192, 231. 240. Dringing, 196. es, 229. 0. =crown', 211. lain, 189. 34- excitable', 203. mt from suspicion, Knows, 206. the while! 203. ay him, 190. 1, 227. -ld the while, 218. ticiple), 219. ,212. ,222. ged, 180. 5 of this age, 207. remembered, 204. rtune), 183. 03. 1 you, 212. 7. unavailing), 183. (adjective), 234. West, 236. 35- 41. ilt', 195. ), 234- 36. 213. images (children), 200. in (into), 187, 188, 220, 229, 237, 242. in (upon?), 194. in all post, 216. in good time, 206. in quarrel of, 196. in safeguard of, 242. inclusive verge, 223. 233, 243- intend (= pretend), 215, 218 invocate, 183. inward with, 213. is all things, etc., 213. Jack, 226. jumpeth (=agrees), 206. jut, 205. keeps (stays with), 238. labour (=work for), 196. | lag (late), 199. lessoned, 196. let blood, are, 210. letting (forbearing), 168. level (aim), 232. lewd (vile), 188. 188, 229. tour, 194. 1, 211. libels, 181. djective), 223. lie (in prison), 182. syllable), 223. lie in the throat, 185. t), 216. 9. ויס 189, 235. riod to, 191. on, 217. re), 205. pageant (=dumb-show), 230. regiment, 238. pains (=labours), 189. parlous, 204, 210. part (=depart), 197. 7 Oxford, Earl of, 237. 236. patience (trisyllable), 222. Anjou, 227. 201. ans), 188. =dances), 180. vard), 196. 239. Bolute), 221. emerits), 178. 07. 193. 181, 182, 189. (from the eyes), =die), 187. 211. utline), 238. party (side), 189, 211, 232, resolve (=satisfy), passing (adverb), 182. patient (trisyllable), 189. pawned (pledged), 225. peevish (silly), 190, 207, pitchers have ears, 204. please (impersonal), 201, 212. power (=army), 235. prayers (dissyllable), 200, precedent (=first draft), 218. quest (inquest), 195. quick, 184, 187, 190, 233. R reduce (bring back) re-edified, 207. remorse (=pity), 22 remorseful, 185. replenished, 226. repose you, 207. 237- respect ( care for). retailed (retold), a el though, 194. г, 235. spelling), 182. youth), 196. (accent), 192, 207. Rice ap Thomas, 2- Rougemont, 226. rounding, 174. sacrament (=oath), Saint George to bo seldom comes the 203. sely, 177. seniory, 229. slave of nature, 191 smooth (flatter), nward, 175. (venomous), 185. ate (=too lately), 209. ■(=touchstone), 224. aphing (accent), 214. shionable (adverb), 180. White Surrey, 239 oided, 232. verned, 234. acious, 199. ppiness, 184. oked, 190. annered, 184. eritable, 220. Curing, 220. spective, 224. Jued, 193. his party, 211. wick, Sir Christopher, 5. watery moon, 200. what (who), 195. what (why), 235- where be, etc.. 230. which (whom), 237. whisper (transitive), 232. White-friars, 186. age, 218. white-livered, 235. windows (=eyelids), 240. windows (metaphor), 183 withal, 219. witty (cunning), 224. Woodeville, 182. wot, 203, 212. wot you what? 212. wretched (=hateful), 237. zealous (=pious), 219. |