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SIR,-Considerable interest having lately been excited to know the name of the real author of the popular novels of "Guy Mannering," "Waverly," Tales of my Landlord," &c. if you think the fol. lowing account, which I have often related in private, worthy of publicity, you are welcome to give it a place in your next Kaleidoscope:

In the year 1815, soon after the peace with America,
and on my return from the British army encamped
near the celebrated falls of Niagara, I met, during my
route through Upper Canada, at Kingston, with the
70th regiment of foot, and, having heard a report as
freely circulated as believed, that the Pay-master of
that regiment, Capt. Scott, brother of Sir Walter Scott,
was the author of some of those celebrated works, I
made enquiries amongst the officers as to the truth of
the report, which I found originated in the following of disappointment (as the girl of my first choice can

bear witness;) regular in my habits; plain in dress, A gentleman of the strictest honour and integrity and in every part of my household establishment. Acting on the suggestion of a former correspondent, I having had occasion to visit Captain Scott, in his offi- think it no bad plan to make you the referee (if I may cial capacity, entered his office somewhat earlier than use the word) in matters of this kind; and if any of usual, and being left alone for some time, his eyes your female readers consider themselves qualified to wandered upon the table, which was crowded with lend a helping hand to my distressing case, they will find materials above whereby to form a tolerable public documents, and inadvertently glanced upon a judgment, previous to their undertaking. Expecting postscript of a letter, which lay partly open, and, see-to hear from some of your fair correspondents, I remain, Sir, ing it signed Walter Scott, he read the following: "Guy Mannering has succeeded admirably, beyond expectation; YOU COULD NOT DO BETTER THAN PROCEED." Such, Sir, is the authority upon which N. B. If the young lady who was observed walking this report rests; and I have every reason to give cre-up Duke-street, on Saturday, at 4 P. M. with a small dit to it, not only from the known and acknowledged parcel in her hand, would condescend to try her skill, talent and genius of Captain Scott, and his absolute de- there is not much doubt she would succeed. votion to literature, but also from the peculiarity of his private life and pursuits, and that air of abstraction which particularly characterizes the poet and the author, bespeaking a mind wandering in an ideal world, and lost in its own musings.



SIR,-In the Kaleidoscope of the 20th June, in giving an "account of the Nuns of Cambray," from the Percy Anecdotes, you add, that you shall feel obliged to any correspondent who will give you any further account of these Nuns: whether they are in existence, and if so, where is their present place of abode? In answer to which, I beg to refer you to following extracts from an

PRICE 3 d.

Scientific Notices.



The semicircle, marked earth's semi disc, is the half of the earth's enlightened surface. The points VI, VII, VIII, &c. on the semi-elliptic curve, shew the situation of Edinburgh on the earth's disc at these different hours, as seen from the sun; and the curve represents the parallel of latitude, or path of Edinburgh, on the earth's disc, as seen from the sun, from his rising SIR,-I was sorry to perceive from a letter in Satur- to his setting. The line, marked Path of Penumbra's day's Advertiser, a few weeks since, that the peal of centre, is the path of the centre of the moon's shadow ten bells already cast, and intended for St. Michael's over the earth's disc, and is divided into hours, quarters, church, are not to be used; and I think that the great &c.; the point in which it meets the axis of the moon's number of Dissenters who paid so much towards the orbit is where the Penumbra's centre approaches nearest building may well complain that they cannot even en- to the centre of the earth's disc, and consequently the joy the small remuneration of hearing the ringing of middle of the eclipse. This line is marked at the one the bells. As the bells are already cast, I suppose the end when the eclipse begins, and the other when it ends. gentlemen who manage the parish affaire afraid of The figures, marked sun, moon, shew the appearance entailing the expense of ringing &c. on the parish. of the eclipse at the time of the greatest obscuration.Now as necessity is the mother of invention, perhaps Thus, it appears from the diagram, that the beginning when unable to pay ringers, some one will invent a of the eclipse, or the instant the moon makes the first machine for ringing peals of bells. When for a mo- impression on the sun, is at 9 minutes past noon, mean ment we consider the many uses to which engines are time; that the middle of the eclipse is at 38 minutes successfully applied, we cannot doubt but that bells past 1 o'clock in the afternoon, and that it ends at 2 might very easily be rung by machines, which would minutes past 3 o'clock, mean time, or the time shewn prove an immense saving to Liverpool, and indeed to by a well-regulated clock. Duration of the eclipse 2 every parish possessing that melodious and truly British hours 53 minutes. At the time of the greatest obscumusic. ration there will be nearly 10 degrees, or ths of the

sun's diameter, eclipsed on his north limb. The moon's shadow enters the earth near the north pole, and moves along the east coast of Britain, which it leaves to the west, and enters near Embden in Germany, passing between Trieste and Venice, by Naples, Grand Cairo in Egypt, and leaves the earth, with the setting sun, in the Gulph of Bassora, near that city. This is the only grand eclipse of the sun since the famous one of April ist, 1764; but as the sun will not be totally eclipsed, we cannot expect that gloomy darkness which takes place, for a few minutes, at such eclipses; however, it is probable, that, at the time of the greatest obscuration, the planet Venus may be seen with a small glass, she being at that time about 40 degrees westward of the The next great solar eclipse happens on the 9th October, 1847, and is the only annular eclipse in the nineteenth century: it begins about half-past 6 o'clock in the morning, and ends about 9 o'clock. There will be above 11 degrees, or 11-12ths of the sun's diameter, eclipsed.


