Sidor som bilder

of Naples, and to draw a comparison between that place | &c. Knowing that her Majesty planned a very exten- barges from Liverpool can come into it at and Messina unfavourable to the latter, her Majesty sive tour, I would most gladly have joined her in the low water. Its whole length is nearly thirty quickly told me she differed from me. I was not Osrick humblest capacity, and nothing but the uncertainty as miles. sufficient to affirm it was indifferently cold and very to the future prevented me tendering my services. sultry in the same breath, therefore was rude enough to Here, as at other places, her Majesty received the visits Another Herculean undertaking, but of differ with a lady, and with royalty too. The Consul of the Grandees; I regretted, however, extremely, that immensely greater magnitude, was begun warned the subject by remarking to her Majesty, that I the wife of England's heir apparent should be travelling by the same distinguished engineer, who bad lately travelled through France. "Indeed ?" re- without a person of suitable rank or eminence in her plied the Queen immediately, with considerable curio-suite, over countries, whose inhabitants associated with unfortunately did not live to witness the sity; and turning to me said, "How did you find the name of England every thing that was great and completion of his design; but it was ac France; was it tranquil ?" I answered, that with the magnificent. complished by his brother-in-law, Mr. He exception of some excesses which had occurred in one shall, in a masterly style-the Grand Trunk or two particular districts, the country was perfectly Canal. It was begun in 1766, and finished tranquil, but it was a tranquillity produced by the presence of foreign armies, that fine country being in 1777. By this canal a communication literally overrun with soldiers. After thus conversing [Comprehending Notices of new Discoveries or Improve- is opened between the Atlantic and Gerfor some five or ten minutes, one of our party suggested ments in Science or Art; including, occasionally, man Oceans. From the Duke of Bridgethat possibly we might be detaining her Majesty from singular Medical Cases; Astronomical, Mechanical, water's Canal, at Preston-on-the-Hill, in her accustomed ride, and the object of the visit being Philosophical, Botanical, Meteorological, and Mineaccomplished, we bowed and withdrew, the Consul ralogical Phenomena, or singular Facts in Natural alone remaining. History, Vegetation, &c.; Antiquities, &c.; to be continued in a Series through the Volume.]


On the outer steps I met Billy Austin, as he was styled in his boyish days. I was rather desirous to enter into conversation with him; but his manner being repulsive, I soon wished him good morning.

The Queen, who is low in stature and rather lusty, was dressed in the plainest manner; she appeared lively and affable. Like too many of her sex in high life, she was not content with the complexion nature had given her, but had applied the rouge certainly not with a sparing hand: it was laid on "an inch thick." Her Majesty took an airing almost daily on the Faro road, accompanied by her suite in travelling costume, all mounted on asses. I used to meet the cavalcade often. Bergami was, I think, generally of the party; he is a tall, handsome man; and, although I did not take

such notice of him as late events would now cause one

to do, I have a sufficient recollection of him to pronounce Madame Tussaud's composition model a resemblance; and I may here remark, her figure of the Queen is not unlike, even now that her Majesty has passed the meridian of life.

her service in lieu of the Leviathan. The Queen, how

Scientific Records.


Cheshire, to Wildon Ferry, where it joins the Trent; its length is ninety-two miles It crosses over the river Dove by an aqueduct of twenty-three arches, and over the Trent by one of six arches. It has a subterraneous passage of 1,241 yards in length at Preston-on-the-Hill; and two others in the neighbourhood of Barton: but the prin

Navigable canals are of such importance to this country in a commercial point of view, and contribute so essentially to the facile interchange of produce of one county for that of another, that we cipal passage under ground is at Harecastle doubt not the following sketch will prove highly in- Hill, in Staffordshire, where the length of teresting to the generality of our readers. If we recollect well, Mr. Brindley was so enamoured of the subterraneous excavation is 2,880 yards. canal navigation, that being asked (ironically we Near Stafford, a branch is made from this presume) on his examination before a committee, canal to the vicinity of Wolverhampton, and what was in his opinion the use of rivers, he replied, to join the Thames near Bewdley. From “that their use and design was to feed navigable this, other branches cross Warwickshire w canals.”—Edit. Kal. Braunston, at which place it is joined by the Grand Junction Canal to the Thames at Brentford.


By means of this last mentioned canal, junction is made with several others, and with the rivers Thames, Severn, Mersey, and Trent.

Hence a communication

That celebrated engineer and scientific mechanic, Mr. Brindley, commenced that As soon as her Majesty's curiosity was satisfied in stupendous work, the Duke of BridgeMessina, she embarked on board the Clorinde Frigate, water's Canal, in 1758, and completed it in Captain Pechell, that vessel having been appointed for five years, though the plan was ridiculed ever, did not proceed further than Catania or Augusta, as visionary and impracticable by the mulin consequence, it was said, of some unpleasant differ- titude. This canal begins at Worsley, se- opened between London, Bristol, Liverences with Captain P. upon the subject of the newly-ven miles from Manchester; it is continued pool, and Hull. The length of this canal created Baron Bergami, with whom, I was credibly by a subterraneous passage, under a hill, is scarcely less than that of the Grand informed, he refused to sit at table. I well remember about three quarters of a mile, and thence Trunk Canal, being upwards of 90 miles, The third (or, more properly speaking,

the polacca being hired and fitted out, and also the

appointment of Lieut. Flinn, a gallant young officer, to the Duke's coal works. A considerable

sina in 1818. I met this gentleman at a friend's house,

on board.

