occasion to introduce the subject of her Majesty the Queen in my narrative, and as from its extended plan such introduction must in regular course be delayed to a distant period, consequently somewhat lessened in interest, it would be desirable to anticipate the matter. I, therefore, now hand you the following facts and observations, which, however, will again appear in their proper places in future letters.


Hanley-T. Allbut;
Huddersfield-T. Smart;
Hull-J. Perkins;
Lancaster-G. Bentham ;
Leeds-B. Dewhirst;
Macclesfield-P. Hall;

Manchester-Miss Richardsons;

J. Fletcher; and T. Sowler;"
Newcastle-U.-L.-C. Chester;
Northwich-J. Kent;
Ormskirk-W. Garside;
Prescot A. Ducker;

TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1821.

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Murat, then King of Naples, assigned the Princess a military guard at the spacious mansion she occupied, and she appeared in every respect becoming her high and ex- I may here add, although the fact is in itself a matalted rank. To an elegant equipage were added outriders ter of little moment, that I saw Mr. Maceroni in the and other servants, in the royal livery of England, made Royal Gardens, and elsewhere in Naples, at the very up with uncommon taste, Spanish frock coats, with time that he was stated by a certain journal to have been blue and gold belts, buff buskins and gauntlets; add to resident in London. You may recollect some months these, black Spanish hats and feathers, produced a novel, back a controversy upon the subject in two of the daily striking, and royal effect, and were the theme of admira-morning papers, in one of which, what I now advance tion. The celebrated Mr. Austin, with Capt. Hesse, was proved from a letter under Mr. M.'s own hand. often rode by the carriage, attired in the becoming Maceroni enjoyed the confidence of Murat, and was, uniforms of Hussars. for his valuable services, appointed one of his Aids de Camp. He is the author of an interesting little volume, upon the fall of that brilliant chieftain.

Her Majesty received much attention from Murat from the Neapolitan and English nobility and gentry and his Queen, one of Bonaparte's sisters, as well as of distinction. It is superfluous to name any of the latter; for, who has not seen the newspapers of 1820? I well remember the masqued ball given to the Court on New Returning from a twilight ramble to the neighbourhood Year's Eve, for the recollection was impressed upon me. of that sequestered spot, the reputed tomb of the Mantuan bard, I happened to pass the mansion where the ball was held, and, together with a friend, stopped awhile, as I have done before now at a Carlton levee, to see the company set down; and I wished, if possible, to recognise As you make the omission of political characters. All came, however, strictly incog. even to opinions (wisely or not is foreign to my common fiacres, so that in this respect I was disapthe carriages, many persons of high station hiring purpose to argue) a sine qua non in the re-pointed. ception of communications to the Kaleidoscope, I have abstained from any of my own upon this interesting and important subject, scrupulously confining myself, as my motto expresses it, to the relation of " the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth." purpose, ere long, describing my visit to the island of Elba, during the residence of Bonaparte on that ill-chosen spot; and I am,



Dear Sir, yours, &c.

The Leviathan of 74 guns, commanded by Captain Briggs, with a magnificent royal standard flying at the main, lay at anchor in the harbour, in which she had heard at Leghorn of her Majesty's intention of visiting the day before arrived from Palermo. I had previously Sicily, and was not therefore surprised to see her debark. The ceremony took place a few hours after we had cast anchor, and was conducted with suitable respect, such as royal salutes, &c. Her Majesty occupied a villa belonging to the Princess Butera, beautifully situated about a mile from the city, on the shore leading of the straits. Her habits were extremely regular, and to the Faro point, and commanding an extensive view as the poverty and uncivilized manners of the grandeos precluded the possibility of much intercourse, they were as retired. During her stay, an opportunity was afforded to such of the British residents as chose to emrequest of the British Proconsul, her Majesty was brace it, of paying their personal respects. At the pleased to appoint two mornings for the purpose, and official notices were issued to that effect. You may be sure I readily availed myself of her Majesty's condescension; and, on the second morning,

Happening to step a little before the crowd, and
nearer the door of entrance, I received a violent blow on
the thigh from a steel scabbard of one of the number of
suddenness of the attack made me instantly turn to the
guards which surrounded the place; and although the
quarter whence it proceeded, I tried in vain to mark the
author of the insult, for such I deemed it, and as such
was it intended, the particular corps doing duty being
long in the French armies, and bearing a peculiar ha-
composed of Frenchmen or Italians who had served
tred to the nation of shopkeepers. Fearing that perse-
verance might bring the sword instead of the scabbard,
I declined troubling myself further in the business, and
with a countenance more in anger than in sorrow, ad-
journed to a neighbouring Trattoria, where, accompa-sence, accompanied by an officer of the Commissariat
nied by a minstrel with his mandolin, I spent the re-
mainder of the evening, or, more correctly speaking,

During the time I remained in Naples, I often saw
her Majesty the Queen, then Princess of Wales, who
had recently arrived from England. Her suite was
small, but select. Dr. Holland, author of the interest- Queen had personated the Genius of History, but there
I dined in company the next day, and heard that the
ing quarto, entitled Travels in Greece and Albania, was no remark made respecting her costume. Of the
which bears his name, held the appointment of phy-renowned Bergami, in Naples I never heard the


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