Shakespeare's Tragedy of King Richard the ThirdBaker and Taylor, 1904 - 258 sidor |
Från bokens innehåll
... TYRREL . SIR JAMES BLOUNT . SIR WALTER HERBERT . SIR ROBERT BRAKENBURY , Lieutenant of the Tower . CHRISTOPHER URSWICK , a Priest . Another Priest . Lord Mayor of London . Sheriff of Wiltshire . A Keeper in the Tower . ELIZABETH , Queen ...
... TYRREL . SIR JAMES BLOUNT . SIR WALTER HERBERT . SIR ROBERT BRAKENBURY , Lieutenant of the Tower . CHRISTOPHER URSWICK , a Priest . Another Priest . Lord Mayor of London . Sheriff of Wiltshire . A Keeper in the Tower . ELIZABETH , Queen ...
... , tempt him to any thing . 39 What is his name ? His name , my lord , is Tyrrel . I partly know the man ; go , call him hither , ing witty Buckingham e the neighbour to my counsels . [ Exit Page . arquis Dorset , as I hear , is fled hmond.
... , tempt him to any thing . 39 What is his name ? His name , my lord , is Tyrrel . I partly know the man ; go , call him hither , ing witty Buckingham e the neighbour to my counsels . [ Exit Page . arquis Dorset , as I hear , is fled hmond.
... TyRREL . name Tyrrel ? [ Exit C -rel . James Tyrrel , and your most obedient subje g Richard . Art thou , indeed ? rel . Prove me , my graciou g Richard . Dar'st thou resolve to kill a friend of rel . Please you ; but I had rather ...
... TyRREL . name Tyrrel ? [ Exit C -rel . James Tyrrel , and your most obedient subje g Richard . Art thou , indeed ? rel . Prove me , my graciou g Richard . Dar'st thou resolve to kill a friend of rel . Please you ; but I had rather ...
... . - All health , my sovereign lord ! Kind Tyrrel , am I happy in thy news ? ve done the thing you gave in charge ness , be happy then , But didst thou see them dead ? my lord . 10 20 inheritor of thy desire . I till then . 1.
... . - All health , my sovereign lord ! Kind Tyrrel , am I happy in thy news ? ve done the thing you gave in charge ness , be happy then , But didst thou see them dead ? my lord . 10 20 inheritor of thy desire . I till then . 1.
... Tyrrel to see them ; which when he saw dead , he caused the murtherers to bury them at the stair eep in the ground , under a great heap of stones . rode James Tyrrel in great haste to King Richard , and sh he manner of the murther ; who ...
... Tyrrel to see them ; which when he saw dead , he caused the murtherers to bury them at the stair eep in the ground , under a great heap of stones . rode James Tyrrel in great haste to King Richard , and sh he manner of the murther ; who ...
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Shakespeare's Tragedy of King Richard the Third William Shakespeare Obegränsad förhandsgranskning - 1880 |
Shakespeare's Tragedy of King Richard the Third William Shakespeare Obegränsad förhandsgranskning - 1895 |
Shakespeare's Tragedy of King Richard the Third William Shakespeare Obegränsad förhandsgranskning - 1880 |
Vanliga ord och fraser
2d quartos Anne battle BAYNARD'S CASTLE blood Brakenbury brother Buckingham Chertsey Clarence cousin crown curse daughter dead dear death deed Dorset dost doth dream Duchess of York Duke Duke of Buckingham Earl Earl of Richmond early eds Edward Edward IV enemies Exeunt Exit eyes father fear folio reading friends g Richard gentle give Gloster grace gracious Grey hath heart heaven Henry Holinshed holy horse House of Lancaster James Tyrrel John Johnson Julius Cæsar King Richard kingham Lady live London Lord Hastings Lord Stanley Macb madam majesty Malone mayor mother Murderer murther night noble Norfolk peace play prince protector pursuivant quartos read Queen Elizabeth quoth Ratcliff revenge Rich Richmond royal scene Schmidt Shakespeare sorrow soul Steevens ster thee thou Tower Tyrrel uncle unto Whole wife word York