who had the command of a beautiful armed vessel in part of this excavation is through solid the fourth) grand communication between the Anglo Sicilian Flotilla when I arrived in Mes-rock; in other parts the roof is arched with the eastern and western oceans, is made by I think the day before his departure to take the Queen brick. From this passage upright shafts the Leeds and Liverpool Canal, in the desfor air-pipes are cut to the top of the hill, cription of which stupendous undertaking, It being the season of Carnival during her Majesty's some of which are through hard stone, and the vast importance of the subject demands sojourning in Messina, a humorous frolic took place, in nearly forty yards in height. At Barton that I should be a little more minute. In bridge the canal is conducted across a val- 1770, an act was passed, by which the ley more than 200 yards in width, by means undertakers, a body corporate, under the of an aqueduct supported by arches, the name of "The Company of Proprietors of chief one of which is sixty feet wide and the Canal Navigation from Leeds to Liverthe Queen upon the respective climates of Naples and forty feet above the navigable river Irwell, pool," were authorized to raise the sum of Messina, as you have been told in a former letter, our which is crossed by this aqueduct, under £320,000 in shares, deemed personal estate, pursuits were congenial; for I found her Majesty on my which the largest barges used in this river In consequence of this act, they proceeded

some Messinese wits personating her Majesty and suite, and driving about the streets in a similar vehicle; you were at the instant deceived, by taking the shadow for

the reality.

Although I could not avoid differing in opinion with

arrival in Catania inspecting the various objects of

The with great spirit, and in a few years nearly informed she made some few purchases of ancient coins, canal is continued to Runcorn Gap, where thirty-four miles were finished on the York

interest which that devoted city presented, and I was pass without lowering their masts.

this canal.

Irish Bull.-A magistrate of the Queen's County complains, in The Dublin Evening Post, that "every morning was, at a former period, the harbinger of some atrocity of the night before.-The English papers, who are so very witty on the Yankees and the Irish on the about the mote in the eye. It is not long since we re

corded one of our Liverpool Bulls, pretty good in its way, "Lodgings to let for a single couple," and a paragraph, describing a gigantic wench, is now traveling through our papers, in which she is styled "The FEMALE Daniel Lambert."—Edit. Kal

Animal Sagacity. We are indebted to a friendly cor respondent for the following account of a very remarkable circumstance." I was, yesterday evening, at Chelsea Botanical Gardens, where there is a large glede, loose, and very tame; one wing has been cut ever since he has been there, to prevent his escape. I went rather nearer than he approved of; and, being a stranger to him, he attempted to fly, which he did for about ten yards. This I noticed to Mr. Anderson, who is resident there. Yes,' he replied, I know it; and he'

[ocr errors]

do. I was much surprised by so curious a fact, and
inquired more particularly if the feathers on the uncut
wing were really broke by the bird, and was assured,
As this comes so
that it was most certainly the case.
very near reason, I think it worthy of insertion in your

journal."-Literary Gazette.

LETTER FROM THE SANDWICH ISLANDS. [From the American papers.]

hire side, viz. from Leeds to Holm-bridge,| of hewn stone. Its greatest height is 155 Dear Gargrave: and on the Lancashire side, feet above the level of the sea. In some wenty-eight miles, viz. from Liverpool to places it is cut through solid rock, and Newbrough, which exhausted their funds, in others through mossy ground. The ad-score of bulls, would do well to bear in mind the advice and obliged them to suspend the work.vantages accruing from this Canal to the Aware, however, of the ulterior beneficial populous districts through which it passes, effects of their undertaking, they deter- as well to the cities of Edinburgh and mined to persevere, and in 1790 another Glasgow, are incalculable. Such, indeed, act was passed, which empowered the Com-is the sense entertained by the people of pany to make some important deviations in the great benefit of canals, that another was their line, and to raise a further sum of commenced in a more direct line, and on a money; in consequence of which the work more enlarged scale, between these cities, was resumed. In 1794 a third act was ob- a few years ago, which is likely to realize tained, to enable the Company to make still the most sanguine hopes of the projectors. further alterations in their line, by making The sixth and last intersection of our (speaking of the bird) is no fool: for you may obit embrace the towns of Burnley, Black- Island is The Caledonian Canal, from Inver-serve that he has broke the feathers of the uncut wing, to make it even with the other: this he has been seen to burn, Chorley, and Wigan (where it meets ness to Fort William. A chain of Lochs the Head of the Douglas Navigation) by (Lakes) running from N. E. to S. W. bemeans of which, completing the junction tween the Murray Firth and the Atlantic, of the Yorkshire and Lancashire parts of and connected (except in one instance) by running streams, in some places of considerAt Foulridge, the greatest elevation of able depth and magnitude, suggested this this canal, it passes under ground by a tun- great undertaking. It is obvious that the nel, 18 feet high, and 17 feet wide, for the very northerly situation of this Canal, and space of nearly a mile. From this summit, the scantiness of the population of the disthe fall on the Yorkshire side to the naviga-trict through which it passes, must render [This letter was dictated by the King, who has for many ble river Aire at Leeds, is 410 fect; and, it of less general utility than those above years been able to speak broken English. It was on the Lancashire side, the fall is 431 feet described. Its length from sea to sea, in- written down from his mouth, in a large plain hand, which he copied himself.] to the basin at Liverpool, which basin is 52 cluding that of the navigable lakes and "Atooi, July 28, 1820. feet above the level of the Mersey at low rivers which it embraces, is about 70 miles. "Dear Friend,-I wish to write a few lines to you, to water:, hence the greatest elevation of the Having enumerated the principal canals thank you for the good book you was so kind as to send I think it is a good book; one that God canal is not much less than 500 feet above in Great Britain, I shall barely mention by my son. gave for us to read. I hope my people will soon read the level of the sea! On the Yorkshire side that there are in England at least ten addi-this and all other good books. I believe that my idols are good for nothing; and that your God is the only there are not fewer than 44 locks, and on tional canals either connected with, or in-true God, the one that made all things. My gods I the Lancashire side 47, besides several very dependent of those particularized, and not do me no good. I take good care of them. I give them have hove away; they are no good; they fool me; they large aqueduct bridges. It is 42 feet wide one of them less than 30 miles in length; cocoa-nuts, plantains, hogs, and good many things, and at the top, with five feet depth of water; and besides a very considerable number of in- they fool me at last. Now I throw them all away. I When your good people learn me, I the locks upon it are each about 70 feet in ferior extent. By means of these numer- worship your God. I feel glad you good people come to help us. We know nothing here. American people length, and 15 in width. It brings into ous aqueducts, the commerce of the ocean very good, kind-I love them. When they come here extensive use inexhaustible rocks of lime- is introduced into the very heart of the take care of them; I give him eat; 1 give him clothes; I do every thing for him. I thank you for stone, slate, flags, and freestone; excellent country, and with equal facility our most giving my son learning. I think my son dead. Some man tell me he no dead. I tell him he lie. I suppose mines of coal; and great quantities of tim- valuable manufactures are despatched from he dead. I thank all American people. I feel glad to ber for building ships, houses, &c. The the interior to the principal ports of the see you good folks here. Suppose you come, I take good care of them. I hope you take good care of my whole length of this canal is 129 miles. kingdom, either for exportation, or for being people in your country. Suppose you do I feel glad, I must close. Accept this from your friend, sent coastwise to provincial markets.

