Sidor som bilder

Why dost continue to live in such great "take heed what I shall say. Fortune hath the beauty of these bright and new florins age ?" given us this treasure to the end we may "O Lord!" quoth he, "that I might but At this the old man looked him in the live all our lives in mirth and jollity. As it have this treasure to myself alone! There visage, and said, "Because I cannot meet came lightly, lightly let us spend it. Who would be no man under the heavens that a man, neither in city nor in village, even would have thought," continued he, swear- should live so merry as I." though I walked into the Indies, who would ing a great oath, "that we should have met And at the last the fiend put it into his change his youth for my age; and therefore such luck to-day? If this gold could but thought that he should buy poison to slay I must still keep my age, as long as God be carried out of this grove home to my his fellows: for the fiend found him living pleases. Death will not have my life, alas! house, then were we in high felicity; but it in such a wanton way, that he lusted to And thus walk I, like a restless caitiff; and may not be done by day, for men would say bring him to sorrow; therefore he made on the ground, which is my mother's gate, we were strong thieves, and hang us for this hazarder determine to do the homicide, I knock night and morning with my staff, possessing our own treasure; no: it must and never to repent. So he goes straightbe carried by night, wisely and slily; there- ways unto an apothecary in the town, and fore I am of opinion that we draw lots, and prayed him that he would sell some poison he who draws the lowest shall run to the to kill the rats in his house, and there ra town with blithe heart, and bring us bread also a polecat, that, as he said, slew his and wine; while the other two shall subtilly capons, and he would fain be rid of such keep the treasure, and when it is night, we destroying vermin. will take it by one assent where we may think best."

Then he brought the lots in his hand, and bade them draw, and the lowest fell on the young one; and anon he went forth toward the town. Now all as soon as he was departed, the rioter who spake before said thus unto his fellow :

crying, 'dear mother, let me in.' Lo! how
I vanish flesh and blood. When shall my
weary bones be still? Mother, with you
would I change the chest that has been
such long time in my chamber; yea for
a hair shrowd to wrap me in.' But she
will not do me such kindness, for which
full pale and welked is my face. Yet, sirs,
it is not courteous in you to speak roughly
to an old man, except he trespass in word
or deed; for it is said in holy writ, as you
may yourselves see, that ye should not rise
against a hoary head; therefore do no more
harm now to an old man, than ye would a
man should do to you in age, if that abide
"Thou knowest well thou art my sworn
so long; and so God be with you ever! 1 brother; therefore will I tell thee thy pro-
must go my ways."
fit. Our fellow is gone and here is gold,
"Nay, old churl, by St. John thou part- and that full great store, which is to be
est not so lightly," swore one of these riot-shared among us three; but if I can shape
ers. Thou spakest right now of that traitor it so, that it may be parted among us two,
Death, that slayeth all our friends in this had I not done a friend's turn to thee?"
country. Thou art his spy; and believe The other answered, "I cannot think
me thou shalt either tell where he is, or by how that may be: he knows well that the
the holy sacrament thou shalt rue it; for, gold is with us. What, therefore, should
truly thou art one of his accomplices to we do? what could we say to him?"
kill us young folk, thou false thief."

"Shall it be counsel then?" said the first: "If so, I will tell you in few words how we can bring it about."

And the other answered, "I plight thee my troth that I will not bewray thee."

The apothecary answered, "Thou shalt have a thing, that if it be taken by any in quantity than a grain of wheat, he shall creature in this world, though it be no more anon lose his life; yea, he shall wither away in less time than thou wilt go a mile, the poison is so strong and violent."

Then this cursed man took into his hand the poison in a box, and went into the next street, and borrowed three large bottles, and poured the poison into two of them, keeping the third clean for his And when with sorry grace he had filed his great bottles with wine, he repaired again to his fellows.



What need is there to say more? For even as they had planned his death, even so have they slain him, and that quickly. And when it was done, thus spake the worst of these rioters :

"Now let us sit and drink, and make us merry, and afterwards we will hide his body in the ground."

