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besides an Annual Subscription from His School Jubilee, as proposed in the Circular Majesty of 1001.

Movers and Seconders.

Dr. Lushington, M.P.; and Rev. Geo. Clayton-John Ivatt Briscoe, Esq., M.P.; and James Montgomery, Esq.Rev. W. Marsh, of Birmingham; and Rev. John Burnett-Jotham Blanchard, Esq., Member of the Nova-Scotia House of Assembly; and Mr. Peter Jones, Native Missionary to the Chippewa Indians -and Rev. W. Broadfoot; and James Hume, of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Esq.


-That this Meeting most respectfully and gratefully acknowledges the liberal subscription of His Most Gracious Majesty, and is deeply sensible of the honour conferred upon the Institution by his having been pleased to announce himself as its Patron.

-That this Meeting, deeply affected at the result of the inquiries which have been instituted with regard to the Moral and Intellectual State of the Agricultural Peasantry, earnestly recommends that the most vigorous measures may be adopted for promoting the Establishment of Schools in necessitous districts, and pledges itself to support the Society in carrying the same into effect.

-That this Meeting, having heard with much satisfaction the intelligence contained in the Report relative to the advancement of Scriptural Education in Foreign Countries, is encouraged to hope, that, under the Divine Blessing, this important department of the Society's labours will be productive of extensive good, and be crowned with enlarged

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Tuesday, May 10, at vi A.M.; at the City-of-London Tavern; Robert Forster, Esq. jun., in the Chair: Collection, 381. 198. 2d.

Movers and Seconders.

Rev. Dr. Cox; and W. B. Gurney, Esq. James Montgomery, Esq.; and Rev. John Blackburn --Mr. Wilson, the

Sunday-School-Union Missionary; and Rev. Isaac Mann - Mr. W. Jones, Assistant-Secretary of the Religious-Tract Society; and Rev. H. J. Rook, of Feversham - and Rev. Robert Alder; and Mr. Peter Jones, a Canadian Indian, Missionary to the Chippewa Indians.

of the Society, be most strongly recommended to all the Auxiliary and Country Unions, to all Ministers of the Gospel, and to all Sunday-School Teachers, by whose united efforts from this era a fresh impulse will be given to the great Cause of the Religious Instruction of the Young.

-That the proceedings of the past Year shew that the Sunday-School Mission is particularly adapted to promote the extension and improvement of Sunday Schools throughout the Kingdom, by means of the united efforts of Sunday-School Unions; and that increased contributions be earnestly solicited to this important object, which has heretofore received very inadequate support.

[blocks in formation]

Sunday Schools in Great Britain and Ireland, reported, 10,162 - Teachers, 107,545-Scholars, 1,062,656; being an increase in the past year of 267 Schools, 9800 Teachers, and 42,463 Scholars.



Monday, May 9, at xi; at St. Clement Danes; by Rev. W. Dalton, M.A.; from 2 Thess. iii. 1-3: Collection, 217. 3s. 9d.


Tuesday, May 10, at xii; in Exeter Hall; Marquis Cholmondeley in the Chair: Collection, including Donations and Subscriptions, 1591. 4s. 11d.

Movers and Seconders.

Lord Mount-Sandford; and Rev. Edwin Sidney - Rev. H. Melvill; and Lieut. Rhind, R. N. - Captain Sherer; and Rev. W. Dalton-Rev. G. W. Phil

lips; and Rev. J. H. Stewart.

-That an ADDITION be now made to the Laws of this Society; and that the First Law do in future stand as follows: "The Society -That the plan of celebrating a Sunday - shall consist of a Patron, Vice-Patrons, Pre


sident, Vice-Presidents, Treasurers, a Naval and a Military Secretary, Committee, Governors, and Members, ACKNOWLEDGING THEIR BELIEF IN THE HOLY TRINITY."

Amendment on this Resolution, negatived.

It having been Moved by the Right Hon. Lord Calthorpe, and Seconded by the Rev. A. Brandram, as an Amendment on the Resolution just mentioned, "That the Constitution of the Society remain unchanged," and the Rev. Edward Irving and the Rev. Nicholas Armstrong having addressed the Meeting in support of the original Resolution, the Amendment was negatived almost unanimously, and the Resolution carried with very few dissentients.

It is stated, that, of the amount contributed at the Meeting, the sum of 551. was given in consequence of the adoption of this Resolution; and consisted of two Donations of 10 Guineas, and two of 5l. each, with 22 New Annual Subscribers, besides smaller Donations.


Receipts of the Year, 32201, Os. 3d. Payments, 3015l. 18s. 7d.-Total Bibles and Testaments circulated from the beginning, 252,128. Circulation of the last Year, 8276. Average circulation of the last 15 Years, about 10,000 copies annually.