The fifth communication between the Eastern and Western Oceans, is formed by the Great Canal in Scotland, which joins the Forth and Clyde, and which is 35 miles in length, commencing at Grangemouth, near Falkirk, and terminating at Bowling, nine miles west from Glasgow. The great road from Edinburgh to Stirling and Glasgow passes under the aqueduct of this Canal at Falkirk, and crosses it again by means of a draw-bridge six miles from Glasgow. It is carried over 36 rivers and rivulets, and two great roads, by aquaducts



I have none now.

In one of the minor French Papers there is the followboast of their wealth, and with reason. They search for I ing just observation on the English :-" The English gold in the extremities of the globe. They send their able navigators to explore and describe islands in the Southern Ocean, while at the same time they leave the islands on the north west coast of Scotland in the most wretched state of nature. The Hebrides are scarcely known to themselves, and the inhabitants are left to vegetate in the most helpless neglect. In these islands there are neither public nor private roads. It is neither possible to travel on horseback nor on foot, as you must climb over rocks, traverse marshes, and swim through lakes and arms of the sea," &c.

"Samuel Worcester, D.D."



"Atooi, July 28, 1820.
"Dear Friend, I am glad your daughter come here.

shall be her mother now, and she be my daughter. I be good to her; give her tappa; give her mat; give her plenty eat. By and by your daughter speak Owyhee; then she learn me how to read and write and sew; and talk of that Great Akooah, which the good people in America love. I begin spell little; read come You very good, send your very hard, like stone. daughter great way to teach the heathen. I am very glad I can write you a short letter, and tell you that I be good to your daughter. I send you my aloha, and tell you I am your friend,

“CHARLOTTE TAPOLEE, Queen of Atooi.”,



SIR, The interest excited by the romance of Kenil worth, induces me to inclose a copy of the ballad of Cumnor Hall, which, as I believe, is only printed in Evans's Collection of Ballads. I also send you an exfract from a searce old poem, called Leicester's Ghost, where the Countess's death is mentioned.



The dews of summer night did fall,
The moon (sweet regent of the sky)
Silver'd the walls of Cumnor Hall,

And many an oak that grew thereby.
Now nought was heard beneath the skies.
(The sounds of busy life were still)
Save an unhappy lady's sighs,

That issued from that lonely pile.
"Leicester," she cried, is this thy love
That thou so oft has sworn to me,
To leave me in this lonely grove,
Immured in shameful privity?

No more thou com'st, with lover's speed,
Thy once beloved bride to see;
But be she alive, or be she dead,

I fear stern Earl's the same to thee.

Not so the usage I received

When happy in my father's hall; No-faithless husband then me grieved, No chilling fears did me appal.

I rose up with the cheerful morn,

No lark so blithe, no flow'r more gay;
And, like the bird that haunts the thorn,
So merrily sung the live-long day.
If that my beauty is but small,

Among court ladies all despised;
Why didst thou rend it from that hall,
Where, scornful Earl, it well was prized?
And when you first to me made suit,

How fair I was, you oft would say! And, proud of conquest, pluck'd the fruit, Then left the blossom to decay. Yes! now neglected and despised, The rose is pale, the lily's dead; But Ire that once their charms so prized, Is sure the cause those charms are fled. For know, when sick'ning grief doth prey, And tender love's repaid with scorn, The sweetest beauty will decay;

What flow'ret can endure the storm 2
At court, I'm told, is beauty's throne,
Where every lady's passing rare,
That eastern flow'rs, that shame the sun,
Are not so glowing, not so fair.
Then, Earl, why didst thou leave the beds
Where roses and where lilies vie,
To seek a primrose, whose pale shades
Must sicken when those gaudes are by?
'Mong rural beauties I was one;

Among the fields wild flow'rs are fair;
Some country swain might me have won,
And thought my passing beauty rare,
Bat, Leicester, (or I much am wrong)
Or 'tis not beauty lures thy voWS;
Rather ambition's gilded crown
Makes thee forget thy humble spouse.

A. B.

Then, Leicester, why, again I plead, (The injured surely may repine) Why didst thou wed a country maid,

When some fair Princess might be thine? Why didst thou praise my humble charms, And, oh! then leave them to decay? Why didst thou win me to thy arms, Then leave me to mourn the live-long day? The village maidens of the plain Salute me lowly as they go; Envious they mark my silken train, Nor think a Countess can have woe. The simple nymphs! they little know How far more happy's their estate; To smile for joy, than sigh for woe;

To be content, than to be great. How far less blessed am, I than them,

Daily to pine and waste with care! Like the poor plant, that, from its stem Divided, feels the chilling air.

