Sidor som bilder

(not aware, that other countries are so very free from them, as to afford an equal gratification of the senses with comparatively so little real inconvenience, "Without mentioning freemason's lodges, I have certainly spent many an hour in ceremonies quite as useless and tedious, without half the pleasure.

The theatrical exhibitions are a very good com pensation for the insipid table talk amongst people who do not know or trust each other, and with which you have however not only to bear, but in which you are even expected to join ; let your neigh. bours be ever such antipodes of wit or genuine good fellowship.

yet spent in compliments, because every one declared | Venetian blinds: I sat not far from it, and perceived that he would on no condition sit down at one of plainly that the place was filled with ladies, whose the first tables; but all was finally arranged and we silk dresses I heard rustling, and who had come to sat. The first four tables were not on a line with witness the play, and perhaps even to muster the the others, but projected a few feet; they had, like company: this idea took away my appetite, whilst the arm-chairs, violet satin covers, in which dragons my cooler companions kept their little staves still in with four claws were embroidered with gold: on the action; as for knives, they do not use any, because lower tables, the ornaments were similar, but they their meat comes always ready cut upon the table. exhibited storks instead of dragons. Near every "The dinner drew to a close and so did the tratable stood a smaller one, decorated with flowers gedy: we took yet a cup of tea, and on a given sign and paintings, and containing pyramids of meat and surrounded our beneficent host, and exhausted ourfruit: these were removed as soon as they had been selves in a flood of thanks, which he repelled to the looked at, to be given to the servants, and carriers best of his abilities? we were then conducted by him of the company; nothing was left but some incense through a splendidly decorated gallery in the garden, "The division of the feast into two stages, is a very and liquid perfumes. which was illuminated by innumerable coloured good contrivance in itself, to enjoy the interval, in "On the foremost corners of the principal table, lamps, and had been converted into a true fairy the open air, instead of being made to jump about in two nicely-varnished plates were stuck up, whereof place: we were there a little less constrained, and a dusty overheated room, or even to be nailed down one represented a symbol the meaning of which I could breathe the air freely without any compli- to that most delightful and rational of all the earthly could not make out, and the other contained a versements: the servants, brought us water in silver ba-luxuries, the card table." which invited to merriment : behind these I observed sons to wash our faces and hauds, and whilst we were six dishes with pickled vegetables, to whet the ap- engaged in that manner, the table was cleared of petite, and betwixt the dishes there were silver cups. the dinner, and the dessert was served up. This My own appetite was already sufficiently excited consisted likewise of curious dishes; such as through the long preparations, and I waited with salted and sun dried ducks of excellent taste, ham, anxiety for the beginning of the meal; when a master pickled sea-fish, all kinds of confectionaries; pre of ceremony kneeled down in the middle of the wom, serves, jellies, &c. But, above all, there was the and pitching up his voice, exclaimed in the most precious root ginseng, which possesses most admisolemn manner-my master requests you to drink! rable strengthening qualities. As soon as all was On bearing this, we took in a moment hold of our ready, a servant announced it again, kneeling to his cups, like a commanded battalion, raised them to master, who led us back under the usual ceremonies; the brow and then approached them to the mouth, amongst the most tedious, thereof was certainly, that but did not drink until the man cried for a second the guests excused themselves quite as much as at time-empty, if you please, to the very last drop- the first time, from occupying places of preference. whilst the landlord turned at the same time his own Instead of the little cups we had used at dinner, we cup, to show that nothing had remained in it. got now larger ones, and were pressed pretty often to drink of what Kragheo called his best; prepared out of lambs' flesh, in the province Sehensi; it is as fiery and strong as brandy, but has a most unplea sant flavour, and nothing but habit can at all reconcile it to the palate.


"Ludimus effigiem belli."....

............ VIDA.


The White to move, and win the Game in tes Mova at most.