Tuesday, May 9, at vit; at St. Paul's, Covent Garden; by Hon. and Rev. B. W. Noel, M. A., Minister of St. John's Chapel, Bedford Row; from John xvii. 1: Collection, 271. 9s. 2d.


Wednesday, May 10, at xii; in the Lower Room, Exeter Hall; Lord Bexley in the Chair: Collection, 291. 2s. 3d. Donations, 1021.

Movers and Seconders.

James Strachan, Esq.; and Rev. Edwin Sidney - Rev. H. Budd; and Hon. and Rev. B. W. Noel-Right Hon. Sir G. H. Rose, K. G.H.; and Rev. Daniel Wilson, jun. Rev. Daniel Wilson; and John Labouchere, Esq.-Percival White, Esq.; and Rev. John Peers -and Lord Mount-Sandford; and Sir

T. Blomfield, Bart. Reso'utions.

-That, while, with fervent gratitude to God for the success with which it has pleased Him to prosper the exertions of this Society,

this Meeting would rest with steady faith on that Mercy and Love which the Society has so often experienced in former difficulties to extricate it from its present embarrassments; yet they deem it their bounden duty to press on themselves and on the Public at large the urgent necessity of increased exertion to enlarge the funds of the Society, for the twofold purpose of relieving it from its present load of debt, and of enabling it to avail itself of the spirit which its operations have so largely kindled.

-That this Meeting, aware of the pledge given by the Society to extend the blessings of Christian Education to the Inhabitants of British North-America, and being earnestly desirous of redeeming the pledge and of obeying the call which the state of British North-America makes upon Christian Sympathy, Resolves that the Friends of the Society be encouraged to keep this pledge in view, and that the support of the Christian Public be invited to enable the Society to redeem it.

State of the Funds.
Receipts of the Year.

Annual Subscriptions
Donations & Life Subscriptions,



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W. Hancock, M.A., Minister of St. Paul's Chapel, Kilburn; from Mark xvi. 15, 16. Meeting.

Thursday, May 12, at x; in Exeter Hall; W. Alers Hankey, Esq., Treasurer, in the Chair.

Movers and Seconders.

James Montgomery, Esq., of Sheffield; and Rev. Edmund Ray, one of the Society's Missionaries from Calcutta-Rev. Richard Watson, Hon. Secretary of the Wesleyan Miss. Society; and Rev. Eustace Carey, Baptist Missionary from Calcutta-Rev. Rowland Hill; and Rev. John Angell James, of Birminghamand Rev. John Burnett; and Rev. G. Redford, of Worcester.

The Meeting was addressed, also, by

Kalıkewaquonaby, from Canada.


-That this Meeting receives with much satisfaction the Report now presented: and offers thanksgivings to God, for the past tokens of His favour, manifested in the preservation of the lives of the Missionaries, and in the general progress and success of the various Missions of the Society, in the seve

ral quarters of the World; for the tidings which the Report contains of the distinguished

progress of the Gospel in the South-Sea Islands; and for the prospect of the early establishment of a Mission in the Kingdom of Siam.

-That from the present aspect of the Divine Dispensations toward the World at large, as well as from the success evidently granted to the Missionary Labours of Kindred Societies, this Meeting derives the cheering persuasion, that the day is drawing nigh, on which the great end of their united laboursthe universal reception of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ-shall be accomplished; in which assurance, the Members and Friends of this Society are invited to abound yet more and more in earnest prayer, for the promised effusion of the Holy Spirit on all persons engaged in such Christian Labours, both at home and abroad.

-That the Treasurer and Home Secretary be invited to continue in their respective offices, and that the three Gentlemen who have supplied the Office of Foreign Secretary be requested to continue their services; that the Directors who are eligible to be re-elected, and that the places of those who retire, be filled up by the Gentlemen named in the following list: And, in committing to those Brethren the management of the affairs of the Society for the ensuing Year, this Meeting earnestly implores for them the abundant aids of the Holy Spirit, that their labours may be rightly directed and be crowned with the desired success; praying, more especially, that God would be graciously pleased to furnish the Society with an Individual fully qualified, by all needful endowments, to sustain the important and still vacant Office of Foreign Secretary.

This Meeting closes by wishing Grace Mercy, and Peace to all who love the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity, and who pray and labour for the coming of His Kingdom.

State of the Funds.

The Receipts of the Year amounted to 41,5901. 3s. 6d.; exclusive of nearly 20001. raised to defray the expenses connected with the Trial of the Rev. Dr. Philip at the Cape for an alleged Libel: the Payments of the Year were 38,1981. 2s. 5d. The Receipts consisted of the following sums: Contributions, 34,604l. 18s. 9d. Legacies, 50091. 7s. 3d. Dividends and Interest, 12071. 8s. 9d. Contributions for Special Objects, 7681. 8s. 9d.

