J. I. Abraham, sailed for Smyrna, with instructions to labour in the cities bordering on the Mediterranean.
Death of the Bp. of Calcutta- The Proceedings of the Christian-Knowledge and Church-Missionary Societies consequent on the death of Bishop Turner we have already noticed. It is with feelings of deep affliction that we record his decease at Garden Reach, near Calcutta, on the 7th of July: his remains were interred on the following day, in the Church-yard of the Cathedral, near the tombs of Sir Henry Blosett and Sir Christopher Puller. This devoted Prelate had been actively and laboriously engaged in the arduous and multifarious duties of his immense Diocese, from the period of his arrival in India, on the 10th of December 1829, and sunk under the overwhelming burden, in little more than a year-and-a-half, at the age of forty-five. Dr. Turner's loss to the Church of God is great; for he was eminently qualified for the high and responsible station which he was, in Providence, called to fill : but the memory of the just is blessed; and the late Bishop's labours and example have left a lively impression of his worth on the minds of the Christian Community in India. The Protestant Episcopal Church in India has thus, for the fourth time, been deprived, by death, of its earthly head, in the short space of nine years; Bishop Middleton's death having occurred on the 8th of July 1822: this fact strongly marks the obligation which is laid on those in Authority to divide our Eastern Possessions into more than one Diocese: the See, as at present constituted, including, besides the three Presidencies of India, the Island of Ceylon and the Archdeaconry of New South Wales. Humanity, as well as a due regard to the interests of Christianity, demands this.
London Miss. Soc. - The Rev. W. Harris, destined to the Mission in Travancore, arrived at Bombay on the 30th of May, after a long and dreary voyage of six months.
American Board-Mrs. Allen, Wife of the Rev. D. O. Allen, of Bombay, died on the 5th of February.
Church Miss. Soc. The Rev. S. Marsden transmits, under date of the 1st of May, the following intelligence relative to the NewZealand Mission:
I received, a few days ago, several Letters from the Missionaries in New Zealand. They were all well, and the Natives are very kind to them. The Rev. W. Yate, Messrs. Davis, Clarke, Hasalin, and Preece reside at Waimate, and are very happy together. Mr. Yate is much delighted with his Station; and all, I believe, are now convinced of its vast importance to the Mission. The Missionaries will be more united than ever. Where there are many residing together, little matters will continually occur to create some unpleasant feelings; bat, when separated, this danger is avoided. Waimate is also remote from the shipping: they will not be liable to be annoyed by the Masters and crews of vessels.
THE Engraving on the other side represents the Mission Premises of the Society, at Secrole, near Benares. The Bungalows (Houses) on the right and left are the Missionaries' residences: the one in the fore-ground is that of the Schoolmaster: the Buildings in the centre are Stables and Kitchens; and those near the several Bungalows are the dwellings of the Servants. On the right of the Engraving is the remains of a Mound, on which," observes Mr. Morris, many a devoted Widow has been immolated." On this spot, once stained by cruelty and blood, the habitations of Christian Missionaries are erected, and the glad tidings of Salvation by Grace, through the blood of a Crucified Redeemer, are heard.
*** P. 46, 1. 7, the reference should have been to pp. 54, 55 of the Survey for 1829, not to that for 1830 -P. 304, col. 2. 1. 32, for resolves into it, read resolves it into.
Abraham,(Changanore) Anderson, capt.....296 Anderson, W Abraham, (Corinyeel) Andrews, Elias....289 245 Andrews, John....127 Abraham, (Cottayam) Andrews, Lorrin... 93 505 Andriamihaju.. 16 Abraham(Mamalacher- Andrias, Mar......255 ry)................ ..245 Ané..... Abraham (Mavelicher- Angas, G. F. esq...166 ry)...... ....248 Anthoniez, John... 83 Abraham (Molandurtè) Anund Messeh, 43, 375
Birnie, Mr A......385 Birt, rev. C. E.....343 Bishop, Artemas .. 93 Bisseux, Mr ...... 14 Blackburn, rev. J. 217 221, 424 Blackman, rev. C. 45 120, 192 Blackman, Mrs....120 Blanchard,Jotham, esq.
Barff, C........90, 94 Barker, G..... 11 Barker, Mr B...18, 105 Barr, Mr & Mrs,157,164 Barth, rev. C......485 Bartholomew, James,26 Bartholomew, S. P. 41 Bartholomeusz, D.A.L. Barzilius, Mar.....253 Bascom, rev. Mr...174 Baskyama. .250 Batavia, D. 42, 52-54 Bate, capt. Bathie, Mr. Bauss.................... 99 Blumhardt, rev. T..532 Baxter, capt.......511 Blyth, Mr 96 Baylis, Edward ...127 Boardman,G.D. 30, 354 Bayne 96
221 Bleby, Mr & Mrs..256 Blitt.. 96
.470 Blomfield, sir T...222 72 Blossom, T..