North Leith, December 13, 1819.

Teacher of Mathematics.

[From the Norfolk Chronicle.]


SIR,-The great eclipse, which is fast approaching, will take place on the 7th of September next, being the largest visible on this part of the globe previous to the solar eclipse, which will happen in the year 1847. The sparticulars of this eclipse are calculated for the meridian of Norwich, and which are as follows, viz-beg. of the eclipse 0 ho. 29 min. 25 sec. P. M. visible conjunction 1 ho. 55 min. 40 sec. true ecliptic conjunction 1 ho. 56 min. 48 sec. greatest obscuration 1 ho. 58 min. 10 sec. eclipse ends 8 ho. 21 min. 55 sec. Total duration of the eclipse at Norwich, 2 ho. 52 min. 33 sec. Digits eclipsed 10 deg. 50 min. on the sun's north limb.

At Yarmouth and Lowestoft, 1 min. 46 sec. must be added, but at Lynn, 3 min. must be deducted from the time at Norwich, in order to obtain the respective times at the above places.

deg. 21 min. north, and lon. 20 deg. 25 min. east.-
Total duration of the general eclipse to the inhabitants
of the earth 5 ho. 16 min. 45 sec.
The duration of the annular eclipse cannot, at any
particular place, exceed 6 minutes of time.
The eclipse will be annular, or the whole body of the
moon will appear on the sun's disc, over a space of
about 150 miles in breadth, on each side of the central
And where the eclipse is of the magnitude of 11 digits
and one-tenth, the obscuration will be as great as if cen-
tral. This eclipse, after traversing the expansium from
the creation of the world, first came in at the south pole
of the earth, about 88 years after the conquest, or in the
last of King Stephen's reign, since which time it has
proceeded more northerly, and will finally leave the
earth at the North Pole, A. D. 2090, whence no more
returns of this eclipse will take place from the latter pe-
riod, till after a revolution of 12,300 years.-I am, Sir,
yours respectfully,

Lynn Regis, Aug. 15, 1820.


in the temperature of the air may cause an hurricane of wind (together with rain or snow) as was observed about the middle of the eclipse by Mr. Maclaurin, 1737, and by Le Monnier in 1748. Mr. Short says, that in the eclipse of 1748, "we did not at all perceive or feel any greater degree of cold during the eclipse than we felt before it began." But M. Cassini de Thury, who went with the King of France to Com peigne to view it, and when the obscuration was only 94 digits, says, "they experienced considerable cold at the time of the middle of the eclipse; the thermometer, however, fell only 24 degrees." The hurricane that took place in 1787, I think, was by no means oc casioned by the eclipse; only it accidentally occurred at the same time; and we need not be apprehensive of such an event in the ensuing eclipse. In order to note with accuracy the lowest degree of temperature, it will be proper to adjust a self-registering thermometer at the commencement of the eclipse. Those who under. stand making comparative experiments on the intensity of light, will not fail to make observations to that effect; for even when the eclipse is greatest there will not be total darkness. It is recorded, that, "In the annular

USEFUL HINTS TO THE OBSERVERS OF eclipse of 1764, an ignorant country clergyman alarmed


the people of France by announcing that there would be total darkness during the existence of the annulus; and the Royal Academy of Sciences thought proper to con tradict the report.' It will also be interesting carefully to observe the moon, as sometimes there appear small illuminated points on its surface, as was observed by the King of France and others in 1748; which can only be accounted for by supposing that volcanoes exist in the moon; in support of this opinion philosophers are in possession of many, and I would almost say decisive ar


The writer of the following caution is, we apprehend, under a mistake in his notion of danger from the sudden contrast he seems to dread so much. We can conceive some risk from such a cause upon the occasion of a total eclipse, but none from a partial one like the approaching phenomenon.-Edts.

