Spirit of Inquiry among Roman Catholics, 184 Ministry among the Heathen.... 187 Difficulties of Missionaries in preparing their Journals, 193-The Press...... 194 Ladies' Committee for Nat. Fem. Education: Female Schools and Scholars....... 195 Difficulties in Nat. Fem. Education.. 195 Books used in the Female Schools... 196 Remarks of Ladies' Committee 196 Summary of the Station. Means to impart Christian Instruction.. 455 Ordination of Mr. Edward Dent.. 456 Duties and Conduct of the Catechists .. 456 Benefits of School Instruction... 457 ... 458 458 197, 460 Summary of the Mission in Jamaica... 355 Notice of the State of the Mission...... 336 Progress and Influence of the Mission.. 510 CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. 511 Notice of Proceedings at Calcutta...... 296 CONTINENTAL SOCIETY. New Party in the Romish Church..... 304 Infidel Principles of Mass of the People, 304 Effects and Fruits of the Ministry 402 Natives' Inquiries on Scriptural Subjects, 405 Native Superstition... 406 National Society. HUMAN-SACRIFICE-ABOLITION SOCIETY. (See Survey, p. 24.) Notice of Mrs. Kilham's Proceedings... 207 Suggestions for Removal of Difficulties, 282 Remarks by the Committee on these (See Survey, p. 95.) LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Distribution by Visiting Societies.... 344 (See Survey, pp. 9,19,27,33,81,87,94,96,97.) 223 Plan of Religious Circulating Libraries, 389 Summary View of the Batavia Mission.. 409 Thirty-second Report- POLYNESIA. Troubles in Tahiti........ PEACE SOCIETY. Fifteenth Anniversary... Foreign Proceedings RHENISH MISSIONARY SOCIETY. (See Survey, p. 15.) Sailing of Messrs. Terlinden and Knab, 296 Liberated Children sold Notices of Six Bengalee and Two Per- Rapid Increase of Native Publications, $57 tions for the Natives 358 Discovery of the Course of the Niger... 296 Notice on Sierra Leone and Fernando Po, 375 Testimonies to great Effects of Christianity,203 Interesting Anecdotes of Negro Slaves,68--71 Improved State of Society in Jamaica .. 205 Emancipation of Crown Slaves........ 376 Assassination of the President of Greece, Dreadful Depopulation of Bagdad..... 512 RECENT MISCELLANEOUS INTElligence. Pp. 72, 120, 156, 206, 256, 295, 336, 375, 423, INDEX OF NAMES OF PERSONS.-INDEX OF NAMES OF PLACES. |