And with these words he took the bottle where the poison was, and drank, and gave it to his fellow; and anon there came upon them strange signs of poisoning, and they


Now, sirs," then quoth this old man, "if you truly wish to find Death, turn up this crooked way, for by my faith, I left him in that grove under a tree, and there he will stay nothing hiding himself for all "Now," quoth this wicked hazarder, your boasting. See ye that oak? right "thou knowest well that we are two, and there shall ye meet him; and Christ that two of us shall be stronger than one. Look, bought again mankind save and amend you!" when he is set down, that thou rise anon, Thus spake the old man; and away ran and make as though thou playest with him, these three rioters till they came to the and while ye are struggling as in game, I Thus ended be these two homicides; and tree, under which behold they found well will stab him through his two sides; and do also their false companion; and thus did nigh eight bushels of fine gold florins. thou do the same with thy dagger. And They were so glad of this sight, that they then, my dear friend, shall this gold be they find Death under the oak in the old sought no longer after Death; but looking parted 'twixt thee and me; and so shall we round them, they sate down on the hard be able to fulfil our desires, and play at roots of the tree, nothing heeding the dice at our own will." uneasiness of the seat, so eager were they to be near the precious hoard.

Thus be these two hazarders agreed to slay the third, who, as he went along the "Brethren," said the worst of the three, road, kept rolling up and down in his heart


An extraordinary case of Dropsy in Montgomeryshire -Miss M. M. Downes, of Fir-Court, was tapped for the hundredth time on the 4th inst.; the disorder cond menced when she was only eight or nine years old, in the whole 1308 quarts of water have been taken from her.


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The Drama.

(Continued from our former Numbers.)




SIR,-On Monday was acted the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet.

Reginald's tower are grand and terrific specimens of the perfection to which the art of scenic illusion has arrived. It is perfectly useless to attempt a description of either of them: they must be seen to have their grandeur duly estimated. Our spirited managers must have been highly gratified by the splendid appearance of the house on the first representation of a piece in which their taste and liberality are so conspicuous.

Mr. Younge's first entrance was good, and his look and attitude highly characteristic: he also delivered some parts of the text with point and judgment.

I cannot conclude without expressing my regret, that the taste of the public renders it necessary to bring forward in a regular Theatre Royal these melo-dramatic sort of pieces: this, however, being the case, the public are in justice called upon to support them liberally when they are "got up," in the magnificent style of Ivanhoe. G. N. Liverpool, 31st August, 1820.


We are requested to state that the following scenes
the exclusive productions of the pencil of Mr. Goore:
View of Torquilstone Castle, by moonlight.
Saxon Hall in Rotherwood Castle.