Nor, cruel Earl! can I enjoy

The humble charms of solitude;
Your minions proud my peace destroy,
By sullen frowns, or pratings rude.
Last night, as sad I chanc'd to stray,

The village death-bell smote my ear;
They wink'd aside, and seem'd to say,
• Countess, prepare-thy end is near.'
And now, while happy peasants sleep,
Here I sit lonely and forlorn:
No one to soothe me as I weep,

Save Philomel on yonder thorn.
My spirits flag, my hopes decay;
Still that dread death-bell smites my ear;
And many a body seems to say,

Countess, prepare-thy end is near.'
Thus sore and sad that lady grieved
In Cumnor Hall, so lone and drear;
And many a heartfelt sigh she heaved,
And let fall many a bitter tear..
And ere the dawn of day appeared,

In Cumnor Hall, so lone and drear,
Full many a piercing scream was heard,
And many a cry of mortal fear.
The death-bell thrice was heard to ring,
An aërial voice was heard' to call,
And thrice the raven flapp'd his wing,
Around the tow'rs of Cumnor Hall.
The mastiff howl'd at village door,
The oaks were shatter'd on the green;
Woe was the hour, for never more

That hapless Countess e'er was seen.
And in that manor, now no more
Is cheerful feast or sprightly ball;
For ever since that dreary hour

Have spirits haunted Cumnor Hall.
The village maids with fearful glance,

Avoid the ancient moss-grown wall;
Nor ever lead the merry dance
Among the groves of Cumnor Hall.
Full many a traveller has sigh'd,

And pensive wept the Countess' fall,
As wand'ring onwards they've espied
The haunted tow'rs of Cumsor Hall.

Scientific Notices.


SIR,-As a reader and warm patron to the Kaleidoscope, I was much gratified at the notice you recently bestowed upon that interesting establishment the Botanic Garden; and I wish to suggest to you, how consistent it would be to the genios and charay ter of your pleasing and, useful miscellany, were you to insert weekly or monthly tables, explanatory of the various botanical rarities, successively, as they come into season; this would be of some service to the establishment, by directing the attention of the public and of strangers to the delightful source of purely

intellectual gratification. The more notice you bestow upon such subjects in the Kaleidoscope, the greater claim will possess to the extensive patronage which it appears at present to have attained; and which cannot fail to "grow with your growth." As a collateral subject for your scientifie department, I think you might render an essential service to the cause of literature and science, if you would occosionally devote a column to the pre ceedings of the Liverpool Royal Institution. I you deem the subject admissible, it would promote the objects of that important establishment, an also of a scientific lecturer, if you would gin a place in this week's Kaleidoscope to the f lowing synoptical notice of the approaching ler. tures of Mr. Wood, who gave an able course of lectures here some years since on the subject of architecture. The lectures now about to be deli. vered by this gentleman at the Institution, hold est great promise of realizing the motto of your Kale doscope, the "Utile Dulci." I beg, Mr. Editor, to assure you that I am, with much esteem, A STUDENT.

Liverpool, 22d June.

Nothing would give us more pleasure than to adept this hint, as we have more than once intimated; but it is not an easy matter to avoid becoming liable to the advertisement duty.-Edit. Kal.

The following is the prospectus recommended by our correspondent.

Lecture INTRODUCTION.-Progress of Civi lization marked by improvements in building, from the rude Hut to the invention of the Orders of Architecture. Means by which the Orders may be distinguished from each other.-Columns used by civilized nations for the purpose of commemorating events of importance.-Pillars of unkown stone set up by a rude people for the same purpose: frequent mention of this practice in Scripture, Homer, He siod, &c. Druidical remains.-Stonehenge; its probable resemblance to the Altars of Balaam and Balaak-High Places of Scripture.-Ancient Celtic and Phoenician Worship of Beal or Baal-Inhuman Sacrifices-Cromlecks; probably the Altars upon which Haman Victims were sacrificed.

Lecture II-EGYPT.-Sketch of its early Kis tory-First inhabitants disturbed by the Aurite or Shepherds-Interesting account of the Arab Shepherds of the present day.-Source of the wealth pos sessed by Abraham.-Trade of the Patriarchs wit the Cities of Canaan. The land on which Alexa dria now stands, described by Homer as at a great distance from the shore-Extraordinary changes on the Coasts of Great Britain by the recession and encroachment of the sea in the last two thousand years-Lake Mareotis, formerly a great Bay, now a Salt Marsh.--Alexandria; its former magnificence. -Pompey's Pillar, Cleopatra's Needle -Promen tory of Canopus-Tomb of Canopus, the Pilot of Menelaus.-The spot where Paris landed with Heler, when driven upon the coast of Egypt.-The Delta; its, fertility. Cairo, splendid Mosque.-Island of Rhoda.-Nilometer.-The Nile-Village of Djiz. -Pyramids of Memphis, described by Herodotus, Diodorus, &c.-Discoveries of modern Travellers. -Galleries and Chambers in the interior described. -Ditficulty of exploring the mysterious Well in the Great Pyramid-Belzoni's researches; his extra ordinary discovery of the entrance to the second Pyramid.-Attempt of the French to open the third Pyramid-The Sphynx-Extensive Necropolis of ancient Memphis.-Probable site of that magnificent City.-Pyramids of Scarra.-Pyramids supposed to be built of the Bricks made by the Israelites.-As cent of the Nile:-Hermopolis Magna.—Tentyra or Dendera; similarity in the proportion of its cofumus to those in the Temple of Selomon: its Date determined by the Planisphere on the Ceiling Thebes; its ancient splendor; present state; mag nificence of its Gates and Temples.-Obelisques