96 ..378 ...91, 260
...... 127 .....551
'Api..... Aratoon, C. C. 38-9,127 Archbell, James. 14 Armitage, E...... 91 Armstrong, rev. N. 220 222-224, 226 Armstrong, Mr J. .335 Arullananden.....158 Bazalgette,capt.224,225 Boatswain Arullappen.... .503 Beamish, rev. K...215 Boehmer Arundell, rev. Mr..453 Beare, B.......... 44 Boenhof. Asaad Shidiak..... 21 Beck ..........97, 98 Bogue, John Ashton........... 77 Becker, rev. T. W. 483 Boki.... Asirwadam Pilley.. 44 Beechey, capt.....472 Bolaram.... Astell, Mr..... 31, 551 Behadur Messeeh.. 43 Bonatz. Atkinson, T....10, 471 Beighton, T.... 29 Boodhoo Athanasius, Mar, 245 Beighton, Mrs..29, 30 Boston, MrE.. Bellson, Mr... .551 Boston, Mrs,309-10,441 Belmore, earl of... 95 Bourn, Joseph ....127 55 Benham, Mr J....343 Bourne, A......... 80 55 Benjamin.........366 Bowana.......10, 346 .545 Bennet, Cephas... 30 Bowley, rev. W..41, 42 Bennet, G. esq. 295,385 364-367, 370 472 Boyce, W. D...14, 445 Bennett, rev. J. D.D. 217 Boyle, James, esq..551 -219, 301 Brandram, rev. A. 218 14 222 Brenner, P.,21,135,453 Brewer, rev. J., 20, 137 207,452, 453 Brewer, Mrs...... 20 Bridgman, E. C. 27,493
Aupa 409 Aurungzebe Ayerst, rev. W. 477,483 551 13
Aichea... Aichinger, Mr.....281 Baboo Kashee Prisad Aimes, Richard....154 Aitchegai.........148 Alder, rev. R..215, 221 Alexander ..244 Alexander (Maramana)
Ghose..........358 Bailey, rev. B. 44, 206 247, 249, 285, 332, 504 Bailey, rev. J. 81 Bailey, Mr..... 32 Baillie, Mr J....12, 15 Alexander (Mavelicher- Baillie, Mrs... 15 ry)............248 Baker, rev. H. 44, 245- Alexander, (Naranam) 251,254-256,285,332 250 504, 506 Alexander(Pothengave) Baker, Mrs....44, 504 255 Baker, C. 64, 67,88, 112
Brown, Mr. & Mrs. 122 Brown, Mr S. 169, 173 Brown, W......80, 296 Brown, Mrs....80, 296 Browning, rev. T....82 404-407, 409
Brownlee, J... 11 Bruce...532, 533, 535 Bruckner, G...86, 127 Brunner.. Buchanan, Dr, 246, 254
255, 523 Buckingham, W... 37 Budd, rev. H..218, 222 Buehrer........8, 105 Bukhtawen. ....366 Bulow, Carlos Von, 268 Bulteel, rev. H. B..226 Bungoolah........154 Burchell, T. ...68, 127 Burder, rev. H. F. D.D.
216, 217, 296
Burke, rev. M. J...485 Burn, rev. Robert.. 27 Burnett, rev. J. 213,216 217,219-221,223,424 Burton, Joseph,127,447 Burton, Mr...344, 375 Burton, Mr, (Digah), 40 Burton, Mr, (Tortola),
Butler, rev. J......110 Buttress, J. J. esq. 215 216 Buxton, T. F. esq. M.P.