confess it is not one calculated to produce consider- | court of the Knights Templars, and the conflagration of able dramatical effect. The piece, generally speaking, has been robbed by the adapter of much of its original inerit, and the dialogue retains scarcely a feature of resemblance to that of the romance, except in the scene where the Jew offers a ransom for himself and daughter, whilst confiued in the castle of Torquilstone. In justice, however, to Mr. Soane, On the 2nd March was produced, at Drury-lane, we must acknowledge, he has afforded an opportu- Mr. Vandenhoff, as Ivanhoe, did the little his part Drama in five acts, founded on the popular ro- nity to this energetic actor to produce a very con- called upon him to do with his usual effect, except in mance of Invanhoe. The plot has, however, been siderable effect on the audience in the scene at Ce- the general battle scene, where he once crossed the stage materially changed in attempting to adapt it to the-dric's castle, where he tells the Templar his dream, in a manner resembling any thing as much as a hero in the midst of the strife of arms. He deserves praise for atrical representation; and the general character of in language so caustic and reproachful as to compel his strict attention to the costume of the age and of the the Jew and his Daughter, who are, in fact, the only the villain to unmask himself, and make an unsuc-order of knighthood: most of his attitudes in the comprominent characters in the piece, likewise remain cessful attempt upon his life. In several other bat with Reginald were also very fine and energetic. only in part the same as in the original. The drama scenes this actor endeavoured to create an interest The best dramatic character in the piece is that of commences by introducing the audience to the stern in the character, which it never cau be considered Benjamin the Jew, to which Mr. Rees did full justice; Saxon Cedric, and his family, during the accidental to deserve. From the acclamations which the piece his walk, however, was too nimble and vigorous, which visit of the Knight Templar, and the Knight of received at times, some would be induced to con- consequently detracted somewhat from the general accuIvanhoe, in the disguise of a palmer, and the Prior clude it must be eminently successful, but we can-racy with which he pourtrayed the feelings and age of of Joureaulr. The latter of whom, instead of being not help prophesying, that it never will prove pro- this distressed son of Abraham. Mr. Bass acquitted himself well, except in his last daa animated picture of the jovial churchman, dege- ductive to the treasury of the Theatre, although scene, which, indeed, required powers of a very high perated, with several others in the original, into announced with much applause for constant repe-order to do it justice, but in which he lamentably failed: complete insignificance. Although the tournament tition. his next representation will doubtless be more to the purand its pageant might have been supposed to possess pose of playing. every possible attraction to the dramatist, yet, together with its results, it is very feebly detailed in a conversation between the Jew and one of his handmaidens (Miss Carew), who attempts to console him under the supposed loss of the horse and armour, lent to the Knight of Ivanhoe to equip him for the tournament, by an air, which, tho' destitute of any originality, proves in her hands an agreeable relief to the hea. viness of the piece. The Jew is, however, agreeably surprised by the appearance of Ivanhoe, who presses won him a compensation for his assistance at the "Lournament; which is, with a liberality strikingly In contrast with the admirable description in the original of the Jew's sordidness, refused. In the former scenes we had to regret the absence of the Lady Rovena, the intended heroine of the original romance; and in the subsequent parts of the drama, Le Noir Faineant, is also omitted. The wandering Knight Ivanhoe, who supplies his place in the siege and destruction of the Castle of Torquilstone, in which he is assisted by Robin Hood and his foresters, in vain attempts to rescue Rebecca, the Jew's daugh Mr. Brown's Mercutio was by far the best our company ter, from the hands of the remorseless Templar, who in its present state could afford. His style, however, is having carried her from the flaming ruins of Tor-not adapted to the character; and in two prominent quilstone, confines her in one of the castles belonging specches, his inability to do it justice was painfully obto the Knights Templars, in which, after having trusive. I allude to the celebrated description of Queen wearied himself with fruitless solicitations, he at- Mab, of the beauties of which Mr. B. did not seem at all tempts to obtain his wishes by force, when the high-conscious; and the speech commencing minded maiden, by her rapid fight to the bartizan of the tower, calls Heaven to witness her flinging herself from the battlements to prevent her dishonour. She, however, very composedly walks down. At this moment, both she and her persecutor are taken into custody by the Grand Master of the Knights Templars, and she is condemned to be burnt alive for Miss Booth's Juliet is a very able performance, and corcery, in having perverted the Templar from his was received with considerable applause: her principal defects were occasioned by her petite figure, which Vows. The victim is conducted to the place of ex-gave to some of her heroical attitudes, which she doubtless ecution, where her father appears in a state of insa-thought very striking, an appearance somewhat bordering nity, and betrays the intenseness of his feelings by on the burlesque. Miss B. should be informed that a Bumerous extravagancies, from which he is awak- Liverpool audience cannot relish a palpable imitation; ened by the sound of a trumpet, proclaiming the and that Miss O'Neill's mannerisms are still fresh in approach of a Knight to contend in the mortal their recollection. Two gentlemen of our regular com-field paper. encounter as the champion of her innocence. The pany, who have lately joined, would do well if they atTemplar prepares himself for the combat, but, in tended to the spirit of this hint. Poor Kean! and Munraising his arm, he falls as if stricken by Divine vengeance, to the earth. The Hebrew overwhelms the deliverer of his daughter with the most grateful acknowledgments; and overcome by the violence of bis feeling, yields up his life to the stroke of fate, and consigns his desolate child Rebecca to the prolection of her future husband, the disinherited Knight Ivanhoe.

The departures from the plot of the original roMance are too various, and generally, we must say, very little likely to render the piece attractive or Auccessful. Much was done to maintain the interest of the character of the Hebrew by Kean, though we

Mr. Vandenhoff, who, during the last six or seven years, had acquired considerable celebrity as the Mercutio of the Liverpool stage, appeared on this occasion as Romeo. This performance, although occasionally very languid, was enriched by some very fine and powerful acting; and if in the love scenes he had not that enthuwhich they required, the scene where he is informed that siastic buoyancy of spirit, or that animation and tenderness sentence of banishment has been pronounced upon him, and the final scene where he dies by poison, were so true to nature; his tones, looks, attitudes, and action, were all so much in unison with each other; and so deeply characteristic of the agonized feelings of Romeo; that I can only lament my entire inability to do justice to their transcendent merits. Every demonstration of applause which an audience could give rewarded the great

exertions of the actor.


Nay, I'll conjure, too!"
The epithets," Romeo!" "Humours!" "Madman!"
"Passion!" "Lover!" were spoken in a style more
nearly resembling that of an auctioneer reading a cata-
logue, than an effusion of wit and satire from one of the
most brilliant characters of the immortal Shakspeare.


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We are at issue with our correspondent upon this
point. Genius is of no stature. Has G. N. never met
with that line in the writings of one of our best satirists,
which tells us

"Pritchard's genteel, and Garrick's six foot high."

to the edITÓR.

