intendant of their Editorial Department, on the 5th of November, at the early age of 32 years, passed the following Resolutions at their next Meeting, on the 21st of that month. -That, feeling very deeply the great ness of the loss sustained by the Society in the death of its late SUPERINTENDANT OF THE EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT, this Committee yet desire to meet that loss in a becoming spirit of submission to the will of Him who ordereth all things in perfect, though inscrutable wisdom. -That this Committee, before they record their sense of the distinguished talents of their Deceased Friend, desire to express their devout conviction, that the gifts of intellect, with which he was endowed, proceeded from Him who is the true light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world; and the consolation which they derive from the reflection, that those gifts, from their first possession, have been consecrated to the advancement of Biblical Literature-their late friend having been almost exclusively devoted to the important work of editing the Holy Scriptures, or Works intimately connected with them, during the whole of his short but laborious career. -That this Committee remember with gratitude and astonishment, that, in the nineteen months during which Mr. Greenfield had been engaged in the service of the Society, his varied talents had been brought into exercise in no less than Twelve European, Five Asiatic, One African, and Three American Languages; and that since the commencement of his engagement, he had acquired a considerable degree of skill in the following languages, with which he had previously been wholly unacquainted-the Peruvian, Negro-English, Chippeway, and Berber. -That this Committee believe that they are fully justified in extending to all other Works in which he had been engaged as Editor the following honourable testimonial, borne by their Librarian, T. P. Platt, Esq., on the completion of the printing of the Modern-Greek Psalter :Mr. Greenfield, in carrying this Work through the press, has uniformly exhibited 1. Sound learning and critical judgment- -That this Committee cannot suffer to pass wholly unnoticed some of the extra-official labours of Mr. Greenfield. They remember, with delight, that it was his valuable defence of the Mahratta Version of the New Testament, against the criticisms advanced in the "Asiatic Journal" for September 1829, that first brought him under the notice of the Committee: of the Mahratta Language he had had no previous knowledge, nor yet of some of the other languages referred to in the work; and when it is stated, that the pamphlet appeared within five weeks of his directing his attention to the subject, no stronger proof could be afforded of the remarkable talent with which he was endowed for acquiring languages. His reply to various strictures on the Surinam or Negro-English Version was another memorial of his diligence, as well as of his good-will to the Society. While, more recently, his observations, which have appeared in the "Asiatic Journal," in reply to the criticisms of Col. Vans Kennedy on his defence of the Mahratta Version, may be appealed to as confirming the opinion entertained of his high talents and sound learning; while a posthumous memorial has yet to appear in the same Journal, through the kindness of the Editor, in which a defence of the Arabic Version will be found. -That this Committee feel it a duty to record their persuasion that nothing has occurred, during his brief connexion with the Society, to invalidate those satisfactory, assurances of the unexceptionable moral and religious character of Mr. Greenfield, which were received at the time of his appointment; while, in the transaction of business, he has uniformly conducted himself with such skill, diligence, and urbanity, as fully to realize the expectations which the Committee had entertained. -That this Committee desire to convey to his Widow and Fatherless Children an assurance of their most sincere sympathy under their painful bereavement; while they, at the same time, commend them to Him who hath said in his Holy Word, A Father of the fatherless, and a Judge of the widow, is God, in His holy habitation; and express their hope, that, by the power of the Holy Spirit, they may seek their consolation through faith in Christ Jesus, who is over all, God blessed for ever. TRINITARIAN BIBLE SOCIETY. Formation of the Society. ON Wednesday the 7th of December, a Meeting was held in Exeter Hall, when a Bible Society was formed on the principles of the Amendment moved by Mr. J. E. Gordon (see p. 218 of our Number for May) at the last Anniversary of the British and Foreign Bible Society. Spencer Perceval, Esq. M.P. was called to the Chair. Movers and Seconders. J. E. Gordon, Esq. M.P.; and Rev. G.Washington Phillips-Alexander Pringle, Esq. M.P.; and G. Sinclair, Esq. M.P.- Rev. H. Melvill, M.A.; and Lieut. Rhind, R.N. Rev. J. Lockhart, of Newcastle-on-Tyne; and Alexander Haldane, Esq. T. Pell Platt, Esq.; and Rev. Dr. Holloway-and Rev. C. Thompson, of North Shields; and Rev. W. Howels. Resolutions, and Constitution of the Society. -That it is the opinion of this Meet ing, that a Society, engaged in circulating the pure Word of God, and upon which devolves the responsibility of preparing and issuing New Translations of the Holy Scriptures, must be considered decidedly a Religious Society, and one that should be conducted on Scriptural Principles; and that those only, who are Protestants and acknowledge the Scriptural Doctrine of the Holy Trinity, can consistently be admitted Members of such a Society, or be fit Agents to conduct or carry on such a work. -That, under a solemn conviction that no true union can exist in any Religious Institution unless its principles be derived from the unerring Word of God and its Laws founded in accordance with that Word, a Bible Society be now formed on Religious and Scriptural Principles, and that the following be the Laws and Regulations of the Society :— make men wise unto salvation, through faith which is in Christ Jesus. Operations.