At p. 216 of our last Volume, we stated the Payments for the Year 1829 -30 to have been 47,032l. 1s. 5d.: but this sum included a Balance due on the Year 1828-29 of 32371. 10s. 11d., and 10,6211. 3s. ld. Purchase of Stock; so that the actual Expenses of the Year 1829-30 amounted to 33,1731. 7s. 5d. Collections at the Anniversary, May 1831. L. s. d.

Poultry-Chapel Prayer-Meeting, 21 14 0 Surrey Chapel.......


Annual Meeting.......

Craven Chapel..

St. Ann's, Blackfriars....
Sion-Chapel Communion.......
Silver-Street-Chapel ditto.......
Orange-Street-Chapel ditto.....
Kennington-Chapel ditto........

Islington-Chapel ditto.......
Hackney-Chapel ditto.........

Wednesday, May 11, at vi P.M.; at LongAcre Episcopal Chapel; by Rev. James Haldane Stewart, M.A.; from Mark vi. 56: Collection, 18l. 9s. 7d.

372 7 5 8450 443 3 11

56 16 0

28 10 6

60 1 0

20 17 2

44 8 9

45 12 9

34 10 6

30 7 0





Thursday, May 5, at xii, for the Western Part of the Metropolis, at Willis's Rooms, King Street, St. James's; Marquis Cholmondeley in the Chair: Collection, 271. 8s. 8d.

Friday, May 13, at vi A.M., of the
Society generally, at the City-of-London
Tavern; Samuel Hoare, Esq. in the
Chair: Collection (including Donation
211.), 761. 118. 2d.
Movers and Seconders.
At the Western Meeting.

Rev. Nicholas Armstrong; and Rev.
John Campbell - Rev. J. W. Doran';



and Rev. John Robinson - Rev. T. S.
Grimshawe; and Mr. Peter Jones, a
Chippewa Chief, from Canada - and
Rev. Joseph Hughes; and Rev. G.
Washington Phillips.

At the City Meeting.

Hon. and Rev. B. W. Noel; and Rev. Dr. Cox-Rev. Dr. Steinkopff; and Mr. Peter Jones-Rev. Edmund Crawley, from Nova Scotia; and Rev. Eustace Carey-and Rev. Thomas Woodrooffe; and James Montgomery, Esq.


At the Western Meeting.

-That this Meeting has heard with sincere pleasure of the efforts made by the Religious Tract Society to circulate in Great Britain and Ireland its numerous Publications; and also rejoices that the Works of the British Reformers, and the Writings of various Authors of the Seventeenth Century have been widely circulated; trusting that it will please God to make them the means of counteracting Error, and of extensively diffusing Divine Truth.

-That this Meeting, feeling that the Divine Command, to make known the Gospel to EVERY creature, is binding on all Christians,

strongly recommends the Foreign Operations

of the Institution to their enlarged bene-
volence; believing the circulation of Re-
ligious Publications, by the agency of Chris-
tian Missionaries and others, in Foreign
Lands, to be a most important means of dif-
fusing Divine Truth: And the Meeting re-
joices particularly in the wide circulation of
Religious Tracts in China, India, and Spa-
nish America, during the past Year.

-That, while this Meeting rejoices in the
circulation by the Religious-Tract Society of
One Hundred and Fifty Millions of its
Works in Seventy different Languages, it
would devoutly acknowledge that the Di-
vine Blessing alone can render its labours
successful; for neither is he that planteth any
thing, neither he that watereth, but God that
giveth the increase.

At the City Meeting.

-That this Meeting has heard with great satisfaction, that Tracts have been printed and circulated in CHINA PROPER, and extensively distributed among the Chinese and other Settlers in the Eastern Archipelago: it rejoices in the formation of New Societies in India for the publication of Native Tracts; and highly approves of the Grants made for the diffusion of Divine Truth in France and other European Nations.

-That the active efforts which have been

made to spread the errors of Infidelity,
and the prevalent desecration of the Sabbath
Day, call for the increased circulation of
suitable Religious Works: and the Meeting
rejoices in the successful labours of the
Christian-Instruction, District-Visiting, and

State of the Funds.
Receipts of the Year.