SIR-The scenery of the new play of Ivanhoe is certainly the most splendid ever produced on these boards, and must have occasioned a heavy draw upon the treasury. The

[blocks in formation]

The Ohio. The banks of the river Ohio were formerly settled by several warlike tribes of Indians, who were very numerous, and almost always at variance with each other; and nearly all their battles were fought in canoes: the name of Ohio was consequently given signifying the War River; or, as explained by some of the chiefs, the Bloody River; and by others the Stream of War. This explanation of the origin of that name is given by a traveller in that State.

Cutlery. A superb and unique article of cutlery has been just finished in the manufactory of Messrs. Joseph Rodgers and Sons, Norfolk-street. It contains a thou sand blades and different instruments, and is valued at one hundred guineas. As no description of ours cam give an adequate idea of its formation, so none can of the beauty and elegance of its appearance. The novelty of the design, the apparent excellence of the execution, and the great sacrifice of time which must have been made to bring it to its present state, are alike honourable to the spirited house above mentioned; to the ingenious workman who made it; and to the Sheffield manufactures, as a specimen of which it has been got up.-Shef

In the library of the College of Glasgow is the autograph of the famous doggerel version of the Bible, by the eccentric Zachary Boyd. This singular man left a large property to the college, on the condition that they would publish his work, which they secured by publishing only a part of the Psalms. Boyd is represented as having been exemplary in his private character. The two following couplets will illustrate the merit of the work in a poetical point of view:"Was'nt Pharaoh a rascal

"That he would'nt suffer the children of Israel, with their wives, their little ones, and flocks to go out into the wilderness, to eat the Paschal."

1596 tavern licenses sssued this year at New York, being an increase of 80.


Scientific Records.

(Continued from our former Numbers.)


(Continued from our former papers.)


Mr. T. A. Knight has ascertained by direct experi-
ment, that there is a striking difference between the
properties of spring and winter-felled timber, the
former absorbing much more moisture than the other.
He is of opinion that oak timber would be much im-
proved if the tree, after being barked in the spring,
was permitted to stand till the following winter.

his Majesty's ship Leven, that the experiments pro-
It appears by a leter received from an officer on board
posed by Mr. Barrow, of the Royal Military Academy,
for correcting the effects of local attraction, have been
attended with the best possible success. It is stated
that in a run of 183 miles, between the 22d and 23d
of May, the error by the common reckoning amounted
to 19 minutes in latitude, and 28 minutes in longitude,
making an entire difference of at least 34 miles in dis-
tance; whereas the reckoning kept agreeably to the
course, corrected by Mr. Barlow's plate, produced an
error of only 2 minutes in latitude, and 4 minutes in
longitude. The particulars are stated as follow, place
by observation May 23:

Lat. 38. 39. N. lon. 10. 58. W. by common reckoning.

Lat. 38. 58 N. lon 11. 26. W. by corrected course.

Lat. 58. 41. N. lon 11. 3. W.

The land recently observed to the south of Cape Horn, has no claim whatever to be considered as a new discovery. It was noticed so early as 1599. But the map by Kitchen, whence he draws his conclusion, anglicises the name of the discoverer, who was Dirck Gherritz, a Dutchman, and he commanded one of a squadron of five ships that sailed from Rotterdam in 1598 for the East Indies, under orders to proceed by a western course, through the straits of Magalhanes (or Magellan) and across the South At that period the Dutch trade to India was in its infancy, for the first voyage actually performed by them to the continent of Asia, sailed from Holland in 1595, and proceeded by the Cape of Good Hope. The above five ships having been dispersed by weather, that which was commanded by Gherritz was driven to the south of the Straits, to 64 S. lat. where he saw a high country, with mountains, and covered with snow like the land of Norway. He ran about 100 leagues along the coast of this new country; but discovery not being his object, he soon directed his course to the coast of Chili. 'He, however, was captured by the Spaniards at Valparaiso. The whole of this voyage, which is detailed in Burney's History of Discoveries in the South church, the heritors lately came to the decision of reseatFrom the decayed state of the seats in Renfrew parish. Seas, is curious and interesting." The chief piloting it. In consequence of two labourers being employed was Wm. Adams, an Englishman, whose ship, from sickness and distress, was obliged to steer for Japan, and anchored near Bunga, where it was repaired, but also plundered and detained by the Japanese. Adams was sent to the emperor at Osaca, and is supposed to be the first British subject ever landed

Similar experiments were made last week, in Portsmouth harbour, by order of the Admiralty, by Mr. Barlow, on board his Majesty's ship Conway, (Capt. B. Hall) and as this vessel is expected to visit various parts of the southern hemisphere, it will completely decide the question of the applicability of this mode of correction in all latitudes.-Plymouth Chronicle.