One of the best methods is to view the sun through very deeply coloured glass, or if this cannot be obtained, through smoked glass; for which purpose the late Astronomer Royal gave the following directions: "Provide two pieces of glass, of convenient length, not too thick (common crown glass will do) wipe them clean and dry, warm them a little by the fire (if the weather be cold) to prevent their cracking when applied to the flame of the candle: then draw one of them gently, according to its whole length, through the flame, and part of the smoke will adhere to the glass. Repeat the same operation, only leaving a little at one end now untouched, and so each time leave a further part of the end untouched, till at last you have tinged the glass with several dyes, increasing gradually in blackness from one end to the other. Smoke the other glass, in like manner, and apply then the two glasses one against the other, only separated by a border, cut of brass or card paper, the smoked faces being opposed to each other, "Much as has been said of the approaching eclipse of Owing to the moon being nearly at her greatest dis- and the deepest tinges of both placed together at the the sun, on the 7th of next month, there is we believe tance from the earth, her apparent diameter will be less same end. Tie the glasses firmly together with waxen than that of the sun, consequently, where central, a thread, and they are ready for use: the tinge at one one point of view in which it has not been contemplated. beautiful annulus or ring of light will present itself, of end should be the lightest possible, and at the other and which we notice as a caution to our friends, about one twenty-ninth part of the sun's diameter, sur-end so dark, that you cannot see the candle through may not be aware of the extreme danger to be apps rounding the moon's dark body. But in no part of it. By this contrivance, applied between your eye hended from looking with fixed eyes upon the sun in the Great Britain will this appearance be visible. The cen- and the sun, you will have the advantage not only tral eclipse will commence at 12 h. 54 min. 40 sec. app. of seeing the sun's white light, according to its natural moment of the greatest darkness, as the most serious time at Greenwich, in lat. 81 deg. 39 min. 30 sec. north, colour, and his image more distinct than through com-jury, if not blindness, may ensue, from the intensity of the and lon. 149 deg. 33 min. west of Greenwich. The sun mon dark glasses, but also of being able to intercept sun's light suddenly darting through and dissipating the will be centrally eclipsed on the meridian at 1 ho. 8 min. more or less of its light as you please, and as the dark-whole obscurity when the moon casts her shadow over 15 sec. in lat. 76 deg. 6 min. 20 sec. north, and lon. 17 ness and thickness of the air requires it." Placing a deg. 3 min. 20 sec. west. It will traverse the supposed pail of water so as not to be disturbed by the air, and us. Reignault tells us (in his Philosophical Convers polar basin and the north-east coast of Greenland, the walking a short distance from it, to be able to see the tions) that "when the sun discovers himself, the pays if the discovery ships, which sailed in 1818, viz. the observer to watch the whole of the eclipse without dis- it has been enlarged in the shadow of the eclipse; st object of so much curiosity at the present time; so that image of sun the reflected on its surface, will enable an (of the eye) receives at first so many more rays, the must Dorothea, Captain Buchan and Lieut. Morrel, and the tressing the eye. Those who possess telescopes even of Trent, Lieuts. Franklin and Beechey, to the Pole direct, moderate power, may observe the commencement and the pupil which is contracted in the full light is dilated should chance to be in those parts, they may probably progress of the obscuration either by looking at the sun, in the dark, and the retina is so much the more sensible observe the eclipse in those high northern latitudes, as having the eye defended either by coloured glass, or by of the sudden rays the less its fibres were agitated may also the navigators returning from the Greenland receiving the sun's image through the telescope on a Hence probably proceeds the vivacity of this light the Whale Fishery (should they not be home at the time). sheet of white paper, in a darkened room. And if any The centre of the moon's shadow, after quitting the remarkable spots on the sun's disc should be present, moment it begins to appear after a total eclipse of the coast of Greenland, passes a little to the west of Mayness's the time of the moon's touching them should also be sun." The effect of a sudden ray shot through a dark Island; it thence proceeds up the North Sea, about mid-noticed. To make these observations useful, a good cloud is of itself insupportable to some eyes; what then way between the Shetland Isles and the coast of Norway, watch, beating seconds, should be set to mean-time the must be the instant burst of light caused by the emersion leaving every part of Britain to the west. It thence day before. Those possessing good telescopes may prove eaters the continent of Europe, between Emden and the correctness of their watch, as, "in the evening of the of the sun from beneath the darkness occasioned by the the Weser, and in crossing the Confederation of the same day on which this eclipse takes place, there will intervention of such a body as the moon between the Rkine, it passes by Cassel, Wurtzburg, and Munich. be an eclips of one of Jupiter's satellites. The immer sun and the earth? This deserves attention." It thence crosses a part of Italy, and enters the Gulf of sion will take place at Greenwich at 8h. 34m. 34 sec. Venice, between Venice and Trieste, and proceeding in mean time."-To observe the exact commencement of its track, it leaves the Island of Tremiti a little to the an eclipse requires very great attention. In 1793, by It thence crosses the heel of Italy, and enters the means of a telescope of very high power, Sir W. Herschel Mediterranean, passing over the Gulf of Tarento, observed that two high mountains, like two horns, were leaving the coast of Morea and Candia about a degree first distinctly visible on the sun's disc before the body of to the east, whence it enters Egypt, passing by the city the moon appeared.The effect of a burning glass in of Alexandria, leaving the Egyptian Pyramids a little lighting tobacco or firing gunpowder should, when the to the south, whence it passes over Grand Cairo and the obscuration is greatest, be observed; also the state of the north end of the Red Sea: it then enters Arabia, and thermometer. M. Baily says, "During the progress of finally leaves the earth near the Persian Gulf, at 3 the eclipse it would be desirable to ascertain the degree of ho. 8 min. 10 sec. in lat. 27 deg. 10 min. 30 sec. north, cold and obscurity caused by the diminution of the sun's and lon. 46 deg. 2 min. east of Greenwich. Total du- rays; for which purpose preparation should be made beration of the central eclipse 2 ho. 13 min. 30 sec. The fore-hand, in order that no time be lost during the period general eclipse commences at 11 ho. 23 min. in lat. 59 of the eclipse. The variations in the thermometer and deg. 43 min. north, and lon. 90 deg. 50 min. west, and barometer may be easily noted down without interruptfinally leaves the earth at 4 ho. 89 min. 45 sec. in lat. ing the astronomical observations. The rapid change