Avenues of Sphynxes.-Colossal Statues.-Head of

Lecture V-Palmyra; extent and magnificence dispositions. She was no longer the Lady of the deMemoon, and other fragments now in the British of its remains; when built-History-Odenatus ceased Earl's love; her religion had grown severe and Museum.-Tombs of the Kings of Thebes.-Mummy Zenobia.-Balbec.-GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE-In-morose, her feelings of regard for him that was no more Pits; danger of exploring them-Extraordinary vasion of Britain by the Romans.--Architectural had transformed themselves into a settled purpose of adventure of some Europeans-Beauty of the Tomb Remains left by the Romans in Britain; used as ob- avenging his death, and the pangs of a broken heart were, for a time, deadened by the presence of feelings discovered by Belzoni.-A pollinopolis.-Beautiful jects of imitation. --Conquest of Britain by the Saxons. that were neither natural to her sex nor consistent with Temple at Phila-Cataracts of the Nile.-Exca-Introduction of Christianity.-Early Churches; her former life. No sooner had the island yielded to its vated Temple at Ibsambul in Nubia-Enormous obscurity respecting them-Progress during the ancient sway, than Captain Christian, after a hasty trial, Statues.-Conjecture respecting the ancient Egyp- sixth, seventh, and eighth centuries.-Irruptions of was put to death. The proceedings on this occasion tan Character of Countenance.-Theban Mummies. the Danes-Churches and Monasteries destroyed were most irregular; and the English Government in-Trade, Wealth, and Learning of the Egyptians.- by them.-Restoration of Monastic Edifices in the terfered, and compelled the Earl of Derby to make all Prophecies respecting Egypt.-Conclusion. tenth century-Introduction of large Towers. the atonement possible to the relations of the deceased. Lecture III.—ARABIA. Separation of Lot and Bells-Norman luvasion-Norman Architecture The age of Christian increases the cruelty of this act; for having been "a noted sca Captain" in James the Abraham supposed to be occasioned by want of distinguished from Saxon-Introduction of the First's time, he must, in 1660, have reached his eightieth water. The value of water alluded to in various Pointed Arch, commonly called Gothic.-Gradual year. The following notice of his death, copied from parts of Scripture.--Recorded in Travels through progress.-Change of style in the thirteenth century. the Register of Kirk Maughold, in the Isle of Man, the Deserts. Journey to Wady Moosa.-Moses re- Increase of Ornament in the fourteenth century in sufficiently proves that his Judges were ashamed of fused by the King of Edom to pass through the Windows, Vaultings, &c.—Profusion of Decoration their own deed-(Feltham's Tour.) "Edmund Chris country, or to drink of the water of their wells.- in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries-Various tian, who was some time Captain at sea, and afterwards, Remarkable Prophecy respecting Ishmael now in opinions respecting the origin of the Pointed Arch. for a time, Governor of the Isle of Man; he departed this life in Peel Castle, being a prisoner there for some fulfilment.-Arabs descended from Abraham-Si- | Sir James Hall's System. milarity of the Manners, Customs, Dress, and Oroa- Lecture VI-Castles, as residences connected words spoken concerning the King, when the great difference was betwixt the King and Parliament. He was ments of the Aratas of the present day, with those with the progress of civilization.Ancient Castles; committed by James, Earl of Derby, being then in this described in Scripture.-Striking instance of hospi- principal members of, and mode of defending them. isle, and John Greenhaugh, Governor. He was buried tality in an Arab Chief-Mecca-Mahomet; his The Machicolation Portcullis War Machines. Jan. 22, 1660, in Kirk Manghold Church, where he was fight to Medina-Rapid progress of his Religion. Catapulta or Balista; account of, by Froissart; by baptized." The rough sea Captain formed but a small -Success of the Mahomedan arms after the death Tacitus and Josephus.-Great antiquity of that en- portion of the hecatomb with which Lady Derby proDukenfield was of Mahomet.-Temple of Mecca.-Kaaba; a Hea-gine.-Used by Uzziah,-The Tournament.-The posed to gratify her Lord's manes. then Temple of great antiquity.-Pilgrimages to Quintaio, &c.-Single Towers, the inconvenient Mecca-Holy Water-Zem-Zem.-Conjecture re-residences of our ancestors,-The upper apartment specting the Death of Sampson-Mount Ararat.- always occupied by the Lord of the Castle-Reason Musdelifa.-Parification of the Temple of Mecca. for this arrangement-Curious example at ConnisINDIA--Antiqunty of the Hindoos.-Division into bury Castle-Probable resemblance of these Towers easts.-Superstitions.-Sanguinary Sacrifices.-Ex- to that of Ramoth Gilead, when Jehu was proclaimed, traordinary Penan-ces.-Practice of Hindoo Women --Great improvement at the Conquest.-Increase burning themselves upon the funeral piles of their of Castles after the Conquest.-Norman Castles. husbands still continued.-Number so sacrificed-Improvements in the Castles of Gandulph.from 1815 to 1818.-Temples.-Sacred Caverns. Literature, Arts, and Sciences confined to the Clois Religious Rites and Ceremonies performed by the ter during the dark ages of Europe.-The Tower Ancients in Caves and deep Recesses.-Zoroaster; bis of Loudon.-Rochester Castle. The Crusades; Fire Temple a Cavern.-Contrasted with Mahomet, supposed to improve civilization in Europe.-Change -Cavern of Elephanta-Salsette -Caves of Ellora; of residence from the Keep to the Gate of the Cast their extent and admirable workmanship.-Gigantic tle.-Mixture of the Palace and Stronghold by Figures; conjectures respecting them. Edward the First, as at Conway, Caernarvon, &c PERSIA-Palace of Persepolis; Magnificence; -Gradual decrease in the strength, and increase in numerous Basso-relievos; burnt by Alexander; va the comfort of Castles as residences, in proportion Flous Courts.-Timidity of Esther in her approach to the increase of civilization.-State of Great Brito Ahasuerus explained-Palace of Susa or Shoshan. tain in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. -Media. Ecbatana.- Conquest of Persia by Improvement in Roads Effects upon the manners Alexander.--State of the Empire after the death of of the people.-Invention of Printing-The Palace Alexander. at Windsor of greater importance than the Castle. Lecture IV-Rivers Tygris and Euphrates.-Pro-Warwick Castle, Alnwick, Kenilworth, &c.bable site of Nineveh.-The prophet Jonah.-Pro-Strength no longer attended to, as at Haddon phecies respecting the fall of Nineveh-Conquered House, Hardwick House, &c.-Improvements in by the Medes and Babylonians.-Babylon.-He- |the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries.-lution it inaintained a Prior and five Canons of the rodotus; his account of its great extent -Mode Conclusion

