MISSIONARY REGISTER FOR M DCCC XXXI. CONTAINING THE PRINCIPAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE VARIOUS INSTITUTIONS FOR PROPAGATING THE GOSPEL: WITH THE PROCEEDINGS, AT LARGE, OF THE CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY. HEAR YE, AND GIVE EAR: BE NOT PROUD: FOR THE LORD HATH SPOKEN. GIVE LONDON: PRINTED BY R. WATTS, CROWN COURT, TEMPLE BAR. PUBLISHED BY L. B. SEELEY & SONS, 169, FLEET STREET. ALL BOOKSELLERS AND NEWSMEN. 1831. Martyrdom of Ram-Kishora, a Hindoo, 337 Notices of Two New-Zealand Girls.... 339 Obituaries of Seven Native Christians, 377-81 PROCEEDINGS AND INTELLIGENCE. Annual Survey of Missionary Stations, pp. 1-45, 73-99. .... United-States' Bible Society. Two Amendments on Report, negatived, 218 Summary of the Fifteenth Year...... Extracts from the Report, relative to the Use of Oral Prayer, and to a proposed Restriction of the Right of Membership, 261 Efficient Distribution of the Scriptures Lists of Auxiliaries and Associations ad- verse or favourable to any Alteration Summary of Languages & Dialects.. 382 Auxiliaries and Associations.. Works completed during the Year... 382 Labours of Editorial Superintendant... 383 Destitution and Supply of the Scriptures Mr. James Thompson appointed Agent Seasonable Loan of New Testaments, un- der Apprehension of Cholera Morbus, 516 Anniversary of the Paris Society...... 275 Proceedings of the British-and-Foreign and Continental Bible Societies: France-Switzerland-Germany and Sweden-Russia-Roman Catholics392-98 ..479 Freetown, and River and Mountain late the Old Testament into Persian.. 151 Inspectors of Schools' Report Works Printed and Issued in 18 Months, 135 Rise of the Society's Proceedings at Syra,137 Importance of supplying the Oriental Christians with the Old Testament, as a Preservative against Idolatry.......140 Rev. J. Hildner's Infant School at Syra, 141 Formation & Constitution of the Society, 518 General Views of the State of Greece...448 8 State of the Schools at Syra .... .449 Kurnaul. Visit of the Rev. J. A. Jetter to Athens..450 Examination of Anund Messeeh's School,375 .452 .453 State of the Bandora Boys' Schools.... in the Deccan..... ... Visit to the Caves of Carli and Dherm . 507 507 507 Visit to the Metran, Cyril, at Annúr... 243 Visit to Churches N.East of Cottayam, 244 Visit to Churches S.East of Cottayam, 248 Third Visit to the Churches.... Translations.... Mr. Kugler's Prospects and Labours....280 Disturbed State of Abyssinia Prospects of the Mission.... ....... Public Worship at the Grammar School, 504 State of College, & of Grammar School, Studies and Proficiency of Miss. Pupils, 505 Ministry of the Gospel in Malayalim... 506 Summary of the Station.. 506 507 230 231 ..184 Hopeful Indications among the Natives, 232 State of the Converts and Congregations,232 Trials and Persecutions of the Converts, 238 Duties and Conduct of Catechists State of the Seminary, and of Schools, 500 Distribution of the Scriptures and Tracts, 501 General Views of the State of the Mission, 501 Character & Proceedings of Mirza Yusuf Advantages as a Missionary Station..... 54 Mayaveram. |