e urging of that word judgment hath bred in me. nat! art thou afraid? t to kill him, having a warrant; but to be him, from the which no warrant can de hought thou hadst been resolute. I am, to let him live. 1 back to the Duke of Gloster, and tell him y, I prithee, stay a little: I hope my holy ge; it was wont to hold me but while one ow dost thou feel thyself now? ith, some certain dregs of conscience are 121 member our reward when the deed 's done. unds! he dies! I had forgot the reward. here 's thy conscience now? in the Duke of Gloster's purse. men he opens his purse to give us our rece flies out. is no matter; let it go: there 's few or it. 130 hat if it come to thee again? Il not meddle with it; it makes a man a annot steal but it accuseth him; a man it checks him; 't is a blushing, shamenutinies in a man's bosom; it fills a man it made me once restore a purse of gold, Murderer. Take the devil in thy mind, and beli ne would insinuate with thee but to make thee Murderer. I am strong-framed; he cannot prev Jurderer. Spoke like a tall man that respects m. Come, shall we fall to work? Murderer. Take him on the costard with the hil and then throw him into the malmsey-butt in Jurderer. O excellent device! and make a sop Murderer. Soft! he wakes. Murderer. Strike. Murderer. No, we 'll reason with him. rence. [Waking.] Where art thou, keeper? giv cup of wine. Murderer. You shall have wine enough, n anon. rence. In God's name, what art thou? 'urderer. A man, as you are. rence. But not, as I am, royal. 'urderer. Nor you, as we are, loyal. rence. Thy voice is thunder, but thy looks are Furderer. My voice is now the king's, my loo own. ence. How darkly and how deadly dost thou s yes do menace me; why look you pale? ent you hither? Wherefore do you come? 'h Murderers. To, to, to ence. To murther me? agan. Never, my lord; therefore prepare to die. e you drawn forth among a world of men ocent? What is my offence? vidence that doth accuse me? est have given their verdict up ing judge? or who pronounc'd ence of poor Clarence' death? vict by course of law, with death is most unlawful. s you hope to have redemption r blood shed for our grievous sins, -t, and lay no hands on me; undertake is damnable. What we will do, we do upon command. And he that hath commanded is our king. oneous vassals! the great King of kings le of his law commanded do no murther; will you, then, ict, and fulfil a man's? he holds vengeance in his hand, heir heads that break his law. 180 190 And that same vengeance doth he hurl on aring, and for murther too. ive the sacrament to fight e house of Lancaster. And, like a traitor to the name of God, t vow, and with thy treacherous blade owels of thy sovereign's son. 200 senas you not to murtner me for this, in that sin he is as deep as I. -od will be avenged for the deed, now you yet, he doth it publicly: e not the quarrel from his powerful arm; needs no indirect or lawless course cut off those that have offended him. Murderer. Who made thee, then, a bloody min en gallant-springing, brave Plantagenet, t princely novice, was struck dead by thee? larence. My brother's love, the devil, and my ra Murderer. Thy brother's love, our duty, and t voke us hither now to slaughter thee. Flarence. If you do love my brother, hate not me n his brother, and I love him well. ou are hir'd for meed, go back again, I will send you to my brother Gloster, shall reward you better for my life n Edward will for tidings of my death. Murderer. You are deceiv'd; your brother Glo you. larence. O, no; he loves me, and he holds me you to him from me. Both Murderers. Ay, so we will. larence. Tell him, when that our princely fathe ss'd his three sons with his victorious arm, I charg'd us from his soul to love each other, little thought of this divided friendship; Gloster think on this, and he will weep. Murderer. Ay, millstones, as he lesson'd us t n his arms, and swore, with sobs, bour my delivery. hy, so he doth when he delivers you thraldom to the joys of heaven. 240 Take peace with God, for you must die, my e you that holy feeling in your souls, o make my peace with God, to your own souls so blind with God by murthering me? they that set you on will hate you for the deed. That shall we do? Relent, and save your souls. elent! 't is cowardly and womanish. to relent is beastly, savage, devilish ! you were a prince's son, liberty, as I am now, merers as yourselves came to you, It for life? some pity in thy looks; not a flatterer, 251 ✓ side and entreat for me, 3, were you in my distress. 260 what beggar pities not? pok behind you, my lord. ake that, and that; if all this will not do, [Stabs him. the malmsey-butt within. [Exit, with the body. |