Sec. 7. It shall be the duty of the supervisors and clerk of each town, at least two weeks before the day of the annual town meeting, to make out and post up at the places of holding such meeting, a list of the legal voters of such town, together with a notice that they will be in session at such place, at some hour, on the day of election, previous to the opening of said meeting, for the purpose of perfecting such list of voters; and it shall also be the duty of such board to post up a like list and notice two weeks previous to the general election in September, and that said list, when so perfected, shall be known by the name of "Poll List" of such election, and shall be preserved on file in the clerk's office... : Which motion was determined in the negative-ayes 6, noes 7. And the ayes and noes being called for, Those who voted in the affirmative, are Messrs. Arndt, Collins, Learned, Sterling, Upham and Maxwell, (President.) Those who voted in the negative, are Messrs. Arnold, Brig. ham, Bullen, Janes, Martin, Rountree and Vineyard. Mr. Martin then called for the previous question. And the question being put, "Sha'l the main question be now put?" It was determined in the negative-ayes 4, noes 9. ידי So it was determined that the main question shall not be now put. Mr. Upham then moved to amend further by striking out the 30th section of part 1, chapter 10, which reads as follows : Sec. 30. The county treasurer shall be entitled, on sales of real estate, to four per centum on the amount of taxes for which the same is exposed to sale, and twenty-five cents for each certificate of sale under this act, which are to be added to [and] estimated in the sum for which any tract of land, or lot, or part thereof, shall be sold. And pending the question thereon, 1 Mr. Martin submitted a question of order :-that the refusal of the Council to put the main question now, removes the bill from before the House for the day, and that the motion to amend could not therefore be entertained now. The President decided the motion to be in order... It was determined in the affirmative-ayes 10, noes 2. Those who voted in the affirmative, are Messrs. Arnold, Arndt, Brigham, Collins, Janes, Rountree, Sterling, Upham and Vineyard... : Those who voted in the negative, are Messrs. Bullen and Martin. The question then recurred on the motion of Mr. Upham, and it was determined in the affirmative.... On motion of Mr. Brigham, Ordered, That the bill be laid on the table. On motion of Mr. Martin, 1 * Resolution No. 16 (H. of R.) entitled "resolution relative to the adjournment of the Legislature," was taken up.. And the question being on ordering the resolution to a third reading, ...Mr. Arndt moved to amend by adding thereto another resolution, as follows: Resolved, That the sessions of the Legislature shall be held at the town of Milwaukee, until suitable buildings shall have been completed for the accommodation of the Legislative Assembly at the Seat of Government: Provided, That all the necessary rooms for the convenience of the officers of the Territo. ry, and for the sitting of the Legislature be there furnished, without expense to the Territory. Mr. Collins then moved to amend the amendment, by striking therefrom the word "Milwaukee," and inserting in place there. of, the words "Mineral Point.. And pending the question thereon, On motion of Mr. Arnold, The Council adjourned until 3 o'clock. 1 : Three O'clock, P. M. Mr. Learned from the committee on enrolment, reported the following to be correctly enroled, viz':. 7. An act to provide for the payment of the Legislative Assem An act to authorize Samuel H. Farnsworth to build and maintain a dam across the south channel of the Menominee river and for other purposestadt.I. 1 An act relating to the duties of the registers of deeds of the counties of Sheboygan and Manitouwoc; and Resolutions relative to the northeastern boundary of the Ter. ritory. The Council again took up the unfinished business of the morning; being the consideration of resolution No. 16, (H. of R.) entitled " resolution relative to the adjournment of the Legislature;" And the question being stated to be on the amendment of Mr. Collins to the amendment of Mr. Arndt, $ The same was put and decided in the negative-ayes 6, noes 6. And the ayes and noes being called for, Those who voted in the affirmative, are Messrs. Brigham, Col lins, Rountree, Sterling, Upham and Vineyard. Those who voted in the negative, are Messrs. Arndt, Bullen, Janes, Learned, Martin and Maxwell, (President.) Mr. Rountree then moved to amend, by striking out "Milwaukee," and inserting "Plattville." And pending the question thereon, Mr. Martin called for the previous question. : And the question having been put-" Shall the main question now be put?" it was determinee in the affirmative-ayes 7, noes 6. And the ayes and noes being called for, Those who voted in the affirmative, are Messrs. Brigham, Bul. len, Janes, Learned, Martin, Sterling and Maxwell, (President.) Those who voted in the negative, are Messrs. Arnold, Arndt, Collins, Rountree, Upham and Vineyard. The question was then put on ordering the resolution to a third reading, and decided in the affirmative. On motion of Mr. Collins, (three fourths concurring therein.) Ordered, That so much of the twenty-seventh rule as prohibits bills from being read a second and third times on the same day, be suspended with reference to the resolution before the Council, in order that the same be read the third time now. The resolution was thereupon read the third time, passed, and title was agreed to. Bill No. 24, (H. of R.) entitled "a bill prescribing the tenure of office of certain county officers and for other purposes," was read the first and second times. : The Clerk of the House of Representatives was introduced, and the following message was received, viz: "Mr. President-I am directed to present the following bills and resolution for your signature, to wit: An act to incorporate the village of Racine. An act to authorize Samuel H. Farnsworth to build and ٠٢٠ maintain a dam across the south channel of the Menominee river and for other purposes: An act relating to the duties of registers of deeds of the counties of Sheboygan and Manitouwoc; An act to provide for the payment of the expenses of the Legislative Assembly and for other purposes; and, Resolution relative to the northeastern boundary of the Territory. And the following for the concurrence of this House, to wit: No. 12. Resolution relative to arming the militia of the Territory. No. 17. Joint resolution relating to the public printing: No. 49. A bill to amend an act entitled ' an act to change the time of holding courts in the second judicial district: No. 54. A bill to divide the town of Salem and to establish the town of Warwick; and No. 59. A bill to authorize the county commissioners of the county of Green to procure copies of certain records from the records of Milwaukee and Iowa counties." The Prssident signed the acts and resolution referred to in the preceding message.. The message from the House of Representatives, notifying the Council that all the amendment of Council to bill No. 27, [H. of R.] entitled "a bill to provide for the completion of the Capitol at Madison," had been non-concurred in, was read; when, Mr. Upham moved that the Council do insist on their amend. ments to said bill. Mr. Collins demanded that the question be taken separately on each of the amendments. Mr. Rountree moved to postpone indefinitely the motion of Mr. Upham. The motion was disagreed to. : |