[ocr errors]

of building the Walls of ancient Cities accounting for their height and width.-Gates of Babylon.Palace of Nebuchadnezzar.-Flat Roofs of Houses; frequent allusions to them in Scripture.-Hanging Gardens of Babylon; their dimensions.-Tower of Belus-Temple of Ditto-Golden Idols of Nebuchadnezzar; their great value; carried to Persia by Xerxes.--Important discoveries upon the site of Babylon-Belshazzar's Feast.-Haud-writing upon the Wall-The Candlestick.-Fulfilment of Prophecy respecting Babylon-Former Magnificence of Tyre; its fall and present state, as foretold by Ezekiel.





appeared in three Numbers of our
Volume; see pages 145, 153, and 169.

GREECE Celebrated Temples.-Segesta.-Agri-
gentum.-Pæstum.-Athens destroyed by Xerxes.
Restored by Pericles.-The Acropolis.-Parthenon.
-Exquisite Sculpture.-Fragments in the British TO THE
Museum called the Elgin Marbles.-Temple of
Theseus.-State of the Arts at that period.-Battle Which
of Salamis-Station of Xerxes during the Battle.
Corinth.-Peloponesus.-Island of Ægina.-Hill of
Museus.-Monument of Philopappus.-Character
of Grecian Architecture contrasted with Roman.-
The Collisæum; dimensions, &c.-Herculaneum.-
Pompeii; destroyed by an eruption of Vesuvius.
Death of Pliny-Monument of London.-Trajan's


[Continued from pages 341, 347,366, 375, 383, and 407 of our
present volume.]

The misfortunes of Lady Derby, and, above all, a long imprisonment, in the solitude of which, meditations of the most gloomy kind must ever have been her companions, seem to have wrought a change in her

arrested by her order, as we shall hereafter mention; and she caused Bradshaw, another of her husband's Judges, to be carried to London. Charles was too wise to set about punishing all the evil deeds committed during the civil war, and consequently rendered Lady Derby's efforts of no effect. After witnessing the ingra titude of the King towards her family, this ill-fated Lady, bowed down with affliction, ended her days 21st March, 1663, and lies buried by the side of her Lord at Ormskirk.

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(15.) Latham is situated about three miles north-east of Ormskirk, on a very flat part of the hundred of West Derby. In the reign of Henry the Second, Sir family, was seated at Latham, and probably built one Robert Fitzhenry, the representative of a Norman of those rude wooden mansions common to the period in which he lived. His son took the name of Latham; and his descendants, in regular succession, resided here until the reign of Edward the Third, when the sole heiress married Sir John Stanley; and thus Latham, Knowsley, and the neighbouring townships became the property of that family, who still retain the greater part

of the estates.

The following is extracted from "Pennant's Tour to Alston Moor." "At about two miles distant from Ormskirk, I turned into a field to visit the scite of the Priory of Burscough, founded in the time of Richard the First by Robert Fitzhenry, Lord of Latham, under the tutelage of St. Nicholas. At the time of the dissoAugustine Order, and forty servants. It was endowed, according to one valuation, with £80 7s. 6d. annual income; to another, with £122 5s. 6d; or, as Speed has it,

* I particularly allude to the persecution of Oliver Atherton (Suffering of Quakers, vol. 2, p. 236.) Lady Stanley, of Bickerstaff, was protector of the Presbyterians, and her actions are sometimes ascribed to the Countess of Derby, the most vehement of their enemies,

+ It is a vulgar error (first promulgated by Dr. Aikin) to suppose the title of "Derby" taken from this hundred. Lord Stanley had married the mother of Henry the Seventh, and that monarch conferred upon him a title long borne by the House of Lancaster. His brother, Sir William Stanley, made an attempt to obtain another of the Royal titles. "Itaque ambitio ejus in tantum exorbitavit, et modum omnem excessit, ut à Rege se Comitem Cestria creari peteret. Qui honor cum semper ut appenagium Principatus Walliæ reputaretur, et Filio Regis Primogenito ex more Petitio illa, non solum a Rege repulsaan tulit, sed etiam animum ejus secreto offendit. (Hist. Reg.

cedere soleret.

H. 7.). Ford, in his tragedy of "Perkin Warbeck," causes

Sir William, on going to the scaffold, to say,
"My next suit is, my Lords,

To be remembered to my noble brother
Derby; my much griev'd brother. Oh, persuade him
That I shall stand no blemish to his house
In chronicles writ in another age."