Cartwright, rev.J.B. 482 Carver, Robert... Casey, Frances, 260,261 Cawthorne, rev. Mr, 220 Chaka ......14,532 Chamberlain, Levi, 93 Chamberlain, Mr...96 Chand.......337, 338 Chapman, Alex.....45 Chapman, T. 64,88,116 Chapman, Mrs, 88, 419 Chapman, Mrs, (Sierra Leone) .121, 122 Chase, Bishop, 376,552 Chatel, Abbé .527 Chater, Mr....... Chatfield, Miss, 35, 108 Chelela ...346 Chester, Bishop of, 215 216, 226, 265, 304
Chick, G.... Chodron.. Cholmondeley, Mar- quis.......213, 221
Christian Christie, capt.....334 Christie, C. M. esq. 387 Christie, G.....73, 207 Christie, Mr..207, 385 Churgum, Zeitschi, 474 Clapperton, capt...296 Clarendon, earl of, 436 Clark, E. W..... ..93 Clark, Mr J. Clarke, G.62, 63, 67, 88 111-113, 116-118 419-421, 552 ..67, 116
De Felice, rev. G. .527 De Fries... De Jaucourt Dejes Gongul......146 De la Rochefoucauld- Liancourt.......275 Dendy, rev. W.....511 Denby, Mrs. Denmark, king of..271 Dent, E. Dent, Mr. Edmund, 456
....77 .75 Devanayagam.....236 Devany, Francis...173 Devasagayam, John, 45 198-202, 461
Crawford, rev. A.. 387 Crawford, Mr......79 Crawley, rev. E...224 Cresson, Elliott, esq. 486 Crisp, Edmund Crisp, H.. Crisp, Mrs...... .75 Croggon, W. O. 19, 26 157, 256 Croggon, Mrs..19, 157 Crook, W. P.......91 Crook, Mrs .91 Cross, Amelia . .70 Cross, W... ..89, 334 Cryer, T .80 Cumberland, T.....76 Cummins, J. esq.. 215 Cunningham, rev. J.W.
Cupidon, John .7 Curtis, Mr & Mrs, 157
Curzon, hon. & rev. G. H.R... Cussens, J. ..43, 372 Cuthbert, S...122, 123 Cyril, Mar .243 Dacre, Joseph, esq. 78 Dalton, rev. W. 219,221
208, 213, 267, 270 Buyers, rev. W....295 Buzacott, A....90, 513 Clarke, Mrs Calcraft, J. H. esq. 226 Clarke, John.. Calcutta, Bp. of...8, 35 Clarke, Mr 41, 401, 402, 406, 409 Claus, Mr... 456, 458--460,462,463 Clayton, rev. G... 221 522--524, 537, 552 Clemens Calthorpe, rt. hon. lord, Clough, B.. 222, 226, 266 Coates Cameron, James, (Cape Coates, Mr D Town) Cobbin, rev.Ingram, 226 Cameron, J. (Mada- Cochran, rev. William, gascar). 336, 510 Campbell,rev.J. 217,223 Codrington, General, Campbell, capt..... 57 128, 436, 520 Campbell, lieut....154 Cokonis, Mr.. ......139 Campbell, Mr......296 Cole, sir G. Lowry, 376 Campbell, W. 75 Cole, lady Frances, 376 Candy, lieut...... 51 Canham, J........ 15 Canterbury, Abp. of, 436, 521, 522 Cantiba-Cassai ..533 Cantlow, W.W. 127, 343 Capo d'Istria, count,
Dhavapah Dhoudapah Dhormma Doss....184 Dibble,rev.Sheldon, 207 Dickson, Mr. & Mrs. 19 Didot, Mr. F......275 Dietshy Dilsook, Peter. Di Mello, rev. M. R. 40 .446 Dingaan... Dionysius,Mar, 243,246 Dionysius the Great,255 Dittrich,A.H. 18,23,229 Dixon, rev. James..216 Dixon, John, 43, 539— 541, 544 Doran, rev. J. W...43 206,215, 216, 223, 242
Douglas, Sir H.....436 Doyle, T...
.239 Drouetti, Mr, 318-320
45 D'Rozario, P. S. 120, 127 Drummond, Henry, esq.
.14, 531 Dúatára.......55, 109
91 Duaterra 55 Duckham, A.B. 45, 194 Dudley, Mr. Duelberg.
Darling, D. Dashlue... .230 Davey,rev. T. 6,132,133 Davey, Mr T......551 David, (Bangalore) 75 David, Isaac, (Comba- conum) David, Isaac, (Salem)75 David,(Tinnevelly) 503 Davis, rev. John...225 David, Mr. M. M...151 Davis, John.....12, 91 Davis, M. ...339, 341 Davis, Mr. C. ..88, 116
296, 333, 334 Davis, Mrs. 116,296,334
Davis, Richard..60, 62 66, 88, 89,113, 116, 117
Dwight, rev. H. G. O. 21, 149, 471 Dyer, rev. John....217 Dyer, S. 29, 30, 107, 284 494, 495
339, 342, 420, 421 Dawson, James.... 78 Dealtry, rev. Dr. De Berri, duke....305 De Bourdeaux,duke,305 Dédjadi Confou....532 Deerr, rev. W. J... 41 Deerr, Mrs..41, 72, 108 Eberman......... Deering, rev. W....219 Eder.........
Dyer, Mrs. 29, 106, 107 494, 495
Dyer, Mrs.(Paddington) 107, 495
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