To Correspondents.

his eye, we presume, the suggestion of Z. in the 36th
page of our present volume, has placed us in a very
critical situation, by his proposal. A sense of our own
inadequacy to the delicate office, obliges us to decline
the situation of cupid's broker; and all we can do for
the poor bachelor, is to give publicity to his letter,
together with the hue and cry after his fair incognita,
which forms the postscript. Has our correspondent
well weighed the possible consequences of the invita
tion there thrown out? Suppose that, at the very
hour specified, there should have been sundry damsels
walking in the said street, with parcels in their hands
(no very rare occurrence ;) only think of the predica
ment our advertiser must find himself in should ther
all take the hint, and present themselves in the witch-
ing of their rival charms, to embarass and perplex his
distracted choice: then reflect a moment upon the
chagrin of the rejected fair ones, when they see this
Young Bachelor throw the handkerchief to the e-
vied object of his choice. We dare not think of the
consequences in a sea-port, which presents such faci-
lities for suicide. If, contrary to our anticipa
no lady should take our old bachelor's hint, we beg
to remind him, as a last shift, of Swift's "Cure f
Love," which he may find in our present volume,
page 20.

We agree in opinion with a CONSTANT PURCHASER,
as to the merits of the bagatelles to which he alludes.
We feel much obliged to SYLVATICUS.

The journal of T. R. although by no means destitute of interest, does not appear to us to be well calculated for our journal. The request of the writer shall be attended to.

The lines of a SUBSCRSBER L, are extremely defective in measure, although he has the old excuse of a brother poet, who, when told that some of his lines were a foot too long, replied that there were others a fout short, to make up for it.

among this extraordinary people. He was treat./ A number of bones have likewise been dug up, some con- KOTZEBUE'S STORY OF THE SISTERS.-We have

in taking out 18 inches of earth for the purpose of new flooring, many curious and ancient copper coins have been found, chiefly in the reign of Charles II. William and Mary, and Louis XIII. of France, and some others supposed to be much older, but, owing to their being so greatly defaced, they cannot with accuracy be decyphered. siderably above the common size. There are some persons ed with great kindness and liberality by his Imperial in possession of teeth taken from a jaw in a high state of Majesty, "by reason," says Adams, in one of his preservation, of such a size, that, without being seen, the simple entertaining letters, "I learned him some dimensions would be past belief. There were also found points in Geometry and the Mathematics, with other below a flat stone, on which were some rude engravings, things, and I pleased him so well, that what I said dagger about 12 inches long, of very ancient workmancould not be contradicted."-But poor Adams's use-ship, but so much corroded with rust that no ornamental fulness cost him his liberty, for he was compelled to device is distinguishable. remain in Japan till he died.




They write from Bosançon as follows: "The re-
searches made by excavation at Mendrence, in the De-
partment of Doubs, have put us in possession of a fine

may give an idea of its importance-This monument is
an Amphitheatre, which would contain from 20,000
to 25,000 spectators conveniently seated. The walls, of
hewn stone, are in the finest preservation.-Among other
remains are found small bronze medals of Constantine
the Great, of Crispin, and of the younger Constantine.
There are also fragments of pottery and of glass vessels.
The excavations continue."

M. de la Beche has devised an ingenious way of showing the heat evolved by water during congela-Roman Monument, part of which already laid open, tion. He places a glass vessel, containing in its lower part water, and upon that olive oil, in a tem perature below the freezing point of water. In this temperature, olive oil alone would freeze and thicken, but being placed over water, it is retained in the fluid state, in consequence of the heat evolved by the water during its conversion into ice; and it is not until the whole of the water is perfectly frozen, that the oil itself will freeze.—Bibliothèque Universelle, xiii. 76,

Inoculation for the Plague-Two of the individuals who have been inoculated at Tangiers with the most virulent matter of the plague, and who had offered themselves to attend the infected in Majorca, were immediately sent to Arta, and two to San Servera, where infection principally exists. The Inspector of the Cordon was informed of their departure, and was ordered to furnish them with clothes and money. Their task was, not only to succour the sick, but to bury the dead bodies of those who had fallen victims to the pestilenc

A small Island has lately been discovered in the neighhourhood of St. Maura, which is supposed to have been thrown up by the earthquake. A letter from Corfu states that the English sloop of war the Aid, Captain Smith, has been dispatched to examine it, and if it prove to have actually risen from the sea, it is intended to call it Lauderdale's Rock,


On the 26th of August, last year, the thermometer at Bagdad rose in the shade to 120° Farenheit, and at midnight was 1089. Many people died, and the priests propagated a report that the day of judgment was at hand. Journal of Science, No. xviii. p. 423.