-III. This Society shall circulate the Holy Scriptures, as comprised in the Canonical Books of the Old and New Testaments, WITHOUT NOTE OR COMMENT, to the exclusion of the Apocrypha: the copies in the English Language shall be those of the Authorised Version. In promoting and editing New Translations, and selecting Versions in Foreign Languages, the competency of the Translators employed, and the faithfulness and Christian character of the Versions, shall be ascertained by the Committee, before the publication or circulation of such Versions is in any way aided by this Society. Members. IV. The Members of this Society shall consist of Protestants, who acknowFather, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, ledge their belief in the Godhead of the Three Co-equal and Co-eternal Persons in one Living and True God; and who unite to support the Society by contributing One Guinea or upward annually, or Ten Guineas or upward at one time. Officers.-V. The Officers of this Society shall consist of a President, Vice-Presidents, a Treasurer, Secretaries, and Committee, being Members of this Society. Committee.-VI. The Committee shall consist of Twelve Ministers of the Gospel of Christ, and Twenty-four Laymen, being Members of the Society: they shall fill up intervals of the Annual General Meetings. any vacancies in their own number in the The President and other Officers of the Society shall be considered, ex officio, Members of the Committee. The Committee shall of the Society: they shall appoint all Officers, have power to call Special General Meetings and be charged generally with the management of the affairs of the Society. The Committee shall meet at least once every month, and oftener as business may require; and seven Members shall constitute a quorum. Auditors.-VII. Five Auditors shall be appointed by the Committee annually, for Society: two shall be chosen from their own the purpose of auditing the Accounts of the number, and three from the general body of Members; and three Auditors shall constitute a quorum. Auxiliary Societies.-VIII. All Auxiliary or Branch Societies, or Associations that unite or co-operate with this Society, shall adopt the principle set forth in its Laws, in order to their becoming an integral part thereof; and the Presidents, Vice-Presidents, Treasurers, and Secretaries of Societies so constituted, together with such Ministers of the Gospel of Christ as are Members of those Societies, shall have the right of attending and voting at all General Meetings of this Society. General Meetings.-IX. An Annual Meeting of the Society shall be held; when the proceedings of the foregoing year shall be reported, the audited accounts presented, and the Committee chosen for the ensuing year. X. Fifty Members shall be competent to require a Special General Meeting of the Society to be convened; and, on their signing and delivering a written requisition to the Committee, specifying the nature of the business or the occasion for such Meeting, the Committee shall call a Special General Meeting of the Society, giving not less than twentyone days' notice thereof, by advertisement, in three public Papers. Alteration of Laws.-XI. None of the Laws of this Society shall be repealed or altered, nor any New Law established, except at the Annual General Meeting, or at a Special General Meeting called for that purpose; and the alterations or New Law proposed shall be specified in the notices of such General or Special Meeting. Prayer for the Blessing of God.-XII. This Society, acknowledging the ignorance and helplessness of man, deems it a bounden duty to express its entire dependence on the Blessing of Jehovah, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, in its work of faith and labour of love, and patience of hope, by offering up Prayer and Praise at all its Meetings. -That this Meeting desire to record their deep conviction, that, in these Awful Times, it becomes the imperative duty of all true Christians publicly to unite in contending for the faith once delivered unto the saints; stedfastly to maintain inviolate the Purity of the Sacred Text of Holy Writ; and zealously to promote the Circulation of the Inspired Volume among all Nations: and, under the impression of these views, this Meeting hails with unfeigned delight, and devout thanksgiving to Almighty God, the formation of this Society which has now been constituted. -That, deeply sensible of the duty of following peace with all men, and of the great evil of divisions among Christians, it is with unfeigned regret and sorrow that this Meeting conscientiously feel obliged to separate from the British and Foreign Bible Society, on the grounds of its not acknowledging God by Prayer and Praise at its Meetings, and of its admitting to membership, management, and association, not only at home, but still much more on the Continent, those whom. this Meeting deem unfit to become Members, or take part in the management of a Religious Society. That this Meeting earnestly desire to receive grace from God to conduct all their proceedings in the spirit of love; and it will give them the sincerest joy to merge their own efforts as a separate Society, and to join themselves again to the British and Foreign Bible Society, whenever its constitution shall be so amended as to give a pledge of its being conducted on Scriptural and Christian Principles. -That this Meeting, acknowledging that the silver and the gold are the Lord's, that both riches come of Him, and that only of His Own that we give Him, desire now to consecrate a portion of their substance to His service, by such Contributions as will enable the Society to carry on its operations. The Benefactions received amounted to 1291. Is., and the Annual Subscriptions to 126l. 19s. The sum of 1521. 