A Patriotic Character.-M. the Count de Romanzo, is fitting out at is own expense an expedition which is to set out from Tchouktches, so as to pass over the solid ice from Asia to America, to the north of Behring Strait, at the point where Cook and Kotzebue were stopped. The same gentleman is also fitting out an expedition which is to ascend one of the rivers which di embouge the western coast, in Russian America, in order to penetrate into the unknown tracts that lie betwees Icy Cape and the River Mackenzie.

According to calculations made by the Medical and Chirurgical Society of Londen, the number of lives sered in the metropolis alone, by the introduction of vaccina tion, amounts in the last fifteen years to 23,134.



from Rio Janeiro:-"The Hon. Captain Spencer, of the Owen Glendower frigate, wishing to have his ship worked, without too much severity towards the men, gave the necessary orders to the first Lieutenant. Coming on board the frigate during the absence of Sir This delightful residence, which has recently been Thomas Hardy, who was gone to Maldonado, and taken as a temporary dwelling for the Queen, has of having occasion to complain of the want of punctuality hate years been known as the favourite seat of the Mar- to his orders, he reprimanded the Lieutenant, who told gravine of Anspach. This lady having quitted it, it has him it was impossible to carry on the duty unless he since been occupied by Colonel Roper, from whom it was properly supported. On this, Captain Spencer threw has been taken by the Agents of her Majesty. The himself into a violent passion, beat to quarters, and sent house was originally erected about the beginning of the every body down to the main deck guns, leaving himreign of Charles I. by Sir N. Crispe, Bart. a famous self and the first Lieutenant on the deck. Captain merchant, warrior, and loyalist, who is said to have been Spencer then drew his sword, ordering the Lieutenant the first inventor of the art of making bricks, as now to defend himself. He remonstrated, stating, that he practised, and to have built this mansion with those was a much better swordsman than the Captain, having materials at an expense of nearly £23,000. It after- had a deal of practice while confined as a prisoner of wards became the property of Prince Rupert, who gave war in France; but if Captain Spencer was determined it to his beautiful mistress, Margaret Hughes, a much to fight, he would meet him on shore. Captain Spencer admired actress in the reign of Charles II. From her it then called him a d-d cowardly rascal, and, it is said, passed through several hands, till the year 1748, when struck his side. Upon this the Lieutenant drew his it was purchased by George Bubb Doddington, after-sword on the defensive, and displayed some coolness. wards Lord Melcombe Regis, who repaired and mo- This coolness exasperated the Captain, and, making a dernized the house, giving it the name of La Trappe, violent thrust, overshot himself, and fell on the Lieute from the celebrated monastery of that name in France. nant's sword: shortly after which he died. This meHe likewise built a magnificent gallery for statues and lancholy affair has thrown a great gloom over the counantiques. The floor was inlaid with various marbles, tenances of all naval characters at Rio. The first Lieuand the door case supported by two columns, richly tenant's name is James M Donald (Murray's List gives ernamented with lapis lazuli. It subsequently became the name of Evans.) He was formerly first of the Creole, the property of Mrs. Sturt, and was purchased from that then second of the Creole, from some error, and then lady in 1792, by the Margrave of Anspach for £85,000. went first of the Owen Glendower about May last. Mr. Craven, and sister of the late Earl of Berkeley. Under was taken by the American Wasp. The Hon. Captain His Serene Highness married Elizabeth, Dowager Lady M Donald was midshipman of the Penguin when she the directions of the Margravine, considerable improve- Spencer is son of Earl Spencer, who has also another ents were made both in the houses and grounds. The son (the Hon. F. Spencer,) a Lieutenant of the Superb, matter were laid out with peculiar taste; and, from their Sir Thomas Hardy's flag ship. roximity to the river, of which a view is commanded rom many points, they form a delightful lounge. "Lately, as some men were employed in that part The mansion still maintains some of its ancient splen of Hyde Park which is opposite St. George's Hosdour, and, from the magnificence of many of the rooms, s every way calculated for a Royal residence. The de- pital, digging the ground for the purpose of making corations of the interior are extremely elegant, and the some necessary repairs in part of the wall. One of the apartments large and commodious. The drawing-room men having dug about a couple of feet beneath the surespecially is 38 feet by 23 feet, and 20 feet in height. face of the earth, was struck with astonishment at beThe ceiling of this room was painted by Lord Mel-holding a man's head buried in the ground; he dug combe, by whom also a very costly chimney-piece, re- little further, and the head was taken up: it appeared presenting, in white marble, the marriage of the Thames to have been recently severed from the body of some and Isis, was put up. Near the water side is a small person, the blood being quite fresh. The circumstance theatre, where the Margravine entertained her friends caused considerable alarm, and a mob of persons came to with dramatic exhihitions, in which she herself occa- view it lying on the grass: curiosity led to a further sionally performed. The theatre is connected with the search, when several clothes soaked in blood were found dwelling-house by a conservatory of 150 feet in length. near the spot, and various drops on the ground. In It is of a curvilinear form, and occupies the site of a to the parish officers of St. George's, who went to the colonnade. This, however, bears the mark of neglect; ing the place for her Majesty's reception, and in putting workmen are, however, now busily engaged in prepar-spot, and brought the head to the Workhouse, where up such fumiture as may be necessary for the temporary