Sherry. The name sec. corruptly written sack, signi

fies dry; the sec wine, (vino seco) prepared at Xeres,
in Spain, is called, according to our orthography, sherris,
or sherry. In the manufacture of this wine, lime is
added to the grapes; a circumstance, observes Dr. Mac-
culloch, apparently conducive to its well known dry qua-
lity, and which probably acts by neutralizing a portion
of malic, or tartaric acid.

*The sack of Shakspeare was probably sherry, a conjecture

to make our further acknowledgments to "Yer
READER," for his kindness in [translating for the
Kaleidoscope, this story from the original German
Kotzebue. It shall have an early place.

The lines on a Kiss, ascribed by one of our correspond-
ents last week to Burns, and supposed to have been
then published for the first time, have appeared pre-
viously, as will be seen by a note from another cor
respondent in a preceding column. We have also
been favoured with a leaf out of the Monthly Mirror
of 1807, in which, page 152, we find the identical
verses, attributed to Trice Okey, Upper John-street,
Fitzroy-square. It is not of any great important,
after all, to ascertain the real author; and all v
wish, according to the homely phrase, is to “pait
saddle on the right horse."

VOYAGE TO THE POLE. We believe we have already inserted the Munchausen narrative recommended! H. C. but will ascertain the fact before our next publication.

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which receieves additional strength from the following passage:
"Falstaff. You rogue, here's lime in this sack too: there is no
thing but roguery to be found in villainous man: yet a coward is Messrs. J. K. Johnson & Co. No. 1, Eden Quay, Lower
worse than a cup of sack with lime in it: a villainous coward!"


Literary and Scientific Mirror.


The Gleaner.

"I am but a gatherer and disposer of other men's stag." WOTTON.




PRICE 3 d.

I shall never forget, as long as I livé, the hour when he was apprehended by the officers of justice.

rounded by his family in unconscious en- hope and encouragement, seemed like tokens joyment of the still and rich sun-set. I of love growing more spiritual and devoted was his guest the last time I saw him, poor under despair; they were embraces halfellow, in this placid happiness. We drank lowed and made sublime by famine. All tea in the open air, and amused ourselves this was more than the poor man could afterwards, I recollect, with reading the bear. The failing voices of his unconscious Robert Wilson was a market gardener. preceding day's newspaper which Wilson children were like madness-bringing sounds Early in life he married a deserving young used to hire for the evening. We sate out in his ears, and one night, losing in the woman, whom he loved with entire tender- of doors later than usual owing to the de- tumult of his thoughts all distinction beness, and by whom he had several children. liciousness of the night, which instead of tween right and wrong, he rushed forth and No man on earth could be fonder of his deepening into darkness, kept up a mellow committed a robbery. little offspring than Wilson; and they, on golden radiance sweeter than the searching the other hand, almost worshipped their day-light; for before the colours of the sun father, taking delight in nothing so much had entirely faded in the west, the moon came as in doing what he wished. Wilson was up over the eastern horizon, and the effect not very wise, nor was he at all learned; was divine. My poor host, however, did but his heart, which as I have said was full not seem so happy as usual. He had been of tenderness, told him with unerring instinct thoughtful the whole evening, and now that his children would be governed more became more pensive; and nothing roused perfectly and with more wholesome effect him even into momentary cheer, except the under the dominion of love than under that playfulness of his eldest daughter, a merry of fear; and his was indeed a happy family, little girl of about four or five years of age. where affection, pleasure, obedience, and It was sad to see him, with his dejected faith, (faith in each other) went band in face, striving to laugh and romp with the hand. Wilson was well situated for passing child, who in a short time began to perceive his life comfortably, and rationally, his the alteration in her father's manner, and garden being just far enough out of London to reflect in her smooth face the uneasiness to render inconvenient his mixing in the of his. But their pastime was of short consqualid profligacies of town (had he been so inclined); and yet he was not so entirely in the country as to harden him into the robust callousness and ignorant vices of village life. He could just hear enough of the "stir of the great Babel" interest him in it, and to keep his faculties alive and awake to the value of his own quiet, and to the unaffected caresses of his dear wife and children, which always apPeared more and more precious after he had been hearing, in his weekly visits to wn, some instance of mercenary hypocrisy d false-heartedness.