18s. 7d. had been previously received by the Provisional Committee. Subcriptions and Donations.... 340 6 1 ... 142 8 4 50 0 0 893 16 3 3 13 6 Serampore Translations.... Agents, Salaries, Reports, Taxes, 300 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 155 16.10 2346 5 5 453 15 2 On account of India... On account of British America, Against Infidel Publications.. Salaries, Taxes, House Expenses, Repairs, Postage, Stationery, Legacy Duty, and Sundries.. 0 2,434 17 Total... 65,502 15 2 In reference to the Funds, the Committee remark The attention of all the Members is earnestly requested to the fact, that the WHOLE amount of Benefactions and Subscriptions still falls short of the Loss occasioned by the Reduced Prices at which the books are furnished to them by the Society. It is to be hoped, that, when this is more generally known, many, who have thus drawn on its resources, may feel themselves called on to render further assistance to the Society, by increasing their own contributions, or by recommending new Members, or promoting local subscriptions. Counteraction of Infidel Publications. The past year has been remarkable for the boldness and malignity of the assaults made on our Faith by the enemies of our Holy Religion. Every means that ingenuity could devise has been employed to weaken the attachment of the people to the Church, and to shake their faith in the Gospel of Christ. The Infidel Press has teemed with the bitterest invectives and the most shameless falsehoods against the Ministers of Religion. Publications of the most pernicious kind, full of daring blasphemies, have been circulated with unceasing activity. Lectures have been publicly delivered (in the Metropolis), in which Infidel and Atheistical Principles were openly inculcated; and even contributions have been collected for the same unholy purpose, under the name of Infidel Rent. The result of these attacks was soon too visible: many thoughtless young persons were speedily drawn into the vortex of Infidelity, by attending at these unhallowed assemblies, and by reading these pernicious Publications: a reckless tone of impiety seemed to be spreading among the ignorant; and a daring spirit of resistance to all authority was beginning to manifest itself, in many places, among the mass of the population. In this state of things, the Society felt itself called upon to come forward, and put forth its best exertions for the Defence of Religion. A Special General Dec. 1831. Meeting was called, at which the Chair was filled by his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury. A Report was made to the Meeting from the Standing Committee, in which they recommended the Society to pursue the plan which had been adopted, on a similar emergency, in the year 1819. In pursuance of this recommendation, a Special Committee was appointed, for the purpose of preparing and circulating Cheap Tracts for the Counteraction of Infidel and Blasphemous Publications. The Society agreed to place at its disposal the sum of 1000l., and appeals were made to the public for additional aid: these appeals were liberally answered, and, with the assistance of donations from various District Committees, a fund was raised, amounting in the whole to 23821. 2s. 1d. The Special Committee, thus appointed, immediately issued Circulars to the District Committees, inviting their assistance and co-operation, and requesting reports of the state of their districts with regard to Infidel Publications. The answers to these Circulars put them in possession of valuable information, and enabled them to direct their operations with greater effect. They had the satisfaction to find, that though in some places the efforts of the enemy had been partially successful in sowing the seeds of Infidelity, yet, in general, the religious principles of the people had not been shaken though the plague had begun, the infection had not spread very widely; and there was good reason to hope, that, by the blessing of God, it might soon be completely stayed. The Committee found, on examination, that many of the Tracts which were published on the former occasion were suitable for this of these, they immediately reprinted large editions; and they also procured and published Twenty-nine New Tracts expressly adapted to the present times. They also employed Agents, both to circulate the Tracts, and to obtain information. The result of their inquiries, with regard to the state of the Metropolis, is given in the conclusion of their last Report; which is here submitted to the attention, more especially, of the Metropolitan Clergy The Special Committee have considered it part of their duty to inquire into the means at present employed by the enemies of Revealed Religion, in their unhappy endeavours to subvert its authority. They regret to state, that, in addition to the ordinary mode of publication through the Press, there have been, for some time, opened, in various parts 3X |