£. s. d. 1192 17 0

Annual Subscriptions
Donations and Life Subscriptions, 655 08

Collecting Cards


Sale of Publications

164 18 5

1204 13 2

1002 2 6

39 12 0

ForStereotyping approved Works, 470 50

21,942 18 8

4729 8 9

Total....f. 26,672 75

Payments of the Year..
Loss on Hawkers' Tracts, Money
Grants, Gratuitous Issues, and

... 4404 18

Paper, Printing, Stereotype
Plates, Binding, Translating,
Engraving, Rent, Taxes, Re-
pairs, Salaries, and Sundries, 22,628 18 1

Total....L. 27,032 19 9




Thursday, May 12, at vis P. M.; at St.
John's Chapel, Bedford Row; by Rev.
Nicholas Armstrong, the Society's Mis-
sionary for Ireland; from John ii. 17:
Collection 761. 6s. 2d.-May 19, at xi
P.M.; at St. Paul's, Covent Garden; by
Rev. W. Dalton.


Friday, May 13, at xi; in Exeter
Hall; Viscount Mandeville in the Chair:
Collection, 1171. ; with 211. sent afterward.

Movers and Seconders.

Lord Bexley; and G. Finch, Esq.-
Rev. J. H. Stewart; and Rev. W. Dal-
ton-Rev. Dr. Holloway; and Rev.
Nicholas Armstrong-Rev. Dr. Cooke, of
Belfast; and Rev. G. Washington Phillips.


-That the Blessing which has attended the labours of the Parent Society in England and Scotland is a cause of deep thanksgiving to Almighty God; and the Committee would record it as their decided opinion, that the Current of Popery would be checked and turned in every part of the United Kingdom, if the Protestants would unite in a faithful contrast of Romish Error with the pure Gospel of the Grace of God.

-That, while the Society will ever consider the Home Operations as its primary care, yet it cannot but view with deep and awful interest the changes which are so rapidly evolving themselves on the Continent; and, being anxious to be ready to take every advantage

Loan-Tract Societies; through whose Agents thereof, resolves that in future the operations

the Publications of the Religious-Tract ciety are so efficiently circulated.

of the Society shall only be confined by the
limits of the Papacy.


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Saturday, May 14, at ii; at 32, Sackville Street; Lord Bishop of Winchester in the Chair. The Meeting was addressed by the Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, Capt. Vernon Harcourt, R.N., Rev. John Davis, Capt. Gooch, Capt. Bazalgette, R.N., Capt. G. Gambier, R.N., and Captain Elliott, R.N.: Collection, 301.

State of the Society.

Some account of the Society appears at pp. 198, 218 of our Volume for 1829. Its special object is, to maintain a Place of Worship on the Thames, in connexion with the Established Church, for the benefit of the Seamen in the colliers and other vessels, which trade to the Port of London, but do not go into the Docks. A ship, granted for the purpose by Government, having been fitted up as a Church, the Rev. James Hough performed Divine Service on board for the first time on Good Friday 1829; and continued to discharge the duty of Chaplain till September of last year, when he was succeeded by the Rev. John Davis, the present Chaplain. Two Services are held on Sundays; and as the men are employed during the day, every evening in the week, except Saturday, is devoted to the instruction of the Seamen on board May, 1831.

their own vessels: these Evening Meet ings are generally well attended. The expense of maintaining this Establishment is about 3001, per annum: not quite 100l. is raised by Annual Subscriptions, and the Society is in debt to the Trustees to the amount of 6791. The Committee thus close an appeal for enlarged support :

When it is considered that the objects of our solicitude are those who are employed, through great peril and toil, in supplying this Metropolis with coals and various other necessaries and conveniences of life, surely it is no great hardship for the many thousands who receive these benefits through their instrumentality to contribute so small a sumas is herein declared to be sufficient for the support of the present means of religious instruction. The Established Church has no other means than the present of reaching them with her Ministry: the duty of doing so cannot be doubted; and, on this ground, we trust that this effort to facilitate the discharge of the Church's serious responsibility in this respect will not be in vain.



Tuesday, May 17, at xii; Lord MountSandford in the Chair: Collection, 60%. Movers and Seconders.

John Tudor, Esq.; and Captain Vernon Harcourt, R.N.-Lieut. Rhind, R.N.; and Rev. Edward Irving-T. Thompson, Esq.; and Captain Hope, R.N.-and Rev. Dr. Cooke, of Belfast; and Captain Ba

zalgette, R.N. Resolutions.

-That no one shall be considered eligible to hold any Office whatever in this Institution, nor be a Life or Annual Member having a vote, but such as profess belief in the Holy Trinity.

-That the Domestic Worship of the Institution shall be conducted by a Clergyman of the Church of England, to be nominated by Directors, subject to approval by the Bishop of London.

Amendment on the Report, not seconded.

Reference being made in the Report to the subject which was afterward carried in the first of the preceding Resolutions, Mr. Thompson moved, as an Amendment on the Motion for adopting the Report, that the reference to such subject should be omitted; but no one seconding the Amendment, it was, of course, not put to the Meeting.



Tuesday, May 17. at vit P.M.; in the 2G

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