BY VV M. J. KOLFE, LITT.D. een limp leather with gilt top and decorated title pages in two colors. Ingle volumes, net, 90 cents. cy volumes, boxed, net, $36.00 CONTENTS. "III.... " IV...... " V...... NOTES... I. THE HISTORY OF THE PLAY. THE earliest known edition of the play is a c in 1597, with the following title-page: The Tragedy of | King Richard the third. | His treacherous Plots against his brother Cl pittiefull murther of his innocent nephewes: | 1 vsurpation: with the whole course | of his dete most deserued death. | As it hath beene lately Right honourable the Lord Chamber- | laine AT LONDON | Printed by Valentine Sims. edition was published the following year, "By William Shake-speare" on the titlespects it is a reprint of the first. Other peared in 1602, 1605, 1612, and 1622. All e "newly augmented," but they contain found in the 2d quarto, unless it be addipress.* play in the 1st folio differs materially from Besides many little changes in expreseveral passages-one of more than fifty n the earlier texts; while, on the other ary lines-in some cases, essential to the the quartos. The play is, moreover, one d in the folio, and the quartos often help e typographical errors. Which is on the xt, and what is the relation of the one to ions which have been much disputed, but be satisfactorily settled. The Cambridge The respective origin and authority of the folio texts of Richard III. is perhaps the :ion which presents itself to an editor of he case of most of the plays a brief survey a definite judgment; in this, the most atn scarcely enables him to propose with hetical conclusion." Staunton says: "the d, and will continue to prove, a source of edition was printed in 1629, not from the folio of arto of 1622. An eighth quarto, a reprint of the 534. |