Accommodation of her establishment.


formation of the discovery was immediately forwarded


now lies. The head is bald, and appears to be that of
an elderly and robust man. An inquiry into this cir-
cumstance has since taken place; and the head is ascer-
tained to have been that of a man, whose name was
John Saunders, who formerly held the situation of porter
in the above hospital, where, after a lingering illness, he
died of a consumption, and was buried on Tuesday in
the burial ground of the hospital at Brompton; and the
above singular circumstance arose, it appears, from the
operation of some resurrection men, who placed the head
in the above place, with the clothes, for safety."-London

papers, June 17.

The Queen entering Jerusalem.-A picture has been consigned to this country by a mercantile house at Genoa, representing the entrance of the Queen into Jerusalem. The artist is Sig. Carloni, of Milan. The scene is highly picturesque. Moving down a hill in the vicinity of the holy city is seen a cavalcade of Syrians and Turks, and a scarlet litter, with some of the Queen's attendants. In the foreground the principal group of about a dozen persons appear. In front, at The Bull-dog-Last week an instance of the savage some distatice, and near one of the gates of Jerusalem, disposition of the bull-dog, occurred at Portsea :-An (which is disposed on an amphitheatric form on the animal of this species, belonging to a higgler, named right) rides the Janissary, who has the firman and Wade, who lives in Lake-lane, was usually confined in charge of the travellers. Foremost of these is the the stable with a horse, and it is supposed the horse by Queen, in a Turkish dress, and riding upon an ass, treading on him had roused his savage nature, as in the according to the fashion of that country, astride on the saddle; her loose trowsers are just visible under the red night, the owner was awakened by the moans of the horse, and on opening the stable door, he found the dog robe; leaning on the pummel of her saddle, she is fastened on the chest of the horse, and was obliged to turning towards Bergami, who is mounted on a white call in the assistance of a neighbour, wno procured a charger behind her. On the left of Bergami is another cutlass, and after severely lacerating the dog, they got chevalier, adorned with an order of merit, who, from him off, but unfortunately getting loose again, he seized the likeness between them, appears to be his brother. the horse by the nose. After hewing the dog with the Immediately behind are two other horsemen of the suite, sword for a long time, they twisted the rope round his and between them the Countess Oldi, also on horse- neck, and almost strangled him; but the ferocious aniback. In the rear of these are other followers, and mal, in its last moments, made a feeble effort to get at nearer the front a black and a white boy the latter is the horse again, whose pitiable condition induced the mounted on an ass, and is a son, it is said, of Bergami, owner to put on end to his existence. the black being his slave. Behind these again is young Austin, on a black charger; well disposed for variety in the group. Attendants bring up the reserve,

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We have just heard of a shaving machine, which has been lately invented in America, worked by steam, and capable of shaving twenty-four men at one operation! This is what we call doing business by wholesale.-Carlow Morn. Post.

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Fashions for September.

ENGLISH.-WALKING DRESS.-Round dress of white and green chequered summer silk, with broad honeycomb border of the same; the bust and short sleeves trimmed to correspond. Marie Stuart bonnet of white satin, elegantly trimmed with a double blond quilling at the edge, and surmounted by a full halfwreath bouquet of maidens' blush roses and ears of corn. Marguerite de Valois ruff of fine lace, fastened in front with a small cross bow of blush-coloured ribbon. White kid shoes and gloves.


FRENCH SUMMER PROMENADE DRESS. Round dress of fine cambric muslin, with a broad rich border, formed of muslin rosetes, placed at equal distance, and headed by a letting in of open-work in a scallop. Narrow full flounce of muslin, beautifully embroidered at the edge, in open, overcast aislet holes at the hem of the dress. The sleeves trimmed to correspond with the border, with narrow open work in chevrons. White chip bonnet, with striped pink and white feathers. Cerulean blue silk short scarf, with a rich variegated border. Sash of pink and slate coloured chequered ribbon.—La Belle COTTAGE DRESS.A round dress, composed of drabcoloured bombasine: the skirt is of a moderate width; it is finished at the bottom by a full plaiting of peachcoloured satin ribbon, above which is a simple trimming of the same material; it is arranged in puffs of different forms, which are placed alternately. The body is cut sides. The bust is ornamented with a twisted band of low; the waist of the usual length; the back moderately wide, tight to the shape, and a good deal sloped at the white and peach-coloured satin. Plain long sleeve, of an easy width, finished at the hand by a roulean cuft, also of satin to correspond.