A knock was heard at the outer gate, and on Mrs. Wilson's going to open it, twó men rushed by her into the house and seized her pale and trembling husband: who, although he expected and dreaded such an event, was so staggered by it, as to lose for a few moments his consciousness of all about him. The first thing he saw on coming to himself was his wife stretched at his feet in a fearful swoon, and, as he was hurried off, he turned his eyes towards her with a heart-broken expression, calling out in a tone half raving and half imploring, "look there, look there." tinuance. It was melancholy pretence. It would be vain to attempt a description There was nothing hearty in it, except the of the wretched hours passed by him and dance of the child's forehead-locks tossed his wife in the interval which elapsed beto and fro in the clear moonshine. tween this period and the time of his trial. I soon found out the cause of this de- The madness of his utter despair, perhaps, pression. He was beginning to be pinched was less intolerable than the sickening agiunder an ugly coalition, an increasing fa- tation produced in her mind by the air-built mily and decreasing business. The gentle- hopes she dared to entertain in weary sucfolks living about the great squares did not cession, and which were only born to be spend so much money as formerly in deck soon stricken back into nothing. This is, ing their windows and balconies with early indeed, a ghastly and withering conflict. flowers and exotics; and this was an im- The poor woman, after enduring it for three portant source of Wilson's revenue. He weeks, could not be easily recognised by bore up, however, with sad patience, for a her old acquaintances.

There were no

I lodged two years in his house, and long time; till hunger thinned and stretched traces left of the happy, bustling wife. Shet ave often seen him on a summer's evening, the round faces of his children, and his moved silently among her children; her tting in an open part of his garden sur-wife's endearments instead of coming with face was emaciated and hectic; and her

eyes were red with the constant swell of father that pretty song which you know tears. It was a mighty change.

you used to sing to him when he was tired Wil-on an evening. I am not well now. Look at me, my child, and sing."

The day of trial at length came on. son was found guilty, and sentence of death was passed on him.


His wife did not survive this news many She died in the night without a struggle. It was of no use to let the condemned man know this. I knew he would never ask to see her again; for their meetings in the prison had already been torturing beyond endurance..

to say

tinged with scarlet; she liked home best, because there she was best appreciated and most wanted. The sisters were to look alternately after the household, and Emma had soon accommodated her self to it; but when Sophia's turn came, she rall indeed about all the morning in a very busy manner, How sad it was to hear the child's voice and with the cooking-book in her band, yet, some. warbling in that dolorous place! I could how or other, the dinner was always sure to be spoiled, and she lamented the precious hours which scarcely bear it; but it seemed to have a were in this manner lost for music, or which she might have bestowed on the arrangement of ber contrary effect on the father. dress: the good natured Emma often took the were lighted up, and a smile appeared on care off her hauds, and this became by degrees a his countenance. The song was of love, habit; so that the change of weeks was soon forgot. ten. The indulgeut parents allowed things to go and woody retirement, and domestic repose, on as they would, and could not possibly be angry and the baffled frowns of fortune. While at their darling, whilst there was no assembly in which she did not shine, no poet whom she did not



inspire with a rhyme, and no drinker whom ber name did not furnish with a toast.

I visited him in his cell two days before the child was singing, I left the cell to make the time appointed for his execution. He some arrangements with the gaoler who was silent for many minutes after I entered, was walking close to the door. I had not, and I did not attempt to rouse him. At however, been thus engaged five minutes, length, with a voice quivering under an effort to be composed, he said: “ Although, Mr. Saville, I do not request (I was going I did not wish, but God knows how false that would be) to behold my wife again in this bitter, bitter world, because such a dreary meeting would drive her mad, yet I think it would do me good if I could see my child, my eldest girl, my little The account given by the child was, that Betsy. I know not why it is, but I have after she had done singing, her father an idea that her soft prattle, ignorant as she started, then looked sharply in her face, is of my fate, would take something away and with a strange and short laugh, fell from the dismal suffering I am to undergo from his chair. I suppose she had sung on Wednesday. Therefore bring her, will him into a temporary forgetfulness of his you, this afternoon; and frame some post- situation; that she had conjured into his poning excuse for my poor wife. These, mind with her innocent voice, a blessed dear Sir, are melancholy troubles, but I dream of past days and enjoyments, and know you are very good." that spell ceasing when her melody ceased, the truth of things had beat upon his heart with too stunning 'a contrast, and it had burst.

