Shakespeare's Tragedy of King Richard the ThirdBaker and Taylor, 1904 - 258 sidor |
Från bokens innehåll
... . Cf. Ham . p . 220 . ( Johnson ) . Warb . explained it , " that puts to ar kind , as a brave soul and a deformed body . " anged by Pope to " unfashionably ; " but the ad are and how perplexing it is to choose between them.
... . Cf. Ham . p . 220 . ( Johnson ) . Warb . explained it , " that puts to ar kind , as a brave soul and a deformed body . " anged by Pope to " unfashionably ; " but the ad are and how perplexing it is to choose between them.
... ( Johnson ) . Cf. iv . 4. 5 belo ' s . The only instance of the word in S. Honest , as good as his word . I'd up . Shut up , imprisoned . Cf. 132 and i . 3. 139 below D. p . 126 . rophecy , etc. Holinshed ( quoted by Malone ) says : " Som ...
... ( Johnson ) . Cf. iv . 4. 5 belo ' s . The only instance of the word in S. Honest , as good as his word . I'd up . Shut up , imprisoned . Cf. 132 and i . 3. 139 below D. p . 126 . rophecy , etc. Holinshed ( quoted by Malone ) says : " Som ...
... ( Johnson ) . Mason remarks : antive from the adjective abject , and uses it to ex- submission than is implied by the word subject , ald naturally have made use of . The queen's ab- vile of her subjects . " It is the only instance of the ...
... ( Johnson ) . Mason remarks : antive from the adjective abject , and uses it to ex- submission than is implied by the word subject , ald naturally have made use of . The queen's ab- vile of her subjects . " It is the only instance of the ...
... Johnson compares Ham . i . 4. 85 : " I'll make e . " T. of S. iv . 1. 169 : " You heedless joltheads and Or stand the Ist folio has " stand'st . " where ( when the verb is intransitive ) S. has hn , iii . 1. 141 , where we find spurn ...
... Johnson compares Ham . i . 4. 85 : " I'll make e . " T. of S. iv . 1. 169 : " You heedless joltheads and Or stand the Ist folio has " stand'st . " where ( when the verb is intransitive ) S. has hn , iii . 1. 141 , where we find spurn ...
... Johnson , Steevens , and M any examples of the expression from other authors . Remorseful . Pitiful , compassionate . For remorse = pity , se ow . Cf. Macb . p . 171 . 157-168 are omitted in the quartos . No. Changed by Pope to " Not ...
... Johnson , Steevens , and M any examples of the expression from other authors . Remorseful . Pitiful , compassionate . For remorse = pity , se ow . Cf. Macb . p . 171 . 157-168 are omitted in the quartos . No. Changed by Pope to " Not ...
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Shakespeare's Tragedy of King Richard the Third William Shakespeare Obegränsad förhandsgranskning - 1880 |
Shakespeare's Tragedy of King Richard the Third William Shakespeare Obegränsad förhandsgranskning - 1895 |
Shakespeare's Tragedy of King Richard the Third William Shakespeare Obegränsad förhandsgranskning - 1880 |
Vanliga ord och fraser
2d quartos Anne battle BAYNARD'S CASTLE blood Brakenbury brother Buckingham Chertsey Clarence cousin crown curse daughter dead dear death deed Dorset dost doth dream Duchess of York Duke Duke of Buckingham Earl Earl of Richmond early eds Edward Edward IV enemies Exeunt Exit eyes father fear folio reading friends g Richard gentle give Gloster grace gracious Grey hath heart heaven Henry Holinshed holy horse House of Lancaster James Tyrrel John Johnson Julius Cæsar King Richard kingham Lady live London Lord Hastings Lord Stanley Macb madam majesty Malone mayor mother Murderer murther night noble Norfolk peace play prince protector pursuivant quartos read Queen Elizabeth quoth Ratcliff revenge Rich Richmond royal scene Schmidt Shakespeare sorrow soul Steevens ster thee thou Tower Tyrrel uncle unto Whole wife word York