Ball Dress. A slip composed of pale pink satin, finished at the bottom with a light wreath of artificial corn-flowers mixed with ears of ripe wheat, surmounted by a trimming composed of pearls embroidered in ornaments, which resemble a little the shape of the Prince's plume; they are scattered irregularly, and do not come high: the effect of this trimming is striking and novel. The robe is composed of white lace: it is open on the left side, is edged with pearls, and is looped all round with nots of pearl and boquetts of field flowers, which are placed alternately.

A Thumper!-At an entertainment given at Kenmore Castle, on the 25th ult. by the Hon. J. Gordon, present provost of New Galloway, to the magistrates singular punch-bowl was exhibited. This was nothing else than an enormous cockle-shell, from one of the and councilof that ancient borough, a most novel and South Sea Islands, weighing 120 lbs. and of propor tionate capacity, moulded into a most fantastic form, and exquisitely elaborated by the inimitable hand of Nature. When this gigantic vase, with its ocean of choicest punch, was placed on the oaken table of the vaulted hall, and the joyous company gathered round in close order, the effect was highly pleasing; and it was curious to observe what zest was given by these peculiarities to this merry fete, so much in the character of the baronial hospitalities of other days.

Anecdote of a Sailor. An honest tar, who had well lined his pockets with the spoils of the enemies of his country, ordered a huge gold ring. When the tradesman had finished it, he told him that it was common "Very well," said the to have a posy engraved on it. seaman, "what must it be?" "Any thing you please." replied the goldsmith, "Then," returned the other,

Put on it

"When money 's low-the ring must go." This was done, and the honest son of the waves was so well pleased with the execution of the whole that he ordered a massive pair of silver buckles to be made, with rims nearly as broad as the edge of a two-inch plank. "And here," said he," you may as well put a posy on them also:

"If that wont do the buckles too."

There is at present a tulip tree in full blossom at Pit* caithly-house, which was planted abont a century ago, and never carried flowers before. The trunk is abont 4 feet in circumference, and the branches cover a large portion of ground. The tree is allowed by botanists to be one of the finest specimens of the kind in the nort of Scotland.

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By Mr. Ryley, author of the ‘Itinerant.'
When the day's now gone by, reflection draws nigh;
Through a life nearly three score and three,
Those least I repent, are the days I have spent
At my Cot on the banks of the Dee.

From the bustle and strife of a hard chequered life,
My house was a heaven to me;
Care held down its head, even poverty fled
From my Cot on the banks of the Dee.
A forty-years guest, most dear to my breast,
From whose fetters I ne'er would be free,
Drives sorrow away, and makes cheerful the day,
At my Cot on the banks of the Dee.
The gay tinsel trash of splendour and dash
Cast a smile at my dwelling and me:
"The fellow he's poor; but then, to be sure,
He's a Cot on the banks of the Dee."

Then my mansion so small, they'd call pigmy-hall,
And walk off filled with mirth and high glee;
Yet I smil'd at their spleen, as I sat on the green
Of my Cot on the banks of the Dee.

Fair, forty, and fat, beflounced and all that,
A widow, from London may be,

With her glass stood and gazed, was vastly amazed
At my Cot on the banks of the Dee.

Oh 'twas wond'rous neat! then the snug little seat
On the green over-hanging the sea;
"What would I not give, with a husband to live,
At the Cot on the banks of the Dee."

Next Sir William Haunch, with his turtle-fed paunch,
Who likes these here things as they be,
Though rack'd with the gout, must have a look out
At my Cot on the banks of the Dee.

"Well, I vow and declare, I'm quite pleas'd with that there,

And could I forego calipee,

By all that is good, I'd leave Waithman and Wood, For the Cot on the banks of the Dee."

Says Sir Dennis Mahone, from near Inishone,
To drink whiskey punch, or take tea,

Each spot I'd forsake, even Killarney's Lake,
For the Cot on the banks of the Dee."
Cries Sandy, "I query, ye ne'er ken'd Inverary,
Nor the bonny touns Perth and Dundee,
Yet I maun say mysel, ane might live unco weel
At the Cot on the banks of the Dee."
To this rural retreat from pride and deceit,
'Tis a mental indulgence to flee;

And the wish of my heart, is in life ne'er to part
From my Cot on the banks of the Dee.
Parkgate, July.


Mary, when first I beheld thee,
I felt such a pang at my heart,
For I never saw one that excelled thee,
And I wished that we never might part.

But, Mary, I've mused at my leisure,
And finding my heart to be free,
Believe me with infinite pleasure,
I bid a last farewell to thee.

By thy looks I at first sight believed thee,
A maid unacquainted with guile :
But, Oh! how thy looks have deceived me,
What treachery lurks in thy smile.

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Rain comes on when just begun, Spoils the powder in your gun; Birds are flush'd and pointer beat; Nothing in your bag to eat. Gun recoils and gives a shock, And oft goes off at half cock; Storms wind up! patience tries! Blows the powder in your eyes; Pointer sets-ah! steady Fan! Only flashes in the pan; Ready with fatigue to sink, Very dry, and nought to drink; Flint escapes from out the socket, Not another in your pocket; Walk some miles and make a pother Ere you can procure another; Come back in a surly fit; Birds get up you cannot hit; Though the game is marked by you, Hill or ludge impedes your view; Weak and feeble as a mouse; Five miles off a public-house; See a man go on before, Killing twenty brace or more; Pointer bitch is big with whelp; Hedge impedes-she wants your help; Friends, at home, with game to kill;" Order'd off by landlord's will; Forced to traverse home again, Discontented full of pain: Now you reach your own fire-side, Wife rebukes, and friends deride! Full of vapour, full of spleen; These I've witness'd-these I've seen.