She was particularly distinguished by two rich young officers, and when asked to which of them she would give the preference, she answered, that is what I do not know yet; I like them both, but l before I heard something fall heavily, accom-shall prefer the richest: this will enable me to make panied by a violent scream, and rushing my dear mother more comfortable, and I may also into the cell, I saw the unhappy convict provide for my sister by intrusting her with the care of my family." The good old lady wept with lying on the floor, and his little girl clinging joy at the filial sentiments of her beloved child, and round his neck. The gaoler and I lifted Emma thanked her heartily for this display of sis terly affection. him up, and, alarmed at the hue of his face, called in the medical attendant of the prison, who soon told us the poor man was dead.

In the afternoon, accordingly, I took the child, who asked me several times on the road why her father did not come home. As we walked along the gloomy passages to his cell she clung close to me, and did not say a word. It was very different, poor thing, to the open and gay garden about which she was used to run.

The door of her father's miserable dungeon was soon opened, and the child rushed into his arms. "I do not like you to live in this dark place, father," she cried; "come home with me and Mr. Saville, and see mother who is in bed."

"In a cottage near a wood."

(Translated for the Kaleidoscope from the original
of Kotzebue.)

Sophia and Emma seemed to differ as much in
character as they did in outward appearance; but
the first was perhaps only produced by the second.
Sophia was very handsome, and had the mis-
fortune to be very soon told of it. She endeavoured
to heighten the effect by talents which might give
stability to her transitory advantages, and this
would have been highly commendable, had she not
confined herself to the desire of becoming still more
attractive in society, without attending to what
might promote domestic happiness.

In the mean time, the young men adored the handsome lady without disliking the plain one, be cause she had always the good sense to leave them alone with her sister, who was still uncertain whom she should make happy.

Edward gave a ball at which she was the queca,

and she then actually thought she loved him; bet Charles arranged a party in the country, whereby she attracted so much notice in ber splendid equi page, that the balance was at once again in his favour: this she called the wavering of her heart,

"Were I in thy place," said Emma, “I would choose Edward."-" Wherefore? Charles is que as rich, and you must admit him to be the hand somer of the two "-" But very flighty withal, and I have often perceived that Edward possesses more feeling."-"As for that matter," quoth Sophia," they feel both so much, that I hardly know how to defend myself; but where is the harm of keeping them while at bay? their rivalry makes me spend my time very pleasantly.


Both sisters were soon after invited to a masq rade; Sophia intended to represent an Indian pri cess, and Emma was to be her slave: the dresses were ready; but their mother became suddenly ill, and Emma would not go; Sophia did not take great pains to persuade her, and went alone: she enjoyed the triumph of admiration in all its splendour, and wherever she stood, a circle was formed around her.

came up lo

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Towards midnight she was engaged for the next dance with Edward, when the physician her, and said that his patient was very ill indeed. "My God!" exclaimed she, very much alarmed, but still more vexed, "in that case I must decline." "To be sure," said Edward, "and I shall attend you At that very instant the music began, and one of the dancers seized her hand; she followed mechanically, yet saying, "I cannot join, my mother is ill:" "Oh do not deprive us of our greatest ornament," interrupted one of her beaux; "a few moments will not make any difference." She looked upon Edward if wanting to be likewise entreated by him; She only sung in concertus, and studied none but the mean time it became his turn to figure away; the most difficult airs: she painted merely for ex-ueighbour pushed him, and he cast an interrogating bibitions, and the most fulsome approbation, whe-glance at Sophia: she did not resist; the neighbour The child did as she was bidden, and the ther true or false, could never bring her out of pushed again, and on they went, finishing the dan poor man, straining her to him, sobbed bit-countenance, nor raise the blush of modesty on her without further explanation. After that she would self so heated, that a consumption would have been certainly have set off forthwith; but she found herterly and convulsively. After a few minutes, he looked with yearning eyes in her face, she walked, therefore, slowly up and down the the unavoidable consequence of a sudden departure: saying, "Come, my dear, sing your poor receiving compliments of congratulation and con

"I cannot come just now, my child," he answered; "you must stay a little with me, and throw your arms round my neck, and lean your face on mine."

beautiful cheeks.

Not so her sister Emma; she had been rather scions of the circumstance, she could not even be roughly handled by the small-pox, and being conlooked at, without having every one of her dimples

and in


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