"Tell him he must not think the style of Derby
Nor being husband to King Henry's mother,
The league with Peers, the smiles of fortune, cap
Secure his peace above the state of man,"

with £129 18. 10d. Nothing is left of this pile but part of and east sides there is another rising ground, even to may judge from a pamphlet lying before me, printed in the centre arch of the church; and, instead of the mag- the edge of the moat, and then falls away so quick that 1648, entituled, Reasons against agreement with a nificent tombs of the Stanlies, which, till the Reforma- you can scarce, at the distance of a carbine shot, see the late printed paper, intitled, Foundations of Freedom, tion, graced this place, a few modern gravestones peep house over that height, so that all batteries placed there &c. by William Ashurst, Esq." was then sternly op through the grass, memorials of poor Catholics, who are so far below it as to be of little service against it (of posed to those lawless innovations which Cromwell's fondly prefer this now violated spot. John Barton, the last which more hereafter;) only let us observe, by the way, party were meditating. How the man who objected to Prior, subscribed to the King's supremacy, and received that the uncommon situation of it may be compared to disfranchising boroughs in 1648, because "they may, a pension of £13 6s. 8d. as late as 1553.-Latham is the palm of a man's hand, flat in the middle and covered with as much justice and right, agree to take away any placed on a most barren spot, and commands a view as with a rising ground about it, and so near to it that the law, or any man's life or estate," should accept a seat extensive as dull. The back front was begun by Wil-enemy, in two years' siege, were never able to raise a in the Parliament of 1654, is matter for curious specu liam, Earl of Derby, (the ninth Ear!) the rest completed battery against it, so as to make a breach in the wall lation. The pedigree of the Marklands may be found in a most magnificent manner by Sir Thomas Bootle. practicable to enter the house by way of storm." in Nicholl's Anecdotes, under the article Jeremi "The ancient Latham, the celebrated seat of nobility The measurement of the Eagle Tower, the materials Markland. The family resided at Wigan, and at a and hospitality, stood between the north-east offices of of which were sold by the sequestrators, is given in Sea-called the Meadows, near that town. Capt. Markland the present house and the kitchen garden. (Sir Thomas combe; and it is said (Lloyd's Worthies) that the scaf- name appears amongst those who were imprisoned for de Latham died 1369, when Sir John Stanley, K. G. fold on which the great Earl suffered was part of his assisting in Sir George Booth's rising; and one of the obtained this place.) Whilst Sir Thomas, Lord Stanley, own House of Latham. All the records of the family family was member for Wigan, in Richard Cromwell's afterwards Earl of Derby, was absent assisting Henry were destroyed during these wars (Borlase); and now Parliament, 1658. Edward Moseley, a Cadet of the the Seventh, ballad authority tells us Latham House (1821) not a vestige of this renowned seat of hospitality Moseley family, who, about fifty years prior to the was destroyed, and that on his return he rebuilt it. and magnificence exists. Golforden, along whose banks times of which we are treating, purchased, for £3,500, "When place, and weete, and wisdom call'd knights and ladies have a thousand times made resort, the Manor of Manchester. The head of the family re hearkening to stories as varied as those of Bocaccio; the sided at Rolleston, in Staffordshire, and was a Royalist. maudlin well, where the pilgrim and the lazar devoutly (See the Baronetage.) cooled their parched lips; the mewing house; the training ground; every appendage to antique baronial state, all now are changed, and a modern mansion and a new possessor fill the place, which those who delight in perpetuating the glories of days long past away, would fondly desire to see otherwise occupied.

Home this Earle to rest,

He viewed his ancient seat, and saw

The ruins of his nest,

And pulled it down, and from the ground
New builded Latham Hall,

So spacious that it can receive

Two Kings, their trains and all."

"King Henry the Seventh is so struck with this place,

that he resolves to build one like it at Richmond.'

described. In the centre was a lofty tower called the The form of Latham, previous to the siege, is thus the Eagles; it had two courts, for mention is made of a strong and high gateway before the first. The whole was surrounded with a wall two yards thick, flanked by mine towers, and this again guarded by a mote eight yards wide and two deep.

(16.) Alexander Rigby, of Burgh, was peculiarly obdoubtful reputation, he deserted the profession of the noxious to the loyalists. Of mean parentage, and law, and taking up that of arms, displayed an union of qualities rarely to be met with in the same person. He was insolent, yet abounding in courage; full of energy, though not deficient in patience; the possessor of commanding talents, yet commonly working his way by the Latham House, the Eagle's Tower alone standing, lowest artifices. Neither education nor intercourse with and part of the estate, were transferred to John, Lord the world, could efface the original meanness of his Ashburnham, when he married, 1714, Henrietta, dispositions; and the unrelenting hatred with which, in daughter of William, ninth Earl of Derby. Lord Ash-every passage of life, he pursued Lord Derby, amply burnham sold it to a Furness, and he to Sir Thomas justifies the treatment he has received from the Cavaliers. Bootle. In 1640, Rigby was returned to the Long Parliament, for the borough of Wigan. We find him, early in the war, commanding a Lancashire regiment; in which capacity Whitelock speaks, with surprise, of his courage and conduct. In 1649, he was nominated a Commissioner for the trial of the King, but never sate. He is represented as taking a secret, though active, part, in promoting the death of Lord Derby, and afterwards became a sequestrator in this county. In 1654 he was not returned to Parliament; but in Richard Cromwell's short reign, we find him (1658) elected for the county of Lancaster; after which, we are unable to follow out his life. Rigby married the sister of Col. Birch. In a small pamphlet (printed at the end of vol. 3. Parlt. Debates) he is set down, "Governor of Boston, and one of the Barons of the Exchequer."

The following is from a ballad, written in the reign of Henry the Eighth; the person speaking is Thomas, second Earl of Derby, A. D. 1513:

"Farewell, Latham! That bright bower
Nine towers that bearest on high,

And other nine thou bearest in the utter walls,
Within thee may be lodged King's three.
Farewell, Knowsley! That little tower
Underneath the holts so hoar;

Ever when I think of that bright bower
Wyte me not though my heart be sore."
The ballad, from which this is extracted, abounds in
information curious to the Lancashire antiquary; and
yet is little known in the county, though not of rare oc-