Brief reflections on reading in Goldsmith's Animated Nature, an account of the changes from the Grub to the Butterfly.


"Shall the poor worm that shocks thy sight,
The humblest form in Nature'. train,
Thus rise, in new-born lustre bright,
And yet the emblem teach in vain ?"

-'s cravat, or —

Poems for Youth.

So have I seen in Liverpool's fam'd town,
Some lad arrive, a simple country clown;
Unknown to him the mysteries that lie
Within the lab'rinths of "a perfect tie,"
He turns, astonish'd, as he walks the streets,
And looks with wonder at each beau he meets;
Till, fir'd at length by -'s new made suit,
's topless boot,"
He finds the art not far beyond his reach,
And apes the fashions he may one day teach;
First starch'd, then lac'd appears; and next attacks
The smart surtout, or fathomless Cossacks;
Achieves pre-eminence in capes and tops,
Sports Gallic perfumes and Italian crops;
Screws upon high-rais'd heels his sable spurs,
And lounges o'er an ice at Mr. Surr's;
Like -, on each temple curls his locks,
And galls his betters in the same stage-box;
Till perfect all, and exquisitely dress'd,
He stands a DANDY, envied and confess'd!

This may require explanation. It consists of s back-strapt boot, minus a top, surmounted by a kind of cover, or knee-cap (not reaching so high as the patella) made of olive, drab, buff, or tawney leather; which, well-fitted, has a very powerful effect. The spoortys, or uninitiated, imitate this by putting the cover over a regular boot-top, which, of course, produces a sightless protuberance, very different from the neatness of the veritable article. The name of the inventor, or intr ducer here, is "a good orthodox word" of two syllables, admirably calculated to fill up the line; but as all me are not equally ambitious for fame, I do not even hint at it.


(See a Note to Correspondents.)

SIR, I observe in your last publication some line "To a Kiss," which your correspendent F. says were written by the late Robert Burns, and that they never before were published. If you will take the trouble referring to a volume of original and selected poems, G. W. Fitzwilliam, Esq. called "The Pleasures of Love,", you will find the same lines, with the addition of the following two verses:


Thee, the fond youth, untaught and simple,
Nor on the naked breast can find,
Nor yet within the cheeks small dimple-
Sole offspring thou of lips conjoin'd!

Then haste thee to thy dewy mansion:
With Hebe spend thy laughing day,
Dwell in her rubied lip's expansion,
Bask in her eye's propitious ray!

I think they are also in Little's poems, by Thomas
Moore, Esq. by whom I believe them to be written.
Yours, &c.
X. Z.

The Naturalist's Diary,

For SEPTEMBER, 1820.

[To be continued throughout the year.]


September is composed of septem, seven, and the termination ber, like lis in Aprilis, Quintilis, Sextilis. This rule will also apply to three following months, Octo-ber, Novem-ber, Decem-ber.

Ere yellow Autumn's from our plains retired,
And gives to wintry storms the varied year,
The swallow-race, with foresight clear inspired,

That the nightingale retires to Egypt is confirmed imaginations, tore his body, each of them by Sonniui, in his Travels.' 'I met,' says he, laughing at the daring wickedness of the 'with several nightingales, which frequent the most shady thickets in the vicinity of the water. They ure silent in Egypt, which they leave in spring, to warble out their songs of love, and hail her arrival in other countries,'



To southern climes prepare their course to steer. Of the summer birds of passage, the different These three rioters were one morning kinds of swallows are most uumerous, and have attracted the most attention. They have so often drinking as usual in a tavern, and as they been observed at sea, steering their course southMany of the small billed birds that feed on insects ward in autumn, and northward in spring, that no disappear when the cold weather commences. The sate they heard a bell clink before a corpse Then doubt can now be entertained as to the majority of throstle, the red-wing, and the fieldfare, which mi- which was being carried to its grave. them leaving us in the winter for the more genial grated in March, now return; and the ring-ouzel one of them called to his boy and said: warmth of the southern latitudes. There are, how-arrives from the Welsh and Scottish Alps to winter ever, authentic accounts of some few being found in in more sheltered situations. All these birds feed "Go and ask readily what corpse this is a torpid state, like bats, during the winter months. upon berries, of which there is a plentiful supply, now passing forth by the gate, and look These individuals, probably by the lateness of their in our woods, during a great part of their stay. The broods, or by some other accident, were necessarily throstle and the red-wing are delicate eating. Par- thou report his name well." detained till after the general migration, and were tridges are in great plenty at this season of the then unable, probably from want of food and strength, to undertake the jouruey. The same cirThere are in blow, 'in this month, nasturtia, china cumstance satisfactorily explains the transitory ap-aster, marigolds, sweet peas, mignionette, golden pearance of a few swallows so late in the year as rod, stocks, tangier pea, holy-oak, michaelmas daisy, November, and even December, when a warm sunny saffron (crocus sativus), and ivy (hedera helix) day has roused and brought out some of these tor- Among the maritime plants may be named, the pid birds in search of a little food. The bat in the marsh glass-wort (salicornia herbacea), and the sea same manner, though it lies torpid most of the win-stork's-bill (erodium maritimum), on sandy shores; ter months, is occasionally seen in the evening of and the officinal marshmallow (althea officinalis) a warm day, many weeks after it has retreated to its in salt marshes. winter lurking place, or some weeks before it leaves it entirely in the spring. On these occasious they are sure to meet with some provisions; for the same warmth that has roused them to activity, has brought out many of the insect tribe from their winter slumbers also.