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"The same ceremony was observed, not only with
regard to drinking, but also at every new dish, and
none was served without our being admonished to
the attack, and until a friendly nod of the master
had confirmed the invitation of the servant. Variety
was for the rest by no means wanting, and they "Whilst we were drinking, the actors appeared for
brought more than twenty dishes after each other, the second time, and treated us with a little farce,
and we were expected to taste of every one: they at which many of my fat neighbours were near
Consisted chiefly of mince meat, herbs, legumes, splitting their sides with laughing. In the mean
soups, and sauces in the finest China ware: to the time, had our servants likewise been regaled very 9
sauces they use pigsfat, which they have particularly | plentifully,lyet with somewhat less ceremony than our-
good, and the ragouts are made palatable by means selves, and as it was now past midnight, they came
of several spices and a very savoury oil extracted to join us; every one of them carrying for account
from herbs: there were also some excellent dishes of of his master five or six purses of red paper, which
beans and rice-meal, and little tarts which even a contained drink-money for the performers, the but-
French cook could not have prepared in a better ler, cook, and the rest of the servants: they laid
style. But the real delicacies consisted of harts' their deposits before the landlord; but he of course
sinews and birds' nests: the former are dried in the defended himself a good while before he vouchsafed
sun, and kept in boxes with pepper and mace until the distribution. The thing had now lasted above
wanted, when they are boiled in the broth of goats five hours, and perceiving that the above-mentioned
and strongly spiced: the birds' nests consist almost of bamboo-box began to be empty, I longed most
spices; they are nearly trausparent, and quite entire-heartily for the conclusion; but the thanksgivings,
ly white as long as they are fresh; but commonly the bowings and scrapings retarded it still consi-
rather greenish; they resemble the shape of half a derably.
lemon, and give to the meat a very sharp and prickly
"Kragbaeo accompanied, in spite of all protesta-
taste. The wine was excellent, and drank hot; but tions, every one to his sedan; he then turned about
1-understand that it was chiefly extracted from rice, to give the man time to get in; but no sooner did
"We had not been long at table, when five richly-the chairmen offer to stir, than he was at hand as
dressed performers entered the room, touching four quick as lightning, and the words flew afresh, as if
times the ground with their heads: they presented nothing had been said yet, and hands and heads kept
a scroll, upon which there were inscribed with gilded moving as long as one could perceive a shadow of
letters the names of fifty or sixty plays, which they each other. It was for the rest a pretty sight, to
knew by heart: the principal guest, to whom the watch the motion of all the manifoldly coloured and
list had been presented for his choice, declined the oily lanterns, which the servants carried before their
honour, and sent it to the second, be to the third, and masters. Upon several of them were the dignities
so on, until it had been round and came back again or even the names of the owners: but poor I had
to the first, who complied finally with the general only one solitary lantern, light, blue, and red. Satis-
entreaties, and selected a piece. After we had once fed, yet much fatigued, I fell upon my couch, and
more testified our satisfaction, the performers with- would willingly have slept until noon, had I not
drew for a few moments and we were treated with a been obliged to send a note of thanks at an early
symphony of flutes, pipes, drums, trumpets, and hour in the morning. Mine host sent me forthwith
kettle-drums, which made a terrible noise. After that an answer and a thousand excuses about the in-
the piece began, and it happened to be a very gloomy different reception I had met with at his house, and
one; but no scenery was used, and the performers I could not do less than repel his modest self accu-
merely spread a carpet on the ground. In the back-sation in the most decided, yet respectful language.
ground, and facing the actors, there was a small sepa- “All this is very troublesome the first time; but
ration, made of bamboo cane, and provided with one becomes soon accustomed to forms, and I am



849.9 7 8 8 1

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

1 Castle .2-7+
2 Castle....1−7+
3 Bishop....5-4
4 Bishop....3-6
5 Bishop....4-5
6 King ....3-6
7 Castle....2-7+
8 King ....2-6
9 Castle....1-74
10 Castle....18+MATE.

Chess.-The term cheek mate, arose from the Persian schah mat, and was introduced by the Moors into Eu rope, and by them delivered to the Spaniards, with the game of chess-for, in Persian, schah signifies a King and mat, slaughter to which latter also the Hebre agrees.



From "Poems by one of the Authors of Poems for Youth by a Family Circle."

Weep not, though lonely and wild be thy path,

And the storms may be gathering round;

There is one who can shield from the hurricane's wrath,
And that one may for ever be found.

He is with thee, around thee, He lists to thy cry,
And thy tears are recorded by him:
A pillar of fire he will be to thine eye,

Whose brightness no shadow can dim.

0 follow it still through the darkness of night,
In safety 'twill lead to the morrow;
Tis not like the meteor of earth's fickle light,
Often quench'd in delusion and sorrow;
For pure is the beam, and unfading the ray,
And the tempests assail it in vain;

When the mists of this world are all vanish'd away,
In its brightness it still will remain.

And weep not that none are around thee to love,
For a father is with thee to bless;
And if griefs have exalted thy spirit above,
0 say wouldst thou wish for one less?

He is with thee, whose favour for ever is life;
Could a mortal heart guard thee so well?

O hush the vain wish, calm thy bosoms wild strife,
And forbid but a thought to rebel.


From "Lamia," and other Poems, of extraordinary original merit, by John Keats.

Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,
Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;
Conspiring with him how to load and bless

With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eaves run; To bend with apples the moss'd cottage-trees,

And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core;

To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel-shells

With a sweet kernel; to set budding more,
And still more, later flowers for the bees,
Until they think warm days will never cease,

For summer has o'erbrimm'd their clammy cells;

Who hath not seen thee oft amid thy store?
Sometimes whoever seeks abroad may find
Thee sitting careless on a granary floor,

Thy hair soft-lifted by the winnowing wind;
Or on a half-reap'd furrow sound asleep,

Drowsed with the fume of poppies, while the hook Spares the next swath and all its twined flowers: And sometimes like a gleaner thou dost keep Steady thy laden head across a brook;

Or by a cyder-press, with patient look,

Thou watchest the last oozings hours by hours.

Where are the songs of Spring? Aye, where are they?
Think not of them: thou hast thy music too;
While barred clouds bloom the soft-dying day,
And touch the stubble-plains with rosy hue;
Then in a wailful choir the small gnats mourn
Among the river shallows, borne aloft

Or sinking as the light wind lives or dies;
And full-grown lambs loud bleat from hilly bourn
Hedge-crickets sing; and now with treble soft
The red-breast whistles from a garden-croft;
And gathering swallows twitter in the skies.

[blocks in formation]

In the twelfth century, Wm. Fitz-Duncan laid waste the valleys of Craven, with fire and sword; and was afterwards established there by his uncle, David, King of Scotland. He was the last of the race; his son, commonly called the Boy of Egremond, dying before him, in the manner here related; when a priory was removed from Embsay to Bolton, that it might be as near as possible to the place where the accident happened. That place is still known by the name of the Strid; and the mother's answer, as given in the first stanza, is to this day often repeated in Wharfedale.-See Whitaker's Hist. of Craven.

