majesty soon recover his accustom'd health. rey. In that you brook it ill, it makes him worse efore, for God's sake, entertain good comfort, cheer his grace with quick and merry words. ween Elizabeth. If he were dead, what would be me? rey. No other harm but loss of such a lord. Leen Elizabeth. The loss of such a lord inclu harms. ey. The heavens have bless'd you with a good! e your comforter when he is gone. een Elizabeth. Ah, he is young; and his minori t unto the trust of Richard Gloster, In that loves not me, nor none of you. vers. Is it concluded he shall be protector? een Elizabeth. It is determin'd, not concluded y it must be, if the king miscarry. Enter BUCKINGHAM and STANLEY. y. Here come the Lords of Buckingham and S ckingham. Good time of day unto your royal gr nley. God make your majesty joyful as you hav een Elizabeth. The Countess Richmond, good r of Stanley, ur good prayer will scarcely say amen. 3C now the Duke of Buckingham and I visiting his majesty. eth. What likelihood of his amendment, Madam, good hope; his grace speaks cheer th. God grant him health! Did you confer ? Ay, madam; he desires to make atonement ke of Gloster and your brothers, em and my lord chamberlain, In them to his royal presence. eth. Would all were well! But that will ; ness is at the height. GLOSTER, HASTINGS, and Dorset. ' do me wrong, and I will not endure it. at complain unto the king , am stern and love them not? ey love his grace but lightly a rancorous enemy. man live, and think no harm, ple truth must be abus'd insinuating Jacks? not be quiet scarce a breathing-while you must trouble him with lewd complaints. Queen Elizabeth. Brother of Gloster, you mistak ter. e king, on his own royal disposition, d not provok'd by any suitor else,ning, belike, at your interior hatred, at in your outward action shows itself, ainst my children, brothers, and myself, kes him to send; that thereby he may gather e ground of your ill-will, and so remove it. Gloster. I cannot tell ;-the world is grown so l at wrens make prey where eagles dare not perc ce every Jack became a gentleman, ere's many a gentle person made a Jack. Queen Elizabeth. Come, come, we know your brother Gloster; u envy my advancement, and my friends'. d grant we never may have need of you! Gloster. Meantime, God grants that we have you! r brother is imprison'd by your means, self disgrac'd, and the nobility ld in contempt; while great promotions e daily given to ennoble those at scarce, some two days since, were worth a ne Queen Elizabeth. By Him that rais'd me to th height om that contented hap which I enjoy'd, me in these vile suspects. may deny that you were not the mean stings' late imprisonment. nay, my lord; for 90 may, Lord Rivers, why, who knows not re, sir, than denying that: ou to many fair preferments; her aiding hand therein, honours on your high desert. not? She may, -ay, marry, may she,t, marry, may she? at, marry, may she? marry with a king, 1 a handsome stripling too. dam had a worser match. 100 beth. My Lord of Gloster, I have too long praidings and your bitter scoffs; ill acquaint his majesty e a country servant-maid EN MARGARET, behind, where she remains. I in being England's queen. aret. And lessen'd be that small, God, I bem! ate, and seat is due to me. at! threat you me with telling of the king? pare not: look, what I have said Floster. Ere you were queen, ay, or your husban as a pack-horse in his great affairs; eeder-out of his proud adversaries, beral rewarder of his friends : Coyalize his blood I spent mine own. ueen Margaret. Ay, and much better blood th thine. Floster. In all which time you and your husband e factious for the house of Lancaster ; , Rivers, so were you.-Was not your husband Margaret's battle at Saint Alban's slain? me put in your minds, if you forget, at you have been ere this, and what you are; mal, what I have been, and what I am. Queen Margaret. A murtherous villain, and so art. Closter. Poor Clarence did forsake his father W: and forswore himself, which Jesu pardon!— ueen Margaret. Which God revenge! loster. To fight on Edward's party, for the crow , for his meed, poor lord, he is mew'd up. ›uld to God my heart were flint, like Edward's, Edward's soft and pitiful, like mine; too childish-foolish for this world. ueen Margaret. Hie thee to hell for shame, a this world, u cacodæmon! there thy kingdom is. ivers. My Lord of Gloster, in those busy days ch here you urge to prove us enemies, |