It has been observed too, by naturalists, that great numbers of swallows have been sometimes seen early in the spring, have then totally disappeared for several days of cold weather, and have been on the wing again the first fiue sunny day. As they cannot be supposed to have gone back again to warmer elimates, and to have returned so soon, it is highly probably that these also have been for a few days in a state of torpor.

This disposition of the swallow to become torpid is evidently regulated by the temperature of the air, us has been satisfactorily proved by experiment. Swallows detained here, and not kept warm, have become torpid, whilst others, carefully_preserved, bave remained lively all the winter. The torpid ones, gradually warmed, have likewise recovered their activity. That they have been endowed with this peculiarity for wise purposes cannot be doubted. The sole food of the swallow we know to be insects; and as these only fly during warm weather, it is probable that, in a variable climate like this, these birds would occasionally suffer by being without food for a week or two together, particularly such as have come over rather sooner than the general flight, were it not for their capability of becoming torpid from the same cause that deprives them of their food.

The Gleaner.

"I am but a gatherer and disposer of other men's stuff." WOTTON.


The following is a prose modernization of one of the Canterbury Tales of Chaucer. The reader, who has been deterred from the pages of this great poet, in consequence of the vulgar opinion that they are insurmountably obsolete and difficult, will perhaps be struck with the grand and simple power shown here; and when he learns that the words are Chaucer's own, he may get rid of his timidity and go at once to the original works where he will be richly rewarded for a little preliminary trouble. This is the only aim of the following; for every alteration of Chaucer is an injury.

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There was in Flanders, once, a company of foolish gallants, who spent their time in taverns and stews, and indulged themselves The opinion, that swallows do not migrate, but in gambling and debauchery of all kinds. spend their winter at the bottom of our ponds and lakes, though formerly pretty generally admitted, Night and day they did little else but dance is too preposterous to be thought worth a moment's to the sound of lutes and harps, and play consideration by modern physiologists. Indeed, from the anatomical structure of the bird, it is known at dice, and eat and drink beyond their to be impossible for them to exist under water. might; so that by such abominable superThe frequent appearance of swallows on the verge fluity, they, in a cursed manner, made of the water late in the autumn, and early in the spring, which had given rise to the above opinion, sacrifice to the Devil within his own temple; and which Mr. White notices in his History of Sel-attended in their orgies by tumblers, and bourne, makes it probable, that the transitory state

of torpor, which we suppose some of them occa- young idle fruit girls, and singers with sionally to undergo, is passed among the weeds and harps, and old bawds, which be the very Toots along the banks of ponds and lakes.

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Devil's officers, kindling and blowing the
lecherous fire that is annexed to gluttony.

"Sir," quoth the boy, "I knew it two hours before you came here. He was an old companion of yours, and was slain suḍdenly; for as he sate drunken on his bench, there came a secret thief men call Death (that kills all the people in this country) and with his spear he smote his heart in two, and then went his way without speaking. He hath slain a thousand this pestilence; and, master, ere you come in his presence, methinks it were full necessary to beware of him, and to be evermore ready to meet him. Thus taught me my dame."

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"By saint Mary," said the host of the tavern, "the child says truly; for this fearful thing hath slain this year, within a village about a mile hence, both men, women, and children, so that I trow he has his habitation there. It were great wisdom to be well advised about him."

Then up spake one of the rioters and said: "God's arms! is it such peril to meet with him? I vow by Christ's bones that I'll seek him by stile and street. Hearken, my boys, we three are one; let each hold up his hand and become brothers, and we will kill this false traitor Death. Before night he shall be slain; he that so many slayeth." And so saying, he shouted a terrible oath.

Then these three having plighted their troths to live and die by each other, started up all drunken in their rage, and went

towards the hamlet of which the taverner had spoken; and as they went reeling along the way, they roared out with their thick voices, "Death shall be dead if we can catch him."

They had not gone half a mile, when lo! just as they were crossing a gate, they saw a poor old man, who greeted them full meekly and said, "Now God save you,


It was grisly to hear these gallants swear, their oaths were so great and damnable; The proudest of these three rioters anand, as if the Jews had not done violence swered, "What, thou sorry churl, why art enough to our blessed Lord, they, in their thou wrapped so closely over save thy face?

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