The next account of Latham we extract from Seacombe's book: it is there said to be written by Rutter, Lord Derby's chaplain, and forms part of his account of the siege, to which he was an eye-witness. "Latham House stands upon a flat, moorish, springy, and spumous ground, was encompassed with a strong wall of two yards thick; upon the walls were nine towers, Banking each other, and in every tower were six pieces of ordnance, that played three one way, and three the other. Without the wall was a moat eight yards wide, and two yards deep; upon the back of the moat, between the wall and the graff, was a strong row of palisadoes around: beside all these, there was a high strong tower, called the Eagle Tower, in the midst of the house, sur mounting all the rest; and the gate-house was also two high and strong buildings, with a strong tower on each side of it; and in the entrance to the first court, upon the tops of these towers, were placed the best and choicest marksmen, who usually attended the Earl in his sports, as huntsmen, keepers, fowlers, and the like, who continually kept watch with screwed guns and long fowlingpieces upon those towers, to the great annoyance and loss of the enemy, especially of their commanders, who were frequently killed in their trenches, or as they came or went to and from them. Besides all that is said hitherto of the walls, tower, and moat, there is some. thing so particular and romantic in the general situation of this house, as if Nature herself had formed it for strong hold, or place of security; for before the house, to the south and south-west, is a rising ground so near it as to overlook the top of it, from which it falls so quick that nothing planted against it on those sides can auch it further than the front wall; and on the north


Edward Rigby (query, a brother of the above?) was also a sequestrator; and, after the restoration, dealt out, in the office of deputy lieutenant, the saving mercies of the very party he had formerly persecuted. (Slate's Life of Jollie, p. 203.) He sate for Preston, in the Parliaments of 1660, 1661, and 1678.

(18.) Sir Thomas Fairfax. It does not appear this siege. In his memoirs, he says, "After this, we took in great and good man was ever personally engaged in the several garrisons in Cheshire; Latham only, in Lance shire, held out, which was besieged by the forces of that county, but afterwards the siege was raised by Prince Egerton and Rigby; and even this aid appears to have Rupert." (p. 58.) It is not unlikely that Fairfax comtented himself by sending Morgan to the assistance of been early withdrawn.

(19.)" Council of Holy States," the name assumed by a body of men who met during the wars in Manchester; and who, in energy and power, were second only to their brethren of London. To the names al ready mentioned, the following may be added, as principals on the Parliament side in Lancashire. (The reader will observe, that, where M. P. without dare, is affixed to a person's name, the long Parliament in alluded to.)

Sir George Booth, born 1566, a ward of Queen Eli zabeth, and long time at the head of the Presbyte rians; he died aged 86, in October 1652

Col. George Booth, grandson of the above, lost his father A. D. 1632; returned for Cheshire, vice Ven ables disabled, 1646. He afterwards headed the rising of 1659; was M. P. for Lancashire 1658; and more of him may easily be learnt under the title of the 1st Lord Delamere.

Col. John Booth (see Cromwelliana, p. 40) Sir Ralph Ashton, Knt. of Lever, M. P. for Lancashire, after wards created a Baronet. Col. Ralph Ashton (see note 20) Col. John Moore (see note 21) Col. Thomas Birch, of Birch, M. P. for Liverpool, vice Wynne deceased, and sometime Governor of that town. The t ment the Ladies Stanley met with at the hands of this personage, when, in 1650, whilst residing at Know ley, under the written protection of Parliament, they were conveyed to Liverpool, rouses the ever-ready i dignation of Seacombe. The want of good faith chargr able to this act, belongs to Fairfax, by whose orders (17.) Hindley, Dandy, Morgan, Ashurst, Markland, the Ladies were made prisoners: and perhaps the Moseley, officers in the parliament army. Lancashire, following extract from Whitelock, may serve as comfor many centuries, was subdivided into innumerable mentary to the history of the House of Stanley small estates, possessed by individuals who took their "22d July, 1650. Upon a report from the Council of names from, and resided upon, their own lands. The State, the Parliament approved of the seizure of Lord long wars betwixt the houses of York and Lancaster, Derbie's family in Lancashire, and a message was sent swept away many of these inferior landholders. The to the Earl, that if he continued to ill-use his prisoners confiscations after the battles of Bosworth and Stoke of the Parliament party, it would be retaliated on his were still more destructive to this race of English family; and to demand the release of those prisoners." "Lairds;" and the times we are now treating of almost But Birch, it seems, performed his office with unne annihilated the cast. Hindley, once of Hindley, was cessary severity; and these noble ladies were reduced probably the son of some wealthy yeoman; as, with to the lowest state of beggary and want. It is impor greater certainty, we can assert of his comrade, Thomas sible to vindicate such rashness; and yet, we must re Dandy, of Croston. "One Morgan's" history may be member, that Birch had received, at the hands of Lord easily traced in the chronicles of the day, from the hum- Derby, a most unpardonable insult, having been putble Lieutenant, to the General of approved talents and licly trailed under a hay-cart, through the streets of courage. This little" peremptory" man was alike con- Manchester. (Seacombe, p. 115.) This outrage th fided in by Cromwell and Charles. The time of his probably committed on the 15th July, 1642, whe death has, I believe, never been ascertained; but his Birch, assisted by Holcroft, opposed Lord Strange's last appearance in public was at the funeral of his patron taking away the town's ammunition. On the 5th Nomonk, Duke of Albemarle, A. D. 1669. Ashurst after-vember, 1649, this active Colonel plundered the Co wards rose to the rank of Lieutenant-colonel, and was, legiate Church at Manchester, and sent all the me I suppose, younger brother of William Ashurst, of ments and evidences to London, where they perished Ashurst, M. P. for Newton, in the Long Parliament, in the great fire. (Walker, p. 88, part 2) Col. Birce and for Lancashire, 1653;"went commissioner into " died August 5, 1678, aged 70: had been an active Scotland; had the Clerk of the Peace's place for Lan- man in the wars; but was deaf, and in dotage, some cashire, and £1000 in money given him" (Parlt. de- years."-Col. Peter Egerton, of Shaw, though not mere bates, vol. 8.)-was a zealous presbyterian; and, if I tioned in Halsall's account, is said, by Rutter, to have

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