"Say what remains when hope is fled?"
She answer'd," Endless weeping!"
For in the herdsman's eye she read
Who in his shroud lay sleeping.

At Embsay rung the matin bell,
The stag was rous'd on Braden-fell;
The mingled sounds were swelling, dying,
And down the Wharfe a hern was flying;
When near the cabin, in the wood,
In tartan clad, and forest green,
With hound in leash and hawk in hood,
The boy of Egremond was seen.
Blithe was his song of yore,

But where the rock is rent in two,
And the river rushes through,
His voice was heard no more!
"Twas but a step! the gulph he pass'd;
But that step it was his last!

As through the mist he wing'd his way
(A cloud that hovers night and day)
The hound hung back, and back he drew
The master and his merlin too.
That narrow place of noise and strife
Receiv'd their little all of life!
There now the matin-bell is rung;
The Miserere!" duly sung;
And holy men, in cowl and hood,
Are wand'ring up and down the wood.
But what avail they? Ruthless Lord,
Thou didst not shudder when the sword
Here on the young its fury spent,
The helpless and the innocent.
Sit now, and answer groan for groàn;
The child before thee is thy own.
And she who wildly wanders there,
The mother in her long despair,

Shall oft remind thee, waking, sleeping,

Of those who by the Wharfe were weeping;

Of those who would not be consol'd

When red with blood the river roll'8.



Licinius! wouldest thou wisely live,
Not always to the ocean give
Thy wearied bark; nor yet, in fear
Of the loud tempest, draw too near
The shallows of the treacherous shore.
He may the golden path explore,
Who shuns the evil that pursues
Dire poverty's dejected state;
Yet asks not, temperate in his views,
The envied treasures of the great.
The lofty pine-tree, raised on high,
The driving storm more rudely feels;
And the proud tower, that seeks the sky,
But with a mightier ruin reels.

The lightening blasts the mountain's height,
While safe retires the lowly vale;
Hope all thou canst in adverse fate,
And wisely fear the prosperous gale.
Thus, well prepared thy breast shall be..
For aught the future may decree.
The Power Supreme on men below
Now bids the unwelcome winter blow,
Now checks its wrath. Perpetual ille
Not oft the mortal cup distils:
Sometimes the silent Muse will wake,
Nor does his bow Apollo break.
Then rise, with fortitude elate,
Against the opposing shocks of fate,
And in a too successful gale
Contract with care thy swelling sail.


A. E.

In an interesting little poem, entitled "The Farmer's Vision," written by Lord Erskine (and given as full length in the first volume of the Kaleidoscope, old series, page 144) there is the following eulogy on the late Duchess of York.

"At Oatlands, where the buoyant air
Vast crowds of rooks can scarcely bear,
What verdure paints returning spring!
What crops surrounding harvests bring!
Yet swarms on every tree are found,
Nor hear the fowler's dreaded sound.
And when the kite's resistless blow
Dashes their scatter'd nests below,
Alarm'd they quit the distant field,
To seek the park's indulgent shield,
Where close in the o'ershadowing wood
They build new cradles for their brood,
Secure; their fair Protectress nigh,
Whose bosom swells with sympathy.

To this is affixed the following note:-" Amusing myself often with poetry, but, as I have said in the preface, at no time aspiring to the name or character of a poet, I never should have regretted the insignificance of this little fable, but for the accidental allusion in it to her Royal Highness. The exalted rank and retired habits of this excellent Princess, confining the knowledge of her talents, manners, and distinguished accomplishments within the contracted circle of a few, I should have been the more desirous to record them in unfading numbers, but no man can add a cubit to his stature; and I must therefore content myself in this note to express my affection, admiration, and respect."


As a Sage and a Wit once togther were crossing
A river whose billows their small boat was tossing,
Cries the Sage" To the bottom I fear we shall go,"
Says the Wit, "That would just suit your genius, we


For you're a deep dog, but it best suits my whim, Superficial, as usual, the surface to skim."


The Naturalist's Diary,

For AUGUST, 1820.

(Concluded from our last.)

The young naturalist would be much delighted in watching the progress of many water-insects through their several transformations; many of these are fit subjects fer the necroscope, particularly the monoculus apus. The gnat (culex) is a good example. Their eggs will be found floating on the surface of stagnant water, or in that contained in a large tub; they are black, and in a congeries forming altogether a mass resembling a grain of corn flattened. These, when hatched by the heat of the sun, produce a small insect with a very large head and prominent eyes, a slender semi-transparent body, terminated by a forked tail. Their motion is by rapid twistings of the body. After a short time, these shed their skin, and become a black insect with a head and body bulb-like, and not so long a tail, in which the rudiments of the future wings can be perceived. Their motion is that of chiefly rising to the surface of the water by coiling themselves up like a ball, and, when disturbed, sinking by a jerking of the tail. In a few days, these are finally transformed into gnats, and sport in the sun, and live on the blood of animals, which they suck through a long proboscis pierced into the skin.


When by the green-wood side, at summer eve,
Poetic visions charm my closing eye;
And fairy scenes, that Fancy loves to weave,
Shift to wild notes of sweetest Minstrelsy;
"Tis thine to range in busy quest of prey,
Thy feathery antlers quivering with delight,
Brush from my lids the hues of heav'n away,
And all is Solitude, and all is Night!
-Ah, now thy barbed shaft, relentless fly,
Unsheaths its terrors in the sultry air!
No guardian sylph, in golden panoply,

Lifts the broad shield, and points the glittering spear.
Now near and nearer rush thy whirring wings,
Thy dragon-scales still wet with human gore.
Hark, thy shrill horn its fearful larum flings!
I wake in horror and dare sleep no more


The common glow-worm, the little planet of the rural scene,' may be observed in abundance in the month of August, when the earth is almost as thick ly spangled with them as the cope of heaven is with



The general decay of flowers in this month has often formed the muses' theme; but by none has the subject been more sweetly touched than by our lyric poetess Mrs. Robinson.


Fair was this blushing rose of May,
And ev'ry spangled leaf looked gay;
Sweet was this primrose of the dase,

The southern counties of England, particularly The Conus Cedo nulli, so very rarely offered for Surrey and Kent, now yield their valuable produce sale, is valued at three hundred guineas. The of hops in this month. The common hop (humulus Turbo Scalaris, if large and perfect, is worth a hun. lupulus) is propagated either by nursery plants, or dred guineas: the Cypræa Aurantium, without a by cuttings. Pilchards are taken in great abun-hole beaten through it, is worth fifty: and it has been dance in August. calculated, that a complete collection of the British Conchology is worth its weight in pure silver. la an economical and political view, they are of no in considerable import. Pearls, the diseased extres cences of muscles and oysters, form a portion of the revenues of these and some other kingdoms; and constitute, with jewels, the rich and costly ornamento by which the high and wealthy ranks of polished society are distinguished. The Cypræa Moneta, or money cowry, forms the current coin of many nations of India and Africa; and this covering or coat of an inconsiderable worm, stands at this day as the medium of barter for the liberty of man; a certain weight of them being given in exchange for a slave, The scholar needs not the reminiscence, that the suffrages of the ancient Athenians were delivered in, marked upon a shell; the record of which is mill commemorated in the derivation of our terms, ta tament, and attestation. As one of the principal agents of decomposition and gradual dissolution, the geologist will find his researches assisted by an examination into their rapid and astonishing powers of perforating and disuniting rocks of calcareous sandstone, limestone, marble, and even the hardest inasses of granite and porphyry, wherever they come in contact with the ocean: and by a comparative examination of the different stratifications of márise testaceous depositions, he may eventually be led to some important conclusions as to the probable elevation of the general deluge.

When on its native turf it grew;
And deck'd with charms this lily pale,
And rich this violet's purple hue.
This od'rous woodbine filled the grove
With musky gales of balmy pow'r,..
When, with the myrtle interwove,

It hung luxuriant round my bow'r.
Ah, rose! forgive the hand severe,
That snatched thee from thy scented bed;
Where, bowed with many a pearly tear,
Thy widowed partner droops its head.
And thou, sweet violet, modest flow'r,
O take my sad relenting sigh!
Nor strain the breast whose glowing pow'r,
With too much fondness, bade thee die.
Sweet lily, had I never gazed

With rapture on your gentle form,
You might have died, unknown, unpraised,
The victim of some ruthless storm.
Inconstant woodbine, wherefore rove
With gadding stem about my bower?
Why, with my darling myrtle wove,
In bold defiance mock my power?
Yet, yet, repine not, tho' stern fate

Hath nipt thy leaves, of varying hue,
Since all that's lovely, soon or late,

Shall, sick'ning, fade-and die like you.

The Brama.



The first part of it is droll enough. A younger bro

girl at a ball-which is likely and falls in love with her which is very likely and gets half tipsy with Champaigne-punch on the strength of his passion-and gets taken to the watch-house in consequence-and contrives to escape from it-he takes refuge in a house the door of which is accidently standing open. This house harpe to be the residence of his unknown fair one, who is liv with her aunt as many unknown fair ones do-the

ledge may be gained of marine plants, shells, &c. In this, and the succeeding month, much knowby those who visit the sea-coast. The elegance and simplicity in the contour or shape of shells, the ther-mad-headed, merry and mischievous, but proud. richness and variety of their colours, and the singu-pennyless, and named Poppleton-meets with a lovely larity in many of their forms, have ever excited attention to this confined but interesting department of created nature: and the comparative facility with which they may be collected and arranged, together with the durability of their structure, make them peculiarly adapted for the display of a cabinet. Their uses, however, have not been entirely confined to the gaze of curiosity, or to fanciful embellish-more's the pity! Frank (that is the scape-grace's name) ment. The inhabitants of many of them give a rich finding no one stirring, lays himself down on a sofaand nutritious food. The greater part of the lime covers himself with a woman's pelisse which is at hand, used in America, for agricultural and architectural and takes a little horizontal refreshment,' as he calls it. purposes,is made of calcined shells: the public streets aunt is an animal gifted with uncommonly sharp ears In the mean time the aunt has heard a noise-for your of Christianstadt and Santa Cruz are paved with when there are pretty nieces, "and such small deer," in the Strombus Gigas; and the town of Conchylion is the case-so she comes down stairs, and mistaking Frank entirely built of marine shells. The blue and white for the maid who had been sitting up for her young lady belts of the Indians of North America, as symbols-rouses him from his nap. He in turn, mistakes her of peace and amity, in opposition to the war hatchet, and by which the fate of nations is often decided are made of the Venus mercenaria; and the gorget of the chieftain's war-dress is formed of the Mytilus margaritiferus. The military horn of many African tribes is the Murex Tritonis; the rare variety of which, with the volutions reversed, is held sacred, and only used by the high-priests. The highest order of dignity, among the Friendly Islands, is the permission to wear the Cypræa Aurantium, or orange cowry. And Lister relates, that the inhabit. ants of the province of Nicaragua fasten the Ostrea The solitary bee (apis manicata), and the white virginica to a handle of wood, and use it as a spade moth (phalana pacta), are observed in this month: to dig up the ground. As matter of traffic, they the ptinus pectinicornis also makes its appearance, bear a nominal value and appreciation, proportionate the larvae of which are very destructive to wooden to their supposed scarcity or beauty. Rumphius is furniture, boring holes in tables, chairs, bed-posts, said to have given nearly a thousand pounds for one pf the first discovered specimeus of the Venus Dione.

Bright insect! that on humid leaves and grass
Lights up thy fairy lamp; as if to guide
The steps of labouring swains that homeward pass,
Well pleased to see thee cheer the pathway side,
Betokening cloudless skies and pleasant days;
While he whom evening's sober charmis invite
In shady woodlands, often stops to gaze,
And moralizing hails thy emerald light;
On the fair tresses of the roseate morn
Translucent dews as precious gems appear,
Not less dost thou the night's dark hour adorn,
Like a rich jewel in an Ethiop's ear."
Though the rude bramble, or the fan-like ferns,
Around thee their o'ershadowing branches spread,
Steady and clear thy phosphor brilliance burns,
And thy soft rays illuminate the shade.
Thus the calm brightness of superior minds
Makes them amid misfortune's shadow blest,
And thus the radiant spark of Genius shines,
Though skreened by Envy, or by pride oppressed.
C. Smith.


for one of the watchmen about whom he was dreaming;
and she, not to be behind hand, mistakes him for a thief;
and the surprise, confusion, and terror are very mutual
and very amusing. So far, so good. But the rest of the
such as it is consists in the younger brother Frank bo
Farce does not keep pace with the beginning. The fun
ing mistaken for his eldest brother Fred. a sober, steady.
quietly-disposed person, of moral habits and moderate
income who is saddled with all the expenses-mental,
bodily, and pecuniary-of Frank's jokes, and extrava-
gancies. Besides these characters there is a Cockney
calico-printer, who is rather a
poor epitome" of Labin
from an Irish print, without stating in reference to the
We cannot close this outline, which we have borrowed
performance of this piece, at our own Theatre, last week,
that we never saw Mr. Rees so much at home, as in Mr.
Nicholas, to which he gave a whimsical effect, which can
scarcely be surpassed by any comic actor, with whom we
are acquainted.




parts, better adapted to his comic powers, in which he
has acquitted himself most admirably. Among these,
his Mr. Nicholas Twill, in the new farce of Too late
for Dinner, stands pre-eminently conspicuous, and is a

He should not be offended at my cautioning him, as I
now do, to avoid imitations; they are seldom benefi-
cial, and often productive of much mischief.

Yours, &c.

See note to Correspondents.

SIR-Suffer me, most dread sovereign, with reveren-capital specimen of his excellence in such characters. tial awe and palpitating heart, humbly to approach the sanctum sanctorum of your editorial temple, there to bend the knee, and kiss the dust, in grateful adoration before that beneficent, omnific being, who has so mercifully condescended to administer, gratuitously, the emollient chastisement of his leniently correcting arm. Oh! Dramaticus, Dramaticus! what a fortunate youth art thou! what a sage for thy counsellor! what a litetary gardener to foster and protect thy young and tender plants! what a "matured, judicious" exerciser of "the pruning knife!" Happy, thrice happy scribbler! bow thy humiliated head, and with becoming meekness express, in a suitable form of words, thy unfeigned gratitude to the supreme ruler of the Kaleidoscopic uni verse, for the unmerited testimony of his most affectionate regard with which he has been graciously pleased to honour thee.

"Late as it is, I put myself to school,
And feel some comfort not to be a fool.
Not to go back is somewhat to advance,
And men must walk at least before they dance.
Timorous by nature, of the rich in awe,

I come to counsel learned in the law:
You'll give me, like a friend, both sage and free,
Advice; and (as you use) without a fee."

Now to the purport of my letter

Henri Quartre, with the Antiquary, have been the chief theatrical magnets during the week; and, I rejoice to add, have each attracted a very respectable audience to every succeeding representation. If the former has lost somewhat of its magnetic influence by Miss Tree's absence, we have, on the other hand, been favoured with the exertions of two gentlemen from London, whose universally acknowledged abilities have given to the play a degree of alluring celebrity, which has operated as a powerful antidote to the ill-effects of Miss Tree's absence.


[blocks in formation]

Amoroso, King of Little Britain.
The Wandering Boys.

The Devil to Pay.

Raising the W.nd.

The Apprentice.



Follies of a Day.

Killing no Murder.

The Spendthrift.




Day after the Wedding.


In a work recently published by a member of the French academy, entitled, "Instructions relative to Theatrical Declamation," the author insists strongly upon the importance of preserving its purity. He has distinguished the various kinds of accent already defined by metaphysical philosophers, under the denoBut, most potent Sir, all jesting apart, you are per minations of grammatical, logical, oratorical, dramatihaps aware that I write solely for my own amusement, cal, and harmonious accents; and recommends to canwhich I shall continue to do, whether it shall be your didates for histrionic fame, to frequent the bar, and the pleasure to publish what I write or not; I therefore legislative assemblies. The following animated picture In former days, when good housekeeping was in trust you will not quarrel with me for writing, so long of Mirebeau, is given to illustrate the advantages fashion amongst the English nobility, they used either. as I preserve my temper with you for refusing to print which an actor derives, when his action and delivery to begin or conclude their entertainments, and divert all that I write. In order, however, to convince you pourtray that his feelings are embarked in the subject: their guests with such pretty devices as the following, of my extremely irritated feelings on this occasion, I" I never could have believed, (he observes) without viz.: with a castle made of pasteboard, with gates, beg your acceptance of my thanks for your advice; hesitation, all the imposing forms with which such an drawbridges, battlements, and portcullises, all done and sincerely assure you, that whenever you receive impressession invests the discourse, or the richness over with paste. This was set upon the table in a any communication from me, I shall be always happy which it confers, or the eloquence which it inspires, large charger, with salt laid round about it, as if it to profit as much as possible, both by your counsel and if that union of rare or rival talents, the constituted were the ground, in which were stuck egg shells full of assembly, had not afforded in a political actor, one of rose and other sweet waters, the meat of the egg your "pruning knife," the most striking examples which can be held forth as having been taken out with a large pin; upon the bat a model for theatrical performers of the first class. tlements of the castle were planted guns made of The aspect of his exterior was decidedly disadvanta- kexes, covered over with paste, made into the geous: he was ugly; his stature presented only a com- form of cannons, and made to look like brass, bination of the most unwieldy contours; in contem- by covering them with Dutch leaf gold; these plating his countenance, it was impossible to suppress cannons being charged with powder, and trains laid the repugnance excited by its olive hue, pitted with the so that you might fire as many of them as you small pox, the cheeks deeply furrowed, the eye sunk pleased at one touch. The castle was set at one end of beneath the arch of a prominent eyebrow, and a mouth the table; then in the middle of the table they would irregularly formed; his whole head disproportionate, set a stag, made in paste, but hollow, and filled with and disagreeably contrasted with a very corpulent red wine, and a broad arrow stuck in the side of him; body: was it then in him beauty of organs or pronun- this being also set in a large charger, with a ground ciation which supplied the want of figure. His voice made of salt, and egg shells of perfumed waters stuck was no less forbidding than his features, and the re-in it as before; then at the other end of the table they mains of a southern accentuation made it still more would have the form of a ship, made in pasteboard, unfavourable; but his animated delivery compensated and covered over with paste, with masts, sails, flags, for its defects; at first he proceeded calmly, making and streamers, and guns made of kexes, and covered frequent pauses, indulging himself in inflections, and with paste and charged with gunpowder, with a train evincing, at the same time, the most consummate ta- as in the castle; this also in a large charger, set upAlthough the part of Henri affords scarcely any lents; these rose by a gradual mobility to a full, varied, right in, as it were, a sea of salt, in which are also scope for the great powers of such an actor as Mr. and majestic expression of ideas, which displayed his stuck egg shells, full of perfumed waters; then be' Vandenhoff, his chaste and judicious performance of zeal; it was here that he might be compared to those twixt the stag and castle, and stag and ship, were that noble-minded monarch, by proving the versatility large birds of prey, which appear to move heavily placed two pies, made of coarse paste, filled with bran of talent with which he has the good fortune to be eu-along the plain, but soar with rapid wing towards the and washed over with saffron and yolks of eggs: when dowed, contributed largely to his previous reputation. heavens: like a towering eagle sporting amid the tem- these were baked, the bran was taken out, a hole was Mr. Bass demands my warmest praise for, and con- pest, he lanced, as it were, the forky lightnings, and cut in the bottoms, and live birds put into one, and gratulation on, the improvements perceptible in his thundered on the nether world. Firm in his masculine live frogs into the ether, and the holes closed up with Eugene de Biron; which, with the exception of Mark eloquence, dignified by his declamation, his deformity paste; then the lids were cut neatly up, so that they Anthony, I now consider his most successful effort up vanished, his appearance commanded admiration, and might be easily taken off by the funnels, and adorned: to the present period of this season. O'Donnel, though his action was graceful, so much the energy of his feel with gilded laurels. These being thus prepared, and not by any means a well-finished character, was ren-ings had transformed his entire frame! It caused what placed in order on the table. First of all one of the dered uncommonly effective in the hands of Mr. what was robust in his stature to conduce to the im- ladies is persuaded to draw the arrow out of the body.. Johnstone, who is so well known, andso justly admired, pression of his arguments! It directed his rare and of the stag, which being done, the red wine issues out se the only genuine Hibernian on our stage. To that expressive gestures! It rendered formidable his haughty like the blood out of a wound, and causes some small stage, after a long life of public service, I believe he is countenance and commanding attitude! His genius admiration in the spectators: which being over, after about to bid an eternal farewell; and when he makes corresponded nobly with the fire of his looks, which a little pause, all the guns on one side of the castle, his final exit, “take him for all in all," I much fear were devoid of grimace, and the impassioned motion are, by a train, discharged against the ship, and after"we ne'er shall look upon his like again." He cannot of the muscles of his face, glowing with indignation, wards, the guns of one side of the ship against the cas be considered "the last Roman," but I am apprehensive and the movement of his lips, were admirably suited tle; then having turned the chargers, the other sides he will be the last Irishman. to the intonations of truth, vehemence, threatening, fired off, as in battle; this causing a great stink of powand irony!"'* der, the ladies or gentlemen take up the egg shells of perfumed water and throw them at one another. This The first Lord Chatham, and David Garrick, Esq. were pre-pleasant disorder being pretty well laughed over, and eminent in those qualities; far beyond any I ever saw or heard. the two great pies still remaining untouched, some one will have the curiosity to see what is in them, and lifting off the lid of one pye, out jump the frogs; this makes the ladies skip and scamper; and lifting up the lid of the other, out fly the birds, which will natu rally fly to the light, and so put out the candles, and with the leaping of the frogs below, and flying of the birds above, it caused a surprising and diverting hurlyburly amongst the guests in the dark; after which, the candles being lighted, the banquet was brought in, the music sounded, and the particulars of each persons surprise and adventures furnished matter for diverting discourse.

Mr. Emery appears to have got into quite a new line of business. He has successively played Moustache, and Edie Ochiltree, with very distinguished ability and great eclat; and, I doubt not, will, on Friday evening next, enjoy the pleasure of reaping an abundant harVest. I wish my allusion to Miss Tree not to be understood as depreciating the Louison of Miss Grant; on the contrary, I think it does her great credit, but Cannot certainly, with any thing like propriety, be called perfect.

Since the close of their last campaign, our dramatic corps have received a very valuable acquisition in the person of Mr. W. Rees, of whom I have hitherto had few oppertunities of speaking in terms adequate to his deserts. I manst confess that his Polonius was such as induced me considerably to undervalue his real merits, but I have subsequently seen bim perform a variety of


C. W.

SIR,-There are a number ot boys from Chester, I
believe, in this town, who always carry their hats in
their hands in the streets, which I think is a very bad
custom, it it be the custom of the school. If some-
thing were said to this purpose, perhaps the governor
of the school would permit them to wear their hats, at
least in the streets, for they are liable to take
COLD, &c.

Scientific Records.

(Continued from our former Numbers.)


This singular mode of discovering the various dieorders of the chest, by percussion, was, we believe, first suggested by Avenbrugger, physician, of Vienna, who published a work on this subject, since translated by M. Corvissart. A memoir has lately been presen. ted to the French Academy, by M. Laennac, detailing the various modes of employing this discovery. among others. Mr. L. recommends the use of a tube, with thick sides, or a cylinder pierced along its axis with a narrow aperture. This, on being applied to the chest of a person in good health, who is speaking or singing, produces a sort of trembling noise, more or less distinct; but if an ulcer exist in the lungs, a very singular phenomenon happens: the voice of the sick person can no longer be heard by the ear at liberty, the whole of the sound passing along the aperture of the cylinder to the observer. Commissioners appointed by the French academy have verified the experiment in various cases of consumption.


scholar himself, (as is evident by his learned quota- | tion) is hot, as Lingo says "A master of scholars." If, however, he really belong to the pedagogue tribe, we hope his practice does not square with his theory or mercy on the poor urchins committed to his charge! We allude, as our readers will guess, after they have read the letter, to the extraordinary and unmerciful length of time supposed to be used in each of these corrective operations. We recollect well in former days that we should have deemed one-half the time more than sufficient for the purpose. M. R. suspects our correspondent P. to be the author of the article which has called into action his profound powers of calculation; and for fear he should, by way of retaliation, inflict upon Mr. P. one of those protracted and ingenious modes of torture, for his supposed offence, we beg to inform him that the account of the flogging powers of Orbilius, the Suabian schoolmaster, appeared in the Liverpool Mercury, vol. VII. page 99. The honour, however, of taking up the matter in a serious point of view, and submitting it to a mathematical scrutiny, was reserved for the individual, whose letter it is now high time to lay before our readers.

“Juranti tibi non credam."

SIR, I was rather surprised at the marvellous account, which you gave in your paper last week, of the extraordinary labours of the German schoolmaster, but as the utter impossibility of the task renders it altogether improbable, I should like to know from a communication. what source your correspondent P. derived so valuable

he remitted to you the information, it would have perHad your correspondent given his authority when mitted him to escape the imputation of being the author of such an impracticable absurdity, though it did not protect him from censure as the propagator of it.

To convince you, Sir, of the infeasibility of this Herculean task, I have subjoined a calculation of the time it would take.

To 911,500 canings, trial and execution, at 3 minutes each,....

One of the most curious applications of galvanism to the useful purposes of life, is its recent employment as a means of distinguishing bad teeth from good. The test which galvanism has now supplied to remedy the frequent mistakes made by dentists, who, instead of ridding you of a bad tooth, will draw the best you have in your head, is considered to be one of infallible certainty in its application. The method is thus described by Professor Aldini, the nephew of Galvani:-" He (the dentist) first insulates the patient, and then places in his hands an electric chain; he then applies a small piece of wire, and draws it gradually over the surface of the tooth; he then applies it to the next tooth in the same manner, and proceeds in the like method with the rest, until he comes to the diseased tooth, which is discovered by violent pain being produced, and au involuntary emotion in the body. It has always been remarked, when the tooth is extracted, that it exhibited a carious part, which in its proper situation was not visible." Need we add, that after the dis-Then to enforce the following punishments. covery of so simple a test, drawing a wrong tooth ought to be made a misdemeanour at least.


The following is taken from the "Journal de Pharmacie," for June. The method is not new, but it does not appear to be generally known. When the fruit is ripe, choose those bushes enjoying a southern aspect, and which are most convenient in their shape, and most loaded with fruit, and surround them with thick straw mats, so that they shall be completely sheltered from atmospheric cold and other changes. By this simple method it will be found that the fruit may be preserved quite fresh till after Christmas.

To Correspondents.

In the 7th number of our New Series, page 56, the article appeared which has produced the following whimsical commentary. We give the letter of M.R. verbatim et literatim as we received it, being loath to take any liberties with so unique a composition. As there is not one of our readers who will question the sagacity of the man who could discover that "the utter IMPOSSIBILITY of a task, renders it altogether IMPROBABLE!!" Without venturing to dispute the point with one who appears to have entered so minutely into all the mysteries of flagellation as our correspondent; yet a remembrance of our boyish days, and our general philanthropy, prompts us to venture to hope that M. R., though he may be a


To 121,000 floggings, trial, condemnation, and execution, at 5 minutes each......... 605000 To 209,000 custodes, conviction and sentence, one minute each....... To taps with the ruler......136,000 To boxes on the ear.......................


Allowed 3 minutes to each 146,200




To make 700 boys stand on peas.
To make 6000 ditte kneel on a sharp edge of wood
To make 5000 ditto wear the fool's cap.
To make 1700 ditto hold the rod.

13400 It would take as many min. 13400

The time total in minutes 36106334 Now, Sir, although Orbilius taught 51 years, allow six hours to the day, which, allowing for the shortness of the winter days, is rather longer than a scholastic day; and five days to the week, and nine months to the year, which, after holidays, &c. are deducted, is perhaps more than a scholastic year.

51 years would be but........................ ................? ...3304800

3058334 There would be 305855 minutes more than the time Orbilius taught, which is equal to 4 scholastic years, 6 months, 1 week, 4 days, 3 hours, 154 minutes. So much, Sir, for this marvellous account. I remain, Sir, yours, &c. Liverpool, August 18, 1820.

M. R.

The verses which POETICUS recommends have already appeared in the first volume of the old series of the Kaleidoscope, page 28.

The OLD BATCHELOR shall be attended to next week. PROFESSOR SQUABBLE has omitted to state who is the author of BENJAMIN BUMPKIN, which we fancy we have met with before.

W. J. and R. P. must have been mislaid. Will they take the trouble to state what the subjects were?

We thank a correspondent who subscribes "Your READER," for the trouble he has taken to translate from the original German of Kotzebue, the whimsical article in this day's publication, entitled The Chinese Dinner, which it seems Kotzebue in his preface states that he had from the man himself, who was then in very good circumstances, and with whom he became acquainted during his stay in Siberia. We take the opportunity to inform our correspondent, that we shall not fail to rectify the misunderstanding which, oving to an entry in our index, may still subsist, a to Kotzebue being the author of the coarse satire upon the sex, so justly complained of.

W. is informed that we shall shortly avail ourselves of s portion at least of his " Essay on the profession of a player," &c.

The proposal of C. B. if carried into effect might interest the public; but it would be inconsistent with the plan of our work, and our own uniform pledges ta abstain from political and religious discussions. X, although very well timed, is necessarily excluded for the reason just assigned.

If we recollect right, the article recommended by R.D. is objectionable on other grounds.

THE ALCORAN.-A correspondent, A. L., has made the singular proposal to us, to give either the whole or portions of the Alcoran of Mahomet, in the Kaleidoscope. We need not say that such a subject is as foreign to our plan, as it would be to the general taste of our readers.

It is not likely that we can pretend to answer the query of Mr. INQUISITIVE.

THE BONONIAN ENIGMA.-The correspondent from whom we solicited the solution to this enigma, pre viously to its insertion, has not complied with our re quest.

ERRATUM. In the whimsical tale in verse, entitled LE PATTISSIER, in our last number (page (0) an error occurred, which we merely notice here, because it renders the lines defective in measure: In the 4th verse, 4th and 7th line, the word " Cratur" should be "Orateur."

THE ECLIPSE.-We had anticipated the suggestion of a CONSTANT READER, on this subject; and have now in preparation an engraved sketch, which, toge ther with some descriptive illustration, shall appear in the Mercury and also in the next Kaleidoscope. We wish to ask A. L. whether the lines on May Morning are original ?

VIRGINIUS. Our Theatrical correspondent, DRAM TICUS, whose letter will be found in this day's pa cation, will perceive that his postscript has been omi ted. Its substance may be supplied here in a very few lines, as it is merely a repetition of his hope that the tragedy of Virginius will shortly be brought out st our Theatre, with our own company.

J. P. whose extract from Gregory was received some time ago, is informed that we are preparing an article on the subject of the weather, with which his comm«« nication shall appear,


Printed, published, and sold BY EGERTON SMITH AND CO. Liverpool Mercury Office. Sold also by John Bywater and Co. Pool-lane; Meurs. Evans, Chegwin and Hall, Castle-street: Mr. Thos Smith, Paradise-street; Mr. Warbrick, Public Library, Lime-street; Mr. G. P. Day, Newman, Dale-street; Mr. Lamb, Hanover-street; and Mr. John Smith, St. James's-road, for ready money only. AGENT FOR DUBLIN: Messrs. J. K. Johnson & Co. No. 1, Eden Quay